Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1953, p. 7

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utazzilarlx wa where you aresafe info mischief or bothering us For Parents Only 111111 111111 rm cum havent been to church since was married and hardly any of my friends have although for some reason we all send our chil dren to Sunday Schooli In churchs own admission we repre scnf fastgrowing class An outstanding Canadian writer Robert Thomas Allen recently made this comment What is your reaction to this At least it is honest But is this the best atmosphere in which to bring up children Who does this father think he is fooling Cer tainly not any bright youngster If by any chance you belong in this fastgrowing class of dis interested church folk what does your nonallcndance say to your child Does your example not shout to him much louder than any words Religion is kid stuff and we have no time for it You along to Sunday School We and When all goes well many pea plc seem to get along fairly hap pily and successfully without the church But what happens when trouble real sorrow strikes If the life of that son or daughter of yours was to be snuffed out today by some horrible accident or sudden illness to whom would you turn No matter how casual you had been about your church would you not want religious funeral service The churchs teaching about im mortality about life after death might fall on cars deafened by grief But what parent would choose to have the little body bur ied with no prayer said over the grave Is it not rather shabby to use the church in the hour of darkness but ignore it in the days of sunshine How much an adult misses who has Wt time for church Realiza tion of the value of church con nectian to home is not made by gathering around as family and king at the church from the side land criticizing its weak es with clever phrases and halftruths Many mother or dad who has drifted away from the church has started to attend church again reg ularly because son or daughter wants to go to Junior congrega tion Then almost to their sur an 111 with 5m or 111mm mm 110 Wilson Building the Iy Nancy Cleaver iulumbia Sleiltng TIIDIS 1btrllg Um prise mother and dad may dis cover some way in which the church answers some special need of their own One parent who loves music finds peace and serenity in the gliymns and quiet worship scr fVice father in listening to the sermon has his ideas for daily liv ing rcenforced fearful mother has her weight of anxiety lifted during the prayer as communion with God becomes more real to lher Another parent who Ls lonely seeks the warm companionship in church group mother in missionary society feels she is do ing something constructive to fur2 ther peace and the Kingdom oft God on earth man whose ownt boy is entering adolescence finds satisfaction in wliolehcartcdly backing the Scoutmuster and in be coming Sunday School leached Still another thoughtful parent supports the Christian church be cause he sees in it the greatest force opposing the growth of Com munism which threatens our dem ocratic way of life today The founder of Christianity As his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day Jesus knew the uselessness of ha1fhcarfcd allegiance He saith bluntly He who is not for me is against me Fathers and mo thers can you answer that chall enge Where do you stand as parent for or against the church the body of Christ on earth The future of your country of your children and your childrens children may well depend on your answer You will never regret giving your time and energy and money to the church of your choice It is not just place to send your youngsters to Sunday School You need the cliprch and thechurch needsyou Copyrightl CHURCHILL Attends Convention Kenneth Ralston attended the Crop Improvement convention in Toronto as delegate from South Simcoe Mr and Mrs Harry Sloan and Kay visited Camp Borden friends on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ivan Burke spent few days in Haliburton transferred 511111 liug explained that provLsion 111 and ycars ago with $33000 in the Eu dowment Fund $1580 and now with $03428 the in itercst totals $2115 only 111 property used for places of wvuu preciation Barrie Cemetery Annual Meeting Continued from page one1 nancial Statement The financial statement for 1032 blllIWS receipts of 89754133 from er essments graves zmprovenlent foundations luL3 sold and inter1 from the Endowimut Fund Ilsb1irsmnrnls new for wages stationery Supplies want dries Hydro and property 1m proverncriLs With total of $1 lGZZIIYI leavmg balance on hand SEWER 015 WWW 01 on Dec Ill 1532 of 32071181 The Endowment Fund lltEWS rev ceipts of 16071198 from cnduwni TILS interest on sccumzes and bank interest Disbursements new to sew flies purchased