mW PROPERTY WANTED aces PET STOCK FARM rginmcur LWW Twmm ITMWMX SMALL ROUbE or Bungalow With my MANCHmTEs Do for sale hufgfogdoggis tifrouthrOIrlDvill small acreage Apply Box 39 Bary Apply 34 Kempenfeldl our selection of Ba piece bath large lot central Posyl fir Examiner 332425 me USED TRACTORS 32g mm by WANTED TO BUY or Item house Ollecondilioneo ORepainted flfhl Pllflilt 4U EliA Milli li 1y need apply to Box 46116 Ex NEW TRACTOR WARRANTY timincr 3325 SEED FEED Corby MOIOrs Lid Cor Steele Si and No 11 Highway BM BM morer FCR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE Chairmen WHY PAY HIGH RENT WW mm WM mm um 311953 WANTED um WANTED bEAcERWANTEO ALES 11 cwcilcrv M00001 payment $6500 down Aspply Buff 9831111 Hm PREWMI MODEL CARS paymcni $3700 six room two storey collect sundard winc bottles in OTIIIII Gravcnhurst Midland Savings up to 50 Sub 10 brick home with oil heating oak and dixliicf Apply mm stuck on hand liloors throughoul tiled kitchen Conodmn Tire Corp three bedrooms large living room Pcococlt Products Limited 49 Maple Street dining room This home Is one year Sardine 5w 5030 well landscaped groundx van 90 Duniup Si Wcsl Barrie St Catharines 12527 POR SAL CANARIES choice Rollcr Singers guaranteed strong healthy bird to cheer yOur home Also breeding hens Ernie Robertson phone 4818 3825 CHOICE Building Luis tiOxlrSs Napier and Cook 315 claw to school and bus service Plionc 5311 Speurin 1H Nupicr 31 102527 LARGE IllROOM Brick home lint wuicr healing new oil burner drop Iui large garage all newly Iccnrnletl new venetian blinds partly furnimcd including large elrctric range Large income Nrnr Ioblaws new store Early posscss ion lilncss forces sale Large down puymcnt required wncr phone 5209 1025 WOOD FOR SALE lIOICE BODY Hardwood fool or stove length Reasonable pricrs lhonc Ivy 18r31 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE Type An old establishcd life lnsuraricc com pony has on opening in the Barriv area for man 25 to 45 who IS intelligent ambilsous and person able To the man sclected wc off or an excellent training program salary and bonus and guurun teed pension Pieasc Bond 1313 concerning ugc martial slutus cm ploymciilr rccord education and references to Box 10 Blilllt Fixl amiucr 1192111 POSITIONS WANTED POSITION AS Typist in own homo Apply an Stun Juncs phouc 5239 22325 LE IIELI Floor molds and assistant Apply Miss Smith UIOMOTIVI tIorils Maul owls 1H cricct VlSllS r3 cmpnynic Dietitian Royal Vlclrlild Ilia35 Phone 3760 2mm km BOOKKEEPING Incomc Tax or EXTERENCED viiidrew Ollier OIIICI work done ll homo ed part or full time Wages and Apply John Morrison II lencluni cdgxriumsstun Phonf 110 uInpuoJa 5L WWW 2706 thgiw IIOUSEKEEPER wanted for sum home adults inc cnntlncd 1O 35 am Barrie Metal OSOlvoge ner 12311 kal ealcrs in scrap Iron nw furs YOUNG GIRL 11 Woman us mothE aides an um etc crs hclpcr on weekends IlIIduy 5mm price Md dam Cu and SaiurdayI Slccp in Mm 11kg rucks will Cll anywhere within children Phone 812r13 lvLW lhe county on request Phone 2083 Il 62031 residence 5306 Sloyner YOUNG MAN wantcd for other gm work In Muslioka Garage Must be able to type and Iakc shorthand Write Box 40 Barrie Examiner Yllrzdsolud cm 155 rm 12425 Special 111in Priccs Paid for LIVE POULTRY Il ri blinds and many other extras ed 72537 lncluded in theTyirlcc of this at BABY AMSTERS can iructive home to month pay men as shown includes your inlet int principal and taxes in accord once with NHA plan HARRY MICHIE Realtor Dunlap St Phone 3551 USED SIMPLKITY