le memo toHILPWANYID titlIIAIA WLOWT Nemmcnmrms Wwtt9 mm remeugean heme no NEDVAOARONNOIMI tunenu mugtmgtmhw unaemnnuu Manrm I0 wuwwu To In Cell and Elei NURSES AIDE FINA III NE INNISWOOD NURSING HOME NIGHT AUDTIOR ioie YTI IlnlllKlD t3 AUCTION SALTS AUCTION SALE Wm SATURDAY JULY ion Ioa nu III It Ill CMWK IM IN ll ml III TIN Al IV II IT SAIIBOAT III will Wm lhl TID MWIMW mwnmlrmm STHYOGRAPIIER Iwillu ll KSTOWN coo sur tender molds etc pm hlorle Int am it stIUnn wmur ll olIIIIBI mm mu um mm at lunelu mount et turne mum and on AM It It on oi Ilium 17 Sale mint oi items oi turnt mm term mil No reserve mountr mlg Imlrmmw lllolnl Inn tamtty mulllnl it Penile Duration at I0 Mill Pm mm ARNNRW IIrclImm pm WW Mum m1 rorlltted lawn men Elton lie me Mr Mm her AIIVOulvMnledlnw In MIR ml 71 Hnmm mm de tn mmcrmlnmgnu welcome AUCTION SALE mnt Yuan uJ cmIvv menu n1ltr IR Phone cum or e541 Thursday evening Aug on end nuctien It Ill um um WI mu mm will animated Tumor lm not mponxihl III were It the BARRIE urn RARNS uh mm mm can an oi nu icmu ml ESSA ROAD hm 10th BALL Auctioneer sale oi hornelletd iurnlture autumn am NMIIICIIIIII electrical nopilrnm some In menlw lulu arm Muted Lumen of mm mm Jytlt llqua Ind lot at other hotne ne mean Illtnoml II we ArrotdFuheI llnltate Ill hold Ionde ItmoIt new Tenn AUCTION SALE mr IIIII eele onto arm IM em All We Ital II IT BOAT coo1 um Deed mama It ram Am mm mm 11 hell venom Wlil It mw mt vaym meal 11 4970 25 CRUISER In Win pm pm uh tutv lm mm lmiI hem mm lulu It In IOATS WANTED CANOE WANTED II II It all III Totem WW In JV DOGS PETS OLIuTIth rutamt ml III III RUN AM My 1mm him IWII Int II in Ill Till EXAMINER IlANl Am PDONE lwd JOBS OF INTEREST TO MEN AND WOMEN AIRLINES OOURSES FOR MEN AND WOMEN nmmummnun II no hm mete Fro turn me It your mum in new If III 1th III ltthtM mmvctnl wmk to new nwn III OwIIonI 5m liltlear Awe Till WIIIMIMIV In mum ml mt Interim with no Milt KtllllIIM III III lrduIMIH holy Me Winlien wnn me you WIIIM IM WI number Ii Alann TRAININO nlleIoM Aiilnlll won can own emu we or OlllIeIII Avem Windw to Willie DIVI AWAY MM Ind Mm NII WWI mulled let Ill llIIem lit at DIII lell WM IVII Ctltlpl Ali utl German WW4 IM II HTML JYII nun enterqu mullad 0le IttllilllD mm would liinti the In omen III II IMAI Ila mole III II niiflnill IlIiIIIIIMI Iltll III TIIIWVI HUI ImlllWl II II mllMl VII Humour WAN la nrIlee mi mm WWIIIW Not until to create in It the tell the lluiliu rv TRTLE eminent oi Pmident Dy Aucn nlloulte mm ultdren bottom with Iheer Ihnmmum lwwwwmmmm In our hmoch all In one we colorful mix gnmmt urlpc to whirl llu Ind Id ptnnlpty Sela tine tur lute IN COUNT wear Ind thr PILtern Ittl rlelr when 83m tound htmseli Hm calm ltolul ill rnili$iilluhll Inch pattern lilo IIIlll WW prime Intern In the cehtI tor ca wallet