he drs meet tnillieetmgrVWiihi von our Senice ndde wII scheduled to Ihlrsltersoouwlthrepre untettvesoithrprnrtnciside psrtrnrsrtoite Ind tcomrntleslloutodtreues vinelslsldlolhe dtylor 53 service student is III or students bylhs munlclpsiity the neutral pserln lmtnlhs Atrium It the rsleoiloreots Indie psy Four intone Gently scouts will he In 100 Nldlsns It the llih Wll Scuttlrrnhoree Inieplo this summer Scent stephen Vsn Der liruys It New Inwoli Ind Vultures Al herileppd oi itsrrle Robert is oi Atitrion Ind laud Wit tsonoiorltllswltlhesrtth thI Conrdisn continent It theeiun horee scouts will tesve July so lll Iii nit wee Iocsirdon shutlt Irre sI no sue CountySunnis Set ior llthr World jamboree trlorld1 end guided new oi lst Pour lire injured in OneCarilrosh tour In In In Mmtnmw turnoutsan Nelle the it eullludbruleeo red three miles south iii wsy Id IM Borden Residents Hurt in Accident twoyosrold Irrmpion drl remotes under oorervstlen It tloysi Vittorio Iioopitrl todsy Iiter noudrownlns It Ruine rrster Psrh dIIurdIy Cindylludden iottor dottlitier oi Brpmpton wle revived by In oi Bronspton wIs misled by In other tester dstuhtsr Aorta Dell Erin motilitth resurelts 1hr let us pulled item potut our the hell dlsmond st he pert try his Deiutue liter the sterile noticed she wu nrue err rut to Clnhdldll Mammoth to hielherosd issurtirnrr tchhltersru uehtl hier 1rro Due Borden residents were nds in two err It the Intersection oi tires Ind threats streets tresled st rinysi Victorls Ms pitrt ior hsitntoe wore Ev eiyn ltriss SI Ind her son lose it Thedrvsreilheothorcerin solved wee IdentIiIed Alien Butler it at John St Dunst to the vehicles on to the hietreeheirner sIr red one to the Butler cer lhe ntlshtp occiirrod It 1131 im shit or Toronto isolnmltlel stroll to tintcoe Minty Phil use heppenr to sunny younl Province no costs Prorlsdsi cent sotIh reellsetod Two Suiier Minor injuries In Wellington oronto Mishap Teopsrmswereinhsdiol Inssliyrsn GIIlowsyIr oi lowins 01000 two one Your St Ind Alts In sum unrmuwrounnn oiipeeoto summits rs Wilson Ihrostortreetshstwdtyesen hiIssDyerwsss mmmwwu wsstIsseoxeetnthesteert Ollie esr It mm limiting Demrre to ths GsIlewsy or seen nu Dyer It Dents mawwvga gt Poike identied the two driv mm New llic Olirce Set For Onllre 1hr Unemploymnt lrrsursm dominionwtti open In oi tlro In orIIIII hy the end oi the surmer the Mills alike will he one II In new oiilres the commie side It IddInI to so now in top erstlen um Glueds Unsto tInIursnosclIInssm pmgrtilts sressrs new pet them still orgva Itwsrarunss er IIml mu or III I00 In mildlp whltg in It It helolotchimroto Iilh op iidjaiaIriownship iiccident Results in injuries To Boy stools ose recldcnt hide Township resulted in 503 dIrn ue nonnro homes or no the site III the driver oi the we hide InsoiIIId ills son lilltred III Id tor isoisl Intentions It Siss hereto torn oersped IND plicsliooiormssndprevldinr Ade vice showroom mere titre with second ese on Donn was my wg 10 west at the hind ling tlcos OntIrto will set It oi the new The record vehicle wss drier eiiiees Other Ires control whers err by Christopher hisslewsti oi oilicer will he established In with elude llIdlInd Ind Owen Sound Deman toisllod H300 Kiwanian Wile III Convention hie sod hirs wliltsm lie Ores oi asserts St recently sttrn ed the sort Innust conven lion oi Klwsnis Inlemtlodsl Iloiy 10000 Kiwsre tensp Ind their irnutiee sitonded the convention held It See mn elm They ro rented Ihout hm KiwInlIc Another twocsr collision on Studsy resulted In one demo Drivers oi the vehicles Invo WY ed were iasils Footer oi Georro towntsnd hrIIn lIue oi Shellt home The strident occurred It the intersection oi Stuntdrte Itosd Ind til wsy In Sunnidsio lbw Provtoclsi price It Stryner Irritated hold Accidents thornton Sundry Itternoon In em collision in Notlmssu ioern certo orrtr rotu sreest molt lsIInd Slim Pholel Environmental seiences Introduction To Nature the environment sciences promos oi the Georzlsn Orti epe Stunner School oi the Arts his been destined