Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1971, p. 4

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Tbeunuaaonlabercagiidmbea coortadtr moltopevmtli worahlppere areatruggling toadatevaaiheallbrtan IathbwleelertuaIlyaitaklnrancer adored by tolarrorilation ya Do phyaleiat 13mm undead Moreover hate ea oi thin to that habitually taro mo bar at 30 ohirloinnnnol aththal ed earold On continent reporta the lteadcra Digeat akin cancer la also major prob lent In Canada Itlr the aecond moat evalent tonal oi cancer amon melt rtb Irnong women Evidence at In dicta the run as the cauae Ia unaaaallabie Cancer oi the akin ta In oecu allonal ha ouldoor weaken tarm ltlroommonamongoliileld Teaaa but atmoat never oo na in Quebec Ninety per time the dlaeaae atrlher an area erpoaed to the ana pore lower lip back oi banda beetdetection centre lor akin eaoeer Ia your own bathroom Any mole shut be to premium burn or change icoloe ould be comet At timer there be bleeding and ulceration any Flam aymploma bonanget to doctor rear allotsrad tarli watchman early la the moattorabla at all caneera man meet withradaatlonlrurguyor chemi eakEIdaIevee acure nta above poyper horrid mun the run altogether Total avo would be bettergtlran rhabilnaiovcrerpoanre tercepttnwo Udalcaunnoonaneedauptbeauni renllrelda lean hlaibebeynotezitulerionto avoid bad blurring The danger hourr are ill em toil rnM yon Inaiaton going out in the day rurr initial exporure Ihould be no more than in minutes LII tie by tilde thla can be Inerciaed aapro tectire melanin la deposited near the ahIna eurlac Protective creama and Iotlvna vary on ornroual In the degree at proteotion pro aided erbapa the best rule In to me one ol the commercial lotions llherolly It really Iant dilllcallt toavold being amen allegewho will level cert year alrln cancer on ateatho Canadian Cancer Society will be Intel to almoat 400 at aroma Conadlann who will contact the diaeaee In 1971 or Imagine multitude whore complexion may damaged beyord repair little common reare ta all you need to protect younell tlovl muolYuNII MAN DAY YEARS AGO miiagteuaamdilner Juicy title Slmoa II IE on T0 ll tram Ieadtn to Camp arm trod barrio and listen Haber Flour Mill moved lrom Collier St to new loco lidnliaple Are Marked im rove vln recrutlin during rice atom rub 177th Ioveirea Captrlilliliam Ftala ran at ltd called lor aorne lorm bl oom millimervice or conecrlpuoni ii barrlea onted ag nt lor Odlldrena Aid Soot olblnacoe nty Sir Sam iiu her mlnlater at Moat dcience vtatle Comp borderI Iaigreati bothered by lnaecta la clad ll mallet Craig raid be objected at Inna told council had nopower to glorious Alexander Brwrniee tiara elected prealrlent Northern Lawn owbng League lohn tiara lrult aler had heavy ion when garage and big motor tnlclrdratroyed byllra or at alumina accepted realgnatlon Merritt aa prlnelpal barrio Colleg leginalitule lle had exceptionaiotier om Owen Sound Council 1granted iglyto lotto and 171th batta one tor aorntortr noiprovlded by govern id Iiu Graaett TI youn eat ndirrlli draaett oi an ad in action wI ueenr Own atoll mg with gunehot wound epori that Pte Arden Milne ao ad hire Alex Milne mtralng alter ac on In France Ottawa Braohdale thla ol Barrie won twoyearoid race Fax lull alater ol Ital DOrI nly Canadianbred ever to run in Epaom Dymentr Lady Curran ioat ntonbred handicap by none at Ot wa lilac Maud CIanlona piano and lraolh prevented excellent recital Go ler St Methode Church calico on going to Iled Croaa Both many attaIiona lbith and 171th moved to ant PHOTO rllsnaacr edby Boarder Health Ma or Camp Borden They will be bnadrd with Ibbth Ila underliri adier la Oorrle lte Willard ouchctte wrote to his lather In barrio