puulcluru cm du Ier tint Glut tIlIIiIlll Illd lPanpleI Cause let handlInI Av mi nhlrh he hId Elegant that omeneocrn SIrtnquctlm hlI trill In the IIII It WRth and em Iceeuutcnteeenuch Ilne IIIeI In Print uptoayenrhlliimdmwl pllIttl PATTERN NUMBER up to IRON NAME ADOBELT New MI Necdtzcntt catalel more in Says Health turn AM out to All mud NDIIvrlrttd no my game mm cant No mm or the outer immlm My tr rlumlu to the USA Saturda July 24 JERRY wuaHuN ltnmle Inn tulle tor In hllftllhdlllllih It 1030 INTO GEORGE PIFIILR Iucllenrm tiiiml Mun tumour at lrltu Ell lllllltlt In raw Mlm dw mm It the renter ol Flrrt and ttlclr tymu CARDS 0F THANKS Sole hi all Mule IuTIADIIIDl AUCTION SALE elecirlrnl thlancea tools In saturday morning Aug tlllnunla Imnamomm llquu Includlltl m1 W16 mm Immunity ea tramway It you uwld Ln ll mu to Mon truth CW Itll tor the mu oi the Late Rut lmrhr Itll print my noun pletml Sedan reconditioned Louie umI mm mm llhll by our elnti photompllcrl trnctur ctr an the Shanty tiny Road mile hum ml no went at shanty tiny Store 0R0 ice We Ira wry Ill cInnot tlrouo MU TOWNSHIP Inn mm mm Allllllll suit oi Ill hotueiulld turullure GEORGE mum tnrtudln clcctrlcnl devilrice Avoilcatlonn invited lor the luilwinz porilionl Ill your new hAYVITiTE DEFARTIIENTHSNRE in Barrie It ttlshwry lot mm DIV rim lien out In mm III In at thnelI lIuonIl IIIIMuIYIla Mwlutmlntnrgt IIII Ind 4AM Hurtl SALES HELP AGENTS mm tr rm mm Item WItch tor lull lint Tuesday Aug an Innllratlem mmun me my 5c meGWOOD than would till mm CORA WORTIEY elem cell II our BultncrI oil 1it CMI tor um um Iimllnd VIII Jyn IlltI Io unthuee Term wait No rclervn the estate must he retllcd JERRY COUOllLlN nnd AUCTION SALE Saturday July at 1181 VIII Ihnrll ior ROLAND CORNER It lee Church at LEEROV VILLAGE Sole et home lwurehold IlllI would like to thank or run or mince munlc urn hull leulluhuulh GEORGE PttitER Iuclnnerrr ViItrhler lull IIIIAUKUII tt V5 mlfr Joule tutu lvu lN nruonwn ItInt tuhleru hill crochet quilts cmtuot elite ihrce tree pattern ode SECTION HEADS NIWI lnIIInl Crochet heel VIIIEADGAHLIETI IAllnlllsAlmuAN Applicant Ihould hIlr the lullmlln prrrcquieitll RetIll harlurwnd prrierrcd Ellioy decision making Ability to lnolivIle rIthcr then drive Desire to beretne lulnllld In hrluin WIT erIDlIitT CAMPINO OUIFMENT EARLIER TITAN EVER BEFORE TlilS YEARS NANUFALTURERS CLEARANCE OF NIMROD CAMPERS durum ld Der nu ms ltliillll TO CLEAR Illld mum Illh dinette IIIL TO CLEAR use SUPREME Only mmpirir with electric IIR eir Rer mo TO CLEAR um CYPRESS lm Ree Ilse SPECIAL um RIRCllllOUil mt llrc are terIllrlux Llle HIRIIRII Build uh Iilttl Ural UthIDLII will Iypmlutr it so do SAYVLTTE could ptutIdI you with In eleilinr llraee note our rollluuny uulnl Irulllolinn lrom liilhln tl luterrtlcd picnle runlnct