are iner mats EXAMINER HELP WANTED CLERK TYPIST FEMALE Required Immediately CONTACT MR HUNKIN Industrial Acceptance Corporation WIISOII Bldg Phone 5533 11719 WOMAN TO look after children while mother works Apply Box 17 Barrie Examiner 11921 LADY OR Gentleman to do sew ing repairs also girl for office Apply Full View Cleaners 57 Dun lop St West 11019 LOCAL BANK has opening for young man between ages of 11 and 21 Apply in person to The Man ager The Canadian Bank of Com Inerce 119 WOMAN FOR Housework modern conveniences 912 Monday to Friday Apply Box 12 Barrie Examiner stating name and salary expected 11820 PARTTIME Secretary working hours 15 pm Monday to Friday inclusive familiar with general offlce routine Apply Box 13 Bar rie Examiner 11819 LOCAL BANK has opening for fe male clerk Previous experience preferred but not necessary Apply inperson to the manager The Canadian Bank of Commerce I119 OFFICE GIRL Bookkeeping typ ing knowledge preferred Group Insurance hospital benets Imme diate position Apply Corby Mot ors Ltd Market Square Barrie 119 STENOGRAPIIER permanent position for personable qualied stenographcr Shorthand essential Salary 30 week State qualifica tions in writing to Box 18 Barrie Examiner 119 SALESLADY permanent position Barrie modern store State exper ience and reference in selling Position open also for high school student girl or boy Apply Box 11 Barrie Examiner 11825 WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Barrie and part of Simcoe County Experience not necessary line opportunity to step into old profitable business where Raw eigh Products have been soidfor wears Big profits Pddiicls furn ished on credit Write Rawlcighs Dept 3428163 Montreal 119 WANTED Immediately Man inter ested in larger than average in come to manage Watkins Dealer ship Selling experienceJielpful but not necessary we train you No investment required If you ambitious interested in business of your own between 25 and 55 and have car write today forinformalion to Dept OBnSA The Watkins Co 350 St Roch St Montreal 11622 NEED EXTRA Money young attractive lady between 3040 years of age is required parttime to sell manufacturers clubs chur ches etc toys and gifts for Christ mas arties in the Town of Bar rie ntario Time required two weeks during May and two weeks during November high commis ston Will be paid For full details reply giving age weight and height to Box 10 Barrie Exam 11921 JUNIOR EXECUTIVE Ty DIETWVAII old established life insurance com pany has an opening in the Barrie areafor man 25 to 45 who is Itilligentpambitious and person able To the man selected we off er an excellent training program salary and bonus and guaran teed penSIon Please send data concerning age marital status em ployment record education and references to Box 16 Barrie Ex MY OFFICER requires room furnished apartment duplex or outshone child Apply Box6 rifle Examiner 111719 WANTED TO RENT by business 111116 asmall house in or outside at you No childrenggctalnvirs 5461111019 4311 betWeen am and rpLInjor 5791 evenings 111920 MDFFICER requires accom mediation on fairly permanent basis imam apartment own kitchen 51th orsmall house One well good child Abstaincrs Local esA11sndalelpreferred but and residential areas con Phone 49 1119 to calml hell am weiltSunday 11E TELEPHONEDTO OFFICE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13 1953 POSITIONS WANTED luau wrril than pflzlel truck Iwould 1136 work Phone 2613 Ill 21922 IAUTOIIIOIIVE Parts Blah Exper Iw Seek SILC 31121ure P11111111 3761 219 WWW IWIIJ BABY SF in my home any Inlgllt of the wetk close to arena for hockey fans Phone 20111 217211 IIOOKKEEPING Income Tax 11 Apply John Morrison 51 Penetailg Phone 2706 25192111 MAN WITH Dependable light truck desires light truck con tract nights and weekends lion est and reliable Box Barrie FA lrnincr 21619 WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage Dealers in scrap Iron raw furs Special price uucks w111 cal anywhere within the county on request Phone 2083 or 820r31 residence 5306 Siayner 331 or 9873 MAX PUSH KOFF CO Yard and ofce 156 ILtftn St 314380 ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For STEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES Industrial Iron Metal