11mm mun Sonia THE TOWN 01 mm AND COUNTY SMCOE Since 1864 89th YeahNo I9 Elrick Heads insurance Agents Barrie and District By 368 At luncheon in Conunumty House Wednesday afternoon Barrie and District Insurance Agenlsl elected their new board for tliei coming year closing remarks before requesting Malcomson to take over furl Illa election of officers stated that his was his first effort as pres ident of any group and perhaps but could haw dune better Nominations for the 1953 pres Idcnt were VicePresident Cliff Elfick and John Stevenson but Mr Stevenson asked that his name be withdrawn Mr Elrick was de clnrcd elected Malcumson Was elected vicepresident Hurry Michlc was rcclected secretary treasurcr Directors chosen were Slessor Culllnm and Simpkin ELRICK President Cliff Elrick told the members that as he was real e5lt fate man as well as insurance the meetings could not drag along all afternoon as he worked every day of the week John Stevenson told of attending meeting of the provincial execu tive called to censide the sugges tion of the reductiori in agents commission by companies claiming that this was necessggy to keepin surance costs down stted that the companies had not offered to cut their overhead in proportion The threat of governmentbperated nsurance was saidto be the reason or keeping rates down We all have job with the gov ernment in that case Mr Tatter sall said There are not enough agents in the province to fill the need He reported that the agentslwere in favor of holding the insurance rates down but that the cost of doing bulsiness made any com mission cut difficult suggestion that Royal Commission look into the whole business was another possibility The local association agreed that letter be sent backing the Ontario Assdciation in itsef forts EducativeAl Pmmm Following suggestions that might be offered to have teenage drivrs become better insurance risks it was agreed that the BDCI Board either Autumn duna cm In mmmtwmcm he Illurrir Examiner BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY review of the situation Within President Juhn Stevenson in his the bomb dunng he mSL 10 year was given by Scott pubiicI school inspector on Monday eveni lug at meeting of the Mens Club of St Georges Anglican Church Allandalc The speaker who was introduced by Stan King rogram chalrmn referred to the number and increase of pupils in the schools today c0m pared with last year and the other years back to 1942 Mr Scull also dealt question of teaching staffs and of the difficulty in obtaining suffl clent numbcr to look after present day needs in the schools An out line of some of the methods where by this shortage might be corrected was also given Thanks were expressed by Bill Crawford Water Supply is Available Within Town limits Only People living on Stcclc Slrccl cannot receive town water sup ply until their property is brought Within the municipal boundaries This was pointed out at the February meeting of the Public Utilities Commission when depu tation of owners from the north side of Steele Street was present to request water supply It was pointed out that the attitude of the commission has been that water service is supplied only to those who pay Barrie taxes and that their re quest could not be granted until the property is part of the town It was also reported thaf the PUC samples of Barrie water which have been sent to Toronto twice month for the last month were all tested as class The supervising engineers report mentioned that all hydrants 1n Barrie are tested regularly during the cold weather All hydrants were checked twice during Janu ary while those which were in clined to be wet being rechecked six times during the month should be approached by the asso ciation to endeavorto haven safe driving educational program in augurated at the local collegiate The offer to have speakers and ed ucational material made available through the association was to be extended again This offer was turned down last year asllkely to interfere with the curriculum The fact that this type of education is to be given at the secondary schools in Toronto and graphs are being made to cover the costs prompted the offer The directors were instructed to report on the matter xx Dunn AllistonLf that group advertisements be spread among all newspapers of the district The next meeting will be held in March NEXT T0 SUPERIOR Lake Victoria in Uganda Africa is the worlds secondlargest freslb water lake exceeded only by Lake Superior 1W trip abroad fast Jami for the Junior1 1m Skew with the MEDONTE TOWNSHIP 1953 Council at its February session in Moonstone Seated 1ch to right are ReeveFisher Ganton Council lor Dalton JermcyClcrbTreasurer John White and IMPORTANCEOF I=REEHDOM IN DEMOCRATIC