WASHER whilu ciiunicl finish $5900 Frro Il Salesman 1625 USED IIANGETIE with oven WWWMumH control Manic by Automatic JUIIIIH $3000 EPRRIENCED Wailrcsscs good In es 00d hours Apply Prysons Grain rrie lthf EXPERIENCED Waitress wanlcd for Al dining room Must have mferenccs Apply Queens Hotel 12415 Miles Butcher Armstrong Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd 758A Yongc St NY Bloor 133 DurIlop St Barrie Ph 0642 Your Ilcudquarlers For MCCLARY Rungcs Vuwhcrs Refrigornlors Cool 87 Woud Stoves Sink Cubincls MOFFAT ELECTRIC HANG ES SHELVADOR REFIIIOEIIAIORS $10500chcri room storey hunic centrally located to Barrie and Alluiidulc hot air healing full stzc buscmcnl with laundry room and tubs WOOD Beach and anlc cut SDI ciui for lircplnccs lords in four fool lcngths sniuc kind as ubovc lhonc 5731 and try our priccs 62230 AUTOMOBILES CASH For Your Car IN MINUTES SEE Honest Joe chcrul good building lots 12nd overlooking Buy 11 BRUCE REP BARRIE 6642 After hours call 2239 East COFFIELD Wuhch Automatic Clothes Drych Robinson Hardware 31 Diminp 151 East Barrio 725 REAL ESTATE BROKER IlIIIXE Dining Room Suilc Phonc 98 Baynem St Barrie Ph 5298 IllIN 725 3030 VlNClIIiSiIJR Carliiiic Ili 110 $10 iluinc 5759 725 lmnun Trunk good condiliou Phone 5071 7225 Highest Prices Paid 127 VOOO rjitriu vilifiiuach llllIllS IllllllC 6553 72i1 hides row fur horsehair fcnthcrsuum Hump Nearly New Brick Bungalow Down Payment $10005 large bright rooms and 4piccc bath bcurooms and reception 11111 Brick garage Lovely full busc 220 Bradford moni Air conditioned oil heating 13409 Lot 75 150 ft Outstanding View and TV location This home has cvcrylhing that the critical buyer looks for Very central to down town and schools MEN WANTED for Ruwlcigh busi ncss Sell to 1500 families Good will for hustlers Write today wlelghs Dcpl BIZBS Mon trcal 125 MARRIED MAN for farm work Beef cafllc Separate living quar ters for small family Roy Good fellow RR Stroud Phone 11181 Siroud 12520 WOMAN OR GIRL for part timc work Living accommodation pro vided Give line of ex cricncc and family if any in rep Box 41 Barrie Examiner 12425= GOOD HOME for elderly woman on farm No outside work Closc to highway and bus City conveni ence Reply stating vngcs wanch Box 48 Barrie Examiner 12ii Wardrobe Cross Town Motors Phone 5430 Welder cx Phone 5116 725 LEVITS TRADING zvrrng3Tbvmie 33 Comer St phone 230 pair Chains 650x17 Apply Box 37 ir Cullccl phonc calls occupied Bllmm 343 CEDAR FENCE Posts all sizes and uli lengths Pclcr Gyscl phone ilSSrli Burric aitcr pm 72429 thING TO Coronation Large simmer trunk good condition Suc rIficc lhunc 0385 after 530 pm 72511 CHESS CALLOUS Salvc relieves Big Values Big Buys Ai USED CARS OuIOITOWH Home 1951 FORD ronnon Down Payment $5400T1iis hgmc 1951 FORD Two DOOR cruzlls any nvctniie home in 211 Ill large rooiiis 3piecc bath 19 MLTEOR FORDOR and bedrooms Full high basc 193010RD TWO DOOR 1949 FORD FORDOR menl with oil furnace One acre land with IIICC landscaping and 1949 MERCURY FORDOR Two to choose from fruit trees Included in solo storms screens awnings vencIIan x948 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1040 MERCURY passenger coupe ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iran Metal Yard and Office mmnbeih SI 7A mmwmww Ideal Children pets sy twp BALI1 HAY and Straw for 5311 Muse and feed 31 act an be Square hairs wrrc lied delivered Seen 99 Donald sweet Phone LOOSE Mixcd may for solo Clo vcr Tmiothy Alla in Wcll saved Apply wIIImm Wamm no Will PROPER FOR 394245 luin