pond their markets abroad only if we give you good you want zit nrices you can afford to pay SlIi hn Black depuiyrchalrman andiI aha Motor Co Ltd of Coventry fold press conference here his companys expansion programl which includes erection of newl depot in the Toronto area and callsi for 50 increase ill the 400 deai ers across Canada Sir John alll nounced introduction of three new Standard cars THE STORY OF THE BURUNATlO RING BY Rf MUST robotics CARS TO sou CANADIANSSTANDARD HEAD iToronto Telegram British manufacturers will exl gin director of the Standard In Canada in connection with headquarters building and par These new models reect his companys appreciation of the fact that export business is going 10 the people who really go after it Each of the new cars is aimed spe cifically at certain market and includes features which will make it competitive in that market Aimed At Market Aimed at the Canadian market is the Vanguard Phase II new versionof the popular Vanguard which has been sold in this court iry for the past five years It has now lines4119 low look dictated by Canadian tastesand incorpor ates several other features suggest by lessons learned in five years lling on the market here Though is specially designed and built to meetAthcirugged conditions of Canadian climate roads and driv ing habits it is expected to iind popular acceptance on other world markets Another dollarearrler is the new Triumph sports car which is Stan dards bid for share of the grow ing sports car market in the US This new model which offers hef ter than 100 mph performance styl ing along the lines of the Jaguar and popular price appeal is ex pected to retail on this continent for about $2200 Economy Model in the European Asian and Afri can markets wherelncreased com petition is being met from contin ental manufacturers such as Volks Wagen Standard is introducing an economy model which retains con ventional lines but features 50 milespergallon performance at competitive price While each of these cars is de signed primarily for certain mar ket all will be available whereve andard cars are sold Sir Job lted out But we dont think the econ omy carwill be in demand in Can adatheres far too much prosper ity in evidence on every hand he stated its nice little can with an 800 cc 32 hp liquid cooled engine and looks good It Shauld sell for less than $1500 here but we thing you Canadians Will only buy an economy model when you are forced to do so Though British manufacturers recognize that they must ndapt their products to the demands of the market their problem is to remaincompetitlve when they are practlcally strangled by high taxa tion Sir John pointed out 70 Profits Taxi My company must pay 70 of prot in taxes so if we are to have anything left to put back into the business we would have to make inlpossibiy high profits be said fIt just means that capi tal equipment needed to keep our production lines up to date has to be nanced by capital raised from er sources Government also get pur tax of 66 23 on the whole siile price of new cars Sir John added This has resulted in buy ers stirke so that Britons today can get immediate delivery on practically any model This doesnt mean that the back logcf new orders has disap peaked he go ted out There are 1500000 obsolete and unsafe cars on British roads which should be replaced but people hesitate to buy because of the tax situation At Crossroads This situation must be recognized by the British government or it will result in serious unemploy With the home market practically taxed out ofexistenceand high taxes mak mg it difficult for British manu facturers to keep their plants com petitive the industry is at criti meat soon Sir John felt cal crossroads he pointed out Canada is Standards Second big gets export market next to Aus tralia said Sir John and his com pany is making determined bid to expand operations here Stand is building parts