Yard 11nd Office manned St Ferndale 11111 Plaone 811131 especial High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 313020 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS International Farmall International Farmall LMassey Harris Model 22 Oliver Model 70 lMinncapolis Molnc Model Ford Tractor and Plow International Ni20s Many of the above tractors are nearly new and others are all overhauled and ready for work We also have number of good used Side Rakes Plows Ensilage Cutters Hay Rakes Manure Load ers Fertilizer Distributors Milk Coolers etc Come in now and look them over The price is right Terms Arranged DOUGHERTY BROS International Harvester Dealers 35 High St Barrie Phone 4963 3919 10 COMPLETE Beatty slngi stalls 12 water bowls All new Cheaper for quick sale Phone 2138 3919 EXPERT CREAM Separator Re pair work Free inspection New and used parts all makes Electric attachment 40 years an expert Hulse Hillsdale 3919 GOOD USED Milking Machine Used MH 44 Tractor with hydrau lic loader Ford Tractor with load er new and used Thrashers Com bines Balers George South Heathcote 391316F MH 7FT BINDER in good run ning condition good canvas short and long tongue Alemite fittings No further use for same Also set of good Sloop Sleighs 2inch run oher office work done at home Forget Armchair with 1171 scope sight Phone 6377 71810 IWIIIIE COAL and Wood Cook Stove good condition CHAT 51 Wtai Ut pliOllP 5814 7l9 RESS CORN Solve for suievre litf Your Druggist sells Callous Sal luii lcllPVvS quickly 719 USED EASY Washer enamel tub chrme trim Bargain for cash $431 Phone 45301 71 Burton Ave 719 GATELIX Table radio combination sci haiheilold furniture lea wagon and other Phone 5760 719 UPlllGlll AND Apartment Pianos New Mason and Rlsch Pianos Phone Elinvale 9111 Frank Ken nedy 710511 ADDING Machines and Typewrit gm Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto 51 phone 4821 713611 MM NEW EUREKA Vacuum swivel hides 198 PS Ill8 POUIlU 810 top the latest model Must be sold 81d dEIIVEFEG 01 inunediately Phone 3482 or call at 71619 07 Maple Ave Barrie wn HAVE number of good Iused sewing machines New Holmes etc Call and sec them at 97 Maple Ave 71619 PIGS We will supply your bag feeds till market time list no red tape Phone 531 Stroud llunters Poultry Farm 71025 ll SKILL SAW New GE Electric Floor Polisher Fireplace electric heater Black overcoat size 44 like new Phone 807r20 71920 RUGS Broadloom Save up to 30 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newec shades Phone Barrie 2706 715tf SAVE UP TO 50 on new sew ing machine Highest tradein allowance on your old machine regardless of condition For dem onstration phone Barrie 0359 75tf TYPEWRITERS office machines portables adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances 51 Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona representative REMEMBER Craig Hunter for ser vice on your Master Feeds Frost Fence and Fertilizer Sales and demonstration on Graham Flows now in stock Phone 53r$ Stroud 71625 SINGER SEWING Machine large ice box Car Radio large double sink ideal thing for builtin cup boards Floor model radioBoys Bicycle Apply 127 St Vincent St Barrie 116G PRODUCERS Save your grain for seeding Feed complete feed and pay for it when you sell your pigs No interest no red tape 11r5 or Srtoud llr21 71021 TYPEWRITERS and Adding Ma chines new and factory recondf tioned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Lim ited 70 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 2756 724th 200 GAL OIL TANK with all fit tings 45 Gal Oil Tank Jacket Heater with oil burner installed Jacket Heater has soft water unit attached therefore not limed up May be seen at Bradleys Lunch 70 Dunlop St West 719 22 SAVAGE high powerrifle lever action good condition equip ped with carrying sling 100 rounds of ammunition complete toolsfor reloading your own ammunition Will sell forbest offer May be seen at 142 Gunn St aftr 530 p111 BUSINESSES WANTED RESTAURANT OR Snack Bar Re oly to Box Barrie Examiner 401719 PROPERTY WANTED option of buying Apply Box 10 Barrie Examiner 331822 LIVESTOCK WANTED YOUNG CALVES wantedTIhone 4116191 RENFREW Stove Userereca now give fast service on Cook Rite Chateau Vanity Acorn stove