Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1953, p. 11

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KHAN Victorian Order 67331 twin 112 grams mm if 331 612 life 3129 which Nurse Makes Green Shoulder Tabs Patient Laugh film For Young Ina Th Cam is Apprenticemildie newest andf atlas 22 taxi in mm me dim ml the WW mu be Wmi club andchamberofm Arm growing forces are being HE to gov the beam taunted our regular uniforms lonehour WI ll every week in achcf nurse uufupp cmmn hrs lfl mind aflljuldrt lmps of all orders of drcss Including greatcoats They and prtmfil equipment but WIIII mve timinctzve identification inS TI be WWI 551mg Ebzed in the Sultanate of Hunt and Tile etuicflbwldltf mil wearxoman the Whemfimi 325m given SJ cord band seven Iimmum of such wide ufl bothE wwwwW Cuu HMS he cap badge and the corps to Im MT at is xi ul the plan lun 2311 about one monln igo and IL fir liked the Lie lazpztialiy the food and ltput XplzltfllltiWUIKIICIS must Lz lo ymzs uf Ligc ful acceptance but must on have reached the age for vulnlmcnl the regular ASIA Force comm mm depend on year roundl A399 INT EVERY Illiiiiflln LIZ3 ecuzcn rim but it Jii term Zlc slim llczlil star then sponge Minn wallr Hep ill Ilzlthl Jill tzm llel be cxwpl iii no 12 Czl gm Cuuws mil Linrage some two 51325 LIILI ml qualify thosc trum 15 trudcsmcn and specialists the Active Force approximately PIC RES ski 891 my time or thc rouin hc same time mcy normally T1 KS us become habit for V8 era IllIllllUft Simply puml 15 TW would be eligible for enlistment VI SUIIY Meredlth and hi3 Baffle wrung 0111b 13 Al SDUL with clear mil Illiltill 72 MUCH as raw and untrained recruits This ways tough fursome to crack any bonsplel MexEdith 15 Mrs Bra Jumlcson Mrs Ext11 M3 llllf UN has me advantage of offering SliOWll receiving the Laddie WIlSOIl Trophy from the donor Kaniiwll and Edward Johnston noon the Siltrt If LZll ladls pay and accelerated promo IOIIOWIHE the fifth annual open bonspiel at Brampton Inliittemzcd mo flmulul of mm nuf leaguquntlgyinsconguresoil which Meredith swept undefeated This foursome also cap law 31x55 MarvHM Jullrlslwn low lcks him nus mil Lmifllgwaj lr lL PHIL nurmu Llamaml rwmzllv gc turcd top honors in the annual Midland Bonspiel Left to Mrs Jack Aincy 11ml Bcvcrlcy right Crawford second Vern Adams lead Mr Wilson Kipp mph Kmmn Sclvin Sully Meredith skip and Harry Armstrong vicc lns wmk skip ours The Stalii Lil 120 cud of flu bltiik an egg into mclz Smwa 351 33 1ch 5mg 1mm which mmmy they have very mud chance Miccml half Iuvm Hf llii HOW ANY TIMES mw ml 531 and will fmli IIllllmn munWNW hm To refresh your memory the Ub lbulmi Duke of ml ilalicw Ln Iv slicc MIMI lo 1i inlllllils llIilll cg imzc ALLANDALE LUMBER AM FUEL co 49 Essa Road TELEPHONE 5581 much out Mil lll limi plum7 LHSIJ uklcr HERES llluz lllc pm lll 2x llwziys lliiU 4nd llllu Ili ilzu IIIULIlLiitiitli nuns This can be made Lizilj by using Corned iiml hush 1m invalid vzls ubil to mow loalzl Six scrvzngs ipcn tun mm blilc 111 wnwl lill IIW Illl job In each lUll nto inzcc porimus Illll Shaw with 90mm Midmi licz xwxvmuml cxscnc was Four Ontario citicstalt NIHw mm pair of lock lr ma vl guru balls St Thomas and Wood cups llti lfllllflll to hold pm mung mum pm Tm mIuw guml 11le mid sicckmwcut through 193 Without By LORNA CUNNINGHAM The Lions Club of Barrie is again smnsorin Public Spcuzkingi Contest in BDgCI this year Thelcqm annual highlight of the Winter term am referring to the exhlbltion basketball game lie4 ltwccn the staff and the studentsl Thc Sludenls team this year went by the name cf the North Dakota Knocknccs Which was fitting appellation Staff members were er Knox complete with towel er Mitchell the standard bearcr illowlng spookch had the honorl represent their forms in the ontcst for the seleclion of four boys and four girls to speak latexl in the Lions Club contest Julio McKenzie and Jim Muir of XIA Pclcr Oliver of KID Lenore Bow man Terry Scawright and Doug McMasicr of XIIA Shirley Chris tlan Joyce Emms Jim Pitcher and Lawrence Beech of XIIB and Ami Harris of XIIIB The four senior girls chosen to take part In the final contest on March are in alphabetic order Lenore Bowman Shirley Christian Ann Harris and June Owens The four Senior boys chosen are Lawr ence Beech Jim Muir Jim Pitcher and Terry scnwright The judging of Lower School for winners took place Thursday Feb 26 will give you the re sults in later column The nal Lions Club Contest for juniors will take place after Easter Shootng News Some very fine targets were shot after four in the gym on Thursday Feb 19 Jack Garner and Paul rysiuk had their shooting eyes trigger ngers In tune and ch shot 99 We are still looking