ostt v4 ft or Pull cord measure or cord can deliver 6443 mailman ulxed statehood Hardwood Slabs and Softwood Slaan Sawed any length Deliver ed Dennis Moran phone Willie of Ontario in use rel impediment loads Very reasonable would PERSONAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgehlll Drive Bdrm nose at Toronto or anrnopus able to do plain and mending Phone Experienced Good meme ry and working con Apply United Cigar Store lllt WITH Future Open for young man Kgpwed bookkcep pre erre epy 11111333111113 giving refer ences toon 29 Barrie Briengsd Wanted for drinktr odor Barrie Tm ria vided from Barrie ties cc Feb Apply Gordon SayTum RR 1410 stenographer by the tissue County Health Unit Bar Pleose apply in writing stat ue notifications to Dr Scott lrector 19 Collier St 1411 KKEEPER Wanted Complete ledge of bookkce lng not We much er girl Wishes todo cod 01 and the want to rat er on the how 3le person selected isJob will be fully instructed our nuditor mhour week edlchlly arrangedsood gay to uallilcatlous and Appiy it own handwriting age we as expected back in raga site names of for fvhlployers Apply Box 31 Examiner 17tf Appointment Phone 5344 Barrie 811135 pm MODELLING IVAN ORR PHONE 14411 35413 sites 29 Park St 3513132 cumulus yrs live etc nssh Oilmite st Phone deuce 5308 Shyner Fonnmur ur new HighSpeed Complete of pants oor from 019 VeBOYDS PAINT and WALIPAPER ls Clsperton St Phone 5205 lOllfb boss REPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs bud alterations to houses carpentry log in build BUDGET TERMS ltddown paymentvon most jobs 1ltslleflcientgguaranleed service Phone Collect Stroud 4713 stares netc incofin cabinetwonr Anth rig 50 per uareikfoot lApsllltom miter only asmall investment parties should write Ike1194 SorriefExomtner irCQUTTS1NSURANCE AGENCY lflltsylrlsurance twin Barrie iPhones amount can p712 sows in stock Full Serviceon ollmokesi sons AGENCY son SoWs MISCELLANEOUS 10 um till 10 pm Dally 81411 3073 ti MB HAROLD PARTRIDGE of An gus has sold the ABC Cold Stor age Plant and butcher busmcss to Mr Eric Brooks of Shelburnc Ont 30410 WILL WILPRED AND Edna Cnull formerly of Vancouver parents of Isobel and lloney or anyone know Ing their whereabbuts pleasesghovng Body Conditioning and LArthritic BUILDING TRADES BUILTIN CUPBOARDS GENERAL CARPENTRY BARRIE RR No True FLOORING PLASTIC WALL TILE Mastic Asphalt nnd Rubber TileVinyl Flooring Free Estim HARRY YOUNG Phone 4007 FLOOR SANDERS Do our own noon Its my Floor Sander toes excellent work Low rates to 0011 Wilhelm as bergetc We sell everything needed to make WW6 Have It cHAlu 155w SERVICE Qhol offer toll makes of Z340 St Phone 5402 elienl condition used one Ma be can at 79Dundona7l ros SAL FUR COATS 25 FUR COATS that we have tak on in as Tradeins on new Fur Coats smash T0 cm $500 to $1500 SIMMONS mmuns THE COAT srovy 7310 9PIECE Dining Rodin Suite in good condition Phonic 802r13 74 BLACK ssKl Coat size 1048 good condition Reasonable Phone 4367 7911 WHITE GENDRON Bab Carriage good condition reasons 186Ph70113 SELLING OUT Aquariums sh plants heaters Phone 5471 after pm 79 FISH SHANTY full equipped also ket of minnows Apply 53 Job as 7413 TREADLE Sewing machines good condition Reasonably priced3p ply Florence St Elinor CABINET and Dinette Ex tension table natural with green trim Phone 5015 TURKEY Saddles 35c eachfBar rie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bay fleld St Phone 4314 758411 USED CANVAS suitable fortlsh shantles 5c per square foot Bari rle Tent Awning Co 34 Bay field st 7311 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals rs airs Simcoe Business Machines Toronto St phone 4324 7136ti BEATTY ELECTRIC Ironer in NEW ELECTRIC Washln Mach ine never been used regu or price $10950 Big reduction for cash Phone 2759 afternoons 79 PIGSWeawill sulpply our 1103 Feeds tillmarket me No lntcrcst No red tape Phone can Stroll Hunters Poultry Farm 211394 MW lt3 llama Ill woollens and Newest shades Phone