Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1953, p. 2

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ltmrdlylln sumumscxna new 5m will $30 83 Lunchyouucer in Churchill Community day evening Jan 23 Rom Orchestra Auspices of th Admission 60c Lunch pro iota tyne and modern dancing global Orof Hungevery W5 It pm Mission 50 pigments served mum in Farm Fortun are meeting lth Churchill Federation of Agri culture in Churchill Hall Monday Jan 28 pm Speaker Magis tylte Cameron Everybody Welcome eeting Agricultural Meetings hm to Midhurst Township Hall Jan 27 Waverley Orange Hall Jan 28 Orillia YMCA Jan 29 nnidalc Corners Township Hall pic Whats New in Soils and land Use With films Speaker Graig IAuty Soils Department QAC Guelph Home and Com munity Meetings Jan 26 Mid hum Sunday School Room Jan Waverley School Hall Jan 23 Qtillis YMCA HallLJan 29 Sun nldalc Cbrners Township Hail To pic Three Meals Day Speak ers Miss Marion Wight WI Branch TorontoMiss Louise Col lgy County Recreation Service me 145 to 415 pm 910 out his Mountaineers an at or doc in Germany was given it Collier Street Baptist Church Rev Reinhold Barth head of Youth for Christ work in Germ lany and his wife Helen singing and radio recording star teamed to give the report The Earths til the tart three years inTGeiw many and returned in December iwith their two boys ages and North Simcoe Weekly Afternoon REV EARTH Assisting them on the program were Rev Floyd iAnkerbcrg of Philadelphia Pa viceoprcsidcnt for the Eastern region and Rev Jack Daniel Of Chicago vicepresident of the movement for the Upper Central area Les Cooke is chairman of the Barrie Youth for Christ group and is in charge of the rallies being held here in Barrie The local gatherings are part of pattern of 168 meetings being held in 18 cities of Ontario over nineday period Centre Ofactiv ity is Toronto where Dr Robert Cook president of the move ment is speaking each night the IMOscat Coliseum Forty Youth for Christ leaders are in the province for the conicrencc All over town its January Sales STBANSMANS LADIES WEAR continue their great sale of dresses suits etc BRASS GLENN continue the sale Of suits overcoats and mens wear itsthe last three days for the sale Of ladies and childrens wear and home Raids at GRAHAM FLEMING tooor come Orth with special television sale for the month of nary ALLANDALE HAITI ARE continue with their special refrigerator Offer the BINGO fans in town and bingos on Thursday dayths week Bee the Imminent Page in todays Ex amour This week brings several staff eit throughout the business on of Barrie MISS KAY 6330018 of Stroud joins the staff nursing home Adams Fort William visiting hersister Mrs Alex and MrsVernMaitlnspent the weekend in Toronto and visited Martins grandmother who is ellesley Hospital with brok Ip mGwynneth Allen was home Iran Toronto for the weekend visit withher parents Mr and Mrs BAllen She recently passed 11 Reg examinations 00th26 Leeds and MacLaren leavo Friday to blur to Fort Mudcrdale Fla forwintervtication They will avelling with Mrs Lecds bro CAUSED IYVIRUS mantis is caused by blob 131diseascoproduclng differtnz from bacteria 171111311 size and the fact It Iiccntpletc parasite and norm living cell and simultaneous executive counv cil sessions Hospitals Ask County Council Grant 30000 Continued from page one Ind nt Patients Aflr rcfgervcncc hadbenmade as to how the home at Beeton might case the position in the hos pitals Reeve Heber Smith Bar rie said that they had nine such patients in the town Two of these were suitable for the new wiiig at Beeton One of these patients would be moved from Royal Vic toria Hospital and the other from It would mean very small reduction in their in digent patient days Other requests for grants came from the Simcoc County Library for $5800 an increase of $1800 over the 1952 grant and from the Sim coe County Shorthom Breedcs Association for $150 an increoSe of $100 over the 1952 grant Afternoon Session The submission of various in direct motions took up the time during the brief afternoon session and the first of these came from Reeve Albert Calvert Port Mc Nicoil that the finance committee consider the advisability of making grant of $125000 to the Childrens Aid Society The motion was car ried Other motions