rst It Eta in turn Itom uII wrilho renlo urinal Mmpm MINIer rt rrtom Ind Initiation Swim during bottom Whleh must he roinpleied Ind rrliirn JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN wanu Iltn pout SECURITY FIRE WATCHERS limestnlipositlaunnd zllhnrr hourrotwort other Inch pertch oi Ihoener Apptiritton loan ohtIinIhIe irorn the EMPLOYMENT MANAGER John Street Barrie Phone Int rnnstbe had between pin Milly otleerr od helm litiy ii trill midniiltt Hit 17 35 I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVDIING JULY so It 1an pm Inr ANDY PATTERSON It lit Billie Street llInIe Gull Service Button north oi Winthlny SALE II Iii iltltlter their equip ntent tndrdlnl mien rmerr 13 linreill iiiil 55 El Est 25$ 22 KE EEgggia EE 53 aegis trunnme IL Pettluew Ind dnmthr horn itIrntIton IrI Ipendini let dIyr It their Ininrner here moron nented th lore LI oil on Inhlirm vt Vwm voted on NI with bite Irido Ind Elli NI Ind Hit It Grenvei yuncnttlnudmmu Allin OrIlltIhnntetrnrnan nlrsrwy an emu onto Gemini itotoitIl two dIuthterI Ind their hoo mwudmwnumwmlum hi IiIIi It Idinner It thI lSpilluttermloycilif Itiirriid um Sum inn Victori IIIroor present at WednesdIy evening to nmnttsi MRI NARI SympIthy hi the community II extended to tin Elmer Rub tnIntnihodeIthoihernwhor liil Wilson Ir Blsct llt Ind lint NIL Good hInd huntrived home tron titlil MP from here who will be Iitendlnr onloyed ntttclt him Ithool In September Iii Inrl rI Peter outerij mi nourlrr mirmere iteren Ind hint at KIWIl Brendl inlooda Hon Ipent the holiday weekend with my Kohut Deth NnnIond Mt Iiid ll 0M Ili Ind tin ltohert 0mm iir Ind ldrl item at hm the telephone intlIIlod Toronto on hoiitllvil with lir their home Their No Is mom This II dernnndttt but Interestiny position The wan toeiuden mnloz the blurprint machine tonerl drafting Ind iiItIon wort yIIn enper iodin eotnier unit plat iorrn IcIIe Ind Iii botther ntenrtis rEtuis Duh Ne reservr II the previout other in one out It brains and property he rest lesne JERRY COUGIILIN Ind GEORGE lIHlER Andioneen WIlch Iot lull iitt inlyTu yI ctittord luttin on their woddiu Innielry 11 nlnrwII spenl dmin tor nmee the hi honor lith plInt Will be oi tntereil In perIon violins to tean lo Engineerini Ind itInuIIrtnnnp Apply in poem or onto to CANADIAN TYLER REFRIGERATION LTDt IIilerron Road Durii SALES HELP lo ELECTRICIAN mm Application Ire beinx received Ute to entry In interestini tor the position oi electritirn rewsrdinpesreer helping people The Ippiinot will have Do find the tllnht lwrnet oi uhnn EIeetrlul Telephono or rnnte In rprIiilleItlho Ind No obligation experirrtee lnttrnetlon Iilillllilo ammo gplnln own Maori II now Irqu pm um mm NU Toronto telephone liner Brien In it um per year and the rive ndvertirinn linrrdredsot amnion on work Irnrri tr Inquiries mutti outst itnrrlo Irea UNITED TRUST Please ineiririe detIIii wor ml NATE expertertce Ind onniiticItions In It be Ark tor Ctnrnlnihzm SPECIAL HOME application Ind run on or mm WANTED PERSONNEL inns iyJi lNuMld ind need per rnIrtent retired wlrm ilmt mlf tonne scrtoots borne later InIInIII ll irord mm um mm tort Train To Be If er hII rpeclri needs nhirii HEAVY