Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1953, p. 1

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wSELECTED FOR MONrHichuise ON BOARD HMCS QUEBEC At the AN monrxxpm union Uiir iilotto Examiner Serving THE TOWN or worn AND coum or swoon Since I864 39th YearNo l5 Wmuwcm hail lukewarmWhom Young Patient Finds New Childrens Ward Fla THREEYEAROLD Catherine Latour finds that shell have company in the new childrens ward at the Royal Victoria Hos pital Catherine occupies one of the 18 pedi atric beds in the large and modern childrens WSW Hospital unit rens ward Memorial 11 section of the Barrie and District Memorial inson who completely furnished the child it Her visitor is Charles Rob nown as the Ralph Robinson rd Mr Robinson is mem ber of the hospital board of trustees Gassing Tragedy Narrowly Averted Byz FiveYearOld gassing tragedy was narrowly Minets Point arrived home to find the house filled with coal gas fumes His mother was working in the house during thegfternoon when she became aware of the fumcs She started to climb the stairs to the upper part of the housewhere her mother Mrs Howarth and motherinlaw Mrs Emma Rumble were living However she was partly overcome by the gas before she had reached the top and she fcll backwards slightly injuring herself She managed to get to the tel ephone and attempted to call some one to have medical assistance rushed to the house Just about that time however Henry arrived home from school When he saw whathad happened he ran to neighbors house and raised the alarm Mrs Howarth and Mrs Emma Rumble were taken to Royal Vic toria Hospital but their condition was reported as fine this morn ing Gas gathering near joint in the rstovenpipe caused minor explo JiorLwhich causedia break allow ing the coal gas to escape lllES TO AND FROM CANADIAN FEDERAIION 0F AGRICUIIURE ANNUAL MEETINGAIMICIORIA With the outbreak of foot and mouth disease seriously or fecting the agricultural industry in 1952 inaddltion to the use of vegetable oils serious thought is belng given today to the future of the forming programs and policies in this coun try This was the view expressed by Newton Barrie on his re turn at the end of Last week from Victoria BC where he had been attending the annual conference of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Mr Newton left Maltonion Sun day Jan 25 andreturned the following Thursday He is the dis trict representative of the Ontario Hog Producers Association and is director for the counties of Sim coe York Ontarrio Peel and Hal ton Although primarily concerned with the discussion regarding hogs he managed to hear the speeches by Dr Harman president of the CPA and the Rt Hon Gardiner Minister of Agriculture both of whom dealt with the gen eral questions of agriculture in Canada Oneof the interesting features Iof the discussion they had re CADET FROM Rcscc BARRIE LeadingCadet Garnet HaroldBass 18 of Eccls Street who is acting chief petty officer quartennnster ofRCSCC Barrie sailed for Bermuda and Trinidad yesterday on months training cruise on HMCS fQuolleCWAnd by remark oible coincidence Charles Wilson chairman of the local Sea Godot Committee was the first Canadianever to serve Leading Cadet Bass left Bnrrie on Monday afternoon for Halifax Only four senior sea cadets from Ontario and Quebec are taking this cruise with the Royal Canadian Navy and three of these were chos en from Simcoe County the other two beingleadingcadet Bell Mtd land and leading cadet McGuire Collingwood Garnet whowas granted months leave of absence by his employers Copaco woie recom mended for the trip by Lt Lorne McGibbon Barries commanding officer and Mr Wilson The news and nec gether followed Garnet joined the sea cadet corps in Toronto and was ranked up able cadet in Hulda in Feb 1949 When his family moved tenable in the summer of 1950 he joined the corps here He attended the Sea cadet camp Princess Nico on Beamleillslgn eorgian gay in August 1940 in August 1951 leadership course for sea cadets at on board this veSSel during the war he looks ziftcr the attendance rolls and otli rQduties H150 attendance has been100 per cent eitcept for one occasion when hand injury forced him to miss ameeting HMCS Quebec one of the two cruiers in the RCN theother is HMCS Ontario wasfirst com missiOned in the Royal Navywas HMS fUganda on Dec 17 19 Mr Wilson was attached to her as second radar officer until June 1943 Vlliis Explained the ratherunusuzil request made ofiGarnet just be that he had been g1eciea was 161 ceiyedonlridy night tic weekend gettingEfltls kit It0lt Last year he attended the HMCS Cornwallis in Nova Scotti where but 1119185 leadlnzcadet hdswtllo tow tuner garding hogs said Mr