al to to to 33 s=E Eg Fellow workers as the itch momentous aura Large Audiences Drawn To Play shuttle tndlsas which has been playing to capacity Induces will he coutlmscd ior second week It griller Street United Church Ten little iadiern Is shock or that evokes scrum irom the Iudieoso as mraders occur no re The ratio atmphera is weU esptraed hy the Inrrslcal Ic compartment that use men sdngts through the torium Trapped on In hoisted island oil the coast at Devon the to inle guests and their room ents ot doom He tndian sistuetta Ie smashed with each invader Outstanding pertarmaaces are given by Elias Zarou who plays trusty old radial oi the Weeae Death and Jean Berlmsnn who pllyl morally rightearu reti gieus lsastlc whose sseiaono with do end guilt lerds spec tLgrotesquenesr tn the situa DullerinSimcoe MPP Begins 37th Year Parish Pastor DUNTROOli Stall lderrr ber oi the Ontario legislature Iior DutierIaSisrrncok illev Wal ace started Ills rtth year as rrdaistar Angllwa partrh at lhratroon Olen irluroav nettaau and Sing hsmpton The native oi heisives OurI ears in Tiny Township who was the lite IT on ldey lived It Is boy tie attended Cookstown conliaultlott school AUlslon lllglr School and then University at Toronto graduating tram Wy ciliie Ooliego in ma OnOetoberAtmbewsseiec ted to the Ontario legislature as Conservative member ior Dui isrinvSitme and he has been the rtdings representative since then During that time he wss elected nine irrres lllltason and John Forgie moved the tires nomine tion at hir Downer It the it Conservative convention when the late Mitchell Hepburn was prerlder his Downer eat on the Oppmitnon side during his tires six years in the Hearse with be leersls in power iirst under Mr Hepburn and then Conant and lisrry Nixon The ist jBarrie Fair Family Day lsnrily day will he lptslll leature oi the hassle hhlhltlon Aug at rs President Jermey and the directors are making Iinsl arrangements Pianned ior Ave as Is In on true car displey horseshoe pitching contest and tuning oi Arabian and Western horse also set Opening day win he leetueiag Junior air and ivaior liun ier and jumper show Judging at heavy horses swine poniesI heel and dairy cattle and livestock parade will be held Aug The senior horse and lumper new will be held has 1a or was the tether ol Robert Nixon llPP or Brant who is the pment Ontario Liberal lead If at the Air Downer urnvad over to the government side when George Drew led the Conservatives in victory to tell when the COP became the oillcist Opposition rals running has its mom has been member ot the gov ernment since and was torm er Speaker at the House In the last provincial election on Oct it 1981 he dcieattd MLts Josephine Casey Liberal and William Shannon NDP in the DuiierinSimme contest John Roberts then headed the Con servatives and was since suc ceeded by William Davis Brampton atvyor labor Minister to Disappointed With Machinists OTTAWA CPI Labor Min ister Bryce hlackasey expressed sharp disappointment Saturday It the lettuce at Air Canada ma chinists to respond to an alter oi mediation in their dispute with the airline in an Interview Mr Macho sey said be had received no sepl to telesns sent Friday to negotie gcomsvdtiee oi the international Association at Machinists The telegram requested that the union otter assurances it will not Insist on Ztrnoatlr contract Is condition or re surued talks with Air Canada Mr Mackasey compared the unions silence with the slrUaes response to simUer request Air Canada has assured me they are prepared to bargain on all outstanding issues but im sllU vvstUrrg ior some assurance irom the union hath urdoo and company had earlier Isde the minister to in tervene in the dispute with the union luabtiug on complete lies ibllity by Air Canada on all Is eues BARBIE ALDERMAN Opposes Regional Govt Opposition to regions govem meat and an rt ior amena Llon are hl gbta pl Aid Perris semi annual report to his constituent to Ward Art Pcrrlss residentsto sn ewer ilva questions on public last The lead questions ask whether resld is at ha Vtsrd rvard er or cared to regional govern ment other quoonnr in the poll seek opinion about develop meat ot the watertroai reduc tion in be voting age in munici psi elections to to years and beur the creation oi pedestrian mall on Dunlap PL mm the Five Points to Memorial Square Aid Pcrri slyl be null seek re election to council to Deo ember Ar oi today am keerdy in tercated in serving the city coun cit look to your support on December lie convinced that the city should annex land not become involved in In agreement such Is one proposed by the city whereby Rsrrla supplies servlo es to an neighboring lovrnshlp no lee basis iha pressrrl leadership at council has decided to urn throan down on annexation Aid Pent said On regional government he urn am against the trend to regionalhm by our mayor end The general government commit rlay honored lira lidred Onset whoisretiriagatteexa years as an employee At reecratnrintheeunpaayrob lice Ilrl Croat III uncut cdwhhasliveets Illtm Inc cranberry glass and lowers