Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1953, p. 9

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mm ammo contain 112 Emir Emmott WoprsoAv JANUARY 21 T953 Gives Up Denial Section HOUSE Of 15 HIST WITH THE BEST IN BAIIIIE mm mun rnmnr snrnnnnr By DINA CUNNLNGRAM On Monday Jan 12 regular senior assembly speclal award was made to an outstamling band member Bruce Poppletnn of XIIA Hough Only New Councillor are MOMENTS ROM me no musrcnu Bruce was presented with gold medal given 11 association will Clas ll CNE band contexts for the best oboe or comet solo in the sec ond movement of the Folk Song Suite of Vaughan Williams test piece Practice Alter Frank Spicrs DDS uflcr me aLbLmwm scum If years Bann as dental Reeve Wood presided overi unutlwr nmugural meeting of lime lowmblp Council Mondy at Ann gus followmg bis acclamatlon alongz will members of ins council at 1953 Essa Township Inaugural Ask New School in Noth End urnl meeting should be held on the lint Monday in January All present it IS held ontne secondi Monday of the month in set by statute the November nomination Incctmg Only new member of the l9537 cuuncrl was John llaugb for lligginson was appointed member of the Barrie Dtstricl Collugmrc Institute Board at the mcr member of the fowmblp body meeting Robert Arnold is the Le Ccrck Franc surgmn bus cloSed his office at The BBC humh Club mm up 51 Dunlup St and retired from 5first meeting of the new yvnr on WW Practice Tuesday Jun 13 Since Lu Ccrcle The doctor graduated in dentistry Newton Robinson Mr and Mrs John Allen Toronto were at Glen Allens Sunday gt Bert Stewart Midland visited Mm Harrison Wednesday Mr and Mrs Ed Hammcll To ronto spent Monday at Mr Brce dons Karen and Rickey Yuill Toronto are spending two weeks with their aunt Mrs Doug Stewart Mr and Mrs Fred Dales and the boys were guests of Mr and Mrs Glen Allen last week YPU Hear Armin Speak YPU met Monday night with Both Stewart in charge Mr Model Aurora was speaker Congregational Mufn The congregational meeting Wed CONTINUOUS snow SATURDAY230 pm EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm mu ADDED TREATS COLOR CARTOON MERMAID BAY AND FOX MOVIETONE NEWS THUR FRI SAT AT LAST IIIE IINE YOU HAVE WAITEA IIlIl SHOWING ENTIRE WEEK STARTING MONDAY JOHN WAYNE km DR SIIERS EFrancnls rnccfs only once mouth Iruzu the Unmrrsity of Tononfu in who fcplaccd Jubn thlson 1951mcmbcr of the Alliston Highi on the firstluczday we do not bear 19H wan to Brandon Mun sltort Acuuncllluf who retired this year Sclluol Area Board foo much from this organization 31y afterward opcncd an office there Rev as and Re Kara Council imtrucmd me mmmm vbcn then rnvogtlng if Sprld1yaciiod lllsvprofosslun that dm Guamm of Angmlopmmd the Clmvk Nonmn Cuxworm write ixcally worth llLJililz 490m gunmen cm for years mauguml meeting Mm prayerm Cami wmmsxde expressmg me This time MISS Rickard llcud of Ill dim luuk an active port In 1311 Fraser conducting brief acr sympathy of the members and off llhc Latin dcpurtnwnt ulmwed us nnnclpul LIIIGIIS scrvcd on the vxcc of prayer and saying Willlllcluls foliowmg the dcuth of his mauus mm hm Lumen on her gum and 511001 ixme wag mmbcm we comm litany of mother mp to mg ml 5mmr phpsc director of Mir work am pmm ending mm The Lords mm dinner was ervcd by pictures wrrv in color and this fact flu Dcnlal Clinic and IIOSDIIZII llravcr repeated in unison flu Iadlcs of the United Church at made the Show wry lillecsllllg Bump and gave mmidmamc mm God gram us mm on ml were ML We saw in Appiun Way Pompeii to