Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Mar 1953, p. 10

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Henry Cro den Bow or ores At Home In Henry Croyden Bowyer died on was memcr oElT Grov view 174 Ladies Mulberry Mrs McLeod 59 Barrio Resident For Past 36 Years Die resident of Barrie for the past 36 years Mrs Albert Ernest Mc Leod of 205 Bayficld St died at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Suri day March 22 1933 after heart attack She had suffered with as thma for the past eight or 10 years native of Vasey where she was born on Aug 1893 Mrs Mc Leod was the former Sophia Jane Edwards laughter of Mr and Mrs William John Edwards of Vasey She went to live in Orillia when she was ill years old and spent four years there before going to Cap rcol where she resided for two year before coming to live in Bar rte member of St Andrews Pres byterian Church she belonged to the Womans Association of the church and thc Loyal True Blue Lodge No 337 Besideshcr parents Mrs McLeod is survived by three brothers Mor gan Mervin and Earl of Vascypa sister Mrs Ellsworth Collins EL fie Wycbridge seven daughters Mrs Cecil Roe Nettie Barrie Mrs Frank Biownlow Myrtle Weston Mrs George Anderson Vera Aylmer Mrs Carl Brown Luella Ioronto Mrs Clarko Ap pleton tAgncsi Barrie Mrs Gif ford Kellogg Effic Shinglchousc Pennsylvania and Mrs John El liott Elsie Hornpaync and three sons Ernest and Ronald Barrie and Kenneth 13X RCAF Station Angus There are also 16 grand children Judy Roe Shirley Browns low Carol and Janice Brown Gin gcr and Jill Kellogg Joanne liott Mamiync and Patricia Apple ton Johnnie Roe Jimmie Donnie and Bobbie Anderson Vngpcn Brown Johnnie Elliott and Ralph McLeod Her husband the late Albert Ern cst McLeod predeceased her on Junc 27 1930 The funeral service at the Jen nctt Funeral Home on Wednesday March 25 was conducted by Rev James Ferguson Pallbearers were six sonsinlaw Frank Brownlow Westom George Anderson Aylmcr Carl Brown Toronto Clarke Ap ploton Barrie Gifford Kellogg Shinglchouse Penn and John El liott Horncpaync Interment was in Vascy Cemetery Floral tributes included those from the Loyal True Blue Lodge No 337 Vascy Womans Associa Jon Vascy Womens Institute Baylt Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmcn and the personnel of 13X RCAF Depot Relatives and friends from Oril lia Vase Midland St Catharines Aurora lliston Torontoqind Ayl mcr attended the funeral Iunerol Service Held For Braden 83 Resident 0f Essa former resident of Cedar Grove Robert James Braden pass ed away on Wednesday March 18 at his home on the sixth lot Con cession Essallownship He was born at Cedar Grove onApril 12 1869 and was son of the late Matthew Braden and Margaret Lyness Mr Braden lived his entire lifa on his farms at Cedar Grov huge Order and an honorary mem ber of Alliston RBP 140 In 1893 he married Sarah Jane Wilson who died some years later and in 1903 was married to Isa bella Speers who predeceased her husband on Nov 1948 He is survived by SIX children Herman Mrs Earl Solomon Mur iel Elmer Trucman Mrs David rBulman Ethel and Mervin and three sisters Mrs Lillian Birdsall Mrs Maude Scott and Mrs John Whyte Minnie all of Toronto brother William died four years ago There are also 12 grandchil dren and two greatgrandchildren The funeral srvice was held at the home of his son Mervin Braden and was conducted by Rev Maitland Pallbearers were Ern est Cumberland and Harry Latimer of Alliston REP 140 Aggert Edward Aggett Elmer Birdsall and Allan Cairns nephews of the de ceased Elower bearers were his grandsons Norman Clifford Wil liam and Ralph Braden Leggett and Cowling Inter ment was in Alliston Union Cem etery Relatives and friends from Ham ilton Toronto Port Credit Barrie and Honeywood attended the fun eral Do ghters Year Saturday Munch 14 1953 at the home ofhis daughter Mrs Dobson on the 7th concession of Vespra was in hiaMth year fter short illness He Anettv the County of Mid diesex England where he was attended the funeral ms BARBIE mm MONDAY MARCH 39 1953 Charles warm Watt Format offload Head Dies in orbnto Bradford Witness most highly esteemed and well known resident of the Bond Read district for period of about years Charles William Watt passed away at his home 1580 Bathurst St Toronto on Thursday March 19 1953 Mr Watt had been in failing health for some time but had been up and around his home until weeks before his death Born Becton 82 years ago the late Mr Watt received his odd lion in Beetdn schools and resicid there until 20 years of age when he came to Bond Head In 1907 he married Kathleen Slltilh of that vil lage and Mr and Mrs Watt lived and farmed in Tecumscth nea Bond Head until 194 when they retired at Bond llcad little Over year ago Mr and Mrs Watt join ed their daughter Miss Jane Fair Fairy in Toronto and with he took up residence in that city Mr Watt was always active in church and Sunday School work In 1902 he was made an elder