Newton was the determined effort shown by the western producers to do away with the system of rail grading this is grading of hogs after they have been slaughtered and hung on the rails in the pack ing plants Western Canada has market for its pigs in the Uni ted States or will have when the embargo is lifted and in selling to the US the animals do not re quire to be graded as the bugs are marketed at live weight They want similar method to operate NEWTON for the home market selling by live weight alone The position so far as Eastern Canada is concerned is that there is noesuchAmerican market and the Canadian gproductr would be marketed in the US as nished product In order to gain foot hold in the American market the Eastern Canada producers have to put up quality product and this is achieved through the grading system Mr Newton explained that con siderable concern had been ex pressed during their discussions Turn to page two please cgotc Annual Dinner Tonight CICOnimuhlIYHtlse annual meeting of Battle Chamber ofwdll be held 11k evening at Common House Dinner is ot 630 wthspeohlirlo music ilol IonIn there will botholptos idem upon by JASuidy loath hlk Industh de ILA Wai nn bod MR lunar WM Circuitit Korea Veteran Dies at Borden Freak ACcident Sgt June Forbes Hopewell 515 Korean wot vetcnn and holder of the Mll italy Medal died so the resqu of froth accident while in control of Centurion ink Camp Borden on Monday Forbes who was 23 was crushed by thick crust of ice which rolled up the front of the tank He was driving with his mt adjusted so that his head protruded shove the open batch Travelling over mushy ground the tank broke through thick crust of ice As the tank plowed under sheets of BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1953 As part of its centennial celebrations Barrie will probably hold its Centennial Week from Saturday Aug to Sunday Centennial Plans Under Way Many Attractions Scheduled Be Held First Week If August August during which time there will be full program of events including horseracing ment athletic competitions and many others On lonitny Herring members of the Chamber of Commerce delib crnted on Villltlllb suggestions for 1C 31 me from of unLchcrtitomnii at the conclusion and crushed him against the cowling He died In an ambu lance which was king him In Royal Victoria Hospital Bcsidcs his parents in Hope well Sgt Forbes loaves his wife in Orlllla and son Building Total For January is Over I952 Figure Demils of building permits issued last month show that eight of these were issued for total amount ofi $29700 as compared with 11 pcr mils issued in the same month lasfv year for 514430 The information just issued by the Town Planning Board is as fol lows Dwellings Hill 126 Cook St at 138 Cook St build 01 self Caldwell 20 Perry St at 25 Queen St builder self Total 314000 Garages Congdon ford St builder self $600 Repairs or Alterations Dr Camwii eron Hill 119 Bayfield St convert basement to office builders Bert9 ram Bros 26 Johnson St Goliath Construction Co 157 Penetang Stl construct addition to dwelling at 149 Penetang for six apartments builder self Webster 161 Shanty Bay Road repair two dwell ings at and Mulcaster St build er self Valley 54 Ross St convert office space to two apart ments builder self Total $151ooll Good Demand For car licenspsewt Deadline Feb 28 The demand for new 1953 vehicle and drivers licenses has been good in Barrie so for this year With the largest sale for the month of January ever shown here The demand started early and by Feb Clifford Graham local issuer stated that 40 of the vehicle permits had gone out and 50 of the operators licenses which is slightly above average for Ontario Last year for the provrnce the no of vehicle permits was 289829 and licenses 1553702 for drivers The deadline is February 28 at present and although last ear it was again extended to March 20 there is no guarantee of its repetition For 1953 the drivers license is $1 with an added $1 for theUn satised Judgment Fund This 15 an advance of 50c over last year but the Motor Vehicles Branch of the Department of Highways has issued pamphlet with complete information regarding the distribu tion of this fund They have also another folder on highway signsrgivmgam ucnneed ed illustrated description of road signs and their restrictions Both folders are given with each license issued Licenses for private cars are fourcylinder $2 to $5 sixcylin dgrL to 57 eightcylinder $8 to $10 Th3 one Column TOO BIG To SPANK By scones mu About two decod of lilile lliLtflll and McKnight 136 Brad zippmlllcd spe iic deal will the zm Cillilptltd of If lnrko it ll3lllllllll ltrilimri Flaming Alderman NVllllt zird Killzlt