REMEMBER Crs vice Mast reeds Supplies rd ndhkejdellv of your fertilizer now and Phone oars Strodd 14 SAVE UP To log mschine ghest regardless of condition For deni onstration phoneBarrle 6050 lhtf REFRIGERATOR 10 cu to alum Snowbird nearly new width steel bed slat springs and sprint mattress sectional kitch boards Phone 34432even1 HALLICRAFTERSVLpng Wave Receiving Selhl0da com late with car bones an 12111 125 or best er at 79 Dundonald St 5273 0PIECE ammunition tn good conditionwsoo Oak and mirrorcsyil large heaters complete with wall protecting tile carria $5 ldlng pa hersrgzwlLlnoleumlgl arker ioston St EV1hone ll saline 3517 Fun COAT site 14 onottton condition Suitsjsiee14 B1 ck Vellmt zand net 1baller it gthparty dresssize 14 ts size 16 brown tweed ark vsxsy rtwsedr alsogn girls sweaters tin cal childrens snow 11 Phone ears 8111 Line COn Tow ship snonloltzn 13 Hunter forfserg 011 Cake Fth 50E onianewse ballet tr allowance onyour old machine L051 mull summoon 8913 Goody lire wheel and carriage betwee Wow der Valley and RCA Project Bli lrlmllr unrest sc WRONG COAT icked up by rule take at Pine rest Dance Hall month Set of keys in ma For exchsn contact Charles Millv er Anton ills phone 57rd Elm vale linoOW Tsuosss WOOD WARE Tecumseth Township School Arm requires about 150 single cords of 12inch bod lgrdwood beech and maple to he elivered and piled at the various schools of the township Tenders will be received until 50 CheVIOIEt WIL Wednesday 28 by A9 Plymouth SedanyWhitetvalls Fran Hangman BeatenI grit9 30 DAY wnnnnm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE chums WANTED for Vealing Phone coma 09 WEANED PIGSApply Henry Da vis Ivy phone 3r 99 GREY PERGHERON More 12 years old 1000 lbs Phone Ivy 1940 nor uron Panel in llirt 989 amid mrrfgncggg YORKSHIRE Saws due Jan 29 and March 30 Apply Frank Per 4tl CADILLAC Limousine excell kins RR Barrie 99 condlllo throu hout Cheap for onlck it $300 gdown Phone 50 PIGS 10 WEEKS OLD good 25 13440 thrifty stock Apply George Arch er Phelpston one 142r42 1952 ELUXECHEV Carunder g$ HEREFORD BULL years old young Hereford bulls Shorthorn $3991 lesfg bull Apply McCutcheon Sons Honeywood 11 CH TON mkm we DARK norm Shorthoru bull also cut condition 23000 lies Price dark roan heifers months old 925 MW 029133ng urebreds but will not re ister lags 150 each Thos Bowman troud phone lilrlil 99 V1950 PREFECT00d Inning SHORTHORN Bull serviceable lc3linllrzse 32 itll one we price $675 Phone 3489 amto 519 WWW 388mm 5pm 1L9 src Royal Supreme hort horn hamplon Accredited Percy Carsca den Bradford 91011 cementum 15 Burton Ave Our cots are the Hick otthe town 52 Coronet Sedan Demon site or SZCnevrolet Sedan Delivery to chopse from 30 more cars PHONE 6351 For Damonstratlons Open it 1111 pm 134 1941 FORD SEDAN Delivery ex cleanlooklng vehicle suitable =for HOLMEIN C0 and 2ld small business Phone 6298 any ma due soon 50 Hampwyam dotte Pullets weeks old Fish 1050 METEOR 4door Sedan cod Farts Cookstown hone 301r14 running order Fully whitened Cookimwn 94 kg Ill ayments 01 lm Fairwmi vsorsrmr son SALE Accommodation Wound LOTS Resume In need of ilvin uarters 10rwife and childrel $1150Blake Street 60 X150 hone 430 Camp Borden after 180 View of the Bay 114831soococlrlnlnon St 65 322 $900Napier Street 57 150 plus FURNISREDBEDROOM emu91 extra double lot at the rear den land GentljalPhone3010 15a9 0021111111086 St oulside of LIGHTKHOusEReepln to choose from one41152 159119Horry Mlchte Realtor clip or two Very central Phone 1643 LACEY 386kgghg sepagate Riga815 ne Qagmyfield StBarrle Ph5208 91 MW luwsmey all Bgck Full penmonth carries large brl ht oldlvrtersunslledunheated rooms andtgplecettlle bath 11 up redrlhone throughout 24vfootliv1ng full basement with laundry tube tin ndakitchen Everye Bullt bygone of Barries better hi Girlsonly Phone builders oellent condition solid body very Heifer registere accredited and time laltf ers strain available Jan 27 George Full rice $1350 Down payment