EQUIPMENT eIrity met in IImily lotion or writelliss OPERATOR learnvlo opernte Bulldoieie N1 Ind Lin errIon no or Ind who visited Ilth iornterl litter in Toronto on nunLn no II rmmlfilolum rIr tient in North tori Genersl tho non rpmmm riioRrriiiwl merridelilmrititinthetr Wl Ceroncottrinrlanrnonth Gerlid Ind hiII ONeil irt rlInd Mntiiitrttorotnmi IIOII lulll nun II VItev courts on mde M1 II It It on It mi tierrrt lim prim WM It Lunar lYl AGENT PATTERNS WOOL AWARD Beet Sehooi diet ntent enriches were held ilon Unltod Grinch on June Aerd winner were tieId Neil Cnii Ssiety Aerd1 BrendI tIlondo lntermedlItI illri nutrition nl Sports Snider lnterrnodlItI Mr nary Girl mm unto Bolder erode ll RUM MIL MO Inf Milli Wold Yuk mdiliiirltlmiiii Ird hiorInI on SundIy lui nIrIooI to the emitn moonlit Mmmrumm Md rtolrmwtdhur lg who ngwalaa Itu tIIII to tile will Itte in nu imiolliirt hiinlitir In September so or Iran om ow mom 91 tom Murry ed with htdnilnton ret Ir best Illround Itndent In Or It For ut Hill School Iitd our trim mo tun All Mimi oi illol UIMIIIM Bertwirhentn Humming to our IreI strideott IM Ml lilulmlwzllnl In III rid smut Hunter Ind Nolhei El mlmll All lllwlril pi loitd were unto im unit It Al Miu web Im oi Iur lM Jlritlll Rt Ill Irldloid llmlr Ili ilt tor omit In SIM It It on Interment rtrrh LlrtI armory lMllllL JV CARDS OF THANKS IOINII The ilrsilly oi IM tell mot cm of mint Ihh to II mll iMli Mu MAN IN ID mtilllnn to lllIMI IM miphborerl tor Irii ot tint nut Inn wotdt oi Imulhy out their no hormsrnerri Ind esprI lire Fwd Richardson liking trimmer room in OrtiIlI Ior some weete lir Ind IirI ll Aeynt oi 18 PERSONALS REPRESENTATIVE gt jl Ellison I5 WINKlit ldrim mmu pt our hittbln him In VII him It blrl Tulllrt HIM lhlI Will My ll mo unknown lit Mt In vatty NI trooth tell in rille III III World In Iwrt ritual or mum mo In on monoI to In em Pain In my um without tortrm um Iron ton we Mz Im mt tmro JV WANTED JO OF INTEREST TO WOMEN IAILI orr rIiI worried on out lulu lull Ill VIJMII ht mom on um LI 232 tenths ii 52 llll rum ItIn INA no Aide nowo tor III urn Art IIern rm to mom rhlid illl mqu mini isottttILI in II mm per III to on Am Idlut no tr Mao omit merry IItow rtwrrm IIIIWI mr Hill reloor rsIoorIIhtI IIM mm In rhltouh rm trI WWII TWIN m1 Iii Ind itrl ilItkett Tim rilrw Detroit is visitlnl with Mr onto Ruby Mellie Ind rIIItim thII tin hiIriey Igent iew week dIyI with her duty tor Mrs lint Ind ltrs Robert LIeoy iiromu in toronto sod iInLily Indth tormers III NEW Permit ter lire itIthieen Duo Awh PIriIhinnerI oi St PIlrirkr wood Arm ttilitod on July ii In wokotrtlnr now putor at their hadnt tires Ellu goir Fetilrior miter Ilyonro Irnnw on mm or rInre lire DInIol Error Ind Tlm Richmond iltit mmnngonu 1ny trl rlAvIrttliotkistlIItltiett NEW IN TOWN rrnirrenrInoIInnroromeo Mir lemon Airlrowr Centre st IhoInII steiton which was torn do know Levoouo mi Mill lInel down heeIIuIttirId become to which waymum colthe llcliitllen Toronto vititod Ilt toe qu iiif Lillian Ind hire Print Dunn recent Mr Ind Mrt Mirror Due or Youll be glad Holland were recent visitort with uni Itrs Morley Schendien mum Itr Ind Lin ltlptyo lIieh uhtidhurot United