depot and ngthening its sales and service ts across the country Sir John is not ANClENT mm mm mot ion flown DIAMONDS SURROUND LARGE SAPH1RCKOSSED 81 FOUR NARROW RUBEES THE NNQWHiCMSVUCED FiNGER OF THE QUEENS lllGHT HAND ls SYMBOL OF REGAL DlGNiiv AND DEFENCE OF ME FAer VICTORIA NW WAS MADE SO SMALL THAY lT CAUSED THE QUEEN GREM mm WHEN PLACED on HER men l0 Brllalnis Chancellor 03 the Exicnd with Mr and Mrs William chequcr Butler study of Finance Bedrdsau in Toronto Minister Abbotts budget and thc tax reductions it admitted Canadian manufacturers were disappointed the excise laxiwcckcnd with friends in Barrici on new cars was not changed but he compared it to the 66 239 payable ill Britain who built Standard Motor Co from5 million tum over before the war to 50 million today said he Would recommend THE L67 Jau m5 SAPPHIRE Rim THE ARCHEst UPON THE FOURTH SMALL WJCAOF THE QiMGGiVEN TO QUEEN Mr and Mrs Harry Usher Mark 53 Carol Hamilton spent the uclrkclld with Mr Ushcrs mother Mrs George Usher Mr and Mrs CLCll Devon and Juan Weston and Hcvan Heur llcy 5pm the weekend wath Bur ilx Graham Mrs Ross pawn Millcr Toronto was Ml lnd Mrs John Kerr Leave for Florida Mr and Mrs Tipping left on Saturday for holiday in Flnr idu Mr and Mrs Edgar Bunrdsnllmml vilicd Mrs Harvey Hudson BulgVery ion Ml ulld Mrs Vcrnc Bcardsall visited thcir soninlaw rind daugh tcr Mr and Mrs Allan Molllson St Calhurlncs Mrs George Soiurduy to spend few weeks with lcluiives in Toronto and Lind soy Manning left on SIR JOHN BLA Mrs Juc Adams spent the wcck Mrs William Kerr spent few days with relatives in Orillill Mrs Rowat spent contained lie the In Hospital The many friends of Mrs Mc Elwaln will be sorry to hear she is patient in St Andrews Hos pital Midland Sympathy Extended Sincere sympathy is extended l0 Mrs Iarncy and Miss Susan Dickinson in the passing of their sister Grace Mrs Volmer Van couver BC Died on Monday Feb 23 Mary Jane Dundus wife of the late Som llcl Nitbolls in her 94th year SinA ccrc sympathy to the family Mrs Beardsall is spending week with her sonindaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Wat son Toronto Mr and Mrs Raymond McFad den and Shirley Barrie visited Mr and Mrs William McFadden last week Excellent Meat The Ladies Aid of St Andrews Presbyterian Church held hot supper on Thursday Feb 26 in the church basement There was good attendance and reports are all choyed the variety of tastefully preparcd food Infant Baptism Sunday morning at St Johns United Church infant bapstism was observed with Rev Rey holds officiating Shirri Marie daughter of Mr and Mrs Murray Thurlow and JoAnn Lyn dauglr ter of Mr and Mrs Ewart Thur low were baptized Miss Ann Ritchie of the local branch of the Bank of Toronto is relieving at the bank in Allandale for three weeks Miss Ann Burton and Mrs Harvie left on Wednesdayfor Cali fornia and other cities for months holidays Elmer Robins who has been vis iting his sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Thurlow left on Monday for his home in Anemid Sask ANTEN MILLS Jimmy Lalonde is in Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie where he had an appendectomv Wu wish little Jimmy speedy recovery Mrc Boston and Mrs Campbell spent few days with Mr and Mrs Johnny Colllns in Tornnto last week Mr and Mrs Dave Kcuwcll vis ited in Toronto on Friday Mrs John Oxford Lefroy spent week with her daughter Mrs Tom lnklcy Mr Oxford is pa tient in Royal Victoria Hospital nlrrie at present Red Cross The School children held thelr Red Cross meeting on Friday aft ernoon with convener Norinnr Haight in charge delicious cake was made by Mrs Haight and tickets were sold and money raised for the Red Cross CHURCHILL Mrs Gordon Toms Toronto spent the last weekend of February with her parents Mr and Mrs Robert Hunter Glad to report Barbara Richard son recovering nicely after an ap pendix operation in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Frank