ANADA MANPOWER CENIIII 32A Dunl on Vcrt Jl1l2iitld lumUure cteclrcnt npllllrncce Ind many inuahta Inttque pleeu terlnl cull Nn rcrurvu Inert on homoInd ll ullt be rod Iutlicct to rcrervc hid JERRY WUUIILIN RttLI GEORGE ltlltER ultrtlnllrcra aneh lnr lull liIl Wednesday July it Jyunrt WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY SPECIAL $1150 REDWOOD rm nrr mo SPECIAL not Also mllrltrl LINE or sort tors lllnll we KNOllY tlNi StOtttSAttAltA liirhnuy 21 Illdhursl Oni mHtli lsIll TRAILERS leek rImniw lullee Ianieit WI III mml elm MIAMI it INSULA aTlEilsoliIEs llllllull ltllllllST cwn HOME BINGO to eLooxererri OFEELGREAT Rein In dmltunr Sauna DAINFS SAUNA IlllIlI IllONl TITtill hl VLF 11 um run run man oRuIu IIIIT WI Io Mild III letlltlt II II wonrnocunlu LEARN ltAlttDRESSlNG Gelenlment comm School TRIM inlet in II turn the beauty culture iDERWlN tiAlItDRESStliG saloon humour er rum reu MORE SELL MORE When on elm tour Article or Id In The Butte Indoor keep the valet in MIDI IiIte LInml llem llllnd euro Atcwullee and attachmenu Lair eeltteatlonl Itrndtlloa fUuhulItuly ltninh tte lpccinliie In iluulel Gunrenie ItlIIIIIIH SOOTT IllIIll nmnlry work It moon elllmtra Iliiml Idltlilnnl llOIIIIIOu It mu cum wetterhey weed Nani Rumou the Marlee tor hlie eleulitcltlonlll ht we um Plan It lillllXII EWNONY INSULATION The IIIUWIRI MIN 20 your cluelienen TIAWIT CARPENTRY ttunm mun mum mun In tunerIn ML AdlIillw NONI WIN rir alrlllm will do and IM Ia min etc luwuhie mu on elm GRAHAMS Chimney Repair IlOUlthl LllllIhthlOUUlllNll 7286628 TREE REMOVAL rem He met melon Ind Int llitlliiog vity unon 42H Interlink FIREPLACES TION electric Rented ed work rm IIINIAINO My AIM III hm em ItIIIAIIIS Aull MIA Ill IllilIlI menu FLOOR REFINISHINO Cali rotiect tor tree cttlrnelrr SPECIALIST new Directory of BusineSs Services Products HOME REPAIRS IIAlilllR hlUOOO ilOOTit UARPNNTRY ClllIINEYE WATKIIIROOIINO All work summed to ycnrl elpcrlence Wee eItlmItu lllWilll TIIORNIUN lllONE mm Kluiiemd Oil wt Al Iilv new it Ililmrillr it In Oulnn IIyIlIl III JACKINO MCKINU LEVICLIANII IltI WINTNIIIZINU OOIiAlllJ lIURhl Iluukreinne IMAM utter It LAWRcurrlNo CUSTOM GRASS CUIIING t1 the Ill meet III ALUMINUM SIDINO AIEAN ALUMINUM SIIIING SOIIIT AND IACIA itnterlrl and wolhlllnmllip 20year IuInnlN TIMIl IIUIIJIIIJNIIU IILUIIULTS ttrnle relenlIlllI St1 llllNll Jr ls The Season PAINTINO FAIIITIIIO nnIlttIII new II lm rlllmrter tritunom ml Firlulu arr IniItler nnX Hutu Irltuetl triennene Inn ACCOUNTING mule heelulukl amm 31 lmluteunrn unnamed Iutt DRESEMAKINO cusrou Dlllwlllln eltrutlonl melal REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION NNIIVICK urnwtno meet IIIONE MAW SMALL ENGINES LAWN ANI RAllllltN ll UlIIIIINl We reprir Ill lluett cnclncr liAYtilllII SIIALII ENUINI CNNTIIIZ tinted Ind Service it Toronto lit REIDS hhIALL ENGINES UIIIUOS ANtl ETIIAIIUN TNCUIISEIII UII mt It tore or AIM NWT LllAlN hA ll OUIIIUAIIIIS eIIWId Aulllortlrd ItttIm denier to CLASSIFIED ADVERTiSINC DIRECT PHONE 72824ld Irarnr lttoldlllltttt MARIIADIL NOTICII AID OF milli WEI ILII additional war kit If word III MIMOIIAM NOIILII will In With Hilde var touut tlm II III on Ilm COMIND IVIII Pill It rout IIIOII AIID CDIIIEIIDNI ll whom tnmltnn elem III nmnted II nllvlttitntl In IN Inmtlrm Warm the IIIIIIIN Anmtllinn lellmlhl renulm II Idnlllull lo limi tHNtI their Idvllltwnent Immeem Itler tint lnIIttion In order that any mu of million my be heeled helm an H00 IhIt nmc rm Intile lov the loliewinn all The Bull lIImInII II mmihlo to only em lnrnmcltv DIIRIU Itltltlidrl dvlilemnl and mirror Ion em on not the Ilillumnt cnrnclloel It The IIuIe Laemlur numt the Iloht lo rteltily min oe latrct Iny mi 0th MINIMUM LASIIFIDD ADVIRTIIINO Ilh DIletRl nun Ioolv tI nIId wnnln am DM two Imarttom the our word tum roulerutlvn lmul It or we on Internal IotIt me Ill conuculm Inuiionl Alec Arc worn net lmertlin tetIl lltL tiI Iinil Illtltlim my be urnrad loo tart In Incellailon when III In hm leirul Mont endila no or men Method ot covntlno lowv than VII wdl mt Ir ll war Irrh lnltiIi Iwwllttnn Mt It mmhul etc roenl II IIeIlate we IONFIDINIAL IOX IIPLIII All at All II TRIO tor at en mum on Numnev In Ian llr II lne not It twn Identity Inl Rumoer own BIT IO to law no ll IN INIIIM eonrlhle armt no Itll mm lat in than IIKRMNII urn mom hello III Iverltllmnil In lhlll up mull MIIVIOOWO uni dry mudw leralInn II Men on IIlMdlv with Iltdll BI iIIIII DIlBilv III mtr mul he ll rain la Wt leer RIIItIeIIln tovlle mmv et em em Inventor Ihoodl At The lhll WI 66 ml thlll DI Its The Season tInI who name am July luv In our mm your mom um Imtl tinder tom and no MI ll our NW Whom LAVIIV ARMIn Ml DI MIMI In um IwIV III coo look home no aru Int eur hum umn IIIII IInly um vaneum an elite hm COMING EVENTS IOWYS ALI HORSE SIIOW Corncr nt Ninth Ltnc Ore Ind Shnnty my Read SUNDAY JULY lit It It AM All proceeds Till2 RARRIE ttUllANE SOCIETY Jydlmmt llUlFET SUPPER tillTlllllE RAIL Annual ll 51 pm AlIIuirtI OUTIIRIE UNITED CtIURCll liourd oi stewnrdr Advancn itekctr outyclcndtlne AUKIIJI IllIlls or TINA lyu Tile AnnuII Annivereary Ind ttemorinl Service oi the 0R0 STATION UNITED CllURCII will be held on SUNDAY JULY 13th It Add tom Ail Iormer member oi the eon Iteration and triendl will he Inort welcome te warhip utlh III lyll lvinll remembered Ind Dld BINGO WEDNESDAYS AT Hi IIATURDAYR AT MI South WIrd community IIIII tlill lllll Bond BIA UrllllI TTTT To Advertise tI rennet IIWETt dlmt in the City It ltIrrie melll ANTI MIC am All urn Atoll Sat To Advertise ll ANNE IT For delllll Ind tnteuxlatitn WWI