mm mm EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 20 r953 Merchants Closing Hours Vote Late Friday Early Sat haunt from We 03 travelling onmlndays gold this had been raised on prev occasion About 175 let item had been sent out to local merchants askingrxor their view 93 the question and out of these gene were only fit replies came ckto the Chamber of Com merce 35 of which were in favor of the change Considerable discussion followed at which orgurilehtswere put for ward in support of the change and against it Geoff Glenn pointed out that to 1day merchants were having some See this full range of GilspiiEIECIric Appli anccs ask about the low price check the guarantee on each pro duct Rolfe ANoSoN f2 St Phone 3003 Barrie It Qt in wm am the town if WU remained open on difficulty obtaining staff Ills opinion was that if the stores re mained open until Friday night at pm they would get quite considerable amount of extra bush ness especially from the tourist trade People who travelled north at the weekends usually did lllclt think would be better for Fridays until pm and closed on Saturdays at pm he added Referring to the question of staff our member of the urdtencei said that ltltlil young girls were showrng pltltltIltL to working in office because they did noti have to work on Saturday nightsl They had their friends from their school days lllll Saturday nightsl were about tlu only occnsions on lwhlch they could lllttl ouch ollteti think we might get bettetg type of girl if we stayed opt1 uni Friday nights the xpkar re marked Just Like thrlstmus Pelklns told the meetI ing that he had made tlltltlllltn rc garding Sllllllitl change in tin closing hours winch had been made in Uwvn Sound in Septem ber Inst year The thud apparently Shown an increase gwhcn it went into operation Now ywawvv Asphalt Rubber Slarboleum June Rubber Matting Stair Treads Plastic Wall Tile llnln colors or pcurllzed Estimates Free fix it yourself or let us do complete Installation Bantu room 29 Park St Phone 4067 IIIIS Anathema common STONE nonomLow vhcmo KEMPENFELT my Pinon uv centurion IT Bertram Bros Hitivor Home that says 28 Johnston St Phone 5100 any manmymm IVIWM Wm Ithis point however gt merchants lthere had been opposed to the idcztf when it was suggested but salcs to however they seemed to be of the opinion that with Friday cxccptions like eating places bar lllE FIGURINE night opening it was just like Christmas Ted Twlss the said that he felt the open on Friday mg ts their sales would increase In general they were losing the trade of people who finished work in local in dustrial firms on Saturdays at noon and went away for the week next speaker if they were ends What he would like to see he iaddcd would be the Stores re mousing open all day on Wednes days open on Friday nights until pm and closed at noon on Sat urdays grout many people lucrc away out of town at noon on Saturdays Hurry Armstrong said that he was not in favor of the idea of changing the hours They all knew that in the past the town used to be Clv uusy on Satur days with tourist traffic going north Various members lntcrjectcd at to point out that wrth the new bypztss the tourists would not come into Bar tlt lust Ila Unanimous lnv Vlt that Friday night open ing had been successful in some places was expressed by De caric but he pointed out that it was essential that the merchants would making any change They all had agree one way or the other His suggestion was that bylaw should be framed with certain but shops and drug stores making gthe closing times quite specific if they were going to open on gFriday nights they would have tot havc bylaw to close on Satori rday nights if they did not do Ettth they would not get isnyvfbercui Shorter Ham crl working hours There was nol doubt in his mind that In the not too distant future we would have 35hour working week The tourist trade was actually onlyl about twomonth proposition What they Should be concerned about was their business operation throughout the 12 months of the year There was little doubt that the merchants big investment in Barrie was the farming trodc There was no denying they all ap preciated the tourist trade but over year they were concerned with the trade that came from the people living in the farming com munities It would take great drill to try and convince him that they Should stay open on Friday nights They should look after the people who kept them in business have seen real disaster through IFridziy nlght opening he com merited After further discussion along ithese lines Geoff Glenn made gmotion that the retail mcrchantst committee make plans to have al would open on Friday nights until 39 pm and close on Saturdays at pm It was pointed out by Ralphi Snclgrovc however that thereE would be no legality in such NHA IlDlDONDINMG ttnvn uva noon uax aor mansions are 31 feet four inches Working drawings for this house Designed by OttMva architect Dixon here is devil storey house that is planned to meet the needs of the growing family All the conveniences of twobedroom bungalow are ofler by the ground floor roomtrrang ment but when the upstgirs be rooms are nished the bous comes either fourbedroom dwelling or threebedroom house with separate dining room The kitchen with its compo Ushaped arrangement of equiv ment and counter space and joining dining area will appeal to many housewives as will the en erous supply and variety of closet which serve every room The large corner window in the living room and the ower box at the right of the front en trance round out an attractive exterior appearance Unbroken roof lines rectangularfound tion and plumbing arrangement serving the kitchen and bathroom Spelloconomy The exterior finish of the house is brick veneer with stucco or wood siding on the gable ends The floor area is 1220 square feet andthe cubic measurement is 19270 cubic feet Exterior by 25fect eight inches known as Design 303 are avail from Central Mortgage andouslngorporation at minimum cost The Last Column tContlnued from page one Started although must say limit than did we used to sit up on Thursday nights or rather Friday morningsl until the early hours lry rug to figure out subject about which to write Regularly used to get headaches Slllmg up and