parts Give serial number Goad supply of new Renfrew Cream Sep arators and parts Hulse Auth orized Renfrew Dealer Hillsdale 3919 VIKING CREAM Separators the worlds standard No other separ ator will give you as good cream test Better trade alloWance terms to suit Free demonstration any where bno obligation Remember youget free service for 10 years Phone Moonstone Long Hulse vAlliltouzedViking Dealer Hills dale 3910 PHONE 2114 agoMordrmlnlmuln 1511 motive Insertions so word minimum 501 Is we 1111111111qu 500 nsscutivelnserttom like word minimum 856 MUSTbllwllcwml ORDER real oguc ners Apply Cecil Coates Cree more 3919 43141 Stroud phone527311 Barrie ITS aming IANTED Phone Knapp 94 Mincsing 411620FM CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chicks Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Friday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Cross and Barred Rocks TheSe chicks are bred for high quality eggSandrneatpro ductlon Phone 2320 Barrie 24611 IT MAY BE Early but dont be late Order your Hunter chicks now for March andAprlI Barred Rocks Hemp and Rock and way cross Phone 5315 or rltc Hunters PoultryFarm Strou 241625 OP SIRED Barred Plymouth Rock and Canadian Approved New Hampshirex Rock Chicks for sale produced on otu Canada accredited Ontario Breeding Station Poultr Farm Quality stock since 1936 Carter Hawkestonc RR Ont Phone 0110101 2446319 GILMORES Quality Chicks for 1053 Get Gllniores new Cartel Which Came First complete story of how your Gil mote chick isproduced Some February bullets still available thmoresPoultry Breeding Farm 241511 THAN you think rebiruaryMar rd anew Bray Hatchery bus of hicks for any mar ood summertall homer Apply 36 Cress 170 Singers N0 interI 7801be 719 Phone Thornton Feed Store Ivy 71810 loll TO 200 ACRE Farm witle Calves for Vealing =chicks Should be PROPERTY r011 SALE HARVEY LIMITED ZWith upper and lower bathrooms1 =Vould make an excellent rooming house or duplex Centre hall plani Side with I1 drive garage Good garden 51111111 frplts $830000 at half cah lOOACREFARM With large barn and brick house on main road near higliwzlySalo got some is subject to one morez jtlll3 rental at $55000 plus taxes For immediate sale under above terms 510500 with 3400000 cash down Present owner does not in iend farming again IOO ACRE FARM acres working containing 101 acres Fall wheat 18 acres Red Clo3 vcr and balance plowed OnebarnI 36x56 on stone 10 steel stailchionsf l0nc barn 26x36 Creek through Ipaslure some soft wood bush Frame house Spring possession Full price $700000 Busmess Opportunity ELog Lodge and Log Cabins any extra large site with trout stream 011 highway near beach Plenty ofl room for expansion ExcellentE motel site Enormous prots withl lininimuln of help required Full price $4000000 Terms Frank Banting Office Manager HARVEY CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3926 Evenings Phone 3990 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 1619 LACEY REAL ESTATE BROKER 98 Bayfield St Barrie Ph 5298 OFFICE HOURS DAILY MONDAY TO SATUR DAY INCL am to pm Income Properties Down Payment $4000 BRICK room One 3Pcc bath one 4Pce bath coal furnace garage large lot Building in good repair Cen tral to down town Down Payment $18000 Large apartment brick ample room for enlargement good income excell entv repair commercial AutomobIle Busmess Nottltlargest but one of the best north of Toronto Turnover 1952 about $250000 Appointment only Large General Store Down Payment $5000 Plus stock Good building with large room apartment above Included are two good paying contracts Located in nice Ontario village with no opposition Country Garage Down Payment $5000 Large cement steel beam building with large rooms living quarters Equip ment truck gaspumps Good gallonage excellent business Could be an excellent used car turn over Illness forces sale VLA Holdings TWO modern country homes each have rooms bath with bed rooms Very short distance from Barrie Highway Farm Down Payment $4000 100 acres supply good buildings hydro throughout 11 mile highway front age One of Barries Better Homes Down Payment $4000 Nearly new brick bungalow with brick garage large bright rooms with bedrooms and 4pce bath Oil nay 1021111 716011 bushfarplehwatl