in the Presbyterian Church of Bond Head and continued in this office in the United Church thus he was church elder for 50years He was superintendent or teacher in the Sunday School for over 60 years He also served as secretary trcasurer of Bond Head Cemetery Board for number of years Possessing kindly and friendly disposition Mr Watt had wide circle of friends and though nevvr aspiring to municipal office he took an active and helpful interest in affairs of the community Mr Watt is survived by his widow two sons and two daughters Miss Jane Fair Fairy of 1580 Bathurst St Toronto William of Bond Head Anne Mrs Jack Hughes of Churchill and James Hamilton The funeral was held on Sunday March 22 from the home of his son William at Bond Head The scr viccs were conducted by the pros cnt minister of the church assisted by former minister Rev Newcll and Rev Burton Hillsdale Interment was in Bond Head Cemetery The pallbearers were Brooks Gordon Brethct Les Holmes Charles Cerswoll Duncan McArthur and John Lloyd The flower bearers were Elwicll McKay James Smith Percy Reynolds Cardy McLean Alfred McLean Kenneth Holmes Adrian Bateman and Roy Bell Among those from distance at tending the funeral wcrc Mr and Mrs Fred Tomlin sister of Mrs Watt Mrs Charles Davis Allan Davrs Jack Davis MrsAustin Faulkner Ernest and Wilfred Robinson Toronto William Taylor Larry Reid and James Bushey of Hamilton Beautiful flowers were from relatives friends and from various branches of the Jenny Lind Candy 00 also the officers directors and supervisors of the company Office staff and employees of Ernest Robinson Ltd Gordon MacKav LtdiiBond Head Community Bond Head United Church and Sunday School Bond Head Womens In stitute and from the Sixth Linc neighbors born on July 26 1859 the deceased was the son of the late John and Elizabeth Bowyer He came to Canada in 1909 and resglgd in pronto Oakville and Richmond Hill before coming to Barrie 5A compositor in England he worked withthe Bank of Commerce in New Toronto The late Mr Bowyer was mem ber of the United Church be longed to the session of Ce fury United Church New Toronto for number of years He had been great cricket player in England He is survived by five children Mrs Otway Queenie London Mrs DW Dobson Lillian Ves pra Edward Inkster Mich Wil llam Detroit Mich and Alfred Toronto There are also 28grand children and 28 greatgrandchil dren Mrs Bowyer predeceased her husband in 1944 The funeral service at the Jen nett Funeral Home on Tuesday Marchl7 was conducted by Rev Bewell Pallbearers were Edward Bowyer Elmer Dobson 0r ville Dobson Russell Maw Shyr1 Gurncyranddaloyd Sa ndersonln terment was in Barrie Union Cem etery Among the floral tributes were those received from Central Unit ed Church Womans Association Central United Church choir and Centre Vespra Womens Institute Relatives and friends from Ink ster Mich Detroit Mich Dear born Mich London Toronto Wes ton Long Branch Uxbridge Rich mond Hill GrenielLand Edenvalc gt WELCOME STRANGERS often read in the paper of gunsaway parties for departing residents But what of the many new residents moving into town If we all extend thewelcome hand to our newcomers we makcboosL era of Geraldtcn 1Geraldton Ont TimesStar can Popular With Other Concemitigfomiation New only Outside of the municipalities in cluded in the plan there is strong opposition to Mayor Cramps plan to sheer off part of Simcoe County and part of North Ontario to form new county it was indicated 1m an article in The Midland Free Press Herald recently Representatives of the townshipsg of lay Medonte Matchcdash Oral illia and Oro in Simcoe and Rama and Mara in Ontario counties were not quoted but Reeve Andy Dunlop of Goldwater just bordering the area was very outspoken againsti it Im opposed to it It looks to= me as though Orlllia wants to be county town and get new thnI hail out or it he declared Asks More Facts Rccvc Dunlop said from what he had heard of the plan so far that Mayor Cramp would have to pro duce lot more facts and figures than he hasSo far before he would be convinced the idea was sound one We all know there is something wrong some place that taxos are too high but creating new county Isntgoing to cut dowa on expenses cant see his slant at all stated Mr Dunlop It looks to me as though Mayo Cramp is looking for new way out now that the Ontario goveru menthas blocked any attempts on the part of large urban munici palities to secede from counties in which they are situated the Cold water rceve stated He failed to see where county road and welfare costs would be cut down by such move as sugj gcstcd by tho Orillla mayor Cold water has been paying lts share to the Childrens Aid Society to the County Health Unit and other welfare services for yearso Yet as far back as can trace we have never had child in the care of the Childrens Aid Society nor have we had an indigent patient But we pay our share and part of Orillias indirectly commented Reeve