Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1971, p. 11

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lst PreSeason Victory Mmu Id AtollI1 oi the then Ind AIbthII llrltcuedln and 0m humor ot the den Ibllo them Here Both one Rouble pluan In the reened runner tlIn may beltiinr to It the lltltd lIu eonmtl that lob Ill Tm Pumder but nurt Ihotn Welles on no erbae to Wedo Int yrIr Iorne paulnr Ilurdry lender pllyrd lho IIIIt but our rnIne WhindlheAlnlIlM Ignltudurectonlyuoereulny onlleulnpktlmslnllnlmc exhibition mien PM 00 dim III Iplrted In eixhtphy tor on yude lerIneI older one 11quth push Int running otterxe Earthen Ind Wlhmf III II Dm county lbltlrltleb mull tint on otlb nosey were good lur my chIIIy uyemdd Import my wmptnlumlntdpueet horn Dortmmlio college took our the wlruIleItllnI In Lhu and hell with Montrlrl troll Ind threw touchdow mm Immunenu he Immtnnmttuueoo mm or II Oolumbtl Jone ottenlln uek day In ouIIII VIoooIIruI to mymm mu mum In the tint proerm exhihl bollontnbeIrbugtroln irdtnlnyICInIdlInroothll mm rheIIn ttnuthrlder nureh nd ton touchdown on Tl Ind ks myth W0 Iiihiiilwiieiiilihhh thilllm 11 it But So WereAngelTitle Hopes Centereeee erldhnion emu tt end the other lrorn neurone third Plh Interception Helps lislries =5 REGINA CPI Jerry Grll up Is the wintry Inn on tin blempted linbe wnn other Inn tun cm put with It reenndr remolnin Ind Jt ylldlt llorIIIy night In hIll SIIlIl Terry Sum not both bitlun cirrult rumored dm pm In 60rd Rsnell Ind mod out the Edmonton erode dmf led to II to end ut the tint lrIl km Ml quarter Edmonton bounced DIrwell hit pry dirt toiled back to grab 1011 III It bill It Ind doeyord purer th Im IM time run the turn lied It IJIKIIIK with nun Wm dc tttl Iller three quIIlrry timrge Reed rrtllnx third on Altytrd told all by om nlwuylrdrutl GuIrd Jerk Ambit lwoweek rrilitIry trIIniny Mm mm mottled III III Gm Render Itlnt In the United Staten SukItehewIn grlbhed In 11mlan Iellod mun klthd Imnmm only lead on toyerd tourh lrn eenveru Ind Iinlle to that ol tdmootm and meet Vacuum col Iyrur matron rum bunt Iioglee hueloaded CalllurnlI mower tally Phll homer Ind tiebrerltny Iidel blIl turd ruIIIlnle suit to lane mmbllu In Ilpu ore roope 1mm mm tn It II II the be the 01 two other module IplIee ruched woo bin In the clue ol the levelu with throw m5 metm end In clue the delete eererlue In two mlnutu III no noel relented blI lint III the am It ol the lmilo new throw III 10 other In the IIIIoIn with ol Ieeoode mull III the menu nIdlIn turn told at competition tube The United Stolen bu col lected ll medull 0i than lee eommmdlnl lend to bettlo tor teem bongo 13th lot Rum vet mid record in the hill weight divlelon o1 welyhtllttlny bloodly tilll Rapram pwnde III work al110me In An Idiom ARM metal Monday Georle ShlIIdI ei VIII eeuver won bmnu medll in clue III the whim wItlI lilM at 1005 WIlter Donn oi tlItltII collected silver to am IV coverlnr the ovum In to secondl Ind Dob Shown at Thronto won bronu In ClIIe wttb line at 11 lmlldl CInIdI IDII hlrdlought nune hukoibIlt gerne to tho Internetiunul ehImplenI Iron Wilma New York blelr who hold lint plum until they hit the Ikldr lumed beck Sl touts 51 Angels Have 5000 Bats Autographed By Alex Iolinson Argentlnl one tiny Nubile Winnipeghcorrd tlI pulntr Some Ito cumpeliton lronv ler IrIpIrtlelpIthu at which erd srtur llnollicielly The Winner Is