Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1953, p. 7

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get to mm Seller cumin it 55 Prelude to Dinner 095 Market Report CORNERS Jan 24 Closing Sincere sympathy is extelfded lo Dafe for Marmara Constable and family in the passing of husband and fa Shohorn $36 ther Miss Aileen Gardner spent sev eral days In Bradford last week nursing her aunt Miss Emily Gard ner Mr endure Ernest Kneeshsw were Saturday guests at the home of their daughter Mrs Allan Brown Dalston Fourth Birthday of NM Mrs Porrltt Harold and Fred were Thursday guests of Mr and Medal Liberty and family Barrie It was thefourth birthday of the Liberty twins Judy and Jill gt Moview Euchre Club Grounds on Tuesday April lost your inspected and approved date for entries James Nellly and son Norman immediately entertained the Lakevlew Euchre Cluh recently very merry evening was spent by all Prize winners were Mrs Norman Davis Mrs Joe Cronan and Florence Gib bons men Dales and Leo Cronan During 1951 about 53000 horses were eaten as horse meat in the United Kingdom HAWKESTONE WI To Meet Jan 28 The monthly meeting of in vener Food converters Mrs The second annual sale as being organized by the Simcoe County Shorthorn Breeders Club is sched uled to be held at Barrie Fair This years sale is to include fe male breeding stock in addition to bulls which constituted the sale of Since the sale lslto be limited to stock and in order to allow time for this ser vice Jan 24 is set for the closing Anyone wishing to make entry should contact the secretary William New Stroud the Womens Institute will be atMrs Morris Shellswells on Wednesday cvehing Jan 28 Motto New Year to live in to gain in to give Roll call an important event of last year Program Mrs Harry Slessor Community Activities con had jumped into the lire casingon Wilbur Reed presiding By 10an LETKERBY Levcl Crossing Tragedies Recent government decision to investigate the increasing number of level crossing fatalities meets with vigorous approval of Cold water and district officials This month health nurse was killed in cartrain collision at Fesserton There are two level crossings in Coldwater and large number of them in Medoutc especially none of which have any warning lights cross arms or similar devices Toad Tics rm Tire Last week when Horace Bolyca local taxi driver repaired flat tire he descovered that small toad previous repair job The tube had been inserted without the stow awayt being noticed and it was not long until tire tube and toad were attened The toad although look ing fairly intact in mummified way was beyond repair School Salary Increasies The principal and two other em ployees of Goldwater Public School Kendall Mrs Vic Hart Mrs Ted received increases in salary at the Johnston Visitorsmre welcome Home From Hospital Mrs Baker hasrlurua home from Toronto hospital and is With her daughter Leigh 8200 hike for an annual salary of and family Mrs Lorne Johnston inaugural meeting of the trustees last week Norris Walker was re elected chairman Principallsomearahom whose salary was not adjusted in partial revision at year endmwas given at $2500 Caretaker James Emslie was Mn and MlS Mllth and sons given an additional $200 for year 1t Bossier Phone 5735 sons ters have f= mtmllulrs of the congregation Mrs Abbott Pickering wereweekcnd visitors with andMrs Horseman arid It to 01$ tunneling astrttlalit pillagglh Ep lett secretary treasurer received Mrs Gordtm 3811111185 and daugh an extra $50 making her annual al returned home it lowancc $200 Trustee Robinson Spending Wk Owen Sound was alone in opposing the increase for the principal Principal Graham was appointed the boards representative on the Library Board gt The health department in letter recommended improved lighting and other changes Cummittees for this year are Fin anewMrs Gladys Hall Mrs Hazel Tipping Frank Williams property Mrs Gladys Mannlng Robin son Walker Amigo the 1952 financialstatez merit were handed Instruction cost $800423 tax levy from the vil lage was $501094 and government grants were $020335 Successful You for Kirk highly successful year forSt Andrews Presbyterian Church was recorded by all departments at the annual congregational suppe and meeting on Jan 10 Rev Charles Carter whopres stated praised the othcers and or gamzsons for the excellent reports ad At the close Mr Carter re erred to the recent rtiremeut from the of Mervyn walker Secretarydreasure of the church3 He paid high tribute to Mr Walkers character and contributionto the lifeof the church here On behalf presented the church officer with aclub bag ThekLadies Aidan who provided the sooner raised nearly $1000 last year and have