Si Phone 50312 102520 ROOWED in business coup WOWW ah AN OLIVER Tractor for sale QUANTITY 0i 1m CIOWI 113 lfffffiphom 632 nearly newlines model used only 50110 hairs Would HIl or cx FURNISHED oust Ferndgle Can on farm with no custom work 03111090 101 lWUSlilflL Aillll me Or phone BIIHI 152425 Will 5611 reasonable William War Imwcli RR Barrio ILI2I20 ICE 00 William 51 Barrie P110 LIGIIT IIouOckccping Room suit 5382 352533 GOOD CLEAN Oat Straw In barn wo 152425 MASSEY HARRIS 30 Tfatlm 13 ollw pups Tom MchIdIII Illl months old new condizion used Glvi Uluplu phone Hrl Ivy 105I FURNISHED Rooms suiiablc for verv little Will exchange for Al Hy 42 Iris or working Couple Phenc 123 Chalmers WC Row Crop 1111 HARDWOOD Mixed Hinduood 25 Ba 49 Hardwood Slabs and Softwood 2749 15 Fagrmm nine suwmi any Icrtglb ICIIVbMLI LARGE 1m Collier SL DANES ROCK mu am pm Friday or an day n7 Eaturdak la 235 ACCOMMODATION for couple N0 objection to infant 1n Barrie Ccn Ody ondlggmng and Arthrmc Irul Phone 5134 1525 mingle TT pm 1111 TIC SHARE bedslftmg room Appomtment Phone 81411 and kitchen wrthsame Everything 30 Sllppllld Phone 6212 15232I FURNISHED Bd 00 10 orkin MHMC astur hp llESEkeepmf semggg lilgleftg 310 STIJIIHCOEIMII buif 311 Smners hone stgglzgs 5346 Cgieng COMFORTABLY Furnished Bed b0 tans ho 13 ll Florida holi room Ver central location No 0mm hx ab pf day For economy and convctii phon 3990 152 inew troug Stn cncc mich the modern way rcnt Wmmc pl mg C0linplmeb Stlzlblc water b0ms II clcztri modern cabin trailer and UNFURNISHED 2400 tart throng prmmled mum with your mmin for 281 wmdows Cement block cooler and IIIVIIIICI holidIy Your 167 Eenl UISI we as EDI separator room adjoining with IfcnthTmilcr 53 Woodbury Road un 0p 95 one 1532425 Imflflfwll UNFUHNISHED Rooms Second mg shed 24x60 cemem 11mm pm cliiilwgtin leldiiouioiiilll TT33Viiifrlgne Oggltlellllingmfll Brkk house divided into se comamedv apartments hot so Try famous lhh md wmgm water cold hard water wood shin llOfllILlOly iictucquainlcti 5170 FURNISHED Light IIousekeep only 00c All druiigists 31025 ing roOInfs avutlaneIFridayfevcra acclxng Eln on mi oung coupe Dre em in pasture and bush One mile from FURNISHED Room healed aparIg town limits on highway Owner is munl Suit mamOd couple Rangyahoo to lease if not sold now ORDER WASHING MACHINE 59 Mary 51 102327 We consrder this Ill 0980 far PARTS BY MAIL For IIin mch value offered ns dmnct or model scnd postcard today glv LARGE freshly decorated bed many years Requires 310000 cash bcr Ind p1rt roquircd Prompt one or businccs gisz Baycld tlclivcry all orders COD SI Phbne 3645 1525 BOX 256 BARRIE FURNISHED Room for refined Phone 2738 102527 5353 38211 could llllf also ltItorthuirel itblc for couple Phone 6298 Dennis Moran phone 2007 i22lt27 Edgehiil Drive Barrie tected yard Brick front gnrag Sunday 1525 blind 05 Tome Fable In gle roof full basement with furn phone 4335 1525 acres plowed balance old seeding tile and wasliinv machine iy Must be seen be recitd pl pp mg make model and serial num Sllllng room housekeeping Sum to handle Contact us at once 52462 blinds miles from Barrie mile to school BOYIOR Young Man as assislmit Ferndnle siockkeeper in auto dealers parts department Good salary other benefits and good opporiumiy Scc Mr ScheII 55 Dunlop Si West tbltf 12425 HOUSEKEEPER 815 to Monday to Friday for family of four while mother works Modern bungalow on bus route Ideal for soldiers wives No waiting Phone 33109 I5 GIRL ABLE Io handle bookkeep ing and part lime clerking in mod ern