rcferredto the nance committee for considera tion were that each member of Council receive not less than five dollars to cover sundry expenses such as postage and telephone calls Reeve Johnston Orillial that grant of $1000 be made to the Can adian National Institute for the Blind Reevd iliiam Wood Es sa that agrant of $5800 be made to the Siincoc County Library BoarcL Reeve Albert Gilroy Tem cumseth that grant of $1000 be made to theNaval Museum at Pen etang Reeve Alfred Cage Pene tanglrihat axiom of $60000 be nude to the Simcoe County Health Unit Reeve Johnston initial lthat II grant of 000 be shared Eamon the different Sea Cadet EConps in Simcoe County Deputy Reeve Keller Midland that pmvision be made in the estimat itor 1950 of $9500 to meet th penses or the county assessment department tReeve Johnston Ooh uh You I97 its that grant of $3000 be madrt Cuunmllors Johnston Wood Christ WW and Wink Nndlto the Huronia Institute at Colitch Seattle Cage Beck Down T0195 lingwood illech John McLean Savage mth 755 03 Colllngwoodu that grant of $100M Hull yuan for Chm world 510 muyi be made to the liurunia Hi5LnlCI Dunlo Association Sites and Tourist Reeve Calvert Port hlchcotlI that grantof $1000 be made ml the Salvation Army Reeve Citron ichumsethl that members and lei IiCIEIS of County Countll be pazdi eight cents per mile while on culm ty business Reeve Johnston Gril ital Other motions presenter wrrcz that the education committee conI sider the advisability of appointmgl six members to the County Library Cooperntivc Reeve Gilroy Te cuxnscthl that Council petition the Departrncnt of Highways to have automatic protection installed ut the CNll crossing north of Thornton on Highway iDcputy Itucvc George Wilkinson lineal that 102 loads committee consider the ad visabllity of widening the bridge on road six between concessions one and two Tiny Township Rotv0 Arthur Downer Tiny that the LOnitllillut on legislation cun sidcr the advisability of having bylaw presented at this session license all junk and salvage denies in the county Roovc Roy liitlp ling Vcspia this bylaw will not be effective in any municipality already having its own bylaw in this regard Two motions were tabled to later period during the SCSSIJII One introduced by liccvc John Small Adjala asked that the spu cial building committee be appointed to complete the building program at Slmcoc Manor and that one mcmbcr be added The other raised by Reeve Anthony Beck Wosaga Beach nskcd Council consider the advisability of payiiuV council members and officials $10 day while on county duty Committees The following is the list of thu standing committees ns lCCOlllv mended by the striking committee and approved by Council yester day Finance Councillors Campbell Ifomc Lockhnrt Wood Cage Beat tlc Beck Sampson McLean Smith Downcy Dalton Maurice Allan Borrow Brockwcll Thompson anbte Duniop Ganton Wales Taylor Savage Small Calvert Mc Curdy Johnston Hughes Perry GIlroy Robinson Shepherd Roads and Bridges Councillors Cvllroy Hughes Patton Todd Wil liams Beck Small Downer Sav age Home Vernicre Borrow Thompson Wales Dunlop McLean Wilkinson Middleton Ganton Ca1 vcrt Brockwcil McCurdy Hick ling Shepherd Keller Greer Per ry Kinncar Robinson Allan Scott Johnston if It JAN Clearing our entire stock ma cs Hurry in for exceptional value LADIES OUAIITY Crepes inflow tallied whats and many others in thcgroup rent downtoteorth value It uncommon Ilmmbic Wales Taylor Thompson rc manycolors mnnysizes REGULAR TO $1295 calor lde Comillon so uncox ammo Beck sue lice Home Savage Oilroy rr Maciauc Thompwn Wilkinsonl woes lam income Greer Perry Kinnlucr iswwsrt Robinson Allan Bennie Public Hen2 mu Wedm Pm at Home Lockhart Borrow Middleton Contact Wrath Small McCurdy Culvert including Shepherd Scott Mel bourne Greer Perry Dalton Gib Toy Robinson Allan Keller Kin tux Thompson Arlrulttc Councillths Hick ling Todd Patton Dalton Home Ltsk Maurice Borrow Ilott Wood Stewart Small Hughes Scott Mac IilxIIC Savage Allan Smith Dunv Int Robinson Calvert Williams McLean Cage Perry Mmutdy Bock Shepherd Reforestation Councillors Lockhart Beck Kinncar liickltng Small Downer Calvert Horne Lisk Borrow Macisnac Greer Thompson Savage Wilkinson Lambic Wales Stewart Sampson llrockwell Melbourne Dunlap Campbell Bcatlie Robinson