tor the stud ent Interested In More lore scenedry study tours ei Bes mitt lsilnd Bearer pends sod demo In orchid toiooy Ind putrllselsl pIInts will he speclsl sress stu Students will study ths ilors died Ind terms It the Precsmhrlrn Ind Sslnt thwrence Illshlsndr Bcsttooleil LI the Isrpest oi rhetrt so Islsnds oi Georrlsn iin Isisrsis NItIueIIl Plrk duslilltd noturllist will he provided hythe Georxlsh Bay ishnth Nstiensl Perk ior etch coup st to students Mrs stsrt on July is Tours will Ilse Isle plm July Insen Itsmortsl ttospllsi in At eveelos on cos oi Adjrls listed DInI loiIIitd in two on tinl sldeorsd oi resume Township Drivers oi the vehicles Involv edweretitoeidteecochoi hm to to our on hlclepstlrhislnod minor inprrle Prouinelst police It AIILrtoo tosesttnledhcth strident lieu toilet could end Girl io Hospital ATorooto lrl wss heepltsltx Id SItilrdsy lolloulnl melon cycle csr Iccldent nesr lilsss Beech Leslie Vern wss sdmllted to Colllnpwood Genersl end hisrlne tieepltrt she on true trustee rod to Male Oemrri Iloepitst with undeiemlncd Injuries She we pusenrer on roe loreycio driven by Stephen IIiIi Ics oi ihronio ldslicr escsped Robert Reid oi Willowdele wet the driver oi the cor involved In the collision th sccidett occurred It 340 pm on iiirhwsy it two miles out It WIsIu Belch litmus iotsllod error III police It WreIls Beech Investipned l0 Ind 11 Also pisnncd it weetend ileid trip to the Wye hllnh Wild Iiie Centre on Jul it Ind 11 Dooidcs the nttileItitm oi sltdllir students will do wsier tests bird handler sod rIdIn urchin oi Inimsb Students my record hy mutiny notes on Srndrs Dick oi persimmon Ad Manager Appointment Kerry iambic publisher Ind pcnersl monster oi the assets Exsmlncr snnounces tho sppolntmcot oi Order Fontsine Is Idicrtisinr IIIcs mnnuer his iontstne corner to The Essmlncr Iltcr thrcu peers on clhsolticd supervisor with them sort Newspspcrs rentrot alike in Toronto iormer ndterttsinl ssIcs msnsper with the Oshsz Times Air Fontnlno rsequsly woo ssseclstld with Fort WIIIlsrn mesJournal end the tlrsndon Sun lie is rnsrrled with tour children Air Fonirloe Ilimsds Robert csmers or ispe recording Oriilia Iiddler insOntsrio Open Which onshlp here Saturday In com litters with more then so ddlcrs Irem stress tits province lie one the some contest twoyeore are other winners Under is ycerohrr Gttcns Bur erd over as yesrs Tommy htrQucstson Kind 01y womentown Ilelyh wny Unlunritlc rsoielty behold lien Drihury Finch who hIs Issurrred scnior Icrouot responsibilitch It Too Esrrniner Travel Not Only Benefit Patti Got OnThe Roud ly JOHN Meltlit lxstntner Itsil Write To the nurses middle see Censdisn the hitchth on the nItIorts hlrh wsys Ind ywsys Is rest hor ror them no question that to rlthlr rrrrrtrntn ton to Itsette on oo thelwsy north dsyr youth hrs sdepted In on therord philosophy Perhsps too much hIicIIy hes slrosriy crscsded erth on the prohlom oi lrsnsient yhit lode er your poop no secontplishins whet the elder enorsilon prohshiy hssnt yet done sooth the country Accordiru to lIui Richssds royernold vetersn hitchtiller the sccompllshments Ire mush llltdl IIURIUANCI thst summer Poul oi tier rIe thornhod his It throth the United Sister In ltexlco so erleocr which hr min tutor Tel wry oi dovet his entire Iooe Its Itrnny when youre on your own tor the Ilrot litre sod notice your psreols met their Illht lultihs wu pelits soon to sprIie thst hs ueusity ck up hitchhikers Inth cert niy did not trust them Then out csrne revolver whlch the men elslroed wss lord ed lie let Perri oil It Pauls doe ttnslion Fortuneieiy the Bertie youth ieutd thst moot drivers who piclsd him up were more re eeptlt Ind ywnr people like himse endure students on hoildrys were ths herl rides liclldes ro tldins the trees rtstlon olion Ihsred we end were was willing conversstlonsitsts hurt drliers retrd next The ilsrrie youth iound thIl lm item EsnIdI Itws surv ed load convent perr or or Inn Amerlcsns once you to let rnlhshorderstster Is to tivcl little knowledge oi tends to the