irom management and villi lira Glut started It Koimsr on Sept no harm John Bowman departmental manger Barb trash president at the Social reruns aurora HONORED on nrrmrrtrnr Club lire Grout Writer lurch executive vice eideut and Bud lee pmldent ol maauladuring Examiner Pboiol Farmers Fight To Survive Its No Longer An Egg War new retire program that could involve wilhoiding ot pro duce irom markets was outlin ed last night by executim oi the NIeral Farmers Union Walter lililer NFU vice pro sldrnt said that farmers today are lighting to survive and its no longer In egg light but question oi civil Liberties lie was speaking to about so isrmers In Ailiston Previous NIU session In Southwestern Ontario had drawn irom son 400 Mr Miller had stated previous ly that only collective bargain lag could improve the lot or the isrrner as the iarmer hasnt received raise in the last as ALTERNATIVES its said NlU members had to become part at the solution or remain part at the problem Ranking the organisation has the Rubbing Implications tar NPU members This could mean civil protest in the term at derrvmstrations at Queens Park or plckcting on the sites at agricultural plants it could also mean the boycott Ing oi agricultural products and the boycotting ol supermarkets Mr hiillrr added that it nec Sieal Explosive In North Ireland DUBLIN AP Police re ported today large stockprie at geiigrrltothe explosive used suave terrorist attacks on Drri Ish troops in Northern lrciand was plundered irom heavily guarded construcan sits in the irish Republic countrywide search was launched to recover the grim alte Police leer it may be spir litdl Across the border into trove bled Ulster to be made into nail bombs used by the outlawed lrish Republican Army In and British attacks essary the uidrnnle step world be withholding at prodm irom markeLs the most eiiectlvs cellchve bargaining technique at our depend Mr ltilier said the NFU cx eculive has set deadline ior sedan but that this nete was not or release Bill Laagdon nstioasl direcb or and chairman oi the NFU dairy committee brieied the audience on steps beta taken to Implement the NF dairy policy The unions ebleetl L1 to ob lain per hundredvreght on uid milk production and $375 on ladmtrial shipments The dairy industry Ls com parable to many idea In that we have supply manage meat and all the solutions oiter ed will eventually drive the in dependent tarmcr out at busrrr ear htr Lsngdon said PRICES KEPT LOW The dairy tee chairman listed burwsum contra Is he chiel means whereby or paid to larmers are kept low MARINE FORECAST Toronto CPI Marine lore casu tor the Great lattes Issued It use am EDT Lake Superior Winds north to northwest it to 20 knots becom lrrg variable to it this evening Fair Lake Ituroa Georgian Day Winds north to northwest to to 15 knots becoming variable to urolrltrherly it to it ilk evening lake Erie Lela Ontario Winds southwesterly id to in knots the morning bneliy higher in scattered thunder storrru shitting to northwest erly 12 to 20 today and to is tonight Showers and scattered thunderstorms this morning then gradual clearing Kingston Plant war Move To Barrie In September Maaulacturing operations at Welter Electric Canada Limited are being translerred irom Kingston in Barrie in Scpiemb or Robert llunler vice presi dent errd general manager at the Lulkin Rule Company at Cane dn Ltd made the announce ment Both Luikin and WeUer are subsidiaries at Cooper Industr ies ilnsdwaro Group at Houston Texas Some key personnel will be moved Barrie and turther 15 to in yobs will be made avail able tor this area allowing cnn solidatiort oi the manuiseturing units during September Among reason or his oppos Iliarr he esysI have observ ad the dissalielactlou with the results at regional governments throughout Ontario Municipalities such as liar rio wind up paying threo quart ers oi the costs while having minority voice in decision mak ing and receive over services personally see annexation or tuture expansion as the best answer ior Barrio he laid Regional government is sell out to the rural areas with low it any Media to the city lie also touches on need con rot and the last that city lots in the St Vincent Ottewey area have been levaiielt and son dad ior use as play area Weller Electric manuiaciur ers ol electric soldering guns and trees will occupy new ex tension oi H500 square lest now under coootnrctton at the battle plant on innlsiil Street This expansion the ltilh since talkie moved to Darrin in titty will increase the total lacitlty approximately tonne square eel The battle Rule Company has been this tor the sales and marketing at Weller prod ucts along with Lullin end Cites cool tools tor the past year in Canada srrd many export mark ets throughout the world Spearheadtng its drire to Im tent whereby members agree to engage in activities such as demonstrations picketing and holding sellers on delivery oi Both NFll executive members ptement its dairy policy In Oat said drastic action is required Irio the NFU Ls asking its them as net lsrm income has dropp her to sign