ROLE OF VON The Victorian Order of Mums clay an important rule in 21529 crowded nominal cubism SEE icaneea By litinlklg the Sick and injured in their homes the Order nukes more hospital beds available to those requiring nelson41 treat KHZ ii euro 112 lRarrir Exam WWWw ATLANTIC crrY Monument cossraxcs MOORE BRAD TAYLOR ADELE MAM JERRY COLONEL HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN SARRIE MGMIS mm Keeping Homeflogetlieris Great SPECTACULAR PICTURIZATION OF THE NATIONS SENSATIONAL BEST SELLER EVE snows AT 650 9111 SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS ALSO CARTOON FOX MOVIETONE NEWS 25 PLYMOUTH mzi GENE OHRXOMGERW Nod ithGfT FOR itllfl ENEMY AGENTS STARTS THIS ANornsn GREAT suspense STORY HOLLYWOOD CAMERAS WERE SET UP ON THE POWDERKEG OF EUROPE TO FILM IT GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT LASTASHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THE HOUR OF 13 and YANKTmNDOCHINA THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT 230 1111 mam mm and action Main chant CECIL DmittE their WM TR autumn trulflts1uioii1iuMoliow ii receives the The following article writ ten by Cameron MC deputy minister of notice al health and chairman the VON nursing Advisory com tee tells of the rat contrihv tlon that the Vlctnrun of Nurses nukes to the health of the nation During VON Week lcb 22 to Feb 28 the attention of the public is drawn to the work of the nuns lng service which this been cs tiblished in this country for 58 years Dr Cameron points out how the Victorian Order has helped keep the home to gctber by caring for the sick person when hospitalization is not the am er Most people know of tlic Vic llur Order of Nurses un tionul organization of visiting nur se l10 go into the liemus of par dumb to provide numng servrccs accirrdLng to the pliysuiiuns direc lztsus Fcu otlur than those who lzuve benefitle from these services are 11 11 of the great contubution they mch lo the llcultl of the nuliozl through keeping Inc home together it it were not for the VON in many cases of serious illness mo them would have to enter hospital for an indefinite period during which time licr children might have to be sent to relatives 01 neighbors suffering the hardshipl of scpzlralzon and disorganization of licir daily lives The motherI would naturally worry about hurl disunitcd family and the result would not help her condition Bunl when the VON takes over the mother can remain in her ownl home surrounded by her family and still receive the skilled alien1 tion of graduate nursc whose vis its may be made once daily or more often if the doctor so ordersl Less seriously ill patients llvlngl alone are able to remain at home and receive treatment or nursing care by the visiting nurse The mother of family is often able ml leave hospital much sooner than usual since the VON carries on the necessary treatment This has 113 very definite impact on the size of the hospital bills and in addil tion probably saves the cost Ofl employing someone to run the house during the mothers absence Nurses Daily Work daily work entails much more than the average days duty She visits homes that run the gamut from wellappointed ems She may start her day by to aid blind or senile patient Prenatal and postnatal care and in struction accident cases chronic illness or disablement heart ail merits and cases where surgical dresslngs require regular attention are all likely to be on her list But whether her call takes min utcs or hours and regardless of the service required the patient skilled care of highly trained registered nurse Fees are based on actual cost ltilu leo prcccdcd her during the fiftyi puny of Canada for now construc The nurse herself nds that herircport signed by Frederick John hospiml even more new applicants for ser apartments to overcrowded tenem helping to usher some new little life into being and from there go sald that 554 telephones were add may Contribulion Made by Victorian ll Order Nurse to Nations Health cflgul nursing and lllllu Lula ll clVlLLb Despite lid more 111111 o0 nu zez tire VOEY far from over llfftd This organzzutiun like 1ll uiizcr branches of izicdlcal lct feeling lte lio1gu of llCLl 1le the great if Lind for faclp nch illL waif 11 alt1 lfll lllfjll of lllt liilil 211213 lenlsidlll tsre uf Aged ilc divans 5l penpl gill llxllll 811 all tiltlilldtltt trw 11t1fl1 impli 2n 1ch llpululzun l111 mums relative in the drones incident luv Many of lzlrt Ultltl pew lul rrquuc nmpnailzutmir in new proper nursing ennui llmy ills readily l1c1 Illij lru1 own llcilllts tic dc 111ll5 111 21 Vth liz lelZILlEljJlil us llicyl flilxtl in to mom and moral of such urea My inllnxitt leisoitlcdge Willr 4lll tllltl llt liven closely assimilated for tilllt gamma 121 umur 1zc not only an iris1glitl llh probicnm and newts but misc 211 uppritcuitaon of1ts