thrice Im $313 in mg eIle shoemaker II with her tree It 10 Int dnrln him up tum Inderentr Iorit dIyI holl Jul Ilto chnreh will be mm Iif Do til it lullin II liAlimEII III In Intel ll ll riitovstis Chlldrenr Aid hm ll llutdmlf laid gnllgrmkli Iooo Iy 29 tor one mm QCWH we Dustin Cranes Sernpm IN Mammoth Ind coiiee pmynmdne they will with NWl When mnnruuntn troodorr Trrmhrrr etc Study retirement oi hire Audrey Foe ItlukI Ind BrltIIh OnittmhlI Winn at home toilowrd by resident wooor tNIrrttl momIr tort mm Aiken Ind root oi VIn Mrndhlilii Stiltontei BARRIB opening tor representative in mm mm mm memo oi our Itrm too all mm mum Wm mm mam iomtiilst CLUit it With Tl will in llllitll Horitln hlxhvpniri llll mother honorarium niveitorywlthInethotnn enricr is optntoIinhitious men or or to run 0min ol BIrriI their uni11 Ind WW HOME BINGO hi UNIVERSAL 11th ii12iilrioi uqrulouoco ritttttto to ll WM otrtsritncriort scriooin FEmirriamnrtrrirrrmoro conrriiutrutrru to ttr 49 515 to Iritevlm Ittrltiili Sinpley iiox No ml Allie rm lndilrrrillto thi Dumwopm hm Booth on the birth No 32 one Examiner other non um um um All be In mm trot Dundos St West Suite tit xntrrrlrvosmutartngnmowlus lirr llolen Elliott Vernon II it uh 5mm man rilrlrtn Um Tollortit it Ontnrto Count ii the reerotIry treIIuror Iori Centre III no em Irorrrr In mniidrnre JytiD Ier My tr IM trip visit with her Wm or phone our would on It mil Anon Viiillo thither or Ind rm loo Stout In cm MI Sil0ilT ORDER coon mm mm Ir1lfmlf mm MW 01 WM bod W6 Emrum Amt rm mry in 93 or win yo no not mun mellth 5min all ntnnlltl HUN Willi 5mm mm gm 7min tNr MM Inn we It If it ill Iii mm Mil Led Stool Bum mmmmd mm W5 Play It Straight iiiliiliiit rhythmgut mu rmwro mom rrrmuor IM lldly mount1 umttrjm itth St in ihttrtdny Illemoon idle Ca till an Wm 7054355501 Nam To CREDHORS By Arm ADAM lit with litendlnirliho mar Ith mm ihomm church tram on room mr momma rm mml ATAwlgggsgegcggx 93 ldScLmk dIrII Ind will ioliowod by II MM MAIN am My when ul xpotgftgum Krgrm Tliihilrliluolifliiilol oecmsro trenio narrower look roiyourx in roditrrltdcrdxgocknml IIIgym illnlrnxag Imlllrw mutt not tom too in Wear this rte in belted or BEREAVEMEM John KenneyI 31 rrofrm3irrilliili ESL Aiioiiaiiiiriiaillolr in Netti lien Send iii Simpllhy ll extended to so runrwnhrwnmst toRIy Itototrtinrthurrt mt Ior wrrw IIKI mm toe my or 13mm he mm or Printed Pnltorn tilt NET to Irrlrure rm W4 to row otroon Ind Mr mm mm your Vienney churoh Entit lrlrlom iittor Simroo Genital Controetor iii 51 iln tilt lih lilo Maw or in AVI in the pueinl oi thI lIt Saturdly mominl itorloil AUIIIOII Bor we not ErImlrIIr tin with dlrd on or room the 2an iblr tori Sim Ittr thou 371 out terI tether Erneit Stspiu ot ite Anne oouiron oi Ulonll EDINBURGH titIntoit dny oi lily Inr mini he tiled illttlttrdllt Inuit 4W Mm It It lInetviile to the Symu holldnyod with him ONeil South Itirchn Iuthor wnitnir EXPERIENCED mgan tnvnitimvn comm ilmlllu tn the dull on rumor Bonnie column at Plton ihniIdIy received milrmmgk lode tito omit tiny oi July 971 In coins no Ithmps please tor Wimp iglmmg hrother moi 5mm in itlrt EiraniI spent tow dive with honorIry dodorIte no mr