telling about battle in which Canadiaru mnInIy engag ed agalnat Germans Shelltire was alran terrlllc on both alder he atated al bualneaa people complaining about cutting back at mall aervicc to Toronto Barrie remains heavleet cordrtblrtar to county tax levy ahead Ortlila and Collingwood which have been boaating oi growth Annual county council pientcbeld at hill inll iteaoh Ontarior lineal new retort wl James Martin realdlngJ barrio hoo irey alar LOp Sieve Henry oI oath every day principal ottingwood appointed curriculum virus anohmo noon otnr Warden lhr wounded pneilni ape antblboat rotational on airinearr alloys PARK ra Building For Early Bicuon by DON OIIEARN The vemrneni narin Into Ihahlu oianmzrir all tire to the wool be are the July brth It ahowcd more cooean trated activity than It hadalnce tailing pillar Premier Darla war out bualiy working the button in Thunder Ba and Tllllllllill and then rpaIng ch tovtha harm to be old at Iogialatlon ouche been notched have II llo crcaaea In warlme earn thatace oi on or liberate have been apparently atlrlnklng but once atria thla could Pi wiltbe riding yrlding tight though there Ia glwaya tha chance that the agrne atuatlon II In Suhatrhawan and other provincea couH build up or produce Weep ration paymenta nolault team In it oonaervalion Mil Irene All bl Initiation or big poi tcy ma era And niao quite notably clone in the man on the atreel All election puahl Iliollevllie intelligence The big 707 late which have replaced the turboprox Yulrona could not have been at urc In more ltmaI laehlon indeed Itawa muat haven them in mind all along with ihoaolvlalla by the Primeillnlaler to the Soul Facillc and Singapore and the Soviet nlan Nothing like drawing the ting In bad old product at thbretmperiallail Americans The Yukon to be sure would have been more oi Canadian roduct Ialbclt an adaptation at tho old It Brietol brllannlal but we could have run the risk oi making lost than ellectlve im reselon an the air conscious Iiuuianr urc the 707 it go Amoricnn plane but than Canadian colora and Canadian Armed Farcea in bi bold rcd Iottera do good job at pralectlng the Canadian image lveihlnit even the ItuaeIana woud have bccn Imprcsaad when the PM and hill Trudeau arrived In their big ying machine thla war the general opinion hm And at courae ll la outta rg Them In no duration that Air Darla Ia bulldlyrg rmmenlum Ior an early elertvn It will be October at the Iateat and wouldnt be too aurprlalng II he actually announced the data be Ioro the hauae breaha oil thla month There will be Ienly oi com ment on an earlier In the montha to come but or now there In one relevant pohlt to be mentioned NOP AEEMO IAININU Ihla la that the NDP deer ap pear to be riding Since Ila rant and Saallaicho wan Iueouacl It hat apparently gained In nature The party born to retlctllng eonlldcnce it hIa never ahawn betorc It may he romeohat mIa guided coniltlcnco built on my hue oi gucceaa Ilui even mlagulded cooll denco can bd Important In that It trade to be placed on to the public mmlwmmnwaw llhr barrio Extortion lo Bayllcltl Street barrio Ontario Telephone mdiii Second Cleaalllail Itcglatratlon Number MM Ilolurn portage guaranteed llaIIy bundaya and Statutory Iiolldayr excepted bubtrrl Ion ratoa daily by carrier woolly tildo year Ily lllngln copier Ito by mail onto that yearly Simcoe County tilnd yearly balance at Croada ram yearly All other rountrlea rteoo yearly Motor throw all tidbit yearly National Advertlalng oIIIcea tit iiniverrlly Avenue Toraan to Geihcart at Montreal uIe no matter how cold or anovlry in theo netrrinlrllrovldod by the two nIa ub oi barre Ail IIvcd In Word End or Italivray arena oi barrio From lelt book row ianio