driver oticrtny lhI ride Ilene sod put nests someone tor compsny SHARING EXPERIENCE Its this Ihrrlnr oi experience not only with drivers but other hitchhihors lItIt Poul ieund vsl ey In to heck on up It you get lots more ism Iul ssld Durtns my it wrote on the reed rostly row no end hecune mporuthis or myselip PIul doesnt clsirn den conwrsloo to mIlurI hut mints out the eunrnisttvr hoses oi hell on tits rosd there Iridlittlethtn er1 ood Width II Ind the twins your Iih Illtlmllnce coopert or po then there Ire the new thlouillte the hill the rst clue oi his trsvetr Ceiitorels who led concert ed stripes on suL Briers uti lnp the no the em rel When youre tritinr to some one Irons dliierent heelsround you restlse there Ire two or more sides to every wrestles he srldYou terro somethinl epro osr op no the youthherlyel In Kerrie hrurpht Iorlh soother ohserrr tiootrorn Poul its stupid to idc soy lhst meet hitchhikers sre too tired dope iieode lioIi In ll school or rollers students who went to trevei Iround Dope Is iothe cities not with the hide trlveiitrtl throudt In Idditioo the Iisrrle youth loved his lrsrrls ht lesson In oozrsohy Ind sociolo tie iound the poverty exht in New Mexico outta In eye er It won the rodent erx rev oi the Americsn suhurhsn dwsi ier the guillotine Cslltornlsn ne Inception Cities Ire best svoidrd per ttcuirriy such publicised it rsSon Frsnclecos IlIltht bury district it is sttrrclive durr tor the dry but unssio It ntth By III merits try to et rides wow hypsse the ct hr hierira wu somethior else The people outside the eitlos were poor hut lrlcndiyy tint only less you knew where youre Ins you csn lemme strs ed In some remote spots in tents towns when there were iolr oi donhoys Ind certs but no csrs Poul Iound he III rest novelty Item with the lore pop niece Poul reIdIly otters some Ids vice ior reunrslerr who coolemplot meter hitch hillnl venture First storeys hsve some mort your possession It helps st dIiiIeuIt times And It the pet Ice stop you Iometltlor which will mlstnty hsp It you Ire hitchhlkinx II 111$ money will eliminsie the possibility oi Irelnr tolled tor vrsrrncy Next he recommends sleep In her Is pIrtIcuIIriy Ishrehe tor the road it with our next dorttnrtioe sip to Neodleertor hitchhihlnr lMl SUMMER Plul Ilieh srds oi Itsrrte less invoi Itns msn lie hitchhiked throuh the United Sister to lrlexiro Ind heel Ihs Iormee on the expmswrys thenwelvu Youontors with experience on the tusdcsntetlynutheheel plsees to rtsyx yotrth hostel or lrtends spertmenl ior en Inele Otters ths drivercre pro kind oi lrrsrou Islohesldldsdiiluittid tits other trhhlkrrs Ire retiree oi inierrosttonrSenII such so colorrdo hsve police he see quite hitchhitter lo Ilihclihldill Pout CIIiiornIs you up hItoIr ride on the oilrodeo rsmps but NIIurIlIsts Il Wyn him serve Is lutmciom Provided suliictest Iliad enreL weekend Itudy oi SIitIll liqu Amour the linen willl tsts piste this Pridsy Ind Soll trolls wt Illstoric Insights Ind Indira legends will provide studenle with holler urrders It lite In the tint Nope setih meat in Dnlsrle Anyuno wanting noon Interme lien on thou promote my eor lest the eiiire oi the Strainer School oi the Arts It Geerlill gt Cullen DOGGII nrrrs llttt nucn renown ices theres In Illicit dstins service to erriton In southern thou exclusively ior hluohleodr lite Rover Purehrrd dou Ire helns tsren irom enclosed ysrds used ior stud service sndrv tuned else the my leeue II waumndl cotton oiliclri organ oi the Csnrrdtsn Kennel Club The Burilnrton do control oiIIecr hrs reported such Inel drnta Ind one irrhrsdn re lrIuter oppcnrs to he psetlclI Iery popular Sotnrsi titres the do disspposred item the ynnl still wet returned undsr cover ol tlrrhnrss lotiowlnp lruittess notches is Its Wiia gt it Identities 00 rtudent eh icrs sdvice ior Iny youthwhe is plsnrrlnl to late to Iih rosd Dismisses Photos tools It you thtstotherolrit to rot trvrnhe toners oosrpAit Prulteuedthr tIteyghsveI earpopes Wit It youre lonely you csiriwrlte Id no home telttnp your pueotsyottr