Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1953, p. 10

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at Imwmiaarmk Lima tau Futon Mk5 lg mmgumxgag 53 ii pintW WW LOOK Al mes PICTUR$ below Look on that picture and ha streak LEW KILLIGAN About 18030 employee come to gof union feud we in Vguk and Life law be 95 ece ed 2mm immutofpeople on of In 5151 mug garlln lbti co no In WSW have been reading an article In that iCemdlxn Geognpmcai Magazine WW renown 1953 By Education 31 Main DD of Orlilin mod new of use Pmbytcrim Church in Canada bu tint he believes that legislation um Gambit in not the way to improve the morale of the country He said in an inter view medium that the onus is on the church women themselves made the measure neceslj teary is sure to come in for vigorous deniai One irate subscriber said at the meeting hel has found it quicker to driveover to nelgh bors place for an important discussion then to wait for longwindcd conversationallsts to get off the line John Atkin commissioner of the telephone system said most of znc entitled Sml Forges Ahead in which McGuire tells the story of Canadas notable achievements in the production of steel had just finished reading tbls remarkable story when my eye was caught bye newspaper beedlmcl iwhich read UNION FIZUD MAY CRIIPLE METAL TRADE The feud referred to was between twol Crawford Co on 1919 mm mm STOCK ammo Damiano lwkinl and Wu mm 91 Dunlop Sheet Bettie rival unions which was said to 2383 threaten WidESpItllfl dlsrupuon ufl Telephone 2443 Even industry affectmg thousands of wufkcrs offenders were women tirelessly engaged 2n traditional woman talk about cake baking putting the children to bed and the like and parents through the process of educa tion in the higher things such as truth and beauty Dr Maclnnis does not feel that indecent literature is serious problem since it is read by only fraction of society and that it should not be danger to youngsters if par ents accepted their responsibility certain amount of judicious censorship was neces sary he felt but it come perilously close to being too narrow and possibly infringing on the freedoms of the press SUNDMV MARC 15 195 Sammy Pmlycr Meeting Sumhy ll amKollnesa Meeting lullSM SChWI pm Salnuon media EVERYONE IS WELCOME Those two Items cf current Illsl fury present striking no pun mclillll study in contrasts and pathetic example of contradiction Or be one hand wc have hc story1 of the development of great ini Jimmy by individual and corporate The meeting authorized operators to en force the limit by cutting the connection on any conversation after five minutes 121 up regardless of how tercstlng the clxlt cm may be Thu3 the Age Of Speed llllSa enterprise an industry that tirccld come to peaceful Mornington Housewives and Indirectly oruvzdvs employl will have to condense their accounts of their mm Ling 0f muumnds ell domestic dramas with the skill of radio WW commentators For the woman at the Ether On the other hand we how 13 end of the wiremand for the traditional uu Isnt he adorable Dad Thats Morse code for Gmd night Evangeline love you Als tapping out on his car liom umwm The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding OIIICCX III WOOD Assistant news llcm which tells of fcudl me between few union leaders which Andrew Pcsbyhun Church seen audience aloug the party linemthey will Jaimie lo disru gt1 that great in monomomomouowoaom ii need to talk rapidly but clearly cutting out mwmd WUII REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister do not believe we will make moral MB ANGUS ROSS generation through legislation mainst ob scene literature or an observance of the Lords Day and liquor laws he is quoted as saying First let us glance backward Orgilmhl and CNUIImaIl over the axes Mankind has passed through three ages in SUNDAY MARCH lst l963 represenied by Implements iii LinMORNING wonsnn TAFF WRITERS pence und war The first was Broadcast Wet CKBB Under the new rule its five minutes to zero In this case zero will be marked by sharp em more and more wililn to Game click as the operator pullsthe plug pass on their responsibilities to others espe cially to government forgetting that lifting of the responsibility from their shoulders is replaced with curtailed freedom for the in fields Slum Agetbcm were aomonomouomouomor Ihe really two of them the on and g7 500 0375M the New There were no wheels Our guests will include Mr Leigh Editorial Notes Britain taking steps to strengthen its