Butcher Armstrong Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd 7533A YOhge St NT Bloor ROMOUSE 133 Dunlap St 13 Barrie Ph 6512 am StijtilllZlmvale Hwy 27 room home 3pce bath small barn on azres of land Creek on property Nicely landscaped with trees ElbowTwo storey frame building size 301250 with 1119 floor tables and snack bar on second storey Spacious living quarters and room suitable for restaurant or hobby shop on main door 50 acres of land with 12090 evergreens for Christmas trees 1000 ready for 19121 also ten acres of hardwood bush 11 BRUCE REP BARBIE 6642 After hours call 2239 1619 HARRY MICHIE REAL ESTATE Brick Bungalow five rooms air conditioned all heating oak floors Low down payment balance pay able as rent Frame Ilosue one and half storeys hot air heating oak floors recreation room $3000 cash will handle new school area Building lot on Blake Street sur veyed 60x150 Price $1150 HARRY MICHIE Realtor 51 Dunlop St Phone 3551 Fred Salesman 1619 WANTED Residential Building lot west of Baylield St preference Hospital area Coulis Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 1619 WHEN YOU Consider buying or building home consult 115 early about National Housing Finances without obligation eal Estate Broker Owen Street hone 2377 1619 NEW ROOM Brick Dwelling nearing completion 25 living room full size dining room and kitchen bedrooms tiled bath forced air heating with oil May be bought under NHA With low down payment Apply 69 Welling ton St East 161619 ACRES 11 ROOMED House on Highway hydro pressure system storey hen house and broader houses 500 hybrid hens and equip ment take over as going concern Marshall Repiesentative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 1619 Miles ELAROD SOLID BRICK storey jhouse an extra large lot lined garage side drive on main thor oughfare modern kitchen built in cupboards ideal for income home Possession to suit Many ex tras Price $10500 about 13 down Mortgage 555 Phone 6785 1619 10 ROOMED BRICK Home hot water heating new oil burner deep lot large garage all newly decorated new venetian blinds partly furnished including large electric range large income Near Loblaws new store Early poss ession Illness forces sale Large down payment required Owner phone 5209 1619 BEAUTIFUL STONE ranch type bungalow on main road five miles from Barrie acres landscaped oak oors three bedrooms living room panelled in knotty pine fire place pressure system attached garage Furniture and equipment may be had with this property Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 1619 119 STOREY BRICK Veneer home livmg dining room adaptable for TV reception bedrooms clothes closets modern kitchen and bath deep basement early possession Also and Groom bungalows of modern type These homes can be purchased with reasonable down payment balance montth less than rpnt Early arrangements to assure spring possession For an Weed air heating Lovely view Central to down townRC and Protestant schools NeWNHA l2 Story Rug Brick Down Payment $2620 $6600 per month carries large rooms and 4pce tile bath bedrooms Living room 25x16 feet Oak ooring throughout Full basement with laundry tubs Oil forced air heat ing Central to down lbwn and school Pay $40 Per Month as Rent Down Payment $2000 Bungalow years old large rooms 4pce bath Hardwood floors throughout full basement with tubs coal fur nace Central in Barrie CloseTo St MaryOS Church Down Pa merit $2 rooms and bath with extra rooms and toilet to be finished at low costvfor extra income Large lot driveways Building Lots TWO lots with foot frontage blocks from centre ofBarrie 300 lots 17 foot frontage on Blake Store ondDu lex Down Payment 131000 Store un der long lease Lower and top duplex to rcliaser if required $25000 per onth income Full commercial V2 Storey Years Old Down Payment 44300 large brl ht rooms3pce bathwlth be rooms smpie=cup aids hard woodthroughout high base ment laundry tubs coal furnace YVeryceIItral In Barrie 1619 SEVERAL 50 ACRE Farms near Barrie 100 acre farm as close as four miles also assembly priced arms guywhore gstmcceunt Double pointnlent see Marshall Rep resentative of Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen St Phone 2377 gt 1610 FRUIT VEGETABLES TOP QUALITY