and interest um ferret to the current account total of 53507 315 with balance on lhzmri on Dec 31 197 of $150350 StCUllIltS held by Endowment Fund total 3034211 placed with CNN bonds Dominion of Canada Him 11 the heavier at $34000 bonds and litll stock Interest only of the Endowment Fund is applied to lilillIllLIlillltL leaving the fund intact 113M Formed In 1914 The company was formed in 11111 following mass meeting of Harrie citizens in the 1111 Town Hall Prior to that 11 112111 been handled by pri vale parties but with the growth of the town it was felt that stronger basis was essential Mr Hurkholdcr replying to IlltSUUIIS from the Sixth L111c rep1 rescntauvcs and also to lossi now been made that unused plots 11 parts may be taken back by the company and lfJStllfl after 20 years if payments are behind for five years or more and back charz es applied against the cost 1111lt lacs not apply to the graves used and monuments may not be mov Spearn pointed out that 103 115 the interest Costs mi labor are much higher too Property Tax Exempt Burkhuldcr explained that ship church yards or cemeteries is exempt from taxation This 115 includes buildings on such areas but does not include land held for cemetery purposes but not in 150 as such Interments are not made on Sun day Good Friday or Christmas Day and in some places through labor union restrictions Saturday afternoons are out The only ex ception is in the case of contagious diseases Rates for interment are higher in Toronto with $48 for summer and $55 in winter months as compared to $115 and $35 in Barrie Explains Cemetery Problems On behalf of the organization President Smith Charles Lowe and Partridge all exprewed up of Mr Burkholders kindness in coming to Barrie and supplying so much helpful informa tion in connection with cemetery problems and in systems of ac counting in which he specializes scopc goes Without saying Mr Burkholder took the view that oversight such as required in cemetery financing links in with the thought of the heritage handed down to us in Canada especially by our pioneer ancestors and that we should take it is solemn trust to keep up the tradition and so leave that heritage intact and built Mrfand Mrs Harry Todd were irr lhe city on Thursday Skating Party The young people of Churchill and Gilford enjoyed skating party at Lefroy rink Friday evening af terwards returning to the manse for refreshments Anduzrl Bonspiel The annual bonspiel was held on Friday Rinks from Bolton Sutton Barrie Thornton Stroud Bradford and Churchill competed Prize winners were Sutton who won wool jackets Churchill plaid shirts Bolton wool sweaters Meals were served in the commun ity hall to the curlers by the wives Sq BARBIE Phone 05381 of the Churchill curlers roa Conrm EYE Neel HONIf 3338 na Heregiiusf the opportunity youve cox Stephenson RO opromsrmsr STEPHENSONSJEWELLERS OPTOMETRISTS CARE sum gt 3mm ourAnro censor scam 20dthlrip to Stun Guillermo with Sightseeingoll theway up for those who follow CRowu 11111 Womens Institute Regular meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institute was held on Tuesday Jan 13 at Mrs Gordon Dunsmores Roll call How to help new Canadian become good citizen Motto Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievement of tomor row The secretary Mrs Duns more read the minutes of the Dec ember meeting and business dis cussion followed Mrs Thomp son convener of Citizenship and Education delivered ne talk on Education in Canada touching on costs inequality shortage of teach ers and remuneration for work etc AIetter from the W1 corres pondent in England was read contest brought the meeting to close after which the tea hostesses Mrs McLean Mrs Duns more and Mrs Gough served lunch Hon Drury Celebrates Birthday most happy occasion at the home of Hon Drury was celebrated with familyfdinner in honor of Mr Drurysbifiday on Jan 22 His manyfriends join in wishing rhim many happy re turns of the day an beehIWalfing foru 8019111511 Defines frustration Reeve Lockhart 102d County coun on he had had ltin from Mrs Archer 11 Cut cs inlt of uric of Lh home lilfllizfilll by Dr liltch 1mm which accomnnntntv lll snafu 11111112 county 1ir1gt1iztiun Size clanucd 31L dd not haw any other job but during the illness of 31c daughter She Illlil lt11 at her place hl hcr out She clot tell she Wu here when Ur 5ixlllig ended so Wllcll iepccr called irritates Layrg 11 her wince Wct vc sat simi and Llllellrti 5111 Win r1g an rurrcznezus to chain Iiccnsc Innkhan stated that on 11131111113 wztlt whom he was acuuzunttd 11111 whom be 115 11ed several 311mm were ll plume ed 112111 the home Lune No llelllel ulicussiun on the mat lcr took place was left with the 1933 cunum tcc to leave the person nel of this committee unchzuig 11 after vote on rizie nunnnations