Mmemu viepessi toaayiisldbtsastiurie Ontario Editor Ernestine Waili in Canada lertincorna vCanad our too onshore The chelien iatin overrnnent is he elsoTtoi cancehing all pa and ootgoiagalreratt can rate oi liters swinging native witls their credit cards be convened to do EMr avel thing on domesticsotl Part oi tilts answer is promotion Eva mono has heard oi The Rockies Niag era Falls and Ontario Place Eut scores oi natural wooden and unigue travel as pancreas have yet to be iscovered by oral iribesmen Now many Ontarians have roamed home yet never relived their own dramatic part at Sainie llarie ongthellurons the provinces ilrst cdmrnlti baseball as ltorble Hot Dog Jennian to settlement now iallhiuily recon atrueled near hlidland How many Tor onto art hunters have prowled the East iilnk or scrutinized canvassee tn Green wich Villayle but never tnvadedthe stud tos oi Si canPort Joli the little Que bee village where the worldcovcted Sousgault woodcarvlngsorlginate How many oi the rugged Precam rlan Shield types who have ventured In territories remote as Galapagos or Greenland hive viomd the splendid savagery oi our Hid ktmmudmm year anonr tri ted aimatel Silhllliontothe rdihuylomttdl per cent ants can homourn Vliansgar ti steamers MWW WIN rs intm petite Dr Victor antibioom it who it Hittite env soamfnl inch suspelclta com to parse urtnsittuuny instiikd in the young tendency to be erili set but not constructive PAROLE BREAKDOWN The middle generation got the lull which at the tutu oi such men as Stth Freud plus industriallaalim with its mppllliityllI and breakdown ol two world stars savaged Europe mother at culture in the name oi peace and democ ISI think the spot on caused us to dues on every value use am Goldeoom whn teaches st lictlllia own noriblends the grand tails oi La brads laws is already making sure we at least know what were missing through its it million Travel Canada campaign But perplexing riddle remains How not you going to keep them in the country sites they realize that its cheaper to go to Paris France say then to Vancouv er Even the moat beaverloving loyalist has trouble ignoring this The remedy is probably twolold extending the resort season through winter sports promotion and reaching governmentairline truce or reasons le domestic charter iares iielp may be on the we The tederal government inst iaunche its most com prehensive survey at Canadian travel ha lts and the Ontario Development Cor poration has established new loan tund ior resort owners attempting to build yearround business it Canadians can be persuaded to div crt one out oi every ten vacation trips they usually take outside the country to Canadian destination it will increase Canadas travel income by an estimated till million Toronto Board oi Trade Journal DOWN MEMORY LllNE YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner July to 1926 At pole ice court Magistrate Compton Jeiis com mitted three alleged KIansmrn tor trial tFall Assists on charges at attempt ing blow as St liarys Church on night lane to ties to pleat guilty by one nGssn not tempted by Crown Attorney on Two Barrie men who pleaded thy and denied any part in bomb ingwera released on bal bonds $9000 catis Ont suiilciont evidence to warrant was taken iiarrle met iirst doicat oi season in North Stmcoe cited ilidland to or victory Arnod redith hurled ior locals Town oi lipan demanded retraction by Ontario oior League ior alleged slanderous broadcast irom Toronto re spccd prose iions Rev Roy hielvilis oi St orgee Anglican urch conducted otienair service ior llount Calvary Pre ceptery Knights Templar and other members at Masonic Order at Queens Park lies ll Greenslade gave ad dress arrle Public Library reports li space St Andrews Citursir Ledies Aid he gar xden arty ai residence its and lire ocl tilmonycorner Romy and En Ets Louis Vair installed rshipiu Master tiers iiuonic Lodge Easels indoor Chautauqua held at rand era House iour days matinee even Program included outstand lecturers stage plays and music Black welcomed by con repa aster Coili St at ed Church to succeed Rev ll Greenslade Colin Farmer oi Barrie Collegiate stall accepted new position as science master North Toronto Collegiate James Keenan moved music store to iorrner Goodiellow shoe shop next door Eanlt oi Toronto Barries tour public schools showed only to iallures out oi list who wrote Entrance exams in high school Ruth blcilariin oi Prince oi Wal es school won gold medal tor hlphest standing in North Simcoe inspectors oi Joseph Garvin barrio Collegiates champion Georgian liay traclr team con sisted oi iioward Gutst Leslie Clark Ohcstcr Carson Jack Pa he happens Doyle Ross Cowan bios ilontcreii Dutton Wallace Jack lienson Jaclr Ar deil tioy lioughton Joe locker Allan Scott Russell Stone Neil llciiride Stan itiallrln Jim Anderion Alex Cochburn and Arthur liorrow were coaches lilwantrCluh planned big regatta ior Barrie next month torturing soulless irom Don and Argonaul clubs oi Tore onto larisdale and Ralmy Beach canoe clubs Centre island yachters ovum sorross watts TIRESOMI RITUAL