Robertso aria enjoying their new television 52 Bonsplel Winners Mr and Mrs Ralph Reive and Mr and Mrs Mansfield Harrison in the mixed bonspiei at Bradford won picnic rolls Mr and Mrs Borden Nesbiit and daughter of Vledasworldl1 Sask are visiting Mr and Mrs Lemuel Hubbert and family Mr and hits Alex Saunter and baby spent Sunday with friends at Myrtle Mr and Mrs Wicks and fam ily Mark spent the weekend it loans Mrs Wicks re maining for few days Friends of Mrs Sloan will be glad to know that she came through the operation at Western Hospital on Saturday and we hope for speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Steers Oshawa visited Rev and Mrs Rowe on Sunday stopping on their way to attend service at St Peters Omission Omitted from St Peters Church report rectors warden Moffatt peoples warden Lorne Matchett lay delegate Donnelly sec retarytreasurer Sloan sides men Donnelly FJG Mort18 Harry Squibb Robert Hunter cemetery committee Akers Donnelly Robert Hunter Mrs Moffatt convener of altar and flower committees Sunshine Mssion Band TheSunshine Mimiorl Band held their February meeting at the home of Marilyn and Stanley Todd with good attendance Hymn 594 was sung folloWed by the Mission Bond Purpose Stanley Todd was con vener of tile program committee fTell Me the Stories of Jesus was sling and Allan Stewart read the scripturc Icsson Mrs Camp ell introduced the new study book Nyangas Two Villages andjtold the first chapter in very interest ing way Ruth PrOSSer read poem The Valentine Store and apoem After School was read by Jean Spence The meeting closed by re peating the Lords Prayer in unison Following the meeting games were enjoyed pandlunch was served Attend Funeral Mr and Mrs Mel Rowat and Frank Townes attended the funeral of Mr Townes nephew James Booth St Catharines on Feb 23 Mr and Mrs Earl Drysdale Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr Drysdales parents Mr and Mrs Drysdale WIN BICYCLE Every garment sent to Wright Cleaners Limited entitles you to chance in this wonderful contest lt1 for free Bicycle for your boy or girl in you CAN ENTER TODAY Tomonuow on ANY WEEKDAY arroyo LEwu Ill 3101mm km llll uoltltt PYMNT or loth be will RANVF COMPANY KiNGSLiY SUTTON Idiot courtssoas CORONATION one alumni ANOTHER vALUABiE SAWHiRE wulcu ls NOWON TI swim MEJMWRML 5mg mm LEGEND reus Ow JON WE MNGEUSI DiSGUISED AS UitGRlM 5W THE tomb LAYER AS KEYUIHED few of Elmae Mrs Charlie Columbus Mrs James Stone Mrs Mrs OHalloran attended the fun erle of the late Mr Brunning Chm Muntmurency On Tuesdayleb 24 Mr and Lloyd Ritchie and Miss Terry Sicphcnsonand Ron Rimme Toronm 5mm the weeks do things placed on tho boards cnd with Mrs Ritchie Mr and Mrs Clare Knlpe Tor3 leccnl vmhlr With lltl parcnts onto were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Bert Greenbank Mrs Burton weekend with relatives in Toronto Much Is Here March is here is the topic of endeavorlng to break up the school rsation and it came in wllharcn others are striving to estab liitlc know and sunny skies llsh larger Llllb spent the but anything can happen during the next few weeks More than 100000 tourists pscd all reachcd Falls ll Kent House attlle summit during 1952 Bibcaull CNR district puss enger agent at Quebec City bounced an iFarm Forum iDiscussion Condemns lSmall School Units family Ly nns birthday much improved in health sou Birthday We much like to offer our Cut ggrutuinllons at tins time it Mrs EMU Canning who will be CtlK Those who installed to the Farm binmg he Forum program on Monday night home sun 311 150 Ever lmllst have bccn struck Wllh megawm 13an In the mm timely topic which was discumcdimxm when three leaders from mrlousgunnympdp M13 15 of Canada discussed the pub WWW lit rchool system especially as url ban and rural schools compared agreement and mprovcd education rural areas bclttr system of truns read me inaugurated were brought and mori people