declarations nt in ed or 20 consecutive years as the prismald tn Iarmcrs for any com ty are rldlcsdeus HIE ESTABLISHMENT tilt ltilier labeled both the dairy commodities rrntii such date as prnrtncial and federal governments their to notes and agribusiness corporation have negotiated an agreement with the executive at the Farm en Union in addition members Ire ra qrresicd to direct the Ontario Milk hisrktlng Rom to remit hm In per mt iht ot believing in tarrncr MY mm PPM are not have the rightia har Ible tor the month at July mummy to the union This money will pg mm Mb wpr help finance NFU operstrom me My mg mum Aslrrriiar programisbelaglm saying the NFU must have the plcmentcd In regard to the mar power at production in mcel and kctlng oi bags in Ontario overcome bvrcsucrstre control provincial and tcdcral govern meats term agencies and agri businesscs as the establish ment tie said that lsrnrers could expect the establishment to make every eiiort to discred It tho Nili lio criticised tlliiam Stewart Ontario agricultural minister or being prejudiced to the Symphony To Get Grant The liuronla Symphony sectarian has been awarded tram grant by the Ontario Coun col lor the Arts The grant announced this week was part at almost $200 one awarded to orchestras that are members at the Ontario Federation oi Symphony Orches tron The Iargvsl single orchestral $1000 non told the court they made proposaltacrrlnel borne out by eliminating Illlll rf would mean trading talety sad rartitylor any one Dame Alderman Macmillan chairman at tho city develop menamhteealemmdwu commilngans bye Liberal member at provin cial legislattm that new hurries should be provided with only unusual servicq Goren Dukator menaber ter Niagara Falls said this week the price ol new house could becrnbyttmtotmrtbyprp riding new house lots with sew ers water and passable man He said sidewalks melts pav ed roads and street lighting aerw inlia that torrid be eliminated to reduce thn casL Aid Macmillan agreed that eUminsliag these service would cut the cast but he wondered it anyone would wear in live In subdivisions with only those mlnirnsi services Aid Macmillan said city corm cii has adopted poUcy oi re quiring sidewalks to be Install ed on one side at the rirnet when subdivisions are held de veloped became at the diliicui ty in installing them later when some residents want them and others dont lie described street Ughtlng Is sstrty actor and curbing Is In lrnportsot Idlth to the Three Youths lthhilUAN storm drainage system height to amtrol run all water Aid Macmillan said city atticd tats have been working to get more servrces installed It time at developman ltr tors proposals be said see to he reversal at that trendg Mr Bukator was speaking be are legislature mmmilttg studying the admin at lhoy department at trade and dml oprncnt lie said eirrriastinnlil the rats at iriiis would able low income enruenln purchase homes that now out at their reach Are sequined OI Break Enter Theli Charg Judge it Rico in Provtn ciai Court hlday dis charges at break enter and their against three youths an the basis at Insuliiclcni evidence The youth tinny David is and Lyle Camper in both at Willowdale and George Tsapoi tis it at RR Allistnu were charged June it in mnncelinn with break in and belt at the Bards Nuronis Drive lrt Osllcen Monti kitchen atsi employee testiltcd that she re turned to the drrvctn about am on the night at the hell As she was leaving the premi ses she noticed two boys crouch ed near Ute base at the movie screen She questioned them then and watched them walk way irom the drive in bcioro she went home Darcie city pail constables William andwtilinm John routine check at 215 they approached the drive As in they said three youths ran grant went to the Hamilton Philharmonic which received move towards operating expen sea and name towards continu sgion at its resident intuition pan The llurnuls Symphony Asso ciation Includes three lens the Huronla Symphony Or chestra which Ls being revital ized this year the Huronis Junior Orchestra srrd the teach ing operation at the Junior 0r chestra la the past the association has received $500 grants Mrs lturiel leeper general chairman ol the HSA said today that the association had applied ior double grant because both the teaching operation and as punter Orchcslra are Univ Mrs lee said that protrs clonal le rs ram Toronto are being brought In or the ori chestral strings program These teachers are subsidized by the association Under this program classra beginning in the tall will be open to anyone wishing to study Police Shoot Disirnught Boy LOS ANGELES AP toyeIroid boy reported distraught because his lather tried to cut his hair was shot to death by po liceman alter the boy backed the olticer into corner with knife olticiets said today Oiiiclats raid olticer Gill tvesk tired two bullets into Mervin ltouses chest Fri day night while the boy clashed at him The boys modrer Minnie house said Marvin had threatened sadly members and neighbors with kaiie Mrs Rouse told the ollicers her son becsroe distraught