Dunlop From what Mave read on the idea so far Im opposed to it But if anyone can show me anything better anything that will improve thc lot of the taxpayer then Im all for it he declared Urges Caution Not so outspoken was Midiands Mayor Charles Parker It might be case of out of the frying pan into the fire We must move very slowly The situation requires lot of study he commented Reeve Wilfred Savage of Victoria Harbour did not think the time was ripe for plan such as this although he forecast the time would come when there likely would be division between the north and southern part of the county But it wont be in my time he said The southern part of the county has nothing in common with this area Theyre farming commun ity and not much interested in in dustry or tourists he stated He admitted however that this year reeves from South Simcoc townships and urban centres were taking greater intercstlin industry and tourists for they supported motion at county council which saw $3000 voted towards tourist promotio Reeve WalterMiddleton was the sparkplug behind this move said Reeve Savage Reeve Savage felt if Mayor Cramps plan was given any con sideration it should include Tiny and Flos Townships and the north urn parts of Sunnldale and Notta wasaga as well as the town of Col lingwood because the interests in theSe areas are in common with those of other North Sitncoe towns and townships News To mm This is the first Ive heard of it burl dont think much of the idea commented Mayor George Kerr of Penetang dont think theyd let him get away with it did you see what happened to Hespeler andParis requests to secede from Waterloo and Brant Penetang is in very fortunate positionnowa$far as the County Simcoeimncemed LfeeLt we had better let well oncogh alone If they are not going to include Tiny Township what happens to not afford to have that scrapped new We new the increased high Ichol facilities but without the assistance of Tiny Township we cant expect to get it No think were far better off in the County of Simcoe he stated Reeve Albert Carvert of Port Mc Nicoll said he thought it would be good idea if Barrie was in cluded lve always had an Luca that the county would be better off divided in two parts As it stands now the north and the south are too far apart both geographic ally and in interests Ithink the plan would lot of money He thought the idea deserved lot of study but did not think the northern part of Ontario County should be included because it pos sessed lot of would not bring in much in the way of taxes Cramps Proposal Mayor Cramps proposal calls for the tOWnshlps of Tay Mcdoute Matchcdash Orillia and 00 in Simcoc the townships of Rama and Mara in Ontario County and the urban municipalities within this area to be incorporated into new county In Mayor Cramps opinion Sim coc County is too unwieldy and hide bound by years of tradition to read ily induce the present county coun cil to come to practical and unpre judiced grips with present day con ditions He contends that the formation of separate county would reduce by at least oncdialf the administra tion costs in the areas under his proposal Methiiicwlhhw For Building Now in tiled Medonte Township Council has bylaw now in effect covering requirements for building dwell ings which it believes meets all essential requirements Council studied the document and had the township solicitor make final re visions and improvements As further safeguard against erection of undesirable or unsafe buildings permits have to be obtained from the building inspector John White The bylaw applies to all build ings to be used for dwellings and includes construction alteration moving repairs or additions but does not affect interior alteration or construction If building con tinues beyond year since the or iginal permit was obtained new permit must be obtained Each dwelling must be at least 20 feet from the street road or highway line or where there are buildings nearby must be in con formity supplementary permit with out charge will be necdcd for structural changes planned during course of construction Allstove and furnace pipes must be properly secured and tted or arried into brick stone or con crete chimneys or other fireproof material The building inspector is cm powered to refuse permit if he deems the bylaw is being contra vened Appeal may be made to the Council Foundations must be of brick stone concrete or concrete blocks The bylaw pointsout the nec essity of conforming to sanitary requirements of Department of Health Buildings or alterations cannot be made of unfinished wooden siding without application of at least three coatsof exterior paint with in periodof six months from construction or alteration Penalty for violation includes ne of not over $50 or distress and sale of goods or if nancial re dress is unavailablea period of not over 21 days in jail THOSE BUTIERFLIES ULT STEMARIEJJ Among the early butterfliesWas one gaudy