Church WUrk lowmhip fair as any site migbtl Will wmf the Roman Forum the burial place be was Mr Gucrgls prayer He 30 member the 1953 comm Evie meet of the puck Elmme Bum asked mm mm township mng be uhu uanL tunnnuurz Bmwmlw King Fawn yucm mu justice where we mg the V193 mum mm the ISICUI Capri lid WHY We shall prey on others place of1 dale QWMMP OnthMol38ymw pictures of the Italian Countryside plenty where vice and provcrty Bownm lOlllf Mg Feb twat laws and me pmplc of my wmjp She 511a my come place of bm roll chum ln unfit showed me Slides Miss mckmd db ummuod Where an success is mcasx Eyed yep ufnhc iv 001 Scride each Shot as it appeared on med by service and where honorl jwhu lbllDW In or on the screen kccplng ht descrmiltms shall be given to noblencss alonCl memmy muawd ear London Newsng as we 35 mmnmuvc and place of peace when orderS for 1W yum5 Mn B9wujs has T0 Lop the evening off there shdll not rust on force but on fhel Edunc INC yours misston work were Hm rufyeghmpntg am sure low of an or me pubij weal gzlnlong Indium the provmce For that cvgrvonc enjovcd the meeting The council was advised at its itwo ycnrs ho was With the Car85 and most us me seeing the piC first meeting of the New Year thrill inc ImiLmnlemon and was on lr we to no on the next owing to the increased number of we IOVLI WSCIVE 100 on Slilllrlrlcz pupils in the nurth end of theI Ono of tho worst ckamplcs of EBxucc Peninsula for tbrce years township would be necessary following rum In some time lut tin M1119 electors of Sunmdale have IlaSkew WM build new school Three memitown on Saturday night about 830 placed mmr mm you know Another Tueday PW the bersof the township school area when light ram fron Jnsmnlb you will do the best you cm It li mi mad by grls basketball bourd Chairman Trueman Fizlll anywhere it landed hope that the year 1953 may be geamg to Onllm when tbey and Trustees Willard Cole and le In few minutes the traffic on Veryl successful for you was Ued ll fut Wllh mm ason Wright approacbcdfhc coun must roads cumu to snails pace qums mcssage lo the 1953 town the senior game Orlllm defeated about the future buudmg pm cxccm on Dunlap 51103an same Shlp comm Barrie by scmc of 11 to Bar ject of the intersections where sanding rie juniors 105 to the 0Cyl Juniors Another delegaion present at had been done about pm by me by Score of 33 the inaugural meeting was from the Board of works trucks Today the Ailision guLiDlilY members of LOL 190450 Ivy ask Farther over on Bradford Street Barrie and you can watch for the mg on behalf of the lodge grant near Vespm street in particular scores in the next column IIBhelchchatcs LhDavis the surface was heavier and caused all teams 10 Cy ever Cline holdup until motorists discover Irfsgdnfgccilbgcfnetlrdlulhe season and Din35 explained mat cd that the safe path was to Vespra Lere in Barrie on Wednesday Bar For recreation he was member owing to 105128 of the hall and Street either cast or west and to no seniors demamd Midland 6460 of 1bothl tlliethlawn bowling and Ln gsfmgf Innitsfils by Etlilcn am hJohn dSliects the juniors lost to the visitors Cur mg ere or an an mm score of 4314 About 11 years ago he returned VV was 50d 75d Cam or there to Essa Road or around by no the junior mam are Bruce east to Toronto mowed dentistry the time for community purposes Roma to Reid Super Poppleton Peter pitcher Jack Ma there until one year later when he at 19 men liarng the lodge slight change temperaturc thiem Fmnk Wiley Don Hersey came to Barrie and opened practice be be 3W9 gon about 