who know how to Sinmun mgmg put the quill tops together The quilting LS 1A on the evening of March 17 at thc home of Mrs Grosc lngmm offered her home for poltzliion would be What people want they are will ing to pay for was the conclusion generally agreed schools are the greatest hindrance to better educa li was that oneroom lion facilities today While men in Inniifl are bu nftemuo ll 5y llioSl Who do not favor Such uc year of illill iloll should be busy Willi lllLlt pc are those will fccl that rcvertlng the small sections Will be do SKIING AT BANFF Bani in the Rockies winter paradise for those who love the thrill of active outdoor sports In setting of sparkling beauty framed against the backdrop of Canadas most maiesllc mountain rangel Wherever you nd people who lead an exciting onthego kind of life thats where youll see the ne new 1953 Monarch now on display at your dealers Theres youthful zest to Monarchs appealing lines that invites vou to take the wheel for smooth easy ride There satisfying luxury to Monarchs restful interiorsthat promises dfcpdown comfort through mile after mile of eortless dnvmg And there real thrill in the lively performance of Monarchs highsplnted IZSHp V8 engine Visit your Monarch dealers showroom soon and ask for demonstration drive in the magnicent new 1993 Monarch triumphant automobile achievement of this year oEComnaiion pageantry Let the admiring glances of others convmce you that il their education mom to the children and theirob Most of thoSl inlllzng the best education possmlc lltc children have to spend many able to pay their School lzlxcs where ane car mailers Monarch belongs iOOk lth lHE no OF vlliUE WHEN lilo lEFROY Mr lrlt Tmzmpriun my VH duct and Mrs Lloyd Swycr ave Mary 32135 Sheldon werirnd ath Jamie Lynn Raleigh Wm even in Grilled Eh wanton heme JJJHCE Wm mt 11m mm The We are sorry to hear that Harry Wight is under the doctoral at u53 Plan 333393 ball ward the new all forum going in niece Mumm lame and do hope sh Will br 90th anrllngs address in Convalescent United WA The WA held its meeting at Mrs The fond of me discussion was Douglas Reids last Thursday even thal small school mg will an attendzmce of 23 mom units we in lllujuflty of 5635 if gen and four visituni Hysiop efficlcltt and the teachers are of mod the Scripture and M15 Frank Ulllinuv home poo dualty Larger administra Corner gave the lesson thoughts lions lre capable of better training and prayer Roll call was ansumretl That in and the sccrctzlry Mrs Sheldon mlnulcs in quills are to be church batcmcnt Perrier in the near future lion was made to pay ll bill Cur leerlung the parsonage and $100 tea on March 24 Twill down per month Variety OWNmummmc Mk Lid SCliUlll lflill hurts as the lnuttcr cannot be lc teachers placed llllr for ihclr lnl milled by the Department of Edu slrucllun 18 Cl31F leadlng mm m9 fUGl cation if it can bc shown that there parents all to ill swung hut ihcy art not golllg Zui ri be deprived of this ln lny inurmvl who urc about the costs are financlu Pa rents should be lull mm gunman WY be given the church bowl 111 it 1m and the church Mn Wlnm Noble and Mm Reid honored with at 55km in wry miensting million of curi The meeting closed thostrm later served dainty lunch The Cbillflltlfllly offers ifs deepest sympathy to lhc faintly and alli minutes the late Mrs Slephl mg AIDS TKAVELLEKS fOOSE JAW SASK CPI Witch Mr and brh George Tay luz cf VJiltUuvtf found 1inch rifhltllrd here they went to Rev Meredith Buntlllg of Trinity Uniin Church it congregation agrcelil to tum owr the churchculltctiuni of flint night to tho Tuylors to row ublc them to repair their car lnlll birthday at 1hr Hon SALE mm mm Sewing Machines Portable Cabinet Models Quilt blocks with Mrs Rom Mrs Guaranteed by Singer Sewing Machine Company six weeks course in sewing with the EM purchase of every machine depends oil lllSptCllVL lcilvc nuAnna aimsmun QEFIDECAR reptilianSlug