and Charles Griffin lllll2lllf it hurt been felt that tin dutzition of the ccnlciinigil cele bmticns would be from April un lll ctobcz This had been eel ictcd as it was full that with the motor Show set tentatively for April that would be on appropriate lime to begin The closing date if October would coincide with this years full fair to be held by the Burric Agricultural Society However ll was felt at the meet ing on Monday that there may be LCllilll local events inking place before April and after Octo ber which might lit in With the overall scheme The skirting cur nivni for instance is scheduled for Suturduy March and it gwus felt that this should be in corporuted The matter is now bcing taken up with the officials sconcerned All the necessary arrangements lure now under way and at the present time it would appear that the skating carnival will be the first local event to come under the centennial category Although thou actual date has not been officiallyl announced the motor show will be held in all probability duringi April The Barrie Kennel Club Dogg Show will be held on May 16 andi two days later the Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Fish Derby Around this time alsoi the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Barrie Horticultural and Improvement Society are expectedl to get together to stage ahomc eautiilcation contest no Coronation Day One of the highlights of the June activities will be in connec tion with the Coronation Day celebrations and it is expected that the local branch of the Canadian Legion will gure largely in thel arrangements here probany withl personnel from Camp Borden and youth organizations taking part It is almost certain that rel works display will be held at thisT time The Barrie District Collegiate Institute may also gure promin ently in the arrangements for June as it has been suggested that there be musical festival The public and separate schools Willl also be joining in on coopera tive effort in connection with this During July the Simcoe County Quilt and RugFair will probably also be held in Barrie during July 22 23 24 and 25 Normally the Fair is not held in the same muni cipality on two consecutive years turd last year it was held here However it is believed that some specialarrangements may be poss ible to again hold it here in view of the centennial and the fact that Barrie is the county seat historic Displays Displays of historical interest will probably be staged in the ROVER 5cOurs ATTEND MO OTAT SPRINGWATER rat ago Jean Webster Wrote several charming liittlebooks one of which Daddy Longlegs was dramatized and lrned later In another Dear IEnemy shemade the startling statement that men are just boys whofhave grown too big to be spmk TIM statement to make use of remark by Alcotts Jo is label on my sect but can didly shes got somepn there and attire risk of classed along with false Sextds Benedict Arnold and few more that other men have called by the nasty name of traitor take up the thread of her nose tlon wearo Iold by other big boys who have delved inthe earth on large scale but with much the same fascination that we boys found indigginx recon for water noti lathe bottom of the old Hamilton Grey andBruce Railwayr out soth or Caroline Street that back several million years 830 primeval man they my rst walked or climbed to get where no wanted tong vered tournament and athletic illll0llS lt alsb hoped to hold settled in this district will repre bund festival baseball tourna villilillx town store willdOWS and is hoped that this can be got under way as soon possible it hns been suggested that the vrr ous stores might be able to change thezr dzsplzrys around periodically thereby creating further interest in the historical occasion Cntenniul Week The big even of the your howz ever Will be Centtnnlnl Week which will begin on Sunday Aug L1 with d1 timncud service and Will conclude the following Sunday with specrul church servrcci to be held at the outdoor theatre Although there is nothing dctin itc about the arrangements at the present time it has been suggest1 Oil that the actual celebrations that week will start off with horse racing and band festival on Mon day Aug The Jaycees regatta will be held sometime during the week but it has not been decided just when although there is 3E possibility that it may also fall on the Monday so that those not intcr cstcd in the horse racing will have alternative entertainment The RecreationlCouncil will en dczitor to find out what the pew1 ibilities are of staging baseball compo some 4H Club demonstrations NEW CANADIANS AS LIONS GUESTS NEXT FRIDAY The Lions Club of Burro will celebrate New Canadian Night on Friday