CHOICE BUILDING paved street Surveyed lot pm during Week SgtLJnvergne excellent view of the Bay sacrum pron RENT which would be ideal for gar FURNISRED Housekee room own x3302 Several lots Rooms nished with isink MW FRONT Furnished Bbdroom Suit 591DTS Ea PM 3551 URNlSllED Bedrooms light REAL ESTATE BRGKER alrr All modern 111160 $12500 Cash $0600 ROD Unfurnished not bedromnslNo oak flooring on heat forced all very ins19 10 large rooms tplecebatll it basementupitl best one block it 133 everel large building lots very gel heth ec trelgllessonable 6s 09 ill flirhished gmmedlate as wt 19 tCPl An film survey crew left bergreeeutly for Cleo lake in to out outdoors line tho distth of Coch rsncond Strontium Sponsored by tile more land and forests department the ty is headed by John 13 Pierce Peter borough veteran boundaryysurveya Qs Supplies to be used on the trip were sent to Nailing 175 miles north east of Port Arthur From there both men and equipment were flown to Crony Lake to miles north where the main base camp is located From Crony Lake the survoy crew will cut boundary line 35 miles north to the Albany rchr This line will divide Thunder Boy and Coshrone electoral districts The boundary line will have its immediate use as an aerial mapping control line in one of the few sec tions of northerll Ontario that has not been mappedfrom the air The work is expected to he completed in coule of mondls included in the equipment used in surveying work are two motor tubopgans capable of holding halfton load and travelling at 25 miles an hour There also will be two small pack tractors equipped with skis for moving comp gear Alhough the pack tractors have been used successfully in summer firefighting bpemtlona it is the first lime both vehicles will b6 used in winter conditions Veteran Rivetmen Operate Ferries In Saskatchewan REICINA Jan 19 Cloll you Well in Saskatchewan half cen tury or more ago you could have taken trip up the South or North Saskatchewan Rivers by steam boat Now the best you can do is cross from side to side by ferry it lacks the thrill of steam boat but just the same more than 600000 people ride these ferries every year They may be rides born of neces Slty in most cases because the rivers are usually little too high to ford caracross in the manner cattle and horses used to swim Bridges are sometimes 100 miles away And if you ride the ferryyou meet the ferry operators who are Saskatchewans truc rivermen men like Hugo Opahl at the Lead er ferry on the South Saskatchewan River 10 miles north of Maple Creek Opsahl born near the south Sas katchewan likes the river and thinks maybe hell spend the rest of his life on it He thinks ferry msn gets fair pay and the work is not too hard Heavy Traffic Ejerrymenlike Opsahl operate the provinces 35 ferries 33 of them on the Saskatchewan River branches They carry more than 600000 pas sengers year along with so 000000 cars and 100000 trucks They are alsoused by some 15000 horsew dlthielllcles 10000 frticlors and chineryunits 5000 saddle horses on 8000 assorted animals Ferries go back long way In ltllMS Gabriel Dumont paid $4 license fee to operate one of the two ferries in the Northwest Terri tories The other was in what now is Manitoba do WWW The Womans inst if were not we am once being the missionary Inter inn Mrs William Newport in charge our vim and numbers Next slate of meeting has not been smog Milton pod son Toronto visited Mrs warhead recently Welcome to We welcome Kr and Mrs Price and tsmily toour continually Mrs Ray Sims is waiting with friends in Toronto may me SAULT STE MARIE Ont CP Mothers ameup with at reedsd total of 24 see of twins in Sault Ste Merle hospital during 1952 Total number of births was 1446 an increase of 161 over the previous year ALIMANAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jun 16 1953 to Mr and Mrs Altman Thornton son ARCHERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jan 191963 to Mr and Mrs Archer Elm