Spys delivered anywhere in Barrie Morren phone 4510 201625F QUANTITY NO Table Stock PotatoesFrankL Elphick RR Utopia phone 6r22 Ivy wooo FOR SALE 1111an 4110011 Dry wood 1112 livered $14 per cond Phone 4484 evenings 61719MF CHOICE BODYllardwood foot or stove length Reasonable prices Phone Ivy 16101 JFMWSALE FARM 1N Good LocatlOn100 acres 70 acres under cultivation Frame house with 111 The 40x 70 barn has new stab lng 45acres plqweda 17 acres seeded Price for uick sale $5000 Butcher and orbett Real Estate Elmvale Ont Phone 65W 819 mm PERSONAL jDAINESROCK STEAM BATHS crawls on on on 13 hill mstiiientll1gr 410 Ion till low Appointment Phone 81M mm GERALD HAMEL am not spomtble for any 612th incurred in my name by my 1511 left Feb SKINNYF GIRLS Diet curveal Gain 111111 11x92 TT ll altit its Coutts 61627 Win It It mnmwmmmmmw PROPERTY FOR SALE Canadian Army order 3meth overseas soldiers rnotor vehicles airplanes and mo ftorcycles back home The order not joke During the Second World War some troops actually attempted to ship vehicle to Cau by Individual pieces aUILDINownAoES go TILE FLOORING PLASTIC WALL TILE Mastic Asphalt and Rubberi ICASH For Your Car TIVESTOCK FOR SALE filo PlGS 10 TO 12 wkEks 01 Phone WEAROLD Holstein Cow due Feb TileVinyl Flooring Free Estim gates HARRY YOUNG 29 Park St 33513132 TENDERS IIENDERS FOR fourfoot ihardwood for School Area 1010 will be received by the un ldersigned up to Feb 1953 The wood to be at least maple and the rest of it to be any of the following elm beach birch oak Ior iron wood All wood is to be delivered to the various schools by June 30 1953 Schools needing wood Shanty Bay cords Dalston l5 cords Craighurst cards Jar ratt l2 cords No School cords Mitchell Square 18 cords IRugby cords Leighs Corners cords Ora Station cards Huwkestone cords Clowes cords Nevis cords Guthrie cords Argyle cords John Currie Oro Station Ont 2610161 body PROPERTY FOR RENT COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR LEASE 38 Bayfield Street 1519 Phone 1519 UNFURNISHED Rooms 0572 after pm FURNISHEDBgdroom one block from main street Apply 12 Collier from mailing Ferndale 1112111 Phone 4067 1= AUTOMOBILES WANTED FOR WRECKING CARS AND TRUCKS Cash paid for good cars WEST END USED CARS AND WRECKING IN MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13109 Big Values Big Buys Al USED CARS 1951 Chevrolet Sedan with power glide 1961 4door Meteor 1951 2door Ford 1950 4door Ford 1950 2door Ford 1950 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 2door Meteor 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 Monarch Sedan TRUCKS 1951 Ford rzton Pickup 1950 Ford lton Pickup Corby Motors Ltd Corner of Steele St No Highway 131819 1939 FORD fair condition 1930 Model good condition Phonc 5655 131319 1950 CHRYSLER Sedan automati transmission Cameron phone 3395 131819 St 15 19 FURNISHED Front Bedroom cen tral location Man preferred Phone 3425 1519 FURNISHED Bedrooms suitdblc for gentlemen Very central Phone 2895 151819 FURNISHED Bedroom suitable for one or two Abstainers Phone 6332 151819 SINGLE Bedroom furnished very central Phone 4719 or apply I72 Duulop St West 1519 ROOMED Furnished Apartment also 21oomed unfurnished apart melit Phone 3587 151819 FURNISHED BedSitting room and kitchenette Suit one or two busi ness people Phone 3371 151920 LARGE Furnished light house keeping room with burner hot plate Adults Phone 5763 151920 UNFURNISHED Rooms kitchen separate entrance 2nd houserear Oddfellows Home William St 151819 COMFORTABLY Furnished housekeeping rooms suitable for couple No children Phone 3895 FURNISHED Bedroom Gentleman preferred Close vto dowu town Apply 45 McDonald St upstairs 1519 gt ROOM Heated unfurnished apartment very central newly de Ioratedd$65 monthPhone3958 1519 ONE OR TWO Rooms furnished or partly furnished with bath Ladies preferred Phone6720 UNFURNISHED Rooms also partly furnished rooms Child wel come AvailableFeb 16 Phone 1519 1519 1519 entrance picture window re place blocks from Post Office Phone 4750 151920 DUNLOP WEST rooms unfurn ished heated self contained apart ment AdultLonly Possession Mar 15 Phone 2384 L619 ROOMED Selfdontained Apart ment light heat and watr su p11edNeehildren Vacant on Fe 15 Phone 4394 FURNISHED