OF LICINCRS Gait Reporter The deadline tor the annual tiresome ritual oi buying and insisting new lic ense plates tor cars has long now one There is no hint that provincial so her ltiss mlgiatchanga the plan in the iuture School oi Social Work We werent sure at our selves and we reected this in our children encotsreging them to be critical without glng sccountsble or responsi We are not comlortahle dclng support oi old values list they as valid as ever reape tor the human being right oi people to have control over their own lives Historically this is lha way The Scenery Is Good mmery Days Iy KEN WALLS Hot Su RNiiE ANO POiili lalgue July and August are months when most clubs close their reg ular verily orntonihly dinner meetings it law keep going and am thinking about Kiwan is arld Rotary tor instance they usually dispense with guest speaker its rest tor newe paper reporters at least heck over the years must have cov ered literally hundreds oi these meetings biggest klrk most writers gel Is when the person assigned to introduce the vocals cr oilrn proceeds something like this indies and gentle men the errant am going to its lroduce to you needs no intro duction be is so well tmn Asrd then proceeds to take up roost oi the speakers time wit long Introduction tors it iinyiicid Street Barrie Ontario Telephone mom Second Class Mail Registration Number WA Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays Ind Statutory llolldevs execvied Subscription rates daily by carries one weekly title yeas ly Single copies the lit malt Ranir mas yearlyy Slmcoe County ttoo yearly lialsnee oi Canada savor yearl All other countrlrs stem yearl ilolor throw oli tttoo year National Advertising olilceet ll University Avenue Toronto sto Clethcart St llenirsal licmbcr oi the Canadian Press menus liurcau oi Circula Ths Canadian there Is exclus ively entitled to the use tor re publication oi all news dispatch rs in this paper credited to it or The Assoc bled Press or Routes and also the local am publish ed therein The barrio Erantincr claims ystlt In all original adver lla and editorial material cro altd by its employees and re produced in this newspaper CONTAIN Rtllatsation Nunw bcr mid register it must or malicious At Rock route Attempting to Kim Who And What are peopl ourished and were creative Ilse tieidbloorn was one at mamber ol oielsis and siti sens ol various ages and ria iions terriewcd in study oi the nature at discontent MS Normsndcan dtree tor oi the crinuaoiogy depart ment at University at bioni real was asked whether an rt in you ilcid tell at persona anaiyalng violent and revolution in the mediaespeciin iVresliy know their suhieet do at bellm inexpen tixe in the deli oi social sci costs said Dr Norrsrandean believe this can exirt bstwecn tho generations ior WWW iniheputiheoldaiwhye tended to think the young were going to the dogs There is boaters the ti new tactor at more common rationL lets say there was to percent discontmi the ass ago The aarm discontent pro iocild TV will have much It eileci became so centwhoaerubserd oi atkiodoidiscosatcntor sswiilnvideoce wele the sraiorcedtaiookathin in bones Ptilil NATIONAL Raw importsst era hench csaadtan nail and separatism in discontent lives it mu tionahsl storeer in oi Mole tor many kinds at said Dr Norman daen la bsva serial nation viewpoint is yihai they want to master their on only in such elds as physics chemistry and biology where iarmutss are always the same aruov or trounce Tha prntneeors contention is that sociologist can speak ora humanailsirs with author ity only when be has con ducted ludy on apecitig matter and speaks apeciil rail bout it gt say make study at violence on television That doesnt make me an expert on 10an 10 DOG llAs tar 11D lithormsndlg eonoern question whetherjtilecontent TTIESE dUhLliER DA the reentry is real good along tiara riea main street espcheIiy when its hot The wonder is there are not more rearend coi ltslons as car drtscra eyes wan der oil the road You can isle it been me the printers in newspaper composing room have their eyes open tor other shapes than typo laces We have some guys in here who can spot whats sunbathing in oneplero bikini trons lair distance not why cant they spread the word rourad the otlteet The editorial department is usually looking tor more cultural outlook irom the windows WOilENl LilTERATlON bed head start neatly zoo years ago In the pretty Welsh resort at Lisngolien Today its the home ot the international litulcai Eta tsddiod nut tor to result was the home at ihsorlglnal odd Couple So writes lisxel Lows in Air Canada Travel News The notorious Ladies oi Lian ollcna black asrd white timbers house has became one it the rarest photographed tourist attractions nritaln There two women ere sled strange retreat traps the conventions oi ilth century so clcty Lady Eleanor ituller end liiss Rarah Ponsonby lwo hi hi spirited members at the ltsb aristocracy put llllle Llangollen on the tourist map in me when they sloped in llshlng boil irom their native shores and set up housekeeping In hilltop