retail store Apply giving par ticulars as to age experience and references Box 43 Barrie Exam Iner 12425 CLERKS $090$240 and $1380 31780 Barrie Ont Details and ap plicPIion forms at Post Office or Nat onal Employment Office Ap ply immediately ia the Civil Ser vice Commission Ottawa 125 MARRIED COUPLE pensioners preferred to board and care for elderly man in his own furnished home Free fuel hydro garden and paid small remuneration 15 miles from Barrie in village at stores churches Phone 861 125 SALESMAN preferably with ex perience in hardware and or build er sugglies or an interest in learn ing line requtrcd by large re 1811 lumber company Apply in own handwriting stating age OXlt perlence and previous employment to Box 05 Barrie Examiner 12526 YOUNG LADY as receptionist iyplst salary $1360 pere year in creases to $1780 weeks Vacation many benefits Must be single 17 to 21 have years high school Experience not essential Apply Cooper Unemployment Insur ance Commission 147 Dunlop St East 125 AMERICAN Organization requires Sales Manager District Managers Hand Salesmen to Introduce our new fabulous product in Canada No patience necessary as we train oil This could put you in the income brackets For ap nlment write Box 34 Barrie Ex mlnei stating full particulars Wm EXPERIENCED Assistant for ac mtlng department of local man glitters Position open for young mph citryoung Indy under 30 years our commencing salary excell illv Opporlumlicx for advancement pt capable pcrsonNumer0us Om siate age education experi tc All applications will be sshlet comldence Box 30 12325 Si101 1011 COIUMNS and It Will also 38 Barrie Examiner Phone 811r31 CEDAR POSTS wanted long top ft long uy by slunipugc Box 32425 LOST 6r rouno LOSTChilds navy blazer have been may akcn by mivtnkc from Hillcrcst Kindergarten Phone 3769 1725 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD available for girls Phone 5855 122445 ROOM AND BOARD availabIe flir one 6674 or two gentlemen Phone 1225 ROOM AND BOARD availabl rm gentlemen close to Camp Bor den Phone 14r31 Ivy or apply to Mr Scholanus RR No Utopia Con off No 90 Highway 122526 Accommodation Wanted LADY WOULD board Phon like IOOm and 1125 3969 2BEDROOM Apartment wanted to rent by army couple with teenage daughter Phone 6553 112426 OR ROOMED Apartment want ed for couple with year old child Apply Mote Barri Slater Room 15 Mayor 112425 APARTMENT OR Collage wanted by family of five in BarrieBorden area on Cpl Ward permanent staff Phone 983W Camp Borden 112425 SOLDIER WIFE and Children would like acc0mmodation within driving range of Camp Bordon Apply to 80x49 Barrie Examiner l25 SMALL Unfurnished Apartment needed about March for refined couple Permanent Reply to Cheek Manor Park 272 London Terrace Ottawa 011i 112134 URGENTLY Required or rooms bath unfurnished well disciplined boys years very quiet family Phone Camp Borden 406 between and pm ask for Mr Miller 112325 ARMY OFFICER recently reIum ed from overseas urgently requires Phone Capt Vernon MacDonald Officers Mess School of Infantry Cnmp Borden between 12 moon and pm Oicapt sunny BE TELEPHONIIDTO OHIO wideminimum 15 132425 cabin jam TYPEer quickly Your Druggisl sells Crcss urn Sulvc for sure rcliof loo 725 NUMBER Fiigidziircs and bulli tubs lll good condition Apply next to Business College on Toronto St 725 UPRIGHT AND Apartment Pianos New Mason and Phone Elmvale 9r11 ncdy Phelpslon Frank Ken ONE HORSEPOWER phase Lin coln Motor practically new 1800i rpm Apply Harry Morren 18 North St 72425 60 CYCLE BEATTY