detri uilnutmr and llttLfn 111 Slllt1tl know that no matter Wlllll the demands on tile VlCltillilll Order nurse 1t is quite Ctlllllll that alter u1ll Lw llltlL With her little blurkl bug faithfully caring for lllosc who need her Although her lllt liltltlli arc lllOMl of rnorlcrn incillcull science snc st1ll follows the honi oiublv trudituins of tliosc llllrSLh ilx ycurs of the VlCIOllllll Orders growth wltl1 growmg country BellTelephones ln Operation Here Now Total 5628 total of 535300000 was ex pcndcd by The Bell lclcplionc Com tJunin Ontario and Quebec during 1952 the highest amount for sin1 glc your in its history according to the companys 73rd annual report mailed to shareholders licrc During thc year 136373 phones wcrc addcd to the com panys system bringing the total number in service to 1076123 the tele son president states There were vice than in 1951 but the total of 33354 unfilled orders at the end of flirdyear was the lowest at any Kyearcnd since 1945 Commenting on thercport Garrlck manager for this region ed in Barrie during 1952 bringing the number in service to 5628 and leaving 19 unfilled orders at the yearend The report notes that there is still heavy demand for service that must be met as quickly as possible Large construction projects must still be planned and carried out without delay Large amounts of new capital must still be obtained Yet the results of the past year in For those who are able to pay lthere is this nominal charge but for those in less comfortable cir cumstances the fee is adjusted or in cases of extreme poverty com plelely waived Probably the Victorian Order nurse would not be happy if her work entailedjust straight forward treatment of average ail ments She seems to prefer to work in conditions far removed from the sterile whiteness and clockwork routine of hospital Despite frequent opportunities to return to appointments that would be much more profitable nancial ly and involve lesspersonal wear andtear the VON nurse turns them down and stays with the job ahjob that certainly has its problems but in which she is close to those whose lives she works to save In turn she has the love and respect of the thousands who recognize that blue uniform and little black bag Sound Policies While it is easy to wax sentim ental over the Victorian Orders great work for humanity its serlt vices are governed by sound downtoearth policies based on years of practical experience Since the skills of highly qualied VON nurse can be divided among several patients the services of out albinoscarce graduate nurses can be spread over wider eld with advantage to the patients ances and some alleviation of the lack of space in most of our hos pitals The WK was founded 56 years ago and has grown from small handful of nurses to great order with 113 branches and over 500 trdined nurses all of whom are registered graduates andmost of whom have had additional train mg in public health Over mill ion visits are made annually to the dicatc that within foreseeable per lod we may expect to serve prompt 1y all those who apply to us Net income for the year amount ed to $247 share compared with $208 share in 1951 The usual $2 dividend was paid and an amount equivalent to cents share was added to surplus which the report states is still far below an ade quate amount in relation to the companys capital and magnitude of operations Total rcvenucs increased by 16 per cent over 1951 lg 3186569332 and total operating expenses were 10 per cent higher at $126559114 After providing $30342000 for tax es $18272437 for dividends and $7097868 for charges $4297 913 was added surplus Total taxes represented an amount equivalent to$1591 telephoneror $332 share of stock The number of shareholders in creased by l7339 during the year to 100890 nearly four times as many as there were seven years ago No other Canadian company has as many owners of its stock Ownership of the company contin ues to be predominantly Canadian and shareholders living in Canada control 90 per cent of the stock those living in the two provinces the company serves hold 83 per cent Shareholders include 10359 company employees and pension ers The company is entering new phase of the development and pro vision of special communications services the report states mo telephone netwoek vehicles onstreets and highways is being expanded across southern of li11lt PA LL WHIIILHAS AN ORCHESTRA BUCK AND BUDDIES ROY ROGERS KING OF THE COWBOYS TRIGGER THE samurzsr HORSE atom TRAIL OF ROBIN HOOD IN Gown with REX ALLEN ALLEN ROCKY LANE MONTE BALE TOM TYLER Twentieth CenturyFox pawn ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BRERETON FIELD NATURALISTS CLUB NOTES On Sunday Feb members of the Brcrrton Club were certain that spring l1z1d arrived and to pmvc it tltcy would have shown vou thrlu meadow lurks in field in the