niusoliTo NW gorernmenta program on Niagara new in militant as ours taln Ertatee list ttrrn with prominent Wire Conserv atim on its board at directora To Iighiliemotion HAMILTON tCil Roman Catholic nune at elLv hoapital erI the Is Ippesltag an Ontario Human iiighta tiara aritsslon nding that the no not diealminated against shed the boapital demoted her lol relua tag to asstitat In abortion Frances leen llartln at nurse at Henderson General Hospital here says aha leeir the omission tag was reached on inarcurate evldmco supplied by other people in the boepttal TV Commercials LONDON Oat CPI Israel Saitsrr ehlel ea ineer tor nia eieanilluiiter TV lad arid Monday It would be Illegal and Immoral ti romroerelale on American teleitsioiiprorrann were replaced by Canadian commercials The aropoerd ihange was inede last Friday by the Clitlr an Itedlolelavtaion Commie on lir saltser said In In later view that each more area mull In serious diplomatic battle between the United states and Canada Code Copies OUEEEC CPI The Quebec iuitloe depertlaani will late 11th to my the Moral gov amount or same ol rovin elll omelet who she have received copies oi revised trim iaal Code statutes proclaimed lburaday in Ottawa Quebec apoltuman raid liondiy lbe eltitilioii was brought to light Saturday when htoatreat llldga ilaurleo Johnson criti cised the justice department tor not tnloririlng ladies and prose cvtorI oi changes In tho Crimi ast Code Robbery Charge THUNDER bAY CPI Three risen and itemsn ap plant In court Ilowisy charged with the robbery oI Warwick Fox president 01 Great Lakes Paper leaa lrernbtay it Claude Boiitln 11 liancolr Prrnau IS l0lli 11mm remanded in custody tor week without plea Deputy Police Chlel Charles Fart who led the Investigation said the aeeiurd were apple hcnded In town and Norsnda We and aere hroupht here by aIrulider lurid Iiad Hashish SAHNIA CPI Ein Hillier daughter at the president oi the Sarnln Distriet Labm Council was charged lloiiday with poo session at hashish ItMiaraAtkuhlIlaarall Ination finned Feathered IABILOnLtUlPo liceeald Ilsnday alahi changIITrepsodirig In connection with Nev night taddent In whkh man was nipped tarrod Indleetberedinthtteom wounded el and Motor Maids GUELPH CPI 1W meter nuide who say they were die missed Isat by the Guelph parting authority because they In the young and pretty ap parently tailed Iiooday to exert much Inuence on elty eouoeil Penny Collier II and hiale ilannvolltl ems appearing be lots the roilneli to plead their ease and to present petition with 500 name supporting them not the rnretlal dreidrd to rcrr the matter hack in the parting authority who will on plaln tn the girls why they aim diimlued special meeting Wrdnrsd itChlP said they charged the lbyearohi girl after sub atanro laarn In raid on the ltIilIer home last month was analysed The girls lather Ivan llilIicr has ohleetrd in polite use at search warrant which he laid gala them cartn blanrha oer ritlaaian to search property and has arnt several letter to politicians and labor leaders about the llttlilutt hiisa lliiller will appear hi twrt duty in Budget Problem 1000M lCil provin eIIl government study oi the IVll budget 01 the Carleton County board education am It experienced visibly greater dllileulty In meeting 1m spendln eolllnrs tor eteman tary re hols than other county boards studied The study compared Carlo tonI lvtt budlrt with those rd our other arhoolhoarda to list ton Peel Lineuln and York counties It was released Alooday by Education Ilinirtrr llobcrt mm and 11 to be until by the province In planning the 1m education budget Given Extension OTTAWA tCPi The prices and Income eoniinlsrtan headed by Dr John Young has been elven aixrmonth exten sion at its authority lion bastard minister at cons earlier and ear ate Illalrv announced the es enslon to June so itll llandoy It would per mil the commission to complete Ila work anJeontlncency plans tor dealingwith tho poulbility