Washer with automatic ironer attachment good condition 330 18 Worslcy St Phone 4974 725 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 7136tf 12 VOLT ELECTROHOME Car Ra dio practically new $30 Phone Ivy 9111 Eric Frederick RR No Thornton 72425 FARM TRAILER with Stock tire size 600x10 also rubbi wheelbarrow with wooden box Apply 88 P991 St 725 lYPEWRITERS office machines portables adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative 78OIbe PIGS 77We will supply your hog feedsiIill market time No inter est no red tape Phone 53r5 Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 71625 HUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded OIOihlng Newer shades Phone Barrie 2706 7450 cks tire ANYONE IN NEED Of fresh eggs in the Lefroy or Belle EWIt dis trict Delivery made once weekly To order please phone 17M Le froy 72325 SAVE UP TO 50 on new sew ing machine Highest tradein allowance on yoursold machine regardless of condition FOI dem onstration phone Barrie 6359 75 REMEMBER Craig Hunter for ser vrce on your Master Feeds Frost Fence and Fertilizer Sales and demonstration on Graham Plows now in stock Phone 53r5 7Strltaugs SAW MILL 10000 ft capacity per day80hp diesel motor band saw electric drill small sanding machine phase 25 hp electric motor slicker and 24 planer Phone Cookstown 80 72028 LARGENORGE Electric Range In perfect condition selling be cause movmg to smaller kitchen Darkb1ue patterned rug Open face GE electric heater White Prom 35 Grove St East 725 Ma chines new and factory recondl lioned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental mites Call Remin ton Rand Lim ited 70 Dunlap Barrie Phone 2756 724th NEW STERLING all steel frame sowln machine fit any tractor with ydraulicIli Heavy Trailer 101 hush 0L road workltuck tires 12 long with stockrack Don ald Bouncy 186 Blake St Phone 2344 725 FARMS WANTED WANTED TO RENT 100 acre farm with Option to buy Also 38 Ford dump true for sale good work In condlt on Bruce Armstrong It No Lisle Phone 68115 Cree more 3125 Full Price 54005 Cash $15006 large rooms full basement hydro 11an water Radar Station Excellent transpor tation to Radar and Barrie miles barrio Risch Pianos TOO Acre Loom Farm Country Home Large lot Close to Full Cash Price $520075 acres 716511 lcvcl working land 15 acres good bush spring creek good pasture bank barn with steel stabling andl water inside Ordinary frame nouse Vith hydro mile off highway Township of FIGS 50 Acre ChrIstmos Tree Farm Full Cash Price $5000With 12000 trees slarl cutting 1953 house with rooms and bath 110 miles off highway 12 mile to school miles to Barrie Highway Goroge With Room Aportihenr Full Price $12000Cash $5000A11 cement steel beam construction 02 40 feet Included all equip ment and truck BA pumps good gallonagc good busmess Could also be an excellent used car lum ovler miles Barrie Illness forces 521 Holding Full Price $0500Brick with large rooms and 3piece bath 212 acres Fruit frees Garage 1A mile off highway Illz miles south of Barrie 1625 BUILDING LOT on Maple Ave PhOne 41m Creemorc 162526 HILLSDALE room house in the village of Hillsdale Ed Calhoun phone 3761 Barrie 162125 ROOMED Insulbric House lot 66x185 furnace and side porch Garage Apply 127 St Vincent St Barrie 162530 CHOICE Building Lot on north side of Codrington SL overlooking bay 65x134 Phone BruceMc Cauley 3542 1625 ANGUSChoice Building Lots on Simcoe St opposite new school and beautifully shaded lots on King St Miss Jean TarBush Angus 162405 HOUSE and acres 11 miles from Alliston