Allan Vcrricrc Keller McLean Perry Shepherd McCurdy Legisligtlon Councillors aIran tun Downcy Horne Wilkinson Cage Holt Downer Locklturl Mc Lean Savage Lisk Kinnctu Perry Todd Borrow Bolt bio Dunlop Taylor Culvert MsCurdy Downcy Shepherd rst thesc names in the proper manner The contest cltbough spirited would in no my detract from tho splendid feeling which existed in munch Thatch Jam Referring then to the subject of women jurors Judge liarvle said there was some concern felt over ithis matter ss jurors they may elect within three days to refuse to serve That meant that if all the women selecbl ed for any court were to refuse to act that the sheriff had the problem of making up new jury panel Jud liarvle sugg ted that councl might well recommend to the legislature that there be an amendment providing the selectorsi with power to make sectind jurors list in case the women refused to undertake the duty The Judge then added that an other problem which faced them was that of poor selection on thci part of some aSSessors when lit came to selecting jurymen Thcyf still chose men over the prescribed age sick persons some who had died people who had left the county and in some cases pcrsonsl who were in mental hospitals The eligible groups were listed undctI Statutes and assessors should knowi what those wrc Council should convey to the assessors the desir ability and necessity of sending out Now with ladies eligible for jury Smith Lambie County iropcry Councillors Smith Dovvncy Middleton Beck Wilkinson CampbellI Waldo Savl agci Vcrricrc Dunlop Hiscox Ilcattic Maurice Calvert Taylor McCurdy Perry Lockhart Dalton Muclsaac Stewart Horne Patton Brockwell Gilroy Thompson Alt Inn Shepherd Robinson Small Borrow Hughes Printing Councillors Dunlop Johnston Keller Stewart Downer Contingencies Councillors Mid dlcton Shepherd Slmcoe Manor Councillors Mr urdy Lisk Wood Small Robin son Keller Holt Lambic Downer Savage and the Warden SecOhdiBOliof Elects Reed As Warden returning their rolls and on the duty they should be even more careful than ever in their selec tion This care was especially ncc cssary as women in most cases did not have complete knowledge of business or of the world Judgc liarvic went on to say that he would only suggest how they might feel if in motor man slaughter case they came up before jury It was only right that they should have keen jury to pre side over their welfare and that of their families Assessment Problem Discussing assessment Judge Iinrvic said the position was be coming ratth critical due to do lnys which were being experienced on the part of some assessors ln part of revision courts dealing with appeals Manyappcals had gone beyond the time allowed and he himself had had to refuse appeals sent down bygone of the townships for this reason The Assessment Act provided that the Judge must dls pose of all appeals before the end of September in each year Continued from page one Judge Ilarvio Judge Harvic then addressed council referring in his opening remarks to the pleasure he receiv ed at being able to assist in some small manner on such an outstand ing occasion He understood that the new Warden had had some keen com petition from another member of council Reeve Smith and he had great admiration for this candidate also Either of the two would Through delay this particular township was placed in an unfav orable position and he did not know how it would extricate it self Assessors had to Complete their rolls by the first day of October but that time could be ex tended by council for 60 days if so desired If their clerks warned them that there was going to be delay in the return of the rolls bylaw could be passed extend ing the time allowed If they found difficulty they should refer the matter to Eric have made an excellent Warden mm 5103 WIDE CLEARANCE CONTINUES ALI THIs EEK WITH imp ny styl pricedfttvllpt REGULAR Th GOWNS slim of soiled Crcpes Ielvets Corduroys Wools iInd many others included in this value IXCEITIONALYALUE PIJAMAS discontinued lines one size only Some slightly cmmtcrc Simpson the county assessor Ala us LA BI0015ES SKIRTS lt suns lt often TO$1495 traumas Interim They probably knewi line in the appointment of women EVOILQ sang several solos Ills Ten 11 you wish to take advantage of this