Irlcllnight Cecil ltarnar Kenneth hicilcnata uni denlillod player Alvin bowcnincir Dyllilont row io thompson Pater Sinclair Kannath eih Carl lee Itabortaon Archie Kerr Photo aupplled by Percy thompaon Grovo SI Foatl liembor ol the Canadian Crete and Audit bureau oi Circular None The Canadian Ima Ia excite Iver entitled to the lee tar re pub lcatlon at all ma diapeteh ra In thla paper credltetl to it or Actor not then or neuter rho the local newt publlelv ed therein morn or yr na nrgna aver mg and edliantI material cre ated by Ila Wiener and re produced Int manager Copyright Ilog lratioa Norn bar with knit II me lItlHllahlav hi the rim at the committee on non aomrau it you are hatereated inbnab Iag canoe thla rurnrner Inr temporary uaevtha indlana oi earhv Canada recommended elm barlr On ill that entailed mher at no acts the Indi part would male elm barlr ran oca rather than birch bark and abandon therein they went along Alexander bury the tar trader who manned to cecape marrarre It the lnoroeao game deacrlbed on June var cap lured by indiana the tollowlng year and Iorced to accompany them on trip lrom Into Shnr coo to Niagara They walked from Lake Simone to Toronto although ttlwaa very hot and there wore awarrna oI malnut tore lienry waa made to carry pack weighing loo pounda or more When the Indiana got to To aonto they madt elm barlt can on to into them to Niagara where there was gathering oi the Irlbea Iar ouncll Itenryr deatrlptlon at melting ol the cauoca on Juneitt tint It In rIudcd In Pioneer Travel to Upper Canada by Edwin Guilcl Flrrt the Indiana cut down an elm tree and alrlpped the harlr In on entire ahoot about It tool long Then they alraed the eada rlr together atbiled bare and probably made thI aoanu watertight by ualng pine or rcdar gum or pitch lt tooll twn dlyl in metro thecanorr they were atrong enough to carry eight men and their aup lter The trIp Irom Toronto to tame war mode to are dayl hard paddling Once again Iicnryvraa able to acouro hla lrecdom and eontlntla hlr advena turoua career or furtrader ilr had more llvea than cal In thoaontaya Atlantic calmnn could bo Iound In the Don and Iiumbcr rIvcra new In the heart at Toronto OTIIElt JUNE EVEN ItltChamltln helped liu rnna dalcat roouola at Itlrha lieu Itlvor ttnchamrlmy trialled Ira quola Into valtlog Fort Fron Ianae and rent them to France vaagaliayalavrr rrrlrlrr dealro llrnlreai ltILNnrwcatc and little tilted Oovernar to and to at baron aha Ilvd lttoIteglaallwaalnrorpo raleri entity lite come Icw part II laug on incidentally1h rcrdlni bag Money traditionally abort ol the pralrlea In In and it baa been generally lhorlebtol one at the worn poaatbh timer votain the wettern prov nIetad at Edmonton allowing OER to enter ititErplarlon at IllIIcreat mine Aibcrta killed no men tiltSir Arthur Lorrie auo needed lordliyng aa cone mandor ol Canadian tutor in France maPoytalworlrerr wonlon airlhc milUnited Farmcra govern ment war returned to Alberta tiltCongervattyrl tort every seat in Serhatchowan VRLD BRIEFS APPOINTED DIRECTOR OTTAWA CPI Flern llcatlothra to at Montreal haa botnllppulnted director at do vnlapment tor the Carladian llroodcaatlng Corp II war an unnatural lrlday ttr Dea iloohu lormarly director oi radio Ior lha French aervlcea di vlalon will help develop and manage Intern at program pliannlng eling and avaiua on BLIND OEI TV DEAL iONDONI AFI Britainl blind have been given ti dia count on the annual tItth tclor vIann licence Ice It wag dia laaod Friday rpokeaman lor the mlniatcr at will and tele cnmmuatcatlnna aaId lb Idea Ia to help blind pie to lialen to TV or who are Iarnlitca who watch It GAIlUlO TOAIII OPENED NAPiEstAPt Vandalr brolle the burial vault oi Enrico