forward to several 100s this year The boys are reminded that Canadas only medal winner at last years Olympic Games was marksman We would like to have anotherhundred boys join in the funespecially boys of the higher grades Every boy is urged to come alongthere are crests for all who can win them and lots of fun if you do not win In any case you cannot lase So come on BDCI marksmen lets see if we cant win some more Stratbcona Crests for our CI Basketball Scene In the noomhour basketball schedule wlch has been in pro gress for the last few months the junior and intermediate leagues have fought their way to nish Out of the four teams in the league exander Roths team won the juni championship and Ron Bertramsteam won the interme diate championship Senior play offs will begin soon sketball team was thought to the champion of the Georgian Bay District then we learned that Owen Sound had an school That necessita playoff be tween Barrie an the Owen Sound team On Feb 19Barrle trgyellgg to Owen Sound Flie they bat tied it out Barrie of course won by score of 6137 The return game was played here in Battle on Monday Feb 23 Barrie again As you know our senior boys won this time by score of 6038 to mm the total poink series Now our boys go to Toronto the Georgian Bay champs Tbev will play off probably with Peter bdrough and if they win that game then they go against team from the Niagara district 11 they win again they will be the Ceil tial Ontario Secondary School to count champs We certainly hope they do and all our hopes are with them on Saturday Feb 28 They have wonderful team and with boys captalnl John Wamlcu Keith Gardner Verrul Whitmorc Dull Maxwell Robin Wright Neil Clea lson Jim Miller Wally Stalnton Pat Wannamakcr and Dennis Mad igan manager The best of luck Exhlbitlon Games On Friday Feb 2i BDCI wil 955m anomer game mat has Music Icegtivzll The entered in step out into the cold lake quick look at yourself III the mirror out of the team who supported or was supported by chair Mr Buck lland who seemed tired for some lunknown reason Mr Kettle who took the game rather seriously but certainly showed his skill in the sport and Mr Ncsbitt also nim blc on his feet who showed some neat passing and dribbling On the other side were the Knocknccs grand collection of stars Keith Gardner appeared to be the cheerleader for the team but his hockey socks and sweater suggested something else Ra Outler affectionately known 08 Moe displayed turban which mystified some as to how it stayed on through the fray John War nica was dressed in black suit and appeared to be In mourning for the reason am sad the tie fad died today Pat Wannamakcr preferred something more femin ine pale green dress but to too it off he spotted porkpie hat Neil Gleason alias Shirley Cun ning displayed his shooting skill when he shot for basket from the centre of the oor Wally Stainton looked charming in Bar bara Ann Ellesmeres rompers and what apeared to be bib Verrol Whitmore sported the old BCI lounging pyjama affair Dalt Max well completed the romper trio but many time it appeared to be snowing down south Oh pardon me there was quar tet of romper boys the fourth member Jim Miller RGbin Wright created suspense in towel The referees for the brawl were Mr Cutler and Jack Garner This game as were past games was an absolute howling success It really showed what good sports our teachers are The final score was 155 for the staff of course Undoubtedlydhe girls would not have been so successful without the aid of that veteran of the basketball floor Mr Cockbum who took over the refereeing from Carol MacDonald All this took place during the game be tween the Boys Senior team and the Senior Girls team The game started off with Carol MacDonald as referee and Ruth Chanticl um pire but Mr Cockbum prompted were thoroughly cnjuycd by the xtuilcnts and the stuff too bk litVJ and it hoped that lhc Imam members 3W5 Ray CUULI Tm Wars Mlmmon gum lcokcf mid and chill lilmrlmIlic flavor IS wonderful low who ncilmlly wurc cnld gimpg Jbl Zlxty lid not know that Cllld IF YOU EVER LAMENIED tlicl Mrs Gibbons Churchill has been look im bc MUldtd by 11 Chimil Ur nccd of wasting eggs III mnyonl ill for some IllIlt and is now slay BEILE JEWART if Mm 11 WHHUL Illilkdullb Ui 11gt iltluxllll IN noise bores rcc1pc youll luvc mg With her daughter Mrs Wzil Band Trip uniruler suitorlooking nmkcup Saturday Fun 21 um BBQ in the ulnlcl czm give you IlJI Band undcr thclr director lcrmiz glowing look without that Fisher travelled to Toronto vlicrcHallfCllW blllt lllllt Illc COM they competed in the Kiwanis SLLmS UHFll ML NKXI llmL VUU two classes In Class 512 for Boys undoi Girls Bands Barrie Concul side and scc how