diplomatic front over the Suez question Yugoslav Deputy Premier says resist dlvidual Education not legislation is the path we must follow insurance Company Head Stresses Need for Saving Hereis some sound advice for all Can adians Louis Lang president of the Mn tual Life Assurance Company of Canada in an address to the eightythird annual meet ing of the policyholders of the company intimated Canadians generally speaking have possibly become too accustomed to the smile of prosperity To the enthusiastic praise of our friends abroadfand to the widening horizons of no tionalopportunity we have been coasting with the tide to bright but still rather obscure future Mr Lang as the eminent financier he is has apparently grasped the trend of nation al thought He thinks it is not at all so evi dent that this surge of confidence and pros perity has brought with it the clear realiza tion that the full benefits of this countrys economic potentialities will not be obtained without full measure of hard work indus trious savingunil ldisciriminutingkinvestment comparatively young land in profound state of healthy growth needs an adequate and increasing volume of savings which of course becomes translated into capital in vestment on an even larger scale It seems that Canadian investors the man on the street who could put aside few more dollars and cents is not aware of the im portance of his money to the future of his country As matter of fact one sometimes won ders whether the average citizen of Canada is fully appreciative of the abundance of wealth within the land of his heritage wealththat in many places is still untapped waiting one might almost say for Canada tobe awakened to the bountles of this land Everyone has stake in the future of the nation In the past it appears Canadians have been hesitant to invest in their own future pigmentawnwcver the signs point to chaff natiozmlheart especially since the end 6ftbe last war Cbnada is ctying out for capital investment andtbece is no reason why this Cannot be rprovlded by Canadians Five Minutes to Zero ruling from farm section near Strat rd in Western Ontario strikes at womens exchanging neighborhood gossip in leisurely fashion The Mornington hip telephone system hasmut five ute limltpn rural party line conversa ns It took thisdraatic action byra vote subscribers of theitelephone companys inan meeting 7mm limit on gossip sessions goesvon for years trial and there is to be ductherrvote on the question next February Httle doubt the recent move has women of Mornington township ligobout since thenwithin the mulbbfcourse The claim the Scholarships good in any Canadian unl versity would serve as the best reminder through the years of the Coronation in June according to many of those who replied to question put by The Financial Post Sev eral suggest that the scholarships should be confined to girls 11 direct reminder of the coronation of queen with one pro posing scholarship group similar to the nowfamous international Rhodes Scholar ships and awarded in Canada and other Commonwealth countries Among other sug gestions are the designation of the Transv Canada Highway as the Queen Elizabeth Highway new national library in Ottawa to be named in honor of the Queen and the adoption of national flag There is not ficrcer hell than the failure in great object Keats OPINIONS OF OTHERS MUSIltOIlt6 Jorys Proposal To Avert Railway Wrecks Gravenhurst Banner coroners jury investigating Muskokas most sc verc headon train collision which claimed the lives of fivemrcwmen has in effect strongly recomv mended that mechanical safety measure be in stalled to prevent further accidents of this nature The jury explicitly cited the incorporation of what is known as block system on single track main lines We understand this is method now employ ed on double tracks in some sections of Canada whereby an automatic signal flashes when train passes certain pointsand provides warning for trains following It is not however of any valuo in preventing headon collision of trains approach ing each other from opposite directions Whether this is what the jurymen had in mind could not be determined as they did not elaborate on their rec ommendation They were probably referring to the Central Train Control System operated from panel that guides the motemth of all trains in the area At any rate their primary concern no doubt was to formally encourage railway officials to act im mediately in eliminating the element of chance by