amp the larned oper aIIc tcnnr who died In mi but lett tho remairn Ilene police rcportnd Friday The padinch on the mauaoleum war rmarhed and the alab ol marble had been tilted all the vault VGETI Illltll CABINET Allll IlIIAllI Ileuterl Ille lbrarnnr or rear tleel thalrltta way It you cant gelalbe borarniia out at radlng or rnovlea or Ill Ila ulnato movaalong one mo rnoaniu can day caretlli notqu old me xibailblontohaearetniaboat rmtruth The wgltarnnlrl be very No water There llarrla Wanda tor euthanaro or tirernen little doubt roadrlbe arceocy DEAR Now Do my remem ber when the Green bulb llotoi the mrth aide or loud in Dania blah St near ohm It branchca all Porto datu name at them You hava no Idea the number ol let tore the editor baa received In onvrmua comrdalnlng about thla Wei anyway baa yet coma upwltb rain on to the peering attirm two round auto that out at theirrtraua artck not Readand Shanty and war owned by George lemon mamas TOTIIEIIDITOR monopole correction Iaent the mendinylng letter earn an lather two yearn younger than my uncle The went to Elmvala Irom Totienba their lrtIr Iaca Indwllt they turned printing trade atIrllng at age it They moved to harale In trio and opened the lourth weekly nawrpaper in thla town at that time the Saturday blaming that namal never did It out It wru la Iued on Wedartday and maybe the young bliahcre ltgurcd peopIa woul get around to reading It by Saturday TIIE EIMVALE LANCE la pubIIahed today by Andrew liartla and It it an excellent paper am lndebicd tn the looting barb column at The inan tor the tint Walla edi torial May it Ibtl Ilerr are lame excerpta Iramllt We have bought the printing plant torme need to printing the ElmvaIe Chronicle and that mine hna reared to extol IIrat number Ia rent Ir temple copy with tho view oi aecurtng permanent aubaoribera le but will tell ila atand Ia an Independent weelri pap er and Ill be lnllu In no renaa by any political party il ll NOT our Intention to avoid exprearlng opinion on public mundane take an Inde pendent ataadpalnt and on their merita alone and without rel erenca lathe atand later by party tournala on either aide oi 1T HAPPENED III bx ulng mycorrlplrlr catch at veil Sunntdala Park lor recra pllrpoacl Your Worahlp aheuld like to commend Barrie City WI or vlaion and attention to the lu re In recent declalon In return aching oil any portion at bunnidala Farlr When viaited around Ibrone to In the middle lNl remem ber that Iilgh Park wu Ilmuat anvlIooded roe In the adururyli or very ew peopa ay la overcrowded becaun at wlda uaa by the citizen Toronto amnldaie Park unduth edly will be met mm more aa time goer on and think the touanImade the dechlon ahauid hire to lend thla tea at commendation to you your colleaguea tor decblon will which agree completely Sincerel DONALD ll IthtI barrio Ontario llall THOUGHT Inca they cried min the In their trouble and be them outh their diatacaa Plllnll IVIIII Ooda delight II In the delivem area at the IalIhhlI Cali me In the hour at trouble twill deliver thee and ahali glorliy me carnal ARI III tilltialdltiimt littHhFI narrower iirat cabinet In the htrtory ot thla Perrlan Gull Shelkdom war aworn to here Friday In the ruiera palacertne lemon cabi net vraa lad tilt and Inlorrne rourcea all new aet ellavra reorgaairlng government will be announced anon tumor anuaonarn ilANOltOlt tIIeuterl Inc rior erlater Praphaa Olarugaa thlen aald Friday Thailand hu aalrod the United State to read it antlalrcralt guna Inc ed at prontiaed halteryet Iiawh anti alrtlatt roiulial Ila raid rouuitee haderored In Vtaterrn tebelearaleeotlbaoguaa am IIAtiIIttIitthII onoosblnuae WW Warm itf outdo natal

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