north end of town Otl Dcvilt in Ends of Siincoe County givcs the earliest arrival date of meadow lurks in Barrie as March 16 According to Baillie To ronto ornitliologist who has been keeping rccords for over 25 years the uvuragc arrival date in Toronto is March 23 though he also notes that they occasionally winter in the Toronto district Have those three meadow lurks then returned at this very curly date or encouraged by the mild open winter did they de cidc to remain here instead of ac companying their companions on the animal trip south The snow of this week may have made them regret their action The meadow lurks were seen first by Hugh Currie and Paul Crease early Sunday morning Through the grapevine the news of their presence spread and during the day several club members went out to see them The three birds were al wavs in the same place and certain ly seemed to be quite at home on the snowcovered ground Though the meadow larks were the highlight of the day there was more of i1itcrest to birdwatchers Not far from the meadow larks flock of 500 redpolls was feeding on weed seeds They are here in huge numbers this year and no one should miss the opportunity of see ing them Besides noting the bright red forehead of these small finches one should look for male bird and admire the beautiful splash of rose spreading downwards from its black chin In any flock of red polls one hopes to find the less common hoary rcdpoll Only one and eastern Ontario and into west ern Quebec and 16 of the 26 new stations required are already in service The Toronto0ttawaMon treal microwave radiorelay system designed to transmit long distance calls and television prpgiams 15 close to completion The associated link from Buffalo to Toronto pro viding connection with United States television networks is al ready in service Other special types of telecommunications facil ities are also being provided to meet particular needs of other in dustries and government services The year was thus gratifying one in many respects the report says Excellent progress was made in meeting the Ipublics require ments Eortelephone service greaf deal was accomplished in the building of new facilities for im meliate and for future needs The use of newer types of equipment and newly developed methods was wirier extended to increase the scope and usefulness of telephone Service SOONL GREGORY PECK SUSAN HAYWARD AVA GARDNER STARTS THURSDAY IN THE GREATEST LOVE STORY YOU HAVE EVER SEEN HEMINJGVVAYS If magnows or Q51 MANjARO of thcsc was reported 111 this large flock Many other winter bird rcsrdentsi wcru seen on the veckcndehorned larks on the highways snow bunt ings and tree sparrows 111 the fields single crow flying overj the town and snowy owl south of Barrie as well 15 blucjays andi chickadccs cht to thcmcadmw lurks however the most cxcitingi sight was that of beautiful male cardinal sunning himself content edly in cedar tree at Little Lake and few minutes later making brilliant splash of color as he walked across the snow The next regular field excursion will be on Feb 28 starting from Queens Park at pm On March 30 Dr lvcs Stayner will be showing bird pic lures with accompanying bird songs at meeting to be held at Hillcresl School auditorium chnmsannancuss The VON increased the number of its branches over the past year to 113 At the same time the strength of the Orders registered nursing staff was increased to 534 TECHNICOLOR VON WEEK This is VON Week across Can add week designed to mm more Canadians about the exten aivc home nursing services of the Victorian Order of Nursa The Order provides home nursing care for Canadians in all walks of life W4 VON NURSES All nurses employed by the Vic torian Order of Nurses are trad uatc registered nurses Theym trained to care for potionsmil ing from all types of sick112$ and accidents READY WHILE YOU WAIT SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS PRICED FROM $4750 WILF TOD 1101151511010 ACCIDENTS GRIT IIIVIILVE YIIII and sometimes they cannot impre vented but hardships over the issue of FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY can be overcome through adequate insurance Mulcomsons Insurance 41 Dunlop St Mens and Boys W00 55 man st Burgh Ham on Just More lluyslov Exchange Tickets Purchased From Club Members mustrbe ex changed for reserved seats by Friday of this weekjbe tilities Office715 tween 1230 and pm at the Public Bayfield St 111111111r smut Steam ANNUAL ml nut homes of sick or injured people wao need care The Orders objectiveis to es tabbsh and maintain visiting nurs ing service Wherever required in Canada to provide care for the patient in theyhome and also to assist with public health nursing In some areas they not only make home visits but also provide clin ics on childrhealtm immunization 111 iridium wt in areal rmuuu bum BARRIE FEB 27