DR ROBERT 110th helugee Itolo eit hltCltIlC tvrmrr lrnrdrrator ol the United Church at Canada said Monday Canada must at aumn room Ittlin role in the problems at PIhIstanl tehigea camps to India Iir ieriure he returned from tour at the ramps lait wit raid As Common wealth country we have In ad vantaga over there Theyd sooner have Commonwealth corps ol ohservera than Ameli cnns or Ilusalana Canadians have to put pm suro on the government to do something because It thrraa war between India and Pakistan there no going to be Canadians tilled You can be iure ol that Birthday Cake VANCOUVER CPI Na birthday celebration Is coin plcta without data but till rate made to memorsts 3101101110 in tinliab gt ieiauisoures Reporter $500 Fine Mtiah Cohan Itseit esnu Net Dan George will an the giant rake today and it to mailing canons will aent throusboat the world with masurea trons Premier bennett centennial chairman Wallace and Ken Nietnan minister at no reader and roosemtioa Iraud Trial YEUDWKNIFE WT CPI 1V0 brothers charged to the Isle oi sham In an inter national investment lurid have been eonirniitrd tor trial on six counts at tread lllebard William licnnrlt ol Vlhitrhme Y1 and Cllliotil lanes Bennett oI North any bad Nov is set as trial date Ihea their preliminary hearing coded Monday Both were arrested late last year and ehargedviilh detrauth or persons It rmnry and value bid neuritic through also and misleading representation in the purchase at shares oI Allied lurid 101 Capital Appreciation Both were released on bail ANOTHER Eltll Their great grandmothers and great grandiathers my hat dressed this way once lor these preeehoolers the Gayto elothee are more like ly reminder or the goodies they might expect iroeri tid dlea Ittrarllons It Klutdlta Bank 01 hands is authoriml by the Minister oi Finance to acceiio oi $100000000 for cash and In the amount oi $350000000 in enabling icinth 1972 as lotions FOR CASH SUBSCRIIIION 1ycnr41nioath 51 bonds duo December 15 1972 Issue priee10015 yielding nb0u1513 to maturity interest payable December 15 and time Four and one halt months lateral payable December 15 1111 Denominations 11000 11000 121000 3100000 and 0000000 $100000000 museumremanamatrm Relonnatorv Is Tent City Site 101102110 t0 hall last kit It transient ymnha wiit bI available Monday at tanner aetarnaalaty site in note Pnqu William Davis 0mm hurl minute it lights broke out so policeman ventured tea the site There Ill it arrests and fire police and three youtha wrrI injured during lighting Ihlch broke out the streets la the legislature Opposition leader ltobert Nixon said there should have been an orderly translrr oi the tent eliy train the untiqu tn the old tutor lavatory Ille Pubic lhorha hllnlill James Autd told the house Irhlay that the transler could tale place althoot deay 0n llunday he and lit Daria said the land wouldnt be available uatu ltoiiiesitay lord llstor Dies Was Press Baron LONDON llleuteti Loni litae the ltrltish press baron who ruled ihe Times tor more than to years died Monday in Cannes ance lle ins It epoieiinaa lot The Times said taint Aator died In Cannes hoepital where he had been taken treat his home at nearby Prcomaa Cause at death was not Imme diately trion Days Edmontons to day mount simmer iair opening Thursday At this moment however It would appear that Iiiltido Armstrong and Dav Id From are more interest ed In each other than ma mobiles and clowns ISSUE OF $550000000 Milchum oliViillliinr or cannon BOND DATED AUGUST 1971 and year month 51 bonds duo December 1974 Issue price 9850 yielding about 600 to maturity Intercomyawn December and lane four montha interest payable December 1971 Denominations $1000 17000 815000 $100000 and $1010000 htrhlarasalh1the Milieuarm thammhenaexplatld Cass peper Into government benches ltcptylnl to ltr hiaoo Dr Itidiird Potter oilnlttl wit out portiolio raid the prnrinea ihoiiidnt be stepping Into lt tibe disptilli at Ill and that It