mistake such as was the cause of this accident whichresulied in loss of life great anxiety and ex treme heavy property damage Evidence revealed that both the station operator and the dispatcher on whom the onus has been placed were highly considered by their employers Being resident of this district it is wellknown fact that the opexziirso very much respected and valued citizen of the communityin which he resides As was expressed by the Crown in summing up the inquiry the accident exhibited the frailties of human nature And because of this these gentle men have unquestionably been subjected to untold remorsefulm Their sorrow though is shared by many who realize the unfortunate position in which they have been placed There is barely day goes by that most people do not make some type of an error In the majority of cases they can easily be rectified But in the case of the railroad employee his instructions are so exacting that the least oversight can have serious repercussxons Without question the railroads should strive to eliminate completely the element of chance in normal circumstances while dealing with human lives Needless to say they are well aware of the condition as steps have been taken to install mechan ical equipment in various sections to avert major accidents JnjbcfacemLsuchbeavy financial loss alone when train wrecks occur the railroads would be wise to move immediately to install these safetyrdevfces in all ports of their systems It is hoped that the foimaiplea made by the jury here in Muskoko will prompt some immediate flotilla to this end once within Soviet Union has caused new wave of violence West Germany wondering whether Western Europe can pool military forccs Italy trying to mediate French Gcrmon differences stalling European Army plan GREAT BRITAIN The defence of the Suez which is considered here to be vital to the entire free world has made Britain lakc two steps to strengthen its diplomatic front for dealing With the question Under pressure from Egyptianx leaders to quit the Suez Canal Zone unconditionally Britain has moved suddenly to strengthen the British diplomatic team which soon will face Premier Mohammed Na gulb and his advisers at Cairo At the same time Foreign Sccrc iary Anthony Eden is preparing to give Middle East affairs special em phasis in the talks he will have in Washington with the Eisenhower administration for which Mr Eden with Chancellor of the Exchequer Butler left London Feb 26 For the Cairo discussions Iield Marshal Sir William Slim who was to have left London Feb 24 to take up duties as Governor Gen eral of Australia has cancelled his sailing He Is remaining inLondon for the moment but is expected to go to Cairo for direct soldier to soldier talks With General Naguxb Postponement of Sir Williams departure for Australia is one more indication that the British Govern ment expects the Suez talks to be complex and time consuming Bri tain regards them as concern not only of Britain and Egypt but of other western powers including particularly the United States In fact British toplevel loaders regard AngloAmerican coopera tion as the decisive factor in the outcome of the Cairo talks For their success according to this vlew the United States and Britain must maintain single front toward the Egyptian Government YUGOSLAVIA Edvard Kardelj deputy premier has told the Congress of the Yugo slav PeOples that resistance to the Stalin regime has become so strong inside the Soviet Union as to com pel the Soviet leaders to embark upon new wave of violence In an analysis of the present in ternational outlook Mr Karelte told Congress that Soviet man euvers both in the Far East and in Europe had run into difficulties and contended thata blind alley of Soviet foreign policy is mirrored In the internal political life of Rus Sia Itself as well as of the Soviet bloc nations He cited Prime Minister Joseph Stalins article in the magazine Bolshevik last fall on the Econ omic Problems of Socialism as the first signal of hidden crisis in So viet internal life and of resistance to Stalinist policies which Yugo slav leaders are convinced is devel oping throughout the Soviet woxld The Yugoslavs argue that Stalin has found it necessary to intimi date by means of grim new trials all those who might possibl begin to draw conclusions from fai ures of Soviet policy New trialstogether with the fanning of an antiSemitic witch hunt designed to shift popular at tention to fictitious culpritsare being staged not