hydro at the gate good well near school House needs some repair Price $2500 Phone 6287 162527 WELL BUILT Cottage at Mlnei Point on high dry street Could easily be converted into all yearj round home Reasonable Box 44 Barrie Examiner 162425 ANGUSFrame House 14 large rooms situated on Ideal lots Can be converted info tub menis Excellent lumber in argej sheds on same property will rough in houses Miss Jean TarBus Angus 162425 LARGE SOLID Brick 2storey house on extra large Iol lined guragefcide drive onrmain thor oughfare modern kitchen builtin cupboards ideal for income home Possession to suit Manfcxtras Prlce519590IIIIOIIIL Mortgage Phone 6785 1625 STUCCO BUNGALOWIZ Brad ford St $7000 conveniently lo cated 5room Bun claw 111 com veniences baseman and lovely View fromgl arch Open dig glshdgquiie carry on GN Gil mend II condition and running downf Corby Molors Lid Corner of Steele Si NO Highway Phone 5481 132425 INVEST 1N THE BEST Downtown Moiors Quality Used Cars 1952 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH air conditioning CONVERTIBLE whitewull tires builtin radio air conditioning loaded with extras 1951 CHEVROLET COACH Fleet line air conditioning 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1947 CHEVROLET COACH 1946 PONTIAC COACH Fleeiline 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN Deluxe 1940 FORD 5pass CLUB COUPE 1939 DODGE COACH 1939 PLYMOUTH COUPE DOWNTOWN MOTORS Dunlop St West of Mary Phone 3600 1325 38 CHEV COACH good condition radio 65 Drury Lane Phone 4720 after 630 pm 132528 1940 CHEV COUPE in excelient conditionHasmadIO heater and directional lights Phone 2175 after pm 132425 1951 AUSTIN Sedan excellent cOndition black radio Owner mov ing away New tires Phone 5010 after pm 132425 GMC PICKUP Truckfor immediate sal 4speed transmission good condition Priced to sell Phone Stroud53r5gt 1325 1950 MERCURY Sedan radio air conditioning heater overdrive ex cellent conditionPhone 205 Camp Borden St Germain Ill2527 1936 BLACK BUICK Sedan in good order new fan bell running board rice $210 Phone 4535 132425 1941 FORD SEDAN Delivery ex cellent condition solld body very cleanlooking vehicle suitable for small business PhOne 6298 any Inne 187m 1050 PONTIAC 4d00rSedan com leie with sun Visor air condition radio and Seal covers Phone 58 Camp Borden Terms can be arranged 132425 1941 FORD COACH heater and do frosler clean good up earance and good running conditon $395 or bait offer Phone 820r5 or apply 160T1ffln St 1325 MW ARMY OFFICER posted has 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe ztdoor Sg rdan for sale 10000 miles Thor automatic washing machine Hoo Coniact Capfain M111 gun at 12 and SM Camp Borden or Item 261 during day 325 1950 MERCURY mack 4door ab solutely in showroom condition Mercomatlc overdrive air condi boned dual radio whitewalls etc 11 31850 1942 Buick Special Deluxe motor overhauled original finish very clean Insertion for Euro Ilshcar Private Phone 54310 25 For Job Well Done Call FLOOR COVERING JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Gyprocing General Building ESTIMATES ON REQUEST 525lfF Linoleums Rubber and AsphaIITile Plastic Wall Tile BHCK 1952 CHEVROLET HARD TOP Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 52261 Repaired Fasf Service For Sale Guaranteed LOCKSM ITH Locks repaired keys cut combin ations changed locks installed re built door closers WALTER ADA Phone 4852 52462 CENTRAL TAXI CLEAN COMFORTABLE CABS Owned and Operated by White 51AColller Streei DIAL 5555 FLOOR SANDERS your