creature spotted here few days ago People said it had wingspreadof about 11 inches and our high school district We cancertainly wisnomoth International Milk Give ouTItcu FEATURES oz cog antnod om pacify to so 9m hass mammalimmu PM miss our Etcif milk without Mfumggmgo when to wish trMlhf tGDIIIQIIWI bold but MM do um um Thm whore internti Harvester Mill on in operation than any use make you boy got the facts fromthse waste land that MISS MARILYN ARMSTRONG of centre was among the student nurSes who received their caps at the Toronto East Ilospitai General and Orthopaedic sr PAULS Visits Husband at Sunnyhrook Mrs Wallace Burbcr wont IUSCI her husband in Sunnybrook I1 pilal Toronto one day last lie is coming along inc and pccts to be out of his cast this week Birthday Party Mrs Blundcll held birthday party for Drake Richardson of Barrio Drake is Mrs Drakes IIIIIK grandson Mn and Mrs Gordon llalbcrt and family Newton Robinson wcrc at Mr and Mrs Ewart Jcnnctts on Sunday In Convalescent Hospital Mrs Lionel lainc is in Newton brook Convalesrcnt llospitultiWc all wish for her return soon and in good health Return To Saskatchewan Mr and Mrs Borden Ncsbitt and children have left for their home at Bladworth Sask after spending nine weeks with Mrs Hubbcrt and Velma St Pauls Church News Recent baptisms Charlotte Lilii an Ronuld William and Kenneth Stewart children of Mr and Mrs Stewart McKcown 13th Concession Innisfil Arthur Rowe came home Wed nesday for the Easter recess from St Andrews College Aurora We regret to learn flint Mr and Mrs Smith 13th Concession are leaving the Parish for another loca tion with Ontario Hydro They will be greatly missed hcrc Mrs John Cook Painswick has returned to her home after winter Ing with her family in Montreal All the signs that winter is be hind us are apparent and the absent ones return The birds are daily Haunted Commander VS Shrliht ooupo for fivu Whit idonlla and clnolu wheel disc onqu at omenIL ew1953 Stude reigrz carair body iffye Canadian comfort and handling care It Izger wheebares 4nd wraferztreaalr exmeufgtm EW for lg ciliain madlzuggingrtability on amend curve likitrie 3011 CENTRE VESPRA School Immunization SCVLIJI rclitlkli and pitfSCIitlllI Clltidttll urc gm the first of tin iminuniz Hurdles on Mar lhL other appointing arc sci April 22 and May 21 130 pm In tho school Anyone wanting to benefit from these inoculations is welcome Obtains New lruck Dobson is the owner of hit new maroon halfton pickup truck Empire Mourns The Empire or ii whole was shocked to lira of the death of lxlovod lady tho Dowager Quucn Mary in Iltfr llith year It just socms too bad that she had not been spared to soy Illl granddaugh for Queen Elizabeth II crowned in June Road Conditions Tilt roads around uc softening up but according to rcports tiiosc of Vcsprn urc bottcr than those of some surrounding townships Flu Still Prevalent The fluis still keeping quite few children out of school as chI as the older people indoors Mull Lady In Hospital We are sorry to hear that our mail lady Mrs Hooper is confined visiting us the grass is turning green tulips are sending forth their leaves so that nature is all with us in grand contribution to the Easter theme of renewed life and vigor Attend Sportsmcns Show Paul Stundon Brian and Dale Pratt were at the Sportsmefrs Show in Toronto last Thursday pt well czitl titar Ncusmocr 5r he monies this month Left is Miss Jean Stew ens Golden Valley and right Mary Wright London Marilyn is he daughter of Mr and Mrs Armstrong ll Dunlop St Barrie to Roan ViCltlllil Hospital 111 Ba 11 with pneumonia We WIEII turr 13 recovery Has Bronchitis son is confined in bod bronchitis llurry and get Won Birdhouse Prize Congratulations to Vcrn Dot who won second prize for his house it tho Iiobby Show in Bar ric March 1319 Viistors Io Wallwius Sunday visitors at Wallwins wcrL Clifford Pooic Longlac It IOlllt rillia and Mr and Elrick ioronto BRENTINOOD Ilud Schcll and Melville Orscr loronto were home for the wool cud Joc Metkirthy and Dick Kclly loft last Week for Kingston where they vill cornmcncc another season of sailing TRY AN EXAMINER AIYI AI PHONE 2414 06 70 IM 11 All over England throughout June and July towns and Villages be rich splendor of Lon gu to the new monarch Plymouth for emmpie in spcmi on its lake advantage oI DIAIIRS NAME REE Nov your tires exam In by man who know Then youll be 153 of your safety Its In sor vlco no obli gaon Why dont you nanrsnonrs ttircotone sronr Cm Dunlap St anc Maple Ave PHONE 3195 FOR COMPETENT Noel iron APPOINTMENT moan 3338 EYE CARE CONSULT Stephenson RO OPTOM ETRIST at STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS DUNLOP STREET BARBIE ONTARIO thrills 311773113113 Huge trends jam showrooms to buy the mostexcitings nw car in Come in right away andbrdeIlyGur Sedans coupes hardstopsio colors rateall right down to earth inprice be all savegasoline

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