PAINTING TIIE lLllLtL UTILITIES IllhlltlSSlON OI TIIII CITY ttAllIltIt invite nuotaltenl tor exterior painting ot enter lion are tent on Codrtnxtuu Street between term it Ind Albert Aunwdui trirldel shall lnpuly III nullle lllIietIIll Ind null llIeIle contrt Ille undeniuurd Stephyotep picture IrIeh how in crochet instInityl tut neural uattnrnn dim Complete lnxtInt Gilt Bool more than too xiii tor Ill oc culonr am All With Alzhen RootItem ll II Iy Run heel We Book It Prire Allth 00 III Rook lId IlIImI 50c mum 0qu lion one lineh iOltItta tor Mlyl LII try it nIttum we Would Participate In Health Study GIUROMNTOMICIII cone llI rncdchI otlrcr at health milled Itlllndillti II II pTVPN Iurvaypot llllonte achoot dren Promote tor IuehI ATOIDTTDRIIIID work clot mull Ippelnlrd me by the city bond tlen to wnduct duty tcnu tn the rceldcntlnl Ircn at Toronto the board IllI February Idoptcd resolution IliUtdtIlIill the Iulmllrnttny uto IllldleI to dctcrrnnn not nniure oi hellth thIt contribute to the diltlcuttlcl et Irhooi children Dr Unuln Andcnon community with It lIl iur Strlr Children in II child thllh Id be conducted throth educelienl ryctern in llnn with the beard oi Ind the helilh department rather than by dooetodoor ellth hccnuro oi the lien tint chllliielln held tor telehen 4751 sues dtd MERRY TRIO Uy ANNN ALIANA SIIHLL NARI Allilllll on rIrIllon uIye littl uetnl heel to rrhoot tn thin rt pontrutt Um lienlln tnu tur lent bell blulue unntl Printed IIterlt tilt NRVI OlriI Sim it II II III to Roll MN yards ll lne biotin IiI yaull ININNTYmd CNNTII met in rolne ton Illltt tenet toe each patternI tIlII ml Send order to Anne Adm care ot th IlalrtI mutt Prttern DIN It Trent NINA Went Throttle OntIrlo ltItT IITYLII NUhlllllR NEW NASIIION PACKED mlurunlnuremto eanl Intel unuuuttmty hetero ea tern toe tullllnuoll Bartlett 8t INSTANT WI OOIIttti ill let more In INSTANT IAlllllthy tonal Inner mo MI II to later tn Illtll ilttllly Illllr NAN AD hootIRR VlIiior durino the with hire Smith Ulnrtuliurphy et Ottawr Ind tin Arthur Doer ery Ind drurhtcr CIIherlne enmlvrnlund ttr Ge LIII Ind Victor ell Toronto hilt Ann thrntter huhome tn1orunle IRer ndin lilo etch IIIlh Air Ind Belem Itr and hire Alvin nu accnlnuenird tin Lloyd Count to Port Perry uhcln ed with Air Ind lire Rory tllu Dchhle ltnurhlon tits Sylvia Illtluy llll Sincerech CImu Nt Ind tin Dorothy Ind mun oi III tidied IIII SUM Ind lire lirell itatbc Air Ind hire Illll the II Went Air tell amt Richard lloulhtoe Iltendcd mill to ourtnmlcr lulan on out it rent the euh when he tintvetua mail In RtI metal IllttlIiIRl 0a DAYh Oh TORh hedvllte one ahwt we land It ma durlul lu nun MKIIDIIREIIII IIUURN en IIItI tnehntre to member liner TODIIINTRODUCRU Illmt ellm elemu trierheoe crtte lllttllthlltdlelltlllInitllDI IIIIIILIU