RIACIIINAC ISLAND hlleh AP On roloMIetlnIo erhI me The bell owne DnuhI et Menominee hitch wu one ol the lirvt ylelltt lo tlnlvlt the allmile rm Murder The competition Illernnon whleh boron It pm EIINlly Is on the but oI corrected th me on the bull lreAnIerietr my detender llrnelro eiuI beet burned by Don tloner at Menominee htle rm eloeely allowed by Donuvenlure IV wtldxrren Iud Cullen do tlgnrd bout selling tromlo runlo The corrected lime or Endur Intd wII 0520 heurl lttpe Caught With Hood Lino RAIIIEYJSLAND hie lAP InnyII bl Iutur let loot tlrne Ibout how Peter J4 norm elueilt mpuvudtunw with bend hoe III bed to low tht llI IlIh runner Report 20 dropped hie herd line In cure lily Eun day will boning tor belt Ind booked the Illtool Ilrh rm tub drIrrod the Illll mound tor ll mlnvler until Inert Rubin bout crew ed th one lIIIl tr velouran roan lot thinnerAnd IIIIt lud tlI lemer Wul Division tlIIbItlI oi unotlw rill oomputrllonv It In In WWII urln WI wdllhe Iltlt lllDllIi com by llom In Told llrvt cult to complete the overIII limo wet the Wettherty the ion deny to were some 0t Celllnr nlII bow tor IuIlltIIed drle to the top ol the Amerlnn bun kthololI Illpped with 1000 line Sundry by Clove lend lndlln mlmger Allin DIrk tor vowttlem on the turn but vented eome ol hlI lnutrIllonI on CIIllemlIe re vtvlny lnrels pin them down withd it It trl bio Whit lettlunder toured um Antell Ind blunted them until mood bIIernIn Eddie been dropped IhIt would hove been the lmuodlnl W0 II lowlny ollrlen to erupt III the way onto IronI tlrIl Rlek Clerk held the MM 10 Iurtrlx hllr thruuth eight ln nlnll bolero McDowell Ind Uhlmder opened the ninth nllb Pirates ly THE ASSOCIATED PRESS One unto deeml men there lInt lemon IIid Plltthurgtt retrher tllInny Sen lien Iller lhI PlrIleI were lllltd In by Lou Anteleo Dodyere bluntin nlthl sIuolltenI oplhniom II un dIrIIIndebie It we the tint Ime the llrItee bod lost In It IId the timeout uryueu mt Division leuderI didnt into my mind beclllto ltuntrul Expos Ind kept the Plrltu rpm bell reenndpllee Chlelgo Orbs Getelude runs In uher gInIeI blondty Chl uro White Sex Iwept III night doubleheader Item New York Violets to 10 10010 In BIlllmorI Orloter topped OIklInd AthletIrI It In In Irlemoon genre Ind under the lights Detroit 11ml whipped Kenn Clly Ram end WIIhInlton Sentinel ellpped Ithaneson Twinr by the lane route the liltwlukn Droworl gIrnI It Deetpn lllllt lhI Red Son wu ruined WI lbI Anvil rip IpIrt enr Iler till Ienron dusenslnn but been puttipl their route to ulher Ilnee the Inspenrlon ot moody Alex Johruon Ind the re llrernent ul Tony Conlgtluo hturnlo rood Ind were gutllny ml good etecutlon Ind lumped over the CerdlnIlI lnln lbw nu urn Pittsburgh In other games Revision trpr trl prd Phlledlphll Phil tlu It lnninrr San Fran rlrou Giant bollneed AlionlI tlruvu no and SIn Dleru PItIres Itopped Cluelnnlltl lied 03 the Les Anrcler hltllny spree term wlnulnz Ilreuk to ml lost tour gImer Some oi the ANAHEIM AF An en ngved Iuturrrphed bare Dlli but In prized perversion 01 my yOlInKlletl Duebell tumr print them up Ind proudly hand them out every IoIrun pmclulntlnr the time 01 In ldollzrd It problem he Irlren how ever In the an at Alex John Ion tho Aurel with the ten nIIhed hrlu Ills employerr CIIIIornlI Angelo hm 000 bItI thrt beIr tho legend Alex John DIlllng ctrmplon Jobruon hoe been Impended tor leek ol