hdeaway they chrlrlemd Plea Newldd ACCORDING to Air Canada Travel News the two young women lolned iorcrs whexEl ranor pushed to tho hrln matrimony by an ambitious Ihrr declared her own war at Independence on male chautim lam hllii renounced The Ealsb lishmenl it that longago ight to lrrcdom tnlie to salsa any eye brows In todays permissive so silly it did cause stir in lath century rlrrlrl The Ladies be came an overniiht sensation their uitconvenllonti shortage was tourist attraction tor sightseere who came to gawk and Ioaslp ovtr the behavior oi tbcsa lrtsh rebels and their tough vsoioe live housekeeper iiotlylheitnsl ser tiolly sllunrii lamin tat who read is PROP OOLDRLOOM must earn destiny Hench Canadians But it we look at all the can teaialltas violent or not that has taken piece in the last to yearnlwusldseystaguasa not as an expertthat maybe live per rent at these recalled nationalist events were pure rationalism PARALLEL CULTURE Andre ictebrse liyess old vohsnlecr worker with hionlreai weliare organisa tion came up with an arrest lng comment think to most oi tbs young Hench people in my environment Independence doesnt mean lhet much it will only cheese ironilers make smaller aystem is re Er Er 35 are ii an Egg tisIs b3th the language owes The New Yorkborn teacher whose children are ht ll is said Quebecs moat itnpca tanigoalistoahowbthwo cttitum can live toaelbsr to classes build to tune into two etaltssres inevitably their children pthto rstlect eomtihlnl crap think we are desperately Inneedoiagoelandasaors oi worthwhileoaes and oi brtidlng something gethr We base here Quebec this to unity dont really th weve very mum about it try me stranger lng society where id etructuresare disputed osvsnss snortv was RemrusQALo nickname alter she bashed male servant with candlestick General John Yorke purchased Pins Newydd in Iddi and that opened the older means to the public The ladies died urine and 1311 Yorke recalled In his memoirs how these good Semar itana estate to his rescue when his potty tossed him Into the ditda Dustin him oil they tilled his poc ate with oranges and his boart with land memora les was boy at Eton at the time and their memory is now deer in me the lateral wrote yrars later touts ARMSTRONG to my mind the greatest oi lass irum peters has been laid to rest in New York Strange enough because he was born New or iesns and on llaurbon st in that city began his canes Two years ago salehrno played his last engagement in Toronto at the Embassy Club on Bloor St titougbt about it but didnt ltwaaiustaewellllrecrl were good to tools but they had to report his playing and singing was Just shell oi own one Somewhere mill an autograph obtained irons him about in years ago it was at the old Town Casino in But tale and was attending con ventioa ior New York State and OniarioOueheo weakly editors hair was leading his Amerieen gs AltStars including such as mbonlat lack Tasguden anisl Earl lilacs drumer Cosy Cote etc it was real tree at leasi tor me and like to remember this man playing in his prime DEAR Now Do you remern her in hurls when most at the rocery stores sold ltouorr and ar ot ell kisdat Appeals To Paper To Help Find Wife PORT OE IPATN Trihlded ltlsutcrl iotyaarold widower ooolebsrrso Deobar has appealed to local news to bat htsn ind newyplIz Doohsr has been married twice and his second wile died itss this month ill list all as Champlain Built Quebec Habitation By not nonstuv recent story described the habitation Champlain built wag he iounded Quebec In Evidently he didnt take good cars at his own living genius and this turned out to be great minute when he brought his young wile to Quebec on July1 race The plane was hating lo ship at sea was droughty and cold and the root leaked Helen Champlain put her loot down right away and workshop began building Fort St touts on the site at the presrnldsy Cha teau lronlenac llotel Cite lain marriediislen Solute Paris In into when she was only it years old it was etlpuiticd that she must remain with her parents tor spoiler two years but listen was at years old beiors she agreed to go to Quebec with her husband She was arr kllrsctive mature women when she arrived at Quebec accustomed to the most gracious living in Parts Sbe brought trunks oi the latest Perla iashions dainty dream with rebsto collars wrist oi pointed taco gracehsi stashed alcoves barred potlieosts Debates shoes She also tow lady atendsote who iboolkLngior prospective the lndtans loved listen wove along necklace which cluded small minu the aos were delighted to see own tme ea in it and said meant tat listen had them to her hesrt Unlortunsleiy the married did not work out well plain was it and no longer to take the omnoye into wilderness the had made itcrvltdlthglls wlioevayev get soc ewss home that Dr lords Hebert built tor iris iamlly Helen turned to France tour later and Champlain rnsa her only twice in his diary diyjeho arrived and the lens island slte oi Elbe alter her man mm mm mm lT HAPPENED iN CANADA opposites it to Wis wasJ lollth vcuso to AltiO iii llowever he named St