own noon If my ur new HuhSpeed Floor San foes exceIlnt work Low rates 30mplete line of oor 52139 FOR Rpm lady Board Very reasonabl desired Central Phone 2073 bcI FURNISHED Bedroom with kitch en privileges Business girl pre ferred Abslaincr only from Five Points Phone 4751 SMALL STORE 8x20 suilagle for Office barber shop gift shop or similar business $45 per month Apply Harry Michie Realtor LARGE BRIGHT furnished house keeping room separate entrance and separate bath Central Phone 5869 after pm stainers SMALL FURNISHED Heated Housekeep kitchen has electric cupboards laundry privileges hot water Suit business or military couple Phone ing rooms rangette 2924 ROOMED HOUSE stove heated unfurnished toilet and sink large garden Located in North end Two town references required Perm anent tenants only Rent $50 per month Phone 4059 Unfurnished apartment in new home suitable for business couple all convenien ces Apply 24 Alfred SL Allandale after pm CLERK an Borden pm 152445 blocks hardwood bush down pressure Hyd r0 system My garage 31 1525 churches upstairs 1525 bed linen grove of 152526 ars There WANTED FOR TOWNSHIP OF HOS Applications are hereby calledwfor the position of CLERK and TREASURER throughout house drive shed TREASURER REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3926 Evenings Phone 3990 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 825 hen double Lisle on set on In replying suite experience ALL APPLICATIONS must be clearly markedL andaddressed to REEVE MID DLErON TOWnOhIp of F105 ONTARIO and must bevdelivered to 10111net later than MARCH61953 materials paints vanishes sh Ics llers brushes eTc We Iverything needed to nuke new Ioors from old BOYDS PAINT and wnmltm v19 Clapperton Si Phone 5206 I91t1b APPLE TREES pruned by com mercial grower Humphreys phone 5013 52226 ANYONE Interested inrgotting ride to Camp BordenArnvmg at am leaving at 430 pm Phone 6655 525 MIMEOGRAPHING cud Public Stenozraphy vBarile Business college 66 Toronto SI Home Phone 4826 IIAVE YOUR Masonry done now when men are available Special Yi59umr SicI 38 0101rlk daft in brick andstone workrhone Sproul 3281 52325 DRESSMAKJNG of all kinds Buttonholes made red styling of ladles and childrens wear Phone 2021 56 Ma lei 51301 BE THE TALKOII the town with Frank Banting Office Manager HARVEY co tween and Il pmA 1524251 ROOMED House winterized wa lcr and toilet inside heavy wiring Daily transportation to Phone 351 Lefroy after 100 ACRES LIGHT Clay Loam It 18 ner seeding old meadow 20 fall wheat 40 plowed roomed fro house 40 60 bank barn sfon foundation good stabling Electric supplying both Small new miles west open road mile from school and Full price $8500 with $3000 down payment Mervin Hare Lisle phone Creemore 30123 82225F $4000 DOWN AND Balance amor tized over 15 years buys 152 acres of rich farm land miles from Allislon 140 acres tillable growing good crops of wheat oats barley clover and potatoes The 10roomed white clapboard home is set in evergreens The steel roofed barn is 36x72 concrete foundation complete with stainingand concrete root cell 154150 large hen house and steel roofed implement shed Hydro and telephone avail able FulI price is $9800 Apply McKnight Beelon 82531F Relvcmweelihlarri and Alterations out call inian to Ocequ The canvassersoud newly reupholsterecl Chestereld Or chair Contact Mayer Rev holy gaging 56 Maplo lye Ltoir palms mat cow Pursuant to oriesOIutlon Why thecoumil of we Town of Barrie milFebruary g3 1953hter any rsru WEEKOEMARCIILJGJI19 DCRQSSWRKINOARRIE