various proleete suggested In coils Study thin EE sag waterway hIIe waslalrulrnenl plants It any capital their oi the ahosld he Iblrod Io Mont grorlodalaod rnlnikioli Ivy ermau and could be spread mitten IMMWM ls re says erarnInt fourteen that water generally Ls Iairiy good lmprorenient In mothering pol ILANH AT CAPACITY as Egg as are if as at iiiiiri sage stressing Wm rpm In More planning at am the eorritm the report rounds along the ItldeIliIrenldavern am as par at ot the waterway Thorepartindleater that but It IIya rewage lagoons and shoreteodr tent Ioc this pin pore duality In the corridor Ile beI VARIABLE It our open space provider Iuggoats thIi hitiira pro Ims butler trom censured urban should be aimed It can ulng lereu Ind also raluIbII wltdlltr Ind ilsh production areas it says about is per cent at all lrcltinrot plants in number ot the Itideau Ieotnrr now can be arena araII lodinthirtaics orbsamlrermatornearca clsrud II open Ipaea while aiang theitldeaiemdevern walecway harI wastetreatment photo parity and certain smaller com about per cent oi the Trent Ideollato mrrnItIeI In only starting to in Serera rector tall Into thII calo Itail rush plants gory armmmsuvm EJJJ92AL LINi1rLIILIIJLJGZJJL BOATS PM lower lock at Jones Falls 0ntnn the ltldeau liver which Is Included lit the federal rovinclal do reloprnent plan or the as mile recreational corridor be tween Ottawa and Georgian Bay Ohleciiver In the report Include maintenance at some air undeveloped open space preservation ol historic Innd maria edcnuaia public use areas and satisfactory privato development at vacation hom Is ICI Phoioi Found Guilty Of Assault Richard Rewega tr was lound guilty at assalili with Intent to commit bodily harm Thursday when he appeared in Provincial Court liewegI oi Wellinrton St was given suspended sentence and was put on two years pro bation by Judge It Itlce Itcwega pleaded not guilty to the charge of assaulting Charlcs Bredtey starch 11 to Anna COUGAR LOOK FAMILIAII Iliiii tho cougar at televis Ion lame Is now resident of Jungle World on Highway 11 near llmvaie hiltil is the eougu that was used by the Ford Iloloc Co In their Cou Cloudy Skies Showers gar cIr commercials Joe or ratlI Jungle World operator raid Mitzi Is one oi the most benulilul cuts that have ever run Illlri finds iron illIr perch Itop pierup truck with her Is DonIId hlrn tin who has been working It Jungle World since It started live yeara Iro lErIinIncc Photo gt In Area Through Saturday Cooler air will push Into the slrncoe County area today eras tor cloud and low showers this day evening and Saturday The cloudy conditions will pro hall on Saturday with winds nor therly Low tonight to the its High Saturday near 75 Toronto Sunny today becam Iog cloudy with chance oi thunderstorm thlr Illerooon Frequent cloudy periods with one or two showers tonight and Saturday Winds westerly 16 today and northerly to Satur day Iilgh today near to Low tonight to as Highs Saturday near 75 Iiamllloa loridon Windsor Loire St Clair Lake Huron Lake Erie Leta Ontario Niag ara Hellburton Sunny heroin tag cloudy with chance of thunderstorm this afternoon Frequent cloudy periods with one or two showers tonight and MARINE FORECAST TORONTO CPI llrrlna ioreeasLs Issued It Isa em EDTi Lake lluroa Gtoflilllll Winds westerly 10 to in knots uhoeornlag northerly to to II shoots cant ten thunder storms Iy clearing oil to nilhtCooI lakeIirte Lake Calarllri Winds westerly ill to is increas Ing to it to to knots thiaalter noon and shitan to northerly is Saturday Winds westerly is today and northerly Is on Satan Highs today to to Iowa to night In the 50s llighs Saturday to In North Bay Sudbury Georgian Bay Tamagarnl Algoma Cloudlngover this morning with one or two showers or thunder rtornls by late morning or Iitan noon Frequent cloudy periods with one or two rhowers tonight and Saturday Wlods west to to it today Norilierly 13 to co to night and Saturday Ilighs today to 75 Lows tonight to so Highs Saturday or to to lllgh Low Illgh Today Tonight Bat Windsor