Bedroom and kitch enette in Nhospital area suitable for or buSiness personnel Adults only Phone 2733 1519 LARGE BRIGHT BedSitting Room and kitchen are trig LARGE FRONT Bedroom prinie 19411 CHEV DELUXE lieton Pick up truck original owner Lorne Sommcrs mile Iiorth Crown Hill on Highway 93 131819 1936 PLYMOUTH Coach heater good tires block heater Running every day Best offer over $100 cash Phone 4674 1319 1941 FORD SEDAN Delivery ex cellent condition solid body very clean looking vehicle suitable for small business Phone 6293 any time 1311 1952 HUDSON WASP Broadway blue driven only 5000 miles 11111 factory warranty goes with this car Russel Stranaghan 82 Brad ford St phone 4140 131819 1946 WILLYS JEEP 4wheel drive with new motor and brakes and equipped with factorymade steel cab and new hydraulically opera ted snow plow Apply Ivan Dan Iels Aurora phone 212 131819 bushels power cleaned Seed Apply Victor crawford Shanty Bay IOUANTITY or Good Mixed Hay Phone 811r15 11 511 Malple Lane Turkey Farm RR llillsdale or phone Moonstone ex change SEED FEED MIXED ALFALFA and Timothy Ray round bales for sale Thomas Lyons RR 2rl3 Ivy 520 BUSHELS Red Clover and 20 Thornton Phone 1019221 Timothy good quality 1019 imothy Clover and Alfalfa for Apply Malcolm MacDonald 101820 13111 Ivy 919 Edenuale 19 22 Fred Laws SPRUCE CREST Yorkshircs March farrowing sows Apply New Stroud 19221 19 PIGS WEEKS OLD 1131 Stein Cows due in March Mar shall phone Ivy 7rl COW Choice of all due next wee also good Calf week 011 Phone 11431113 Switzer YORKSHIRE BOARS months old English and Canadian cr0s Priced reasonable Percy Carscad den Bradford AYRSHIRE cow years old do 919 919 915 freshen in February Apply John Bishop Lot 10 Con 14 lo nisfil RR Barrie 91819 REGISTERED Shorthorn Bull year Calf Shanty Bay Phone 262 Oro REGISTERED Herefords and horned April and May bulls young bull calves cows Cyril Cook Allandale Oddfellows Home old Club suitable for Bill Clark Calves Apply 91819 HEREFORD BULL ready for sep vice good color and guarantee 10 miles west of Alliston Osburne Irwm Alliston on Highway 89 919 AYRSIIIRE Springers second and third calves bred to Maple Unit good cows Robert Camp bell Churchill phone chroy lerl 91819 polled seine mature past 91319F IXONS PREVENTEX TABLETS Protect Your CALVES Against Deficiencies Causing Scours Pneumonia and other Diseases vaentex Tablets Contain the vitamins minerals and trace ele ment needed by newhorn calves AVOID CALF PROBLEMS GET NIXONS PREVENTEX AT Cusdens Pharmacy Wellington Hotel Block STIIIIIIII TELEPHIINE COMPANY 1111 The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of STROUD TELEPHONE COMPANY LTD will be held in the Communityllall Stroud Wed Feb 18 at pm for the purpose of electing directors discussing rate increase and other business Everything supplied Suit girls or working couple Phone 6212 151819 HEATED urnished Light Hanse keeping room very central Busi Tress personnel prelerred Adults and abstainers only Phone 3801 ROOMED Apartment and kitch enette With privatcelectric meter ca acrtyr for range unfurnished un eated $10 weekly Phone 5759 Barrie r51920 UNFURNISHED Bed51111111 room builtin kitchenette with Sink and rangette newly decorated suit able for Working couple Apply 97 Donald St 151719MF OOMED Apartment 1111111 bath on rnlshed self contained on eating private entrance rst oor entral Adults preferred Apply 52 Sophia St East 151819 ROOMED Unfurnished Apart ment or furpished Se rate rooms us to them ouse bright oms 32kBerezy St from 81 30 um audit10 pim supersaturated btedroong rwtth or without separ 1519 151922 LENNOX BLACK Secy Thats the timehonoured description of Blatchfords worldfamous Calf Meal And 16day Blatchfords the worlds original Calf Meal is still the linearthe most protable use So follow the leadof successful anadian cattlebien Use Blatcliford prot Stea 1yscientically Start right from the begindingWith the new calf Blatchfords our Mealstimulates and develops your calveS inborn productive ability so as to assure maximum growth and top production Blatchford cakes are properly nourished calves They develop into high producers real prommakers for you Blatchfads MEAL 1171111111517 Complete Feddlhgbirectiorislnlioch Bugy IiaovIII is some gnomes