REGULAR $2995 To $3995 Youth for Christ World Vision ROIIy Opens The first session of the Youth For Christ World Vision conference was held Sunday evening at 845 pm in Collier Street Baptist ChurchThe program was packed full of gripping stories from the delegates who were present that evening to open rally The first speaker Ken Cummings but come from Portugal and Bel gium to report on the work acI complished there by Youth For the oneweek run to Muss Every day an increasing numw of letter pour into the 0mm the Canadian Foundation for Pong myelitis from people asking helpand getting It The lisSIt growing steadily No stone is be in left untilde in the Effort return the crippled and bedding polios unfortunates To my 50111201 lives as possible Sfoynor Masonic TOAST BEES WITH LEITUCE SANDWICH Christ He held the audience spellbound as he related some of his experiences particularly in Portugal In the 15 months not spent there he saw many hundreds come to saving knnowledge of Christ lie returns in July for at fiveyear period The second speaker 55 Dan An Kcrburg handsome young mom with striking personality Hist fields Of labor had been in Scan dinnvia and Japan He gave the message of the evening and very bright in spite of the factf that he had already dolivcrcdf seven addresses that day In short 15 minutes he impressed those present with the urgency oft accepting Christ as Saviour has ing his remarks on the Comes of the Bible Beginning with Genesis whore God invited Adam to come and walk with Him in the Garden of Eden he took his audience righti through to the Revelation anrlx Johns pleas Even so come Lordi Jesus The speaker returns this summer to Japan Marvin Ilonory young colored lad with beautiful high tenor ISI dering of Swing Low Sweet Char iot brought forth much spontan cous applause The Youth For Christ world vision rally held for the rst time in Barrie continues all this week Tonights session is in Collier Street Baptist Church and for the remaining three evenings of the week the conference will move to the Oddfellows Temple though this official had been crit icized in some quarters such criti cism was unjustifiable Mr Simp son was an earnest sincere and conscientious person with the in terests of his work and the county at heart He had made great study of assessment problems and the assessment law and he could be of great assistance to them all The Rev Luck First Bap list Church addressed council and expressed his hopes for success ful year of work They would no doubt see many things which were to be done and they had to exercise their best judgment Rev NewtonSmith St Georges Anglican Church then read the invocation mas QUALITY ONLY INSIOCK penet hurry V2 To 5m This of yards offaliribsfromu artery department in our storewa pieced exceptional value odge Al and A301 No 200 Stay HEESE 29 och newly elected Mas LUNCH AT tor of Light Masonic it wow ice CREAM CANDY 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST Northern lfl BIGGEST VOLCANO Worlds largest active volcano is Manna Lon in Hawaii towering 13680 feet TERRIFIC VALUE CANADIAN PORK SPECIAL LUNCHEON MEATirZW REAL VALUE HEINZIN TOMATO SAUCE SPECIAL Cooked SPAGHETTI 29 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AUNT SALLYSWITH PECTIN RASPBERRY JAM Cut lm Cools WHOLE balm lb isnnamsnrv lb IIIIIISIIIIII CIIICIIIiIIS MAP In BOLOGNA WIENEIIS mm SPECIAL 33 24 Joe 79c 45c 55 290 lb Pkg lb IREMENDOUS VALUE QUEEN CHARLOTTEFANCY RED SPECIAL SOCKEYE SALMON 33 SERVE OFTEN HABIIANTFRENCHCANADIAN STYLE PEASOUP gut ranace 60st CALIFORNIA SWEET EATING nab EMPEIIIIII IIIIIIIES SPECIAL 29 Large 28 Tina SIZE 48s 170 FLORIDA MARSH saaomss IIIIIIPEIIIIIII so 29 TEXAS READY TO COOK WASIIEII SPINACH 10 19 FLORIDA GREEN PASCAL armacmsiv mono CLARKSlN CHILI SAUCE clakschrToukro VPOIIIBeags seam JUICE =th4 HORSEYTSWEETENEDFLORIDA ROSE springtime Orange IUICEt32PICKLES 33 HEtNZlN TSOVEN BAKED cmvgi VALLEYINK 156 DOMINIONDELICIOUS Peanut Butter HOUSEHOLD danish OLD DUTCH ORANGE rekoLMoihee Tartars FREE COUPON ON 5th or EVERY PKG VALUED AT IOc SOAP 16 Elir Jan 22nd 23Id IZI We com IQcRINSO it iconicigloo gt mm ice for Up CULVWUSE OHQECETK Dowm 20 Outing LAKE TWISTmm Soto touts 29 mb Thurskiavrniaoy lists Mm at high nut is

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