25 72 439 decor bnnorlnm Barelublwullreee flflllFurCtlntempl WM is IhonVIdMWM eeltllieeta Ind HIM le Outow uuym III Sam nmllIlln curler brlnu Inlullbo In lo prublImI um nlInI tar tIlnnunt or lrtne Inn noon buy to 1m ll ambul Incl dIy tor mm Impor tInl nII bulneu mnm June 11 II My ll 10m mou bullbended blend ll you led Ilylcornot yet July It II III ll Judgment lltlle ell nnv Not out dIy tut nanny ten IlnnI AIL to ml tVlmlll you lInt null mullI tulle put mum pmdum Ml 14 ll Mr llJbrIl Go ll Ilene new mantel my be mrdleble er lnlynclchL ore It to Nev II lel rel be out ul un mt llrzmmtlnn uquulub In Brulhern Vlun lllllllllllDBllS lulllsv Lite linryHikrS Dml lulle vtlb mxllwlt III tbe went llt if ml or In lnmlmtnlILt utele $0 to luv it When Avatd tendency lo any bond on Well chelnee ItlllllllllcllA lIy IlrenlII your vlll power tor where ll lI Ilmb will tlnd to rlde ever poutblo obItI clIIby mlbln lbe dull decl IlonI Ind tr llnl than lnln 1le Icllnn Plenty el nus lnId enlbuunl Ind determl nIIlan Ill be mulled It you Ire to rech ablecllm by Me Itlernoen bmm Dtnl lry to cut cornerI them lbIlI not lbI Inner More vlbrlnl lullu LM dullnl lbe Ivenln wlll Imnllhl IndIl mmn Ind crIIllu upectlollltI lemme duel Samuel Ienlelm delthIre IAM by Ietllny loet tallnwlny pelnlIrI will Im llle Plan Multan Ann drum or Icrou eounlry lleey out at the lblcl Umber Ind In eluded mu Slly tn the apex WIlb lmrd lbel um where lbI llxbl lt brllhlul Curyl IbltllI Ind uIe ll build ll Iembm cIn mum II tln mllu my IllInolIdlI uelom ll bu la the ol 1qu should become er rIled tram the ulbm mem ber Ibue lntere 1ny nl IIye ynur And good luck et Wyernlny SPEAKINGOF PEOPLE PLACES mun lllDtll CW laslttrek BIxrle Ind OrllllI Dupllule BM ClubI leyed In melon nme let the curl Inn trouby In em Inln ll lblt II II InnuIl lnurnImenl IndBIrrlebIthttteuthlnI lblI yeu Manley mlnytblI week week llmll monuunl III dm ul yelled eryItIlItle Ind curled bullet ol yellw tutu la lbI brldeemm were am ud IlrnllIrlmo the rumor cl erylttleltI Ind lth currled quVI lofIlmMmmulcry Almnmm BeIlmInvu Jnmu my Ink Jlm McDowell It lur 01 lb Mlde Ind rl DAmbmle ol ltule lulu nlnyod Ind lbe Itnnm were DI cruellInd Ind PIul CroulInd tlrIl ll EllI lulu Ind Mn 01le Hum Iceland Inn Ila llIry Woodqu Ind IlrI Jenn Burke lbtm HIM MAL berm menu locIl tall no Clllldlll rImlly Clmp Iny redmtton will be helllny llulr mend mull blueberry ruum It allctlrlItI Cum on km on July ll Ind ll aunt el 010 membm Ill be mlncmn llllAIlUItllON PAllTlll Pntlea held In eonlumtlm Illb lbI m1 nnluntlen ol ula Atllmn School ol Nurnlny lmnta Watern lloeyllIl lnclu dad luncheon lIr lhl Vmothm at thurntuute nurue Ind lIlber dunner dlmler III Ina yuty llrt lobn mm mm name Imbeon my Al emu IMll lotonln Illb bar dun llrl PM mu In imam menl el next WedneedIy evenlnl to entlce elllxenI tn enley dIn clngunder lbe IlIrI AMER NOW WINNER Ion by OyllllI by mm to Mnly el ublbltntl en lered lll ml ll Ilth lnnI Flower Show the Wen ltItl Mnndny lWlWdsmbL th Buv ly alu rlv lloIlchIltqul bum bell Il Edl meoute Toronln