huttie Iho Anrel but he Indi eIted Joluuon Inuy never ptIy tor them Ilen It trolled the elub Intrht tell the bole to Ills now turn wtlb Johnwn title nded the but would In Inbo the problem IN yelr Id when the Angel held But my Ind run out oi but rituetloo no burebtll teIIIn wishes to encounter brrulue It InertIs explIInlny to leIrIIIl boy why he didnl Kel lho lou IIIenlr hI lrIvrIled 100 miles or OVERle 11 To hurl oil that IlIuItlnn thlI your the Antell ordered In ovorrupply llnurlnn ltnyd get used Iomohow About 25000 were given oulI 5000 remnlned No or three your up we hsd letlover tau with Ill kind ol nlmes on them llobby lineup Tom Sllrluno Ilube Illorlon by John Ilene Mill Aurel publiclrt tloorro tederer montlunlnr women 01 tumor hotels SEAL SIGN THREE out Ilrh tbet Iplwnln 1e Inter hm our Ilul Id vegletlru lon Johnston Ion lm Amerleun leIrlII SAN FRANCISN lAPlCnl lumle Selle announced liondly the rind oi three pllym tor the 17117 NItlonIl lloekey Igue reunn Run SlIek bowie Witt lleitecbniu Ind We Ill lhern IVII my way It the hell an hit Two years one WI even but some liIl LInler bItI meek In somehow dont know how that happened hunter ut Sen trIneiIeo GIIntI her never pitted tor the Annie But with Johnrun the use It dltlbrenl The belt reprr Ieut Ibout 01000 r0 throwing them my would be loolhb And in AiexI present title at dlItIvor the elub hu no In leutlon ot xlvlnl them to tour The Angeli Ire piennlul to keep the but end hope Alex either trndld In the oilIII Ion or corner bIek nut oon with new Iltltude NIllorIl Lune ii Pittsburgh 500 ChIeIno New York St huh PbtlIdrlpblI lionlre til 511 ll ll 01 IN Welt Sun Frnnolseo hoe Anneler ltoueton AttIntI Cluelnnrtl SIn Diego 51 Id 000 41 hi Ilb0 II Iprinl trIlnlng Ind eIriyeeIwn pllebnl ptotr Ienu booeted hln reeo II III Ibrurred oil th whoppinl line eiuhed Dowel needed In plleher tor the AllStIr rune III ttrItebed by Don due to tore Ibouder not only hit the iltlltl lt bul olso unto the Dpdtere out pt recent lethargy lbry bud only Irorrd IoIIr runs In tbelr Dodren took eItrI butliny proctkI below the yume Included Imoux them EVEN NED bleDuwvll who went thrwrb dLIpute rdto the hlttlll and menu IIItIy when tie th Willie 50x pounced on llet Slottiernyre tor live run In the 10th tuning at their Ilrtt pine with Bill lleltone barre tended einyle Ind Ed llerrm lnnI tbreeruo homer the big bite in the reeled gIme Tommy John hurled tourbitter ot his own Ind Cute they drove In Ill ot Chlmpe runs with Finally Lose wII Iborlrtop llIury lItlr who behind dva in whh do IIII end rte FIRST IlOllElt A3 EXPO Itun Woolf lIrIt NIlIonIt League home run Ind ttun Fnlr IyI tworun Ilnlo led Montreal over Chlosgo Woods delivered tworun that In the llnt Itler walk to Run llunt th IlrIt Run Swobodl lut month the Ihuwerr threehltler end Itrruk Intended Ilutle In tloueton tun homo bum ttorer Mount lltlrd Alter Jim Wynn In leutlonIlly Imeeked hie untowinner rIIu lend hetero ttobby tlnnds doubled Ind toured the tie bmklog rune on tbrrwln error II the GlIntI uutlert the Drum lnI tilhour con tell Dd Spiezlol twouut tworun homer In the eighth lnniee pow llrllllh II ill kill II It 011 till it It All till 50 J0 Ml 0140005 III II ll 15l ltlt at It 150 It eted Sen Dione over Cinelnmll Ind Inupped the New lurid Itreol Il tour lllllll BASEBALL STANDINGS lly THE CANADIAN PRESS Anterleu hem En llIlllnIorI be it 010 Boston