Tourist Committee We Were greatly Surprised when our member to conned IlcrVe Lock hurt moved that the lourit Ctlllli nnttce be Ilbtlillltti We have an organization nowl winch looks after fluaffairs III tour 1515 he stated in support of his point That the tourist comnuttce needs to be roearranged and given morei Councillor Beck Wasuga Hench arguing the necessity of such comnuttce in Simone mentioned the fact that 5130000011 of the county assumment was on tourist property1 In Innisfil at the court of revisl ion an owner of lOOroom sumE mer hotel asked for reduction 1112 his assessment as he claimed he could not pay expenses If live tourist committee were to get 1000 more people to stop one month in Simcoc and if portion of these were to stay in Innisfil perhapsi the owners of these businesses dc1 pending for livelihood from thcl tourist dollar would not find it so difficult to pay the high taxes of the municipality Innisfil has park homes camp fishing boating and everything needed for happy holiday but now that the bulk of this traffic does not pam any point where signs leading to these places can be seen we have to depend on such agencies as the tourist committee and other propaganda outlets Reeve Lockhart should not forL get half of the assessment is on summer resort property Councillor Calvert Port McNicoll in his remarks on the subject said he hoped the county would pass resolution setting up permanent tourist committee HOLLOWS WI Meeting The regular meeting of Hollows Womens Institute was held at Mrs Rumbles on Wednesday Jan 21 with 13 members and one visitor present Mrs Reid president was in the chair The motto for the months was most appropriate for the beginning of new year They who plant kindness gather love quite bit of fun Several letters of thanks were read fur cards and boxes received during the Christ mas season by shutins and the sick lengthy discussion was held on the Royal Victoria Hospital hos tess tea proposal and the continu ation of euchres in Hollows school Secretarys New Case very sturdy and serviceable tan leather brief case has been pur Thea vote as you like stock is called for next chased with Hollows WI painted on theside for the use of the sec retary It was felt that paper shoppinglbag was hardly the thing for WI secretary to use for trans porting the many books and papers to and from meetings and it cer tainLv didnt add prestige to the branch or the organization Owing to the unusual amount of business to discuss and dispose of there was little time left for Mrs Botham and public relations converter who community activities was in charge of the program She conducted contest which was won by Mrs Sid wright Mrs Bow den gave an interesting talk on the opening of the new wing at Sim coe Manor and Mrs Evans read paper on that very necessary ar ticle of clothing for the welllt groomed lady the foundation gar ment Lunch was served by the hostess and lunch committee MEADOW BROOK vote on mvmgc Rooms Tossorontio Celectorate goes to the polls on Wednesday Jan 28 to decide if they are or are not to have beverage rooms you value your democratic rights nitient In Allister Hospital Mrs Harold Thompson is mu ILONDIE CW E20 ElllKTlE ANHIS GTMEIWaIGMA H415 WHERE MILLION 19 601E Twutz may EllMiNlNGLI TWIKL 1111 131 ANEBS LTD FOR BETTER KIND OF DRY CLEANING ANIHOW TOW YOUD HAVE TO PAY um ABOUT quTa nut111111011 soapstone Ni= TwixT Tonotc Avmm DIAL 2433 2434 2222 DRIVURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS WM VALLEY PROP ELSWORTH The roll call Tell joke caused bu tienl inzStevensonMemorial Hos pitalAlIiston Sale of ram Stock Mervin McFaddens sale of farm Wedneslt day Jan 28 Crows Have Arrived The crews have arrived and to xx pours comm1v VALLEY TAXI THE mam ADMleb 12mm arose5 To TRADITIONAL may no merry we onaw BREAK You To GET THE FALL INTO THE 05001 AND TRUCKING SERVICE my Home norm WW new 0165 ms Curlers 11c WE camp GONE amt My 0117 15113 SOLVE HERE ARE THE CLUBSTHE suns BEEN GH1N1N6THE SNOWMAN THIS MYSTERY YOU MADE QCIENTIFICALLY YESTERDAI F01 ME 19 TEMPERATURES RISINGWE NOW NOW WARMTll AFFECIQ ERAHNQTHANIltSIII unwise m5 ensmre marrow MS NOT SWING 11 56 MM GONE HAVE War T111910 Walt Kelly VIN CIPPACOFFEE 24110113 Sunnis 1f STORAGE mitts our neuron ovsmon By Wally 11mm day their familiar caw caw was heard and nally we sighted our old friend ROUND TRIP MI was cm from ROOM annel Colorado rid eve of the Winds Grand Canyon 105903931 Rdlywoodsgndgggdo trip south of the border Ila Juana Millard ballad you visit Santa Barbara and Monterey ienioy thrilling 3101111080131 Francisco audition retwnvlalleno Salt lake trhnrenm91wChime IFTRE ROSWSSASIGNOUTO HAVE SECONSISAY NO SHE MA NUTHIEJEWHIO museums ATTHE mars aovs nor 35 secs 10 mm SOURMANMERS

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