Iiterwhlchdnletlte iSlttitttlii etch rattantot ts corn to 5rLrieririr Home itrier Ind trmlty rod iodIQneIneilo Irom Edinbuth mm be dinirlhutrd having rrrro unit enrh pattern tor nrrtetou ruin it rmltro wrrm mm 1m ninth in the rudder puriti Mn Iohri Ethno Icoontpinletl town It wrote Too mm It in mi toiheoiolmsoiwhiehlhoundcr in sin specie bandilnn no upsimWILMM oi htIIhInd Ind Ither Now Mr Ind ldir min IIIII on PitIntern gmmtmvlv rinitd ihnil lhtm have notice terln rrtldrntI do to IIiII tII AM and mood III Perrier llth st motor trip to ihnndet Ely Inti Em low to prmurr DATED It Barrie Ontario thin Send vtdcr to Anne ItdIrnI win mug Mr Ind Mrs Georio Brown western CInIdI iiiriaioiiii iiir iit NIBRLRIIIII Willithi IIIIIILIIIMIIRNR iii if willNil in re ions or INTEREST ro nituct tortrt narrow rm Toronto OntIrlo with with 51mm st visitinl with Kelly MEN AND WOMEN Exerutorr by the Solicitorr Print ltlnl Bill NAME In lit Ind tin Ores ilntm Russell tiIit ot Montreal Iponi ill155M CONDEn suco onui trim piling will toent thI woelend oi Iriyio iew otyrntthhtronrenmtr mandatory roouirod ninerow AND riIILnrt unw mtttort him till with lrir Ind lirr Geom mournIt torn Eonrtmnttl nrrrriiiligiiilo 11 0th Street BARBIE Ont Wlnmmm up lh ifJRllllhllnni litu W9 ll Inn 41va mm mm mm mu Mom er Ind iImIiy reltrnod homo wereleotenney oi Detroit rm Mun WM WI MEEIWMHPFMMR withhrthi$lol 13me ter iinet oi NiIxIrI FIIirI inmm strwrita MOTIF co Mom PAPER ROUTE toroar Inner M0 IV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282415 INOAOIMINT Numb mitt mm It In or rm lll we tort IMMI WC kll WU ll wIonth It rteu plotte rKILILVim VIM eioiruie limo Piteot In root IUIILT now NEW DELHI AP Duoito the inux oi ntorly Isvon mil lion rentieet trorn also the toad portion to thrill tontintrot to ho attention In oiiieIIi roportenbmitted to par iiitneot monitor to TELL MORE SELL MORE When on plies your Itrttelet For It II in tire Burk In Intiner toeo tth oointe in mind Ittte Wiill item ll RIIM oInto Areettortei Ind IttIcitrnInii eciileItlonI titdition Uohoitttry Ilnild AzI Color MItI it enter tor the ptomot to buy Runmtber the irtltler tor SIII olsIrlIioItion iI thi Ploplet liuttet IlIce AVAILABLE iNiMEDiATELY ljiASCOUNTING CLERK Mid BI Itctiule will too Ith nilMo Mum NW lhlill tIrIIoI mourn up mi 10 OF INTEREST TO MEN Do you live in tho arm or on one at the streets listed below BLAKE AND COLLIER STREETS PAITERSON ROAD AREA RAYCREST DRIVE it you live In or Iround tho Iinremontionod Irena piontI tltl out the IIppilrItinn helm Ind return It to THE BAliltllI EXAMINER prprentice iwnntedtoetho roomot TWBARRIE tit EXAMINER be rdlrhlo Ind wantinl l0 in In worth returned home on the ROBINSON weekend irom their Voddlnl trip Ind will be mltinl their Silildl July win tho Inorr lithur Ierviceuidiotinlonol home In Golllnxwood the Mind lion hton trinity Si PIIIILS hotrt 1o Ittond the picnic din net held In our hm our cwiirto MEETING An enloynblt httl trio III tIt ihe PI letter held their riowr In on Wednrttny int hr in Into until September It members Ind triends oithe Un NameI Addiesr or an noon non tunPrint between 993 Indi rl or MONTH rmiewwttlMIQonRWIiITNfJl twimmmvmm rLIur