only because Stal in needs iron discipline to carry out his aggressive imperialist plans but also to crush everincreasmgspon taneous resistance within Soviiet Society Mr Kardelj said wasr GERMANY ml privileges which according to can spokesman lltlt the French thcmsclcvs arc not prepared to grant in the British ITALY Aficr the call by United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles for European unlty Italy has tried to mediate FrenchGer mzih differences which are stalling the European Army plan Italian Premier Alcidc dc Gos pcri met privately recently with West German Chancellor Konrad Allcnouer shortly before the open ing of twodily conference of six Western European foreign ministers on unification plans Signor dc Gasperi who also is Italys Foreign Minister met for 90 minutes with French Foreign Min hmy WWW details NTERNAHONAL NEWS REVIEW zlz 312552Iflill2z shaping their story swiftly to its climax By isler Georges Bidault Feb 23 for review of the European Army plan and other problems holding up the move toward federated Eur ope The conference of the French Italian West German Belgian Dutch and Luxembourg ministers is the first opportunity for joinb con ideration of Mr Dullcs warning issued during his nineday tour of Europe early this month CANADIANS LIVE IN FORMER AMMO DUMP Camp Borden Citizen Eleven Canadian soldiers have made themselves comfortable home in massive wartime ammu nition dump hidden deep In hr forest near Liebenau 35 miles northwest of Hannover Germany All members of the lst Canadian Base Ordnance Unitthey store issue and handle training ammun ition used by the 27th Canadian Brigade The Canadian unit lives and works with the British 454 Forward Ammunition Depot ROAC which took over the Ger man dump in 1945 The llman Canadian detach ment headed by Sgt Mitch ell of 46 Charlotte Street Brant ford Ont and Fredericton NB are proud of their fortresslike home Their camp is fantastic collec tion bf concrete magazines wind ing concrete roads blast bunkers and failway lines all hidden in dense forest Built by the Ger mans during the SecondAWmId War it wasso well hidden that advancing British troops almost passed it by lt POLARvDISCOVERIES Admiral Robert Peray reached the north pole in 1909 whlle Roald Amundsen reached the south pole In 1911 II II II Hazy ii Nearlyc Ver but use of soothing cooling iuuld Prem lbtlon positiver relievu raw red Itchcaused by eczema rashes calp irritation changother itch troubled Orrladen stainless lac trial bottle must Intist or money back Dont suer Ask your druuht for DDD PRESCRIPTION mmmxlbf will reTopen In the Stone Age yet It would ton Hap Emms and the Barrie seem that the first whth was Flycrs St Andrews Pcwcc Hockey rotary millslone bl II was not Team and the Second Barrie Boy Scout Troop Music will be provided by Ike WIND 0f hemns Im BDCI Glcc Club Choir under the invented until the Bronze Ago 953 the mm emdmt dilcctlon of Mr Archie Ross and Is xllll In use With the in Implements and In mechanics and transportation begun We live today in the Steel Age with its multiludinous whirling wheels and wheels within wheels ll ImTIIE CHURCH SCHOOL 1215 pinYoung Peoples Blble Class t1 Now lct us turn to Mr McGLurcs picture of Canadas steel industry He tells us that owing to the lim ited industrial development the steel industry had slow start Our small population for an internal market compared with that of the an United States offered little incen Second Sunda In Lent live for profitable enterprise In am0LY COMQUNION spite of these disadvantages the concerted expansion of the steel in 10 amtSUNDAY SCHOOL duslry has placed Canada fifth as am0LY COMMUNION stccl produccc on per capiia of Subject population baSIS run GLORY 0F TIIE moss Steel is the most important and punSONG SERVICE necessary metal in the modern Bring your friends and your world Just as proper and suffi favorite hymns cient food is the source of strength Am WARMLY WELCOME for Individual Canadians 50 steel can be said to be the source of I321 strength to our national economy says Mr McGuire Steel plays an essential role in the manufacture of every consumer REV LUCK BAa 33 product and is required in large MinISIel quantities in the making of machin MISS CLOUGKIEY Organist cry and equipment for vast var iety of things which contain none SUNDAY MARCH lst 1953 of this metal Such essentials us Sunday scth 950 am food chemicals and even other amwonsmr metals could not exist as We know them today without the