you look If glate Band and Amherst Centrulgvourc not satisfied try 11 cant High School Bond with John Krcs warmer makeub tle director competed The test piece was the competitors own choice Barrie came through with score of 90 to take rst place Amherst received 87 points for SW ond place In Class 218 for Collegiate or High School Bands five schools entered Malvern Collegiate Bandl George McHac conduciorlf Barrie Collegiate Band Fish or conductor Amherst Ccnirul High School Band conductor John lKrcsilc Earl Halg Collegiate In stltulc Robert Cringan dirccV torl North Toronto CI Concert lBand Dow conductorl In this class Barrie received mark of 89 to stand second Amherst came rst with 90 points Barriesj old rival North Toronto received when grinding pork or other fairly fatty mcais some of the meat may stick to the blades and clog them TO prevent this before using yourl 85 points in this class The adjudicators for the compo titions were Gordon Clinton of Kent England Ezra Schabas of Toronto and Leonard Isaacs of London England We would like to congratulate our Band in their achievements Praise is also due to Bob Living3 ston of XIIA who won two rsts in the open Trombone Class all the festival Glee Club Concert It will be of interest to the stud ents that the Glee Club will sing Presbyterian Church on Sunday March in thel in St Andrews evening The students are we come to attend More about the student book re ports given over CKBB in nextf weeks column by the students became referee for the rest of the game He teal 1y showed skill in his actions but must say tbat some decisions appeared rather dubious As said before the girls with the help of ABC gradually crept up on the boys and if the gamehad lasted few minutes longez am sure that the girls would have detected ibe boys But the nal score was 1816 for the boys Anothergame was also played that afteroon between the Key Club members and the Boys Alb letlc Society in reality the Jun ior Boys Basketball team This lam bad its humorous side as allgames betweenmmateur ama FOR THE WORKING GIRL who sometimes fccls thc pangs of hung or in mldmorning or afternoon try lkceping small jar of raisins in your desk to nibble on They taste so good and really are good for the health because of their vitamin CODILIII INCIDENTALLY HAVE YOUl checde to see if you put on any extra poundagc due to rich holiday foods Now is lel excellent lime to look into the matter of weight and if you find it has increased try to cut down on rich liczivy foods IIS much easier to lose pound or two than ten EVER GIVE YOUR FOOD chop per heat treatment Sometimes jlis cgglcss mayonnaise Mix 2m lspoon powdered sugar tcasponx Idry mustard teaspoon salt ltczispoon paprika and dash of flier passed ZIWHY lilSl Wk Cziycnnc together in mixing bowl lAdd cup evaporated milk and Add cup chillch salad oil one tcaspoonful at time I3sum ll weekend in TOIONQ lion beat vigorously boating after each addilion mixture begins to thicken add ll alternaguly Natural hot water from Icelands thh tablespoon vinegar between VOIJnlC Springs DFOVIdtS lniil each addition of oil beating fnorfor buildings in Reykjavik tlic oughly after each addition teaspoon lemon juice on Mrs Baxter is also with her Much sympathy is extended to Gerald Brown Toronto whose mu Mrs Leah Moore Ly spending week in Toronto Mr and Mrs DArcy Tromblcy NATURAL HEATING capital AT LAST foodpiepored especiallq ANNOUNCEMENT JOHN REID BARRISTER SOLICITOR WILL OCCUPY HlS NEW LAW OFFlCES CollierISl near the bus terminal ON AND AFTER MARCH I953 instead of his present location 24 Dunlop Street Barrie for cal and killens Illervlorlds most famous CATFOOD How in Canadagal outgrocers Puss 11 Boots is byjartbe bestfaadfor cat and kittens because it is specially made from fresh wbolesb combined with many other valuable healthbuilding ingredients Puss noBoots supplies the proteins minerals vitamins and carbohydrates found in salmon beef liver milk and food Eran thetable but ingreater abundance anam better balance Feed your cat Puss In Boots tegnlarl for ZVWCeks Ifdyou dont notice added energy er coat brighter eyes and new alertness out money will be cheerfully refunded VJfS jg gt WW her WESLIIIIG Still drives home the winning poinbBadmintoislme of several Iquaovlvvuqtsuuno mvlmmmummw tournaments in Ontario You too mayscone winningpombs by these guests helping nd or friodljfgreeting Such courtesy will sports whichdraw US visitors tolnvitatidn chumyiniuwlbmqqhhd mum DIn10 SHMWMJhwe 55 WWW to keep them comingili make them boosters for Ontario bod Every friend won 30th of the border is an asset to our tourist trade Joint Laban hzmjom PREPARED ESPEC3 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