STATE OUTLINED BY PAST PRESIDENT OF OFA IR Stewart Almonte past president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was the speaker this week at the agricultural meetings in North Simcoe His topic was Com munity Citizenship in Democratic Country To most of us democracy and mom economic and social relations freedom are synonymous terms he onc with another said Many countries claim demoi pun socialism democracy in My 05 their form 0f government fits perfection represents an optimv Democracy in its pure form holds lstic viewpoint of human nature that the state should be controlled lWllcn because of human frailty by all the People each sharing lpurticulur men fail to justify this equally the privileges duties and responsibilities and each participat ing personallyin the government Since man as an individual or in groups has not achieved perfection tempted to use coercion Democracy in Practice mam or society must be something lcrnmcnt and society which recog less than perfection In order to nizes tolhe greatest possible extent achieve the highest standard of the dignity and human worth of the democratic procedure possible for tindividual and in which the in any particular group the aims ofdlvidual may be selfrelidnt and re that group must be at goal whicbi spon51ble may freely dISCOVQI his is beyond anything yet approached lconfidencc particular socialism arei Democracy in prdcticey then wasl any mancreated system of govern II understand It Is asysiem ofgovw particular role andmay voluntar 3121015 Johnstone Standing left is Councillor Walter Orr and right Deputychcve Alvah Stewart Councillor Victor Ely undertake to fulfil it said Mr ESIcUuzl lhc primary considcmiimr then iui husc who am in posillom to Illlkl dccisiuns afflxtlng the lives gal others mus be the effect thosc Eclectsions Will have on the initia tivc and wellbeing of the individw iguais concerned Because of human weakness jl1rrulalions on the behavior of in dividuals are necessary These isllould be to the greatest possible gexlent selfimposed through freely lcluctcd representatives The extent to which these limitations are ncc essary is measure of the intellec lual development of any people Autocratic communist fascist or other rule which subordinates the rights of the individual and must be forced on society by terrorism secret police and concentration teamps can never be considered as democratic approach and can only the maintained by iron curtain tac tm Citizenship surely involved the gappreciaiion and useful application of our privileges and opportunities and the serious fulfilment of our idulies and responsibilities The Freedoms When we thought of the freedoms Kindergdrien PUpiIs at Codringlon School Put On Doll Show to Raise Money for Junior Red Cross Sociel herb FEBRUARY 13 I953 in this position 90 of them mddv lua Chan emu AM It Item elm iMedonte ToWnship I953 Council Meets in Moonstone HaIIfPOLICE COMMISSION TO BE gREQUESTED INSTAI TRAFFIC ILIGHT IN POW SCHOOL AREA Following the concern felt by Barrie Public School Board lover the question of children attending Prince of Wales gSchool having to cross Dunlop Street West with the heavy volume of traffic carried on this roadway the Police Com mission is likely to be asked soon to lnstnl traffic light at the intersection of Dunlop Street West and Bradford Street Band to Play For Flood Victims Saturday 34 pm Saturday afternoon between three 1nd four oclock Barrie ltiztns Band will play con cert of marches and popular music at the Post Office Square under the direction of Bandw tcr Joseph MchIlIlc During This was reported at Wednesdny might meeting of the school buuld iin Illllcresl Schnni At the request the board Sl Harru In charge of the town detachment made surwy of con vdltmns at the crossmg at Dunlnpl West and High Street The survey was taken from Jml Between 16 and 200 ivchiclcs paused Ills spot bclwwnz the hours of 1155 am and 1223 1pm each day lhcrc were about 30 children frum IllllCL of Waicgz xSchool who crusscd Dunlap Wcs my time collect High Sweet While others crossed on wm be take yfromi the Bradford Street side of the $303335 11022 81 itIlQ island European Flood Victims Wea thcr permitting it Is believed this will be the first outdoor winter concert in locnl history Law principal at lllncc of Walcs School submitted rupurt to the board shuwmg how those chllV drcn attending the School who lived north of Elizabeth Street made the crossing There were 226 children 31 itndcrs will be called for the work letter was rcccived by the board from the Town Planning Board requesting information as 10 the boards intention as to vth 15 to be done with the King George School Ethc crossing at Ecclcs 33 at Fran ccs and 102 at High Street Sgt