Over $300 on hands new group the YoungWornenfs oxspiendld wtheJShQ its charge of Mrs WilfredKhewa ORILHA rowlvsrmv COUNCIL held the inaugural meeting on Jan 12 with Reeve Left to right are Councillor Leslie Bruce the choir and their leader who is also church organist Mrs Lloyd Letherby for their services Appointments were Board of Managers for three years Mrs Tucker Wylie Lloyd lethar by Sunday School superintendent Lloyd Lclhcrhy assistant Lorne Graham mansu committee Cooper Locking secretary tleasurcr Walker auditors Lloyd Lethcrby William Wylie ushers Wylie Tucker Amongl Graham Lorne Lethcrby those who read reports were Walker Mrs Dunlop Mrs Cooper and Miss Galbraith 915i Birthday Mrs Luke Leathcrdalc sat in her rocking chair and greeted many triends and relatives who called dinner guests to congratulate her on her Slst birthday on Friday Jan 16 She received great many greetings and numerous gifts Honey Harbor Wln Honey Harbor won their second tilt in as many starts by trimming North Killer 106 at Goldwater rink Jan 18 in an East Simcoe rural league hockey match derb Stev ens was referee Underwriter Exam Lloyd Letherby recently success fully passed his examination as an insurance agent wm Install Olrlcers Mrs Steworz Midland will bunom mta 11 dismotnmrvoto water Presbyterian Church Thusst day evening Jan 22 Blrlduy Dinner Mrs Stanley Levering her birthday on Sunday and had as Mr and Mrs Mal colm Lovering and baby 8011 Bag ged Rapids and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leathenby and son Jack Outdoor Skating Frozen water on the fair grounds and adajcent elds provided fine ohtdoor skating rinks for Cold water children Bantams Blank Elmvalel Goldwater Bantamsmet El mvale in Coldwater rink last week and blanked the visitors to Moving Here from Moomtone Arthur Dunlop Medonte new owner of the former Gill residence on Gray St is carrying out exten sive alterations and improvements preparatory to moving here from Moonstone There has been glasseddn verandah and side porch added to theeslterior following dismantling of the old verandah gt seen szss Weston3 wash IV Society Ebenezer WMS met at Mrs John Kueeshawfs Wednesday Jan with 14 members present The president Mrs William Patchett was in the2 chaingmmutes were realised adapted Roll call was answered bywthe paying of fees The years reports were read The nancial report was very encour 78181004 31s Rumble gave the Christian Stewardshipmeading and Gordon Kneeshaw read an dy book and promise observed Township Clerk Isobel Roth Reeve Reed Deputy Reeve Martinid Home Coun cillors Clifford Hawke and Elmer ohnstone Quilts Facial dc Times Photo 0R0 STATION thurs on Wednesday evening with In good attendance During the business it was decided to hold the tannual meeting at Mr and Mrs EN Grahams on Thursday evening got oclock with lunch at the lclosc The World Day of Prayer will be on Feb 20 with St And rews ladies as guests The Miss ionary program on Atrica was giv en by Mrs Allister Crawford os sislcd byldrs Karl Gilchrist sociol hour was enjoyed at the close The next meeting is at Mrs Grahams on Feb 11 at 230 Evening of Euchre successful evening of euchre was held at Mrs Grahams Monday with Mrs Gareld Bur ton as cohostess Those winning prizes were Mrs McCron Mrs Uncles Mrs 11 Crawford and Mrs William Crawford dainty lunch was served at the close Mrs Alex Ross spent several days ill Orillia with her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Ken Cooper Earl Johnstone Orillia spent day with his brother and fam ily Mr and Mrs Elwood John stone Mumps and Inuenza The mumps and iiu are quite active In this vicinity sens smut lton Trombley and son Robert of with the iormers parents Jack Torrens is sporting new car ii Ill 1543 wx Plan Slelghride The Women5 Institute held from Wycliffe Anglican conducted by Rev Maison lmany friends throughout the com munity lful floral tokens of sympathy The bearers James Columbus William lMcFadden Edward Ferguson Will Ilam Whitton Kenneth Sprl and Womens Missionary Society WMS met at Mrs Orvat McArI and friends from distance Willium Robbins Warmlnstcr Till Late in fine tribute or respect was paid to the mory of Mrs Jacob Hart the former lsabeila Jane Rob bins who passed away Dec 20 liSZst the home of her son1mg ilaw and daughter Mr and Hrs 31an Hoodoo Eimvale Mrs Hart gwas born Dec ll 1081 in the Township of Medome and lived int and around Elmsale all her 11121 lnduly 1803 she was married to Jacob liar at Oriliia and lived in Om Township for short time be tore coming to Eimvaie in 1804 sons Mrs John Houden tStellall Elmvalc Mrs Fayette Pearl Midland Cccll of Ajax and Allan of Elmvaic The largely attendch funeral service wos held Dec 20 