alas lrderai internment last ten He said that all the province dbl has meditate with Toronto llayor itliilain Dennison tor the land Ashen by Stephen lull leader at the New Denmatlc Party why the pollen name than with both leer Ind eiirted the lenters lir Davis said he unirrstoott there had been communications break down between the ot and the Itudenta sdralalstrattvl Mncil Ir Auid told the Ieglataturl there Is an average vacancy rate oi to per rent at the so hoatel beds available to tran subscriptiona for least its be issued in the amount for Comment o1 Canada 41 heads don alrni youths to Metropolitan it ronio and Nicole tureotle it more Only cash Iubocxiptions rohloet to atlotinast will be ooocptod forthcncw 510 heads duo Deocmber 15 1972 and the bands than Deounhcr 111914 that at Canada 1a agreed to acquire lea cash aaiaiauaa 01 $5000000 or these $1511 open as in anatomy The new 5191 bonds doe December 15 1972 are an addition 013100000000 at 51 bonds duo December 151972 and dated December 15 1970 The now 51 heads due December 1974 are an addition to $100000000 our heads duo Doocmhcl1974alsdidatodiuno 1967 Proceeds of this audit odrring will he used tur general purposes at tho ooaaamlotraaadd 1N EXCHANGE FOR 41 nouns nun SEPTEMBER 1912 5y bonds doe August 1976 knoprlees10000 yielding 625 10a years Convertible at the option at the holder into an equal par value 01 year 71 bonds in be dated August 1976 and due August 1981 yielding alienation round tail to year period modding August 1971 laternt psytbio chmry and Alana Denominations 0500 1100051000 111000 00000 11111000000 The new Syear 61 bonds are altered only in exchange tor an equal par value at Government at Canada 41 bands duo September 1972 subject to allotman The 41 heads due September 1972 whiela ate aoecptod or exchange must have all unmanned co tisehod rarer tumor aeolirideapaaieill by mam dmmeamhib at it holidalaetepted to exchange will WW onlhugibdtha ouneq par too new anti iitaiento $782 51000 al toAnguat11971viliIhopoldonthotl bonds muddle PM mman Sanka Canada has ngrculto enquire minimum at $150000000 oi the above MW 615 be do In vaioo 01417 bonds duo September 1972 representing part at its holding at these bonds mm cm urhmgo the amount at Gorcmmant at Canada 4191 bond due September 1972 remaining ouuundingvtiibe ibo new 51 heads dno Deconber 15 1912 the new 51 heads dunneceaabeei iindtbo ma bonds duo it 1916 will be dated August 1971Iiid willbedr interest iron that date Prhieipalangllintcrest are peyadtdln Inwtul along CInsda Principal is payable at any Agency Dent 01 Canada interest ls payable gt anybranch In Gannda nl aayehartcrodboak without charge Dcllatuvo heads will be available on August 07 1971 without payment 01 annual interest and therqu In two nalisation mwauggmMyggisimd form with interest payable by Bands at both terms will same on ll mm mman hm mummy gee as coordination sador teem without subject to Oovcmment lo eaabls the Government at Canada to satehllsh air months to admire the anoint to be redeemed tor rah on rroatrrd refuting the option permitiiu bdan to nearest their year I91 bonds dae Audi 1le Into inrm bonds tine Assat 1911 may be Istanbul only daring the six month parted romrneoelag Aunt 1915 and citing issue 1m 111 ion thoalaed oncwwalkingmmaprmiutoanAetoiihaPuliimratoiCamdaaadbothpdadpaludlaterutnoaehamontbe KeepingyourayesoponlsSeIIDoionoe PM 100 Mont my to mac nodal my Investment dealer eligible to art aadiaolar as Your Workmona Componaatlon Boerd Whittath PM through and Safety Aasoclatlons Onions oureyesyour irsl 19 with protective giaasoe it the job call for them and reguir cheeleupe it your oyonlghta biliary par Talia are of your eyes and theyll see you solely through the working day The host protective equipment you can ever own is already youra one pair of oyea dual knowing whats going on around you helpe you avoid job accidents 80 it malice good sense to toolt alter your eyes $350000000