Feb when the club will have the privilege of introduc ing to its members approximately 15 New Canadian citizens at the regular dinner meeting in the Com munity House These citizens who have recently sent many nationalities will give their impressions of Canadaand will also supply the program num bers Skating Stars Coming to Barrie This morning President Hat ru Redmond received wire confirming that there will be six stars from the Other iinto lub and Toronto Sh ing Club to assist at the Barrie Skating Clubs second mutual carnival Much 14 Picrettc Paquin of Ottawa will headline the show along with Misses Kay and Eva Lop dcll and two junior shters Bill chancc of Toronto has also confirmed his appearance in Barrie logsawing contest street dancing during the evenings and horseshoe pitching contests There will also be an American Visitors Day anal reunion school day for homel coming Barrie people There villl be Black Knights ceicbrationl on Aug 15 The public are invited by the1 centennial committee of the Cham her of Commerce to ctroperate by MONDAY Wmumi and FRIDAY single copy i6 PagesTwo LtCol Gandior ls Appointed 451i AT Regiment LtCol canola nor al Canadian Artillery of has bout officially 11pr new manning officer of the 46th Maw Tank Regiment SF Gm uni Simcoe Foresters RF Ho LLCol Kennedy mono Owen Sound LIXCOL CARDIll on Official Central Command ord ers received in Owen Sound 1330 week announced the appointman LtCol Kennedy resigned earlier in the month writing to the older Barrie peoplel who may be living in other partsj mending officer of the Hastings of the country now regarding the and Prince Edward Regiment Lt forthcoming festivities Orr sugfCol Kenmame Commanding gestion is that the cornmigtee mighti Officer Grey and Simcoe arrange to have spmmonses Foresters in 1946 when it was eons drawn up and sent out to lheselverted to the Royal Canadian Ab former residents of the town ask tillery from Infantry Remixed ing them if possible to attend the Returning from overseas as comt Old Home Week celebrations Details will be announced from time to time as to further devel1 opments in connection with the centennial TAKEN HOSPITAL IN INCUBATOR Patricia Boos of 147 Penetang St threemonthold baby girl was taken to the Sick Childrens Hospi tal Toronto from Barrie in an in cubator on Friday Patricia who was taken to Royal latter six years at the helmrin which the 45111 AntiTank 301i ment has been built into uneiof the best reserve units in Canada LtCol Gandier 39 had been secondinwommand Gandier son of Rev Mr Candler of Londesboxo neat Cline ton began as private in main fantry militia with the View Rifles in Guelph That wanintho early 30s Later he transferred to artillery Victoria Hospital Jllith was in hospital several days It was decided that she should be sent to Toronto The ambulance was halt ed at Bradford to obtain second oxygen tank Prominent Psychiatrist Speaker Childrens Aid Society Annual Dinner Meeting prominent psychiatrist Dr Montgomery formerly superin tendent of the Ontario Hospital at Orillia is to be speaker at the an nual dinner meeting of the Chil drens Aid Society of Simcoe Coun ty in Guthrie Community Hall on Tuesday Feb 10 Now director of East YorkLeah side Child Guidance Clinic Dr Montgomery is well known in Sim coe County and in all medical cen tres The dinner commences at 630 pm Tickets may be procured from any branch office in the county the board of directors or staffanembers before Saturday Feb Dr Montgomery has spent most rli DURING mu the yer Scout Moot was held at Pa the first timesu rally has been hell in moot was sponsored by th Hammers at crew rider on February 10 of his life studying emotional and mental illnesses He has been at tached to the psychiatric section of the department of health for over 25 years He was for long time superintendent of the Ontario Hos iptal in New Toronto and later at Mimico and St Thomas Shortly after he left the Ontario Training School in Orillia he went to Chicago and spent year study ing child illnesses Since then Dr Montgomery has comejzgglg grid he is director of the East YorkLeaside Child Guidance Clinic and devot ing his time and energiesto where he believes they will be most ef fective in helping the child to de velop healthy personality and thus avoid in later life emotional and mental upsets soon D80 In He served overseasveiyear5 with the Second try Division Early Rub mandy days he waspconnted to command of bamenntng operations he was mendanerit in dispatches and decoratedjozfsolh entry He has become legend regiment for his as pistol sharpsham firm still interested in revolve mg Turn to page twopl ljli

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