Detroit New York ClevelInd Wuhlngton OellInd Rental City CIIIlornlI lllnnorotn Chime llllvluteo OJ It Add 10 II In An ll ll II tld 11 so or It CHARTER FLIGHT INFORMATION one whit AND nerunu cnnmn tilthng Immune tondon tIrII IllIIeIu Tel Avlv llurIlrh lJIbon Rome Ind many other other SpeelIl mutton rhIIlrrr to Open Del Set out Canary lsluodt For ehnrler llluhln null or write conrrnrwrlu rnAIIII Iruvtcro uru nun rot or um It went rmIIo TELIPHONI Midtmuld om complete of reestlte vleto Ieven hlu In udlng Rlek klon dxe lwprun homer tor the homer rlnee helnx Iroutred trum New York Yankees tor Folrlyl All In the leth inning rent Cubs rco lien Ilnilrmnn to Spot Ilurter ltoy Sudeckt tired New York erupted ior III It runs In the second Inning to beat St lauly and loop lhreeglme losing Cesar Cedenn litllgd been lost ol the tub lnnlnl to send the ned the relly with Ilnxlr lhilndel phlI reliever Dilly Wilson Wil lblt then looted uwa Joe lion mr Itlempted urrlllco bunt pulllur runner on second Ind wIlkId Codenu Son Frenclm wuted III It II PILODL so It 001 All Is It All ttli 21 5t 01 WA II or hot uh wu Suddenly punt wIilel erm Ind II Inlleid not rent III McDowell gala lm Mum my my rm mm ll lzli It the tint nurrter Ilood vetted Ill three lleld rout Illempty ltullbnrt Den Abbey nnolhrr Import rookie veered lho An thin touehduwn on threeyurd LACROSSE Dy THE CANADIAN PRESS OILIIII Junior Elobiruke ll St Catherine OshowI It DrumIIII Ontario Junior It Alux leterlnruunh untulo anlor 15 Owen Sound to Brnoklin II he leItlered Ilits Punt Dlnlr nnl Dire Johnren hit Into homers tor the Clinton llllrtey lullrh ruined his 15th Iletory with In eighthitter Ind led the ner It thn pltto us well rlpplnt double Ind two ilhliu and driving In ler at run exulnrt the Royals Dick Dilllnzv lwonrn homer upped the Senntort tourrun uprirlny In the thIrd while llIr mon Rillebrewt liktilinhinl Ilnrle Ieured both ol the lelnt runs ml at the ruling your money Riding lyIlI Dl In Idndlhem WI IIII reline your brakes we do lot more than reline vour brakes than uniII but on lab II III Inn on ernenlon Soyou pt pond value lot lul we no luther rm on IIllIll lhlt WI Itll WI Illlllllll yen wheel Elltntlou Ind yummnllntqlmderlnrlelll Iva ptphllnlr ll tum nmo Irrlnp your new In oneur when ullndl In helpllu be good eun they III Ilul to rule eontlet nnmtm Drllllitllnpl mummy1qu tuInepIinnI IeIIonIInIInaon llrestone DLc1OORETREADS to llt molt models ol DIINLOP ST Now Open Thursday UIIIIII essn TAXI 4245252 ANYTIME Its my me but never clone tl Impvrt your huh lluld Itnll Ipl tl oreI II Ihl Iwn llAIIOl II uumwmumvnuIIaquI IIIAIIndMIIpomlI Vdull whenyuuhille Snttllmpprtentla my III nurml hrrtln lnotylbnullhmrrqnntten IIIIIIIIwIItInuIIhIIIn null bunt mlh lho value It one In you tnI nut IIIo II to nmounyovtlnll Itd enlwhetlhllltnpn tdllllheltl Ilrlully Inlvlillltlllll llrws normunlit wth lupnulhly om Inn rould In lipid lhlll Ill road In IIIIIIuIeyeull lollII IoannthelIurm Imp In Inybodyl llnpullv In Wade lollybu Inn rims pretty 14 umm III III Imnumnr II III ItilirllllllrllllltllyathllINM ImpuIImnInreIIrrIvonIierIu Jack Nicklaus thin IIIIIy II until IIIglint Snow lhrpertIn blend new trend rubber will you nulu Ind duvIII Inert wltvvlrwd llHAtll IvewMoqulm IIleIAIllIII Ilul IIillIIrIn who roll mm nuulnu Intel 33 FREE MDUIIHNOI 7266505 01ng mom

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