Church and Rev Slubbs indicative lo the high esteem In which the dcceoscd had been held by her were many beautil following gentlemen acted as pall William in Tubman Elmvale lntermcn was Cemetery Relatives Blackburn Mr and Mrs Andy Sinclair Newmarket Mrs Laura Hart Mr and Mrs John Neil Mr and Mrs Vincent Hart Miss Ruby Hurt Toronto Mr and Mrs Cecil Hart Ajax Mr and Mrs Hart Barrie Mr Laverne and Gordon Mills President of of At the regular meeting on Tues duy evening newlyelected offi cers of the Board of Trade for 1953 are as follows President Mills 151 vicc resident Rit chle 2nd vi epresidenl Roland McLean secretary Dr Har Vie treasurer Caesar audi tors Flcgehcn and Black Board of Trustees Flegchen McKay Mills Roblnson and Campbell Home and School Assoelntlon The January meeting of the Home and School Association was on Tuesday evening Mrs Corbett presnied and the meeting Opened the usual manner Mrs For guson gave report of the Baby Clinic and Mrs Mel Rowat re ported on the loathercratt class two local projects which are be lngsnonsorcd by the Home and School Association The Girl Gutdes put on very interesting puppet show under their capable leader Cccil Baker The speaker of the evening Mrs Llew Beaver Barrie was introduced by were weekend visitors special meeting on Wednesday ev oping at the home of the president MrsF Reid to arrange sleigh ride party for the children The neatrdayall the snow was gone so it will be heldin memoirsn thltre is snow Toronto EYPU Here There was 25 young people from them er Road Baptist Church Toronto YPU who took charge of theservice hereon Sundayafter ternoorl quartet and soloist and splendid speaker and after the ser vice singsong and pictures which were greatly enjoyed by all who attended They expect to come again in few weeks Surpriselarty number of friends and neigh bors met at Mr and Mrs llMoores last week to congratulatethe newly weds and present them with oor lamp Shower for Drills shower for Mr and Mrs Blown nee Jackie cMorris was held at the home 01m and MXS1 John Perrier Jr Friday evening Many lovely gifts were presentedto the bride sumienrnoaaef The roads were rather the kitchen fund features on cars Geor Fleming and James Mrs Roberts amostintercstingmdimtrm talk on the Artsuld mm at or Simone County since thins caption in 1300 To dress more eftcctlve one had very line display merits pottery hman slippers and min made from arms discarded sex and twoqullts one of Simcoe Countygwhich wire miued very much 01113233 thanked Hrs Beaver on bottle at the association French spoke few words of welcome to lunch BofTSpouuEuchre successful cuchre was held rlhursday evening in Community Hall by the ladies of the Board ofl Trude Proceeds were in aid of There were 23 tables Winners were Mrs Ritchie Mrs hi1 Ritchie Hrs Ritchie and Mrs 81111111 de licious lunch was served and social time enjoyed New 1953 Pontiac large crowd was in attendance on Saturday cvrmiug at the second annual local show of the new Pon tiac cars held at Alex Currie Mo tors The two new 1953 models were view with interest and many changes were noted Alvin Rey nolds mechanic described the new changes of the latest Reid conducted goodwill draw for prizes the winnersbelng Mrs Ashton Lyons Mrs 12351 Parnell Walter and Alex McAuley Da ty lunch was served to all by Currie Mrs Black Mrs Alvin Reynolds Mrs Phon Sib bald and Miss Currie Courts Edgar Besrdsall is Alex Mr and Mrs James Jordan and son Jamie Little Current spent TI AN 830 can Mulcoster Her husband predeceased her inilhe parents who attended son October 1929 She leaves to mournl and hour was spent after the meet iher loss two daughters and lwoing when the committee served um timeless led premise settle of Stayner Restitution Other olftcdrs are is dent Russell Baker on idem Rev Mr Salient was Green beam 33 Sonunervillc 211010 by Walter week with the farmers Mr and Mrs Wesley Mrs George Dickinson week with relaqu uh Miss Betty Stewart spent the weekend vellum Mrs Ewart Thurlow Mrs Banting Barrie couple of days with friends Mel Revival Niagara the weekend with WSW Miss Maxine Ritchie Spent the weekend with cuts Mr and Mrs Harold Mrs James Bumping spent the week with her Mr and Mrs Herb Columbus Mr and Mrs Bunion few days in Toronto and ed the furniture dealers show EACH SAMMY Produce Fresh From the Farm sacs colostrumin fClCK norrunmsksrrmsauottmvdoszs ltome staking Fancy Work Knitting INCIQUDINGlnstlllationat your horde iii Servicje Warranty slippery over the weekendiand quite few whbivrent to town Saturday night had to wait for thesander before teturninggnome are ufacturers 123 month Warranty on all parts it Fern one only Notm

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