Mlllltl 10 IUNNIDALI mm mm Ind lleemltun wlll lntroduce mnetblny nn Inlnldnmnbl ln Emle rkI wllb IquIrI In III PIIlMWednudIyJuly Mum mm male Ind Im elube Itll don eelmlul coo mm tor demonIIrIllon at modern Iqllnre dInclny In 130 untll ntn Atlemule lbe tlncm will lnvlle lbI Iudlence tn yIrllclpItI In th lun tor Ill Emu them by Lem tty llly PIrkI Ire Pt people Ind Pull Dlmlar any ltanr Ir bII Imllyed the tnlllllllh lee Hmn ol Toronto mm llmle received tbl trophy let the but run end llubert wnu lock Il llelcourt Avenln BIrrtI Ian Illver my toe blI II mm It orlbundl FrInl CInctllI nt antvu Street Ellrm bId lbe mutt pnlnu la lblanwwllblspolnu mum Inn Io em My mum llelr may Illeled umdu mun ol the urn uuue lulu bu queued lIrIIll ell lmnblny ported utIy ll IIld ll nlboelllu Ird hm lnlarmed Lulu pIuport II belnl In my turn blm ltlI ltuell Wlll leI uplm next month unuuul Huluniu rlie III 135 Cleaners MMM EEES 55 5+2 ellIrIeblldmucblI Inqmmllblm tllIbIbyunglmIzmmI you In leeL Marylan WW Allen It llmlll th pelnlIrI Ind nly lbInh tor untlnxlbenn bad It lunluven ADDPlloN bl Dm AIIIaIlem Im 17 III monmlpreyunl end not rnmted lwInl tn nul the My up lnr Idoptlcn tort mInnI ltl my pIrenlI Ind nwerlot Ilnny Now that pregnInl II nyblunll the me You wwldnl believe the nInm my lIlber bu all dual lblnk tblI Ielup would be very load bIby Anelber mm bIllevI Idoptlnn 11 the but lblnI lI lbIt lInlInllmulolebIcklnblrb choel Ind IrIanlo AllIr mngugllghmllto let In an Ill myult know would lboluht ol Ill tblI belon Med It My wltb lbIt lurk In In toe lIle to abut lblngn Nov lbe but lbtn an to lblnk at the lulure Wblt tum your ldeul should lbt or ball lenl 14ml mum auction In ARIA lrbnmirwu Imminlmyn tummnnutn Olvuenllnllmmu Pointers Cdmpeis mmmug lllllllwgl 1=E 52 ll Noble 3me Ommd null VIlI Ind Bulle Flllowln Ibo menllm adminnull Immupew lbe InIunl tuna Illbeenlulln Mend ibllnmmrlulr Itn Vm mutter my me null ultrade lellllberm MILI neennmtorlbn ol ber ebdl lxylem mi daemon you EMBLEM CAT uDeIrAII hum lmlIn Iulombblln Ind llve ln II IyIrtmenl bulllnc There ll no nun neuby bm lo perk the In MIMI neuple Ibo llm Ibove me Inl Imbleut lel lbe eIl hm II on em la mllbl mnd llle netly templelnl to yell bill lo me lll rm nutter lllIt pllm numbIn ever mllbnboodlnllbelmnl my cIrI Intl bII Ichabod them up no but lVI bIll tn It yuIl lvlee IIlynuro Inddnntkhaw whcll way to tum lvmnl um lbI Igltld cu lurl In lnIlIl lI nolbln they do he bell neullun In lblnl nllnloeboollbeellcannu Um men It coma up lIllb beltur ldul Anneyetl ll MIuItbuIllI be AIImdlll lure em II plm rel um All mm donewby lbelr yell ll you Ibwt lbI Il LN will hill to blre lawyer delend ynumll So why not km to InIh lbue III plylorllll punt your menu or Youll be glad you did llMONADI AND COOKIES cu mummy Item tom Iou JULY mu nunro yalVAlSSHOPPE ESSA noun VLADIES ll CHILDRENS CASUAL WIAR ou mm AND IAlUllDAYtElllllll sum mull In mm oun DMW lllEV DRAW mu nu ImunoN SAlURDAlt July Al loo an Inn wmmm WILL mm um um cnnmcm mom VALs suom PARKING AND INTRANC Al REA new In lowu