alter his lather tried to nvo him hairart FIRST FOR WOMEN NEW YORK AP loan Manley the publisher at Time lite Souls has been named the tint woman vicepreetdeat in the toyeer history at Time inc hiiss Manley it became Tim lacs tlrst publisher last year MURIEI LEEPER privately or In small groups The city oi Barrie has already announctd 8500 grant to be warded to the association With these lands the assoc Iution has made very sntisinc tory bcginning tor the reason Mrs laepcr said she said that all indications point toward the Junior Orches tra developing into prominent youth orchestra ior the district The Ontario Council For the Arts swarm grants in the ilrids oi Illm Iticraturc music drum the visual era rrd Pram Ontario am This month the grants Innuun csd totalled over million dail ars SERVICES IIELD ARNPRIOR OhiulCPt File ncrri services were held Friday or Canon Thomas Henry ire son rector oi several Ottawa area Anglican churches tor the last it years Rev lvcsnn died Wednesday at his college In McCiarens hand his was 95 through hradlighk ol the car dropping orlrclcs as they led across the road into licld Constable William in and said be arrested Davidson Tsapoltls in he lteld and loose the theatres cash box on hot ground Cooper was brought cine Iter trying to hitch hiketl The youths said they we watching the movie irom outside the Iencc and that Cooper to Held to sleep Attcr tlil show Davidson no aresrue they took two legs Detenee counsel told Jud an that iound no evidence that linked the theit oi the flair with the charge at break enter and theit its also said thrill Coopers story was true and Ira was in the told he had no pnrt in the crime Both ntticers had identified Cooper as out the three that ranI but hobo said it was mother youth pp SAW Judge Rite ruled oar5L was tnauliiccnt evidence thatm three boys had torde caressed intent to make the hell Judge like ruled tilit Barricon Kliars chargkcs nv on an Isapoii orC ol the lags an Ask Direct ActionE To Help The National Farmers Union has embarked on program to conduct rlircct action the aim at which will he to improve in mcrs bargaining position and Increase net returns The inr mediete focus will be on dairy products and bags with other commodities being phased in lab er plan lOPOSBI was outlined to son NF local oiiiclsls It meeting In Toronto which was enthusiastically accepted tor series at to larmer mobilization meeUngs across Ontario to be completed by July bird Members believe the public generally moraines the scum omlc problem at Isrrners but their governments continually no use to correct the situation in any meaningful way Canada In lasing Iarmera at an alarming rate because conventional means have proven incapable ni solving iarmers price probicm regard less ai whether specliic prod uct in oversupply or under supply Farmers are suliering rnrdcr economic conditions as bad as Farmerg those experienced in the lows and are being creed to dose ever uncaring stars ciliclrnry whri cor iSthliJ expand and un er utilise their taciiities Farmers receive less and es9 ior their oduce while consume or this eludes tamarisllaoat continually increasing mry rrrr owl To iarmcrs experience in My post provides good deal idcnco to show the tvdtrlllld provincial uvernmenis collusion wi agribusiness uratlons their policies Selig drained to beheill sgrihustnnesel while their propaganda to divide and mislean lumen 43 The mood at members tailing that buy do not intend to up any longer and are proper ed to tight or their rights gainst bccomin sacriced to vertical integratron oi the colos sal agri business corporations The NFU plan or action proposal will be applied to generate lhl ents deemed to be required and wiU be applied to goerate tbt best possible results Arrangements Being Made Plans are under way to term bicycle club In Barrie The tirst meeting at the club will be held Monday evening It the Salvation Army ilalt Oiner sleet heglnrdag at 1lo Ed lisrper Le responsible lor organ izing the club Plans call or an organisation in two sections torrring rec tier ter the lamity that would involve weekend outings and racing section As the sport is becorniag rrlar his lisrper said he let club would give more people chance to participate bicycling good way to keep in oondiUou he said lie said many people would be attracted to the compeUtive side at the sport With the number at bicycle clubs growing across Ontario there are over St clubs in Toronto inter club meets or being established on ro gular bails Mr herpes said races locally could be prinre attractions as summer events particularly on holiday weekends when many prominent sports attracth being held tlspcluily th club will locate ty Bicycle Club permanent site and erratical iy build an Indoor reels or year round use Mr lisrper is leemervp torsional racer lie competed ree tiveiy in both Canada and United Stilts prior to th ond World war in tact he set world rchPd an menu or rs that still stands AU interested persons are viied to attend Mondays meet lag Those unable to sitenttmsy contact Mr Harper asmteladwkwuma