Harris notified the board that he intended to recommend to the Police Commission that the tliifIlC light mentioned be installed It was to point out He lsalso mnking arrnngcments for this property would be retained by Pom0 0111C 181W lalk 03 the school board in case of any un iroad safety to pupils at Prince of expected increase in the enrolment Wales School some time in April in the east end of the town At During the meeting the plans forl the present time the school isibe the addition at Hillcrest Schooliing used for smrage purposes werc presented by Harland Steele The board was gratified to re of Page and Steele architects Afj ccivc communication from the ter certain modifications had becnSimcoe County Health Unit ox noted regarding lighting fixtureslpressing in its annual reports ifs and cupboard space they were apl high commendation as to the coun proved As soon as the Departlditions which exist in the towns ment Of Education gives its applovi in our democracy what did we think of Freedom of speech free dom of assembly freedom of enter prise freedom of religion free elec tions and free access to the courts to mention some Mr Stewart said probably the weakest point in our exercise of these freedoms was the interpreta tion so many people placed on this freedom as freedom to do nothing Theymay not vote at elections or if they do they think they have fulfilled their duty in that connec tion They do not exprew opinions or if they do they are in too many cases based on prejudice rather than fact The useful application of frce dom of speech and assembly 111 volves study and discussion not only with those who think as we do but also with those who will challenge our statements and opin ions 50 that we not only know the opinions we bold but why we hold them Religious Freedom Freedom of reizgzon is one of our most cherished freedoms said the speaker History shows that demo cratic procedures ourished best under the influence of Christianity Christianity more than any other movement recognized the dignity of human worth of the individual Yet there were millions of people in Canada who although claiming affiliation with Christian church were unknown to that church They apparently interpreted freedom of religion as license to ignore religl Turn to page two please undened balms fortheunlor Red Cross Soeit rlngtoi nPnblfeschool bigcembclrcularr window sebum 09mins manual sh Aw four schools Skating Show Tickets Selling For March 14 In connection with the Butte Shunt Cumin cum it waspointed out meeting of the club committee last evening at nanapolitan Life offices that it was podble to obtain only Sltmiay date at the arena Because of hockey no Fridays were available and the only Wednesday night open was ruled out because it was then Now with the big show slated for Saturday evening it is noted that the sfaxtmg time Is scheduled for 830 As In the cast of350thercue codpleol hundred children some of them very small it must be realized that they cannot be kept out too late The show will allover two and half hours anyway All seats areresery ed it Is costly perfolmance with many expenses not the least of which are the many and bean tiful costumes This Is the rea son there is no special low price for children lney fill seat thesamemanadult amiit was not possible to have tickets for less than one dolhr and avoid loss though he one Of those Bendix Nothing Would or unimaginable As newlype ofjnoney brimming at pill one dpusncwthlcweet mm la PictureStar Youve guessedlmlt MONDAY WWW and FRIDAY Sc 819 an l4 PagesI wo SGM Unique Club in Milk Industry is Formed in Barrie club unique in the until of the Ontario milk industry has been grouped in Barrie to study menus at Ifurthc lrnprnvmg milkplnnt 0w atiuns All HERMAN CAM Comprising some 100 airplanes and managers of dairy plants ed between Newmarket and Pm Sound the new Dairy Club will meet at regular intervals to give Turn to page two please The Last Column Say The Word Boss 800 TAILOR Was certainly interested to 1831 the First Column on Mom of the difference between junk nailsl and mm 311 parently nempemnn 11m takes his hat off while typing cum ments that writer Storey m1 have to doff our lattes we we ladies impowbleito getontsidrshxr ay beema life1mg magnumlow journalist so if take my hat off at work willthe boss puttWm here to work beside me might lose out on tbstiw mean after all supposing Indidnlt get lady However them 13 consolation of some sod in every thineI suppoaeiiinmthat base could just keepmy hat on Noticed that show The LHairy Ape was in town this Wek reminded meet rather cident int enoughl who just never went tothejmioviw Consequently he was flitherb triguedavvbeu one reporter Ybu are the image Magnum coueaguemusrko and then dim