getting terribly dis couraged because could not find particular word to fit sentence With my closest approximation to profanity frequently threw nightS work In the wastepaper bus ket with it bitter phooey Tint started the grey hairs that my wifi now delights in telling me ltt sprouting allover my cranium covering It is much simpler nor adnys but as remember so Lrll those early days in my columnistic cmeer please dont ever come and tell me that it is an easy thing just to sit down and write cul umn Im still liable to throw everything including the kltcnen sink of you Ilowcver did kind of fall down on the job on three occasions to have to be unanimous in bylaw drawn up whereby storcsluw best my memory moi of these occasions was still work motlon All that could bottom at such meeting would be toflnd out the general feeling on the prol DEStNthHEMONTtI posal To have such bylaw framed it would be necessary to circulate petition around the merchants in the town and this as did my v1fl in away on my column few nun utcs before the deadline and realized it was lust hopeless tzymi to get It through lortuzmzi Gcorge Hill had column set it considerably easier to wrzte it noivndavs than did year exalt look mfg oil Lif eve not hm was qu lcgocchoion Deadline trouon nit 386 thcr occasion Ro chune said that the trend tit0 ue the mm an was written but it was one of in ltrda wasdetlnitetowardss rt n33 it be it aimed to Canada little la ways when we had hch pm Th colum fore going to press and my baby sort of got shoved into the bull Iii es so to speak However once again HJE came to my unknowing asstxiurnr He found my copy lying in HE wastepaper basket and turned It over to WKW who used in We following Mondays Firs Iillllll There was only one occasion on which failed to write colunmi and that was just beczitisc Iuli the vogucst idea of how own to write complete nonsense dinpill the fact that have been told tlitt this is something at which ekelf Of course for timesl did lllt llLLllll tutti Limited Crushed Gravel Stone and Sand Excovming would then have to be submittedI to town council The meeting was then informed Mr Caldwell that forms for the purpose of nding out the views of the members present had been prepared and would be cir culated Moderate cash requirements for your new home Balance on Mortgage payments less than monthly rent Information obtained wt court Young have to but Andyou dont have to phone to have bay thout obligation Real Estate Broker PHONE BARRIE 2377 telephone service Wdtei Sdfteher to have SOFT WATER For sof water service from the start in your new home call 47 82 HS Sophia St West Commercial Er Residential Renovations and Repairs ROOFING CARPENTRY CABINET WORK No Down Paymenton Most Jobs For FAST EFEICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PHONE COLLECT STROUD 47in llllloltl RGIIlSltllllBuie hero tlteloolyoitvtillttcetl over to writing the First Column but that could Same thing lVlios hr bus anyway live copy to deal with Jtlft om TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All EXPLANATION Beau mom hit our Mr but blow this ml space in been much curtailed and it in immune to though type not to Mt calm you In time for pope distribution Conquently we regret that Levon future Articles on building have Ind to be held OVII be classed at the WKWih it couldnt TaylowOh yes could WKOi no it couldntf fill TaylormOh no it couldnt MA FIRE AND FLOATER II llYRlI IiEllEllIll INSURANCE Dunlop St East Barrie Ridlcy Manager 2443 LIAIHIJIY AUTOMOBILE WALLBOARD ll MCOIE THE SIGN OF GOOD LVLIMVBEB PHONE 25 56 Ellen Street Barrio BUILDING MATERIALS ElRER HOMES Make sure of full satisfaction in that Home you are going to build Construct it of our Spe cified Quality Building Mater ials Know that every item from cellar to roof will serve and stand depcridably Get our esti mate Wccanhclp arrange loans for financing repairs additions at terations From $100 to $2000 ALLANDIILE unaccounted Barrie 558i now Not late in the season when everybody wants it and often cannot get it in time for summer recreation place your order for Cottage Garage or Home With BART BUILDERS SUPPLY Cookstown 86 By placing your order in March you are entitled to discount of 215 Simcoe District Repr AS Thompson Creemore 65W All types rough and finished lumber Carried in stock 41 43 Quick delivery anywhere in Barrie district MODERN MILL wonxsnor For chsroru MILL worm ET STEP LRlIllER 32 at lzttYmvttttrldIsltltn TOOLS you will need to clean up thermal lawn the back yard tho garden Hurry into Robinson Kard mama so 1113 947 raw Drive out of town for quicker service mam el repair lwithd ft in brown oibnci doi duiqnlcouht yourfuolIovlnq UrMOIlbl olljyonll liloliyour om told tilt ti Arnie Sonics Jutt think of th cm of jobs you dor could use this Indderfor Buy it now at thi on Island ino price at only EXTENSION LADDERS Choose from slzn need thin ladder for removing upi Intro norm windows the roe anigdoun 26 FOOT $3795 $2050 tans 32 roor 14 Tooth Garden Rake More is the rake you wittynud for working in tho tacit yard for itho garden mode MEI Youll ronalring of other lobt 241001 to bound Mouth shovel handle Mild tunic wholly motto throunltotlt We on Moll buy it Robinson ware today buy the tools you need at or Itut handle ago turf roots Excep tional value gt tronolvy piggyboo 77 Side from ELAWN Balloon FENCING JIMmu hish use it to ovotaettillowu bod or gown mom anamollul pith nutty in Ind easily Itomt when not in use thug these low prices styles in hamboo with wooden Will not dam Spade Solid throat handlei top quality snade Ior Iardon orrllowor bolus 98 $329 ujim variouubtivluo ma lengths um PRIGI toot length out NEw HOME unto BRISTIIW Plumbing ottoman WARM Amronnncfsf EOIICEDAmrWINTEB AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS OIL BURNERS to odniop St tit mom lineman nsso on ovations SALEScud sermon Shop at 54 Sophia East Item 14 deny St monn 3230 Phone 95 South 01 Barrie Highway No outstation sworn 56r22 Painswick ht DOITYOURSEIII BUILD THIS RECREATION ROOM in your buoment Its Simple ob to finish oiling predcoorated tllebolrd walls vidth bountiful knotty will panelling or wood grnlned mum panels lino DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS fro suswou on exams or Stoooo up