lb 55 75 Sarnin it 53 15 St Thomas 75 55 to London 15 Kitchener is Mount Forest Ii Wlngham 75 Owen Sound 75 blushoiu 75 Hamilton St Chill 15 Toronto to Trenton 75 Kingston 75 Peierboroligli is Itlllaioa 00 North Day To Sudbury To Earlion ill Timuan 10 Ilnpuakasing In Millie Tit Chapleau at White tilvcr 65 GerIIdtan so as GEGSSSS$S$S$SSSSSS$E Rewega and two friends were to lie Bradleys Anglia pizzeria vintlal Police teasing stolen property laid gainst Paul Knecehaw ol Essa Rd were dismissed in ruvlnclni court Thursday by go It Rico Kiieerhrw pleaded not guilty to the charger which were dismlsr ed when the lodge ruled there was Insullielent evidence that Kneeshsw knew the goods were itolen The charges arose alter search by police oliieers of linen sbows home June 21 me They discovered of sheets of rues plywood and sheet at land ash plywood valued at more than Stud The Crown attorney led Judge Rice to convict Kne haw on the grounds thpi Kneeswa knew the lumber was stolen Kneeshaw raid that he purcbss 05 Knecshaw stored the plywood In the basement nl his home and In the hay Iott or his tether Ina lavr barn The town suggest ad that Nneeshaw was hiding the lumber Kneeshaw who returned home alter the police raid noticed thi hli house had been broken Into and said be called Barrie City Police That can hardly be termed tha actions of guilty man May Be Stopped TORONTO tCPI review at the electrocution method used to kill dogs by the Toronto Iiu mane Society was promised Thursday by Agriculture Iiinls ter William Stewart It Underrrsund lscvlou landscaped Ink minimum mu All Electric Homer Access to II late dos Thorn At ed the lumber In good IaILh tor Twochergoaotknowtngly pos IIId Gordon Mcluik deleisce counsel Barrie Man On Probation wen thII and told them that she had called the police licor lng this Ada llardgrnre who was with Rewega moved toward the door Itobert Ilose who also was with Rowen went to the counter to pay the check llr Bradley Iaid Itewega be came angry with him or calling the police and reached across the count and tore his shirt GUM WRAPPER Rewega and liosa told Judie Rice Igewega dlllttaskvltr alrlad March It at approximater mo Iey be the pa cc port Iilr brlrlleyuwtbattbara out they said the light alerted Man bottle at Beer It the when Rewega tooed gain tahII it advised the wraow on the counter and iron to call the Ontario Pro Bradlsy in attempting to kneel It away Itcuek Ilawrga ilhe waitress went to the lie Both men started swinging It gt Rules Evidence Insuliicienl Possessim Charge Dismissed each other over lh counter When they broke apart hit Broil icy grabbed hammer and route around the counter lilcr Rewrgu Rewera took one of the midlif Int chairs to delcnd hlmii with ltoih Ross and hits Ilnrdgrave who had by now turned around to see what was happening said Mr Bradley had the hammer in threatening gesture above his head Wilfred Verealr who works It the restaurant persuaded Mr Butler lodlvolhehlmm Int Following Icullie Ilth Core Development Agency ewega then put the chair hack Bradley and liawega Iiarted to light nnee me Rewega raid that In order to It be kicked hire Ir ley la the groin when III Itradley carnI Hardgrave were gone Defence counsel Itabert IllItin non pleaded sellslciencekii lhndt Rcwega was not unproro on that the kick was merelylo end the light John llcrideth 19 It Driller was lined Did and put on two years more Ian poem rton ol Iriarlluarra when bI Ip greed in provindalccnirt Thun in raid on the llervdclh honva Feb 21 police discovered lI grams at marijuana pipe with tntes nl resin grams ol cane labis rain and packet can Iaining grcrns oi nuriluana Ileridelhr father John So and Donald Morrison one at the youthe iornier ltlthera at North enlieglatn appeared asehIneler witnesses tor the deleoea Hr liendeth said that hie Wn was good boy and that be us John liedhurol ot Innirlll Township pleaded not guilty and was acuuilled on Chlrli the patrol driving and refilling realh test when he appeared he tore Judac II like In pro vindel court Thursday