steel im pmBROADCAST CKBB plements tools and machines used eFBIENDLY CHURCH in their manufacture and transpor zz12 taiion Pt Collier St Baptist Church Independent TRINITY CHURCH Rev chENCIEB WRIGHT Like the great steel lndus tries of Britain and the United States that of Canada is not able achievement of private enterprise It is necessarin big business and has called for the investment and risk of an in meme amount of private cap Ital The mother of the steel industry is the blast furnace and these huge metal structures some of them as high as 10 storey building have produc tion capacity of over 1400 tons day The cost of blast furn ranges from 58 milling to million and there are 18 of these monsters in the Dominion located in Nova Scotia and 0n toxic Together these plants give Canada production ca paclty of over four million tom of pig iron annually SUNDAY MARCH lst 1953 945 sinsBIBLE sermon sunMORNING WORSHIP pinEVANGELISTIC SERVICE Mr Ken Grey will be the speaker for the day VISITORS CORDIALLY INVITED pm Collie St United Church REV LEWIS MA 31 Minister LLO YD TUFFORD Th St ee ompany of Canada organist and Chum with its nerve centre in Hamilton Ontario has atotal capacity of nearly two million tons Few if SUNDAY MARCHlst 1953 any Companies in the world can 11 anmmmm surpass the great variety of the SERVICE jun11 Bringing Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and Choumaster WARREN MnCLEAN SUNDAY MARCH lst 1913 11 LinMORNING wonsme Christ and the Christian Christian Essentialsl 1045 IDLORGAN MUSIC ING WORSHIP rist into the llolnc Sound Filmstrip CHURCH SCHOOL 945 minJr Ink and Sr Dcpts ll MILBeginners and Primary Come to Gods House on His Day mg Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIB BA Minister MR FRANK BUTCHER Organist SUNDAY MARCH Isl I953 10 Mburch School 11 tunNursery Chg II am SERIES What Must Do To Be Saved Repent pm The Cross in the Life of Today 815pmYoung Peoples Soeieiy lJ 221 BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist SUNDAY MARCH ist 1953 945 aimSunday School 11 MILBeginners Dept 11 MILMORNING WORSHIP Subject stlmth up the people pmEVENING WORSHIP Subject The place of fear In the Christian Religion Holly Sunday School pm Holly ChurchAService pm 11 The fe hundreds of products that Stelco Chm Which 13 Body at the L0 the be produces in its nine works says Induction of Elders Mr McGuire THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJunior Intermediate and Senior Departments 11 amNursery8eglnners and Primary Departments 3pmlhAdultBlble Class ElnaEVENING SERVICE Makers Of The Cross llIndus PAINT ROOM FOR ms Pmce or TWO PAIRS or mums paleYIN Fkosldc SAINT GEORGES Rbcwo Chqrbof ning of wisdom FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Bayfield St 1030Sunday School 1130 and 730PREACHING Rev Bright WELCOME mm APOSTOLIC FAITH cannon um atulence SUNDAy MARCH 1953 Sunday school pm One of the big questions here at the present time is whether West em Europe can pool Its military forcesalong the lines laid down in the European Defence Community agreement In other words will Francetsur SUNDAYAMARCH Iq musk gum IiPiarPIExammvr Tobie In My Fathers House mpEVENING Mahsions 8an Located on Highway 11 just past Crown Hill ClassA Newspaper 511 PublishedMondoy Wednesdays Friday Wilma suitably 96H Office square Barrie Ontario Conduiby lender the demands for changes listedin number ofprotocols In that case will West Germany ens for the Atlantic Pact Ix FULL GOSEELFWABERNACLE mama with on mama at on 20 mwasm er mm Responsible car owner with hours per week spare v3 antennas pm time to servicejroute of vending machines foc50 SIRIDAY 1953 moi CollectionsEarnlngsup toblbbflvveekiydepend 31 it CLASS ingonrspareybnefdevotediMustbe honest reliable In and have pomp $5120000 cashier the business Includephonegi mlbevc and references in ample Wgmmmfm ation unplugsullen common melipln the Elm sincelhoywouldxrtrcnee LIMITED CHITIICEVIeoMdent RIVETT SecretaryTrauma inference of the six prospective mm 0on gwmm muflwfmul 13kg EDC membernations opens in Rome Neither government nor op position is optimistic for the coming twoday talks Even Chengdu KonradAdehauer whose optimism on such occasions may have been unwarrantedbyvlater results this tibielleft Bonn relational the ser lousnss of the situation Such are the questions discussed but still unanswered here as the ml um mm Bellini 9t commvices 11 OhmJim no mm Wonderful 63 0593 Jaysva

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