930 caused the ICC to Jim Mir Ron Comm Doug Beam here which he continued success Sldeauon 011 lgmnt Mem 915 soften some hat and gavc an 01 Taciuk Bob Thompson mu Um retirement met many of the comm make dem portumty for worried dnvcrs to IS cm slon about the request at the Feb and Brian Weathcrhead dmglet many filendsmps Md wary meeting Infill mod of head out UK Cur er me Kcrsilllngagdags Virrol WhifmorE Dr Spicrs is member of Collier angual giant 350 vi made Windowv was general if linking Robyn Wright Neil Gleason Wallis St United Church and of the Ses if gm lggcuahlgamggmm defroster but the herd Wis out of Stainton Pat Wannamaker Dalton sion member of Corinthian Lodge total grazt amoumm to $106 theleft Sido 0f the cab not the Maxwell and Jim Miller AF and AM is member of the Council decided atgthc 1953 in engineers stdcz The boys teams went on the road Barrie Lawn Bowling Club and augural meetin that owm to the Later Acondrtrons became worse Friday to play in Orillip where the held 0mm of president for several fact that the gannuin nogmauon and trafc was thinned down to as THE QUIET MAN IS Alllot MAN Youll roar at every moment of the roughandtumble lovemaking between John Wayne and Maureen OHara seniors lost toAOrillia by score of 6057 and the juniors lost 6346 ygys He is also interested in Duallug was set according to bylaw for the minimum but taxi drivers and own ers bad night to be remembered last Monday in November and an Friday Jan 23 is the next sched The BDCI tion of flowers in the beautiful uled date for game boys play Allisbon Barrie favorite hObbY is the 991563 election if necessary for the first Monday in December the inaug gnrden of his home at 20 Blake St where he is proud of showing in Minets Point hill was problem until sanded next day and two taxis were tied up at the foot of the bill for some time after midnight nesday evening was well attended and very satisfnctoryh TeeWoGwill Julieta TecWeGwill Junior Farmers met Wednesday evening and had as speaker Fred Cook Bradford The ice was still troublesome cn Sunday and several cars narrowly missed making dive down the 30 drop from Highway 11 into Tollendal Student In The News Another outstanding student is in the news This time its Don Me Martin of XIIB The 102 Moose Squadron Royal Canadian Air Ca dets now boasts new W0 ant in the Dominion Bank Hamilw ton and one daughter who is at present in London England with her husband Major James foot Galloway RCAMC who is taking Whiskey Creek at an extended course in connection Road with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps tbere camp Borden Literal mncneu SQUARE 2TGl2 rwbmlllllllllll perennials particularly and when in practice might be seen almost daily in summer bringing am as sortment of choice blooms to the office Dr Spiers is widower has one 33 son Robert who is an account IOLIO TARGET FOR L953 The aim of The Canadian Founv dation for Poliomyelitis is to wrd en its efforts on all polio fronts 1953 with particular emphasrs on the treatment of postpolio camp as well as their econ rehabilita tion Tbis will by ma possible by widc public support of the 1953 Canadian March of Dunes XDFrank Rupert 866 Mervyn Broley 796 CrowdSezr urge Lorna Carol UDLOUac FwdefIbillies N0lf Lf g5 7JEm$Wir7 Tfffdifblel of the schdol AND Socome one oomea by the Staff is Arm To the BCI hall Evgnv mugspr mom An No need todoll Mdnbnsrm sr WILF H10D KIDMichael Lewis 924 McLean 894 WMS Mee Mrs Inc You Attend2 XFerenore Home 68 The Womens Missionary Society ghAyfagggggNafnNe Hankm 674 