lieaihurrt was charged with Impaired dlihllll ha lotion lng an accident on the lllh Con cession oi lonislil tituln Kcll oI iIII Barrie told Judie filer lhal he was driv ing west on the Ilth concession at 555 pm at about to nlilu per hour Nellr car was going up email trail in the road Betorc he reached the crest of the knoll another the coming in the oppo site direition rideswiped his Mr and went Into the dlith alongside the road When police arrived hiedhursi was behind the wheel or the car =n the dIlCII He had strong smell al alsoan on his breath his eyes were slightly bioodshot all his speech was slightly slur Innislll police Constable WI lee Peacock told the court that hicdhurst mixed to be taken to the hospital toliowing the acct dcni Constable Peacock com piled but Ilcdhuret Rilised to be examined by the doctor with out the presence at his wile who was passenger In their car the light In some Isaaclea minor roar unita Had Marijuana Probation Fine notewerthqu in one Ilr limin Iald illll John showed promise II the are eld wuummv corn or et loans the was ind III pointed out to the accused that fat large quantity In comfyrnlemec niim be made as to the inflicting oi the grains Baceure oi Ilercditba clean record and his procaine to dis rodixI himself from other ueccs Mn Rice levied tho line and two year pro bation period Innislii Twp ManAcquitted Oi Impaired Relusing Test moi Peacock llcdhurst was taken to Ontario PronncIII Pnl ire headquarters or bmlh test Iieslhurstrelusedtn late the belaihniyrer lost without the presence at his wife Jung Rice pushed the charge at Impaired driving be cause there was no reasonable proof prosenled by police that llcdhurrt was IianIrcd at the time On the charge at refusing to take the breath test defence counsel Dnrrrugh IIid there was no evidence that died horst refused the test only that he wanted his will present Anglican Church Donates $25000 WRONIO tCP Tbl Anglh can Church of Canada har given 325000 tor Pakistani refugees blast flev Scott the Anglican Primate announced the grant given ibroueh lha Pri mIlcr World Ilelicl and Devel opment hind and the Canadian Council oi Charmer tn the mul tlagency Combined Appetl tor Pakistani Ilellef previous grant ol blhlm from the church was matched by the Canadian Intunatlonal CRUISES the police were at the Irene and Rewegn RN and tiles Hourly afternoons and net Iudgr llite lound flewega guilty ol assault in that he had Intent to commit bodin harm and will day chIIiarI Irlana Iy reservation Al the dovelumot Dock tool tlel Saturday is Sunday Service is something lot of nancial institutions talk about But not everyone delivers At The Municipal we know how important it is for you to have cash services available six days week Thats one of the reasons why youll always nd us open on Saturday in Sirocoe County From am to pan Th But thats not all The Municipal offers its total nancial Services package to you for further 44 hours week From Monday to Thursday for lull eight hours daily am to pm And for 12 hours on Friday from am to pm open or closed Thats The Municipnls extra attention to you personally to your shortterm nancial needs to your long range investment questions So when you need to meet your weekend or weekday money requirements come in and see us We think youllagiee our service is the best in Simcoe County Because at The Municipal were always willing to go out of our way eras something else youll nd whether were Just so you wont have to go out of yours Head Ofcer II Dunlap Street loll IO Ian Iolrla Ontario I705 7767200 to 13 knots Saturday rooming Sunny today law thunder Itornis overnight Rim hirthy Ii turn Iorth In 12th ilaI midway belwrea Ducts and OIIIIII Froi OIIIIII follow eld IIrrlI lost to lists wr nwur inc III miles BigCedar Estates Cauntry Estate Living With the Community atmosphere Phone mt scrim lrvcoiporntrd under the loan and frost Corporations Act attire Province ol Ontario Iobiidlniy ol Municipal Ianliori Corporation Itll limited Member CanIda Deposit Insurance Corporation winum