vale son BRADLEY4st the Royal Victoria Hos its Barrie Jan 11 1953 to and Mrs Ross Bradley 123 Mary St daughter BORDERSAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jan 21 1953 to Mr and Mrs ll Bubbette 55 Cum St son DEGEERA1 St Michaels Hospi tal Toronto Jan 10 1953 to Mr and Mgs Maurice DeGeer Tor onto son Brian David KENEHENAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jsn 19 195310 Mr and Mrs Jack Kenebsu No 00 da hter Jaclyn LOWAt the Roy Victoria Hos pital Barrie Jan 18 1953 to Cpl and Mrs Bruce Low PMQ No 358 RCAF Camp Bor den daughter WSBRIDGErAt the Royal Vlc toria Hos ital Barrie Jan 20 1953 to and Mrs Douglas Mansbridge RR No Barrie son ROMANSAt Halifax Infirmary Halifax NS Jannll 1953 to Mr and Mrs Bo Romans nee Mar garet OReil son Gary Stephen WAGNERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Jan 18 1953 to Mr ad Mrs Carl Wagner Angus son DIED PARKERJib Toronto Senml Hospital on Jan 15 1953 Sara Morris widowof Parker late of 38 Bowood Ave Toronto Interment family plot Thornton Cemetery Jan 17 REGIMBAlrSuddenly at Camp Borden on Monday Jan 19 Sgt Leonel Alcidefnegm a1 oflubeloved husband of Paullne Pigeon Restin at ibis home Camp Borden eduim mass at Camp lDorden Chapel Thursday Jan 1at 10 am In terment Montreal loom sills FaddenLot Concession Toss vcrontio Auction sale of Te Stock rm and Implements etclerms cash Sale at Chet Baird Auctioneerpm er Dumont who became the most famous of all Saskatchewan river men Was Riel andgs his name to Gabriels nightmarid man of Louis Cmssingon the South Saskatche wan River between Saskatoon arid Prince Albert Not too far away from Dumonts oldwferry route ferryrnen still ply their boats At Batoclle Napoleon Fayant can besummonedrfrom the opllOSlle shore by wave shout or car horn ms territaks youto the opposite side and the hillzyou find the Sign game preserve hunting shooth prohibited on and th groundfwhere once rebellion ragfi of Outer101 dorm letters of aegis aloud cu loom and understaran or my recon mixRobert Harris OWARDWe are sincerely ratcful to friends and neighbors or their my acts of sympathy during our sad bereavement Our appreciation cannot be adequately expressed Thelma and Andrew Orchard and family Wwe wrslt to thank our bars friends and relatives bereave sleigh for their acts of lore and 51m thy during our recent lose 01 beloved husband and is Graham Small also the and nurses who attended him ur ing his illness also Rev for his com or 111 messa the members of tn loos Ledge mom HENSONJn loving memory ofa dear husband and father Thomas Henson who passed away Jan 22 1046 With tears we watched you sinking We watched ydu pass away We tended you with town care But could not make you stay We watched beside your bedsrde As the lonely hours passed And how our hearts were broken When1 we saw you breathe your ast Ever remembered by his loving wife Margaret son Ted daughter Lenora and grandchildren BLUNDEIJrIu loving memory of our dear father Bertram Blun dell who passed away Jan 1952 ills memory is as dear today As in the our he passed awayro Ever remembered by son Cor nielous and daughterinlaw Dor othy BLUNDELLln loving memory of our dear grandfather who passed away Jan 21 1952 Sweet to remember him who once was here And who though absent is justas dear Sodly missed by granddaugh ters Shirley Betty June Ellen and Beverly CHANGE or NAME nso 1950 TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the hang of Name Act ap hem Chap er Revised lilies an application will be modes to His Honour Judge Halvie at isClidmbers in the Court House Barrie Ontario on Thursday the 12th day of Februg cg 1953 at the hour of this rty oclock in the allow Robert Walier For msp residing in the TOWnsh of Ciro the County of Simone to change hismame to Robert Walter Thermf son mum at Barrie this 13m day of January 1953 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE 13 Owen Street 612W BARBIE Ont lOlriceSpa over um of NovaIScotla nonesass