met Wednesday Jan 14 at Mrs erany going to the dogs This Show lady KIAGeorge Kenton 896 Joan Albert Strachans Mrs Smith The Royal Canadian Sumo of Sarjeant 89 Campbell vicepresident opened Infantry has fallen hen to dozen XIBDon Dunsmore 889 Betty the meeting in the absence of the beagle hounds something new to Gillespie 879 president Prayer was taken by the Canadran Army chaPat Trebble 858 Shirley Mrs Rerd Scrrpture readmgs They were own over here by Hook 838 were taken by Mm MCKay and the RCAF to make up the rst ser XIDMarg Samsel 861 Gloria Mrs Currie Mrs Campbell vice pack of beagles in Canada webb 792 took the rst chapter of the new The object Of the pack is to XIIIMac Milburn 634 Morley study book Africa report promote among other things cross Pockard 632 was given by Mrs Fletcher on country exercises among troops KalbTerry Seawright 898 the Presbyterial meeting at Barrie JcnMurison 865 The meetingclosed with hymn and XIIBLaw ence Beech 861Joan prayer Lunch was sewed by the Bugghleniwlll 781 hostess IC arie arris onna Womens mature Graves179 The Womens Institute met Jan pJII CSpecialllgi Merrick 80 Audrey at Mrs Jerreys opening ampbe with theOde and the Mar Stew W01 DON NWT JIIATom Seawright 872 Bud Collect The mu can Has an RCAC COCRbUm 804 swered by an ancient mode of E3333 Pglrol Air XIIIBNelm Wigg 86 John transomlotion Minutes ot the Cadets and travelled through the Marlin 311 last meeting and letters of thanks States last summer He has bceh Average 0f WSW4v average for owers and cards Were read member of the RCAC for three secodHLZ Thonks were oiso received from the and half years and is planning 1593de Ems3 leading boys Chtldmn Aid of Ocillia for the military career Next year when 17 White Glft sent at Christmas hevcomplctes fthform he will en Studefb gaded fell Busmess ansmg wasdrcussed Mrs ter either the RCAF or military 51 are PEU1Channen 119 32 Gordon Jermey gave current college IXEM31Lfsmlthri vcntst Mrs Rice historical Other promotions in the RCAC David Bedafd XAvV Amf ewsi reSearch convener gave very in bave also been announced Len x13 Frank RupertVIxD Hg lemming talk about this commun Robbins or XIIIA is the wo 1r SparrowXF J01 W03 VityMecting closed with the Na Junior Squadron Warrant Oicer J03 Sallefmt KW Don gsgmtf banalAREWfHTords and new W0 11 is Bill Tordjf of XIB Syma Fefguso XINi Prayer Lunch was served by the XIIIB Congratulations to these Gluespm XIB Joanximfmlsgon hostesses students on anothfr fine achieve llmi 303 mscmenc 33 Mrs chell McKay spent day ment CTOSble XuB Loma unplugam Toronto last week School Leaders X1135 Kare Gray Xglmt Mrs Robert Storey spent week The final results of the Christmas Hams xncg Evibig Am ignrris in Orillia Examinations have just been an SIM Tom Tmmkxl 32133 Mr and Mrs Orten Crawford nounced XmB Elizabth wmmap Mas Storey and and Mrs Rus The school leaders invgencralJpro Se Storeyvisite at Pickering the ficiency are Gradewaobin Hut Comflgggycggg 5131 830 pm first of the week mn Mary Jacsln 888rGmde To the fledest Show of all Ken11011891 924lGGrgde Theravare games and prizes gt for George Benton896 ra everyone 8157 TerrYS8Wiht 39 Gr 3111 Joadsiand loads and loads or ANN chance The form lenders mI1infy came ondont mlSs tb Dc dame EFIXAJoyce Caldwell 329 Andv 113 the Keitsluhs 49 Watch your BDC Eye column for rey Blogg umm 48 Hale Ems interestingstoryl it mgiggrp iffg m9 Rum wnirD 083 Wlldman 844 31chch Nichols 815 Mary mm 796 IxGPetcr Webb86li Francea St at Selwoud 19 Del

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