Its or limellltrlr corlngm Coviicil ware eruoycd Prize winners were to MN Webb Lele 31mm Westlake lun loo Jafk wit being own410w mid Jack Wian being toe mnncr Lunch was Served by the commune and dancing resumed smtli music supplied by Walter as wen Hm Toronto in the loss of he Vuolheri War Ind Emerson Mr and Mrs Jack Holman To Prrsbllffll W313 44 Eprooto room were weekend goals of Mr lrx5liy3tfilill church WMB wart meld Caramat 13 visit ind Mrs Bruce McLean glwld at Mr ll liarumns and Miss zs Thursday Hr Gv mmeuv N138 Violet Graham oronlu 512411 Pu bell we we weekend Wm her mum filing Jan in thb ll members semis 444i gym may Graham pzesmA Sumo membch were44l4i4i4l unit of sickness in 04er WJ Percy Web Miss Velma Simmom Toronto 43444444444 4444444 54444444444444 at home thew4knd4 grading taken from lllt Book of and Em C4 bmm m4 Acts by Mrs Patton and M4r5 cluldren Alliston were Vt45il40r3 W4 T4444 4444441 in may Mm mm we lane fmmy ME utm of lll 1th lllHllllg were read Hr Gordon Pamm Lou Lipprtlvrd Mrsvlntttgtu attenti STONE Lunch which was provided by eat may bringing Mme and Club Night wiches or cake was enjoyed at the and the evening On Jan 14 ghoul 50 4H Club members parents and friends at ea em Ended Nottawasaga 44 Club Night at Duntmon The program Alliston Juniors hello that agn consisted 01 mug and mm on non meeting Jan ew 3011 by representative of can cars for 1953 are as follows Preai ad packers Tomato dent George McCague4VicevP1esi Sandy Sulhtrlad 15 ilbk be rd tili annual mttlmli 53 McRuer agricultural rep def Miriam McMahn Secrellulh around again alter few wrrkza Iminyleriul in sh Road gurative spoke on the meaning Marion Halbert Treasurer Ed illness Church on lucsdity Jim 13 and or Club work Alderson Dms Reporter Edythe Dumb for Bruce McLeans of Webb ma Batman and her family of Benin tirchcgtra no brought lliltk splendid report of 44 Ross Beanie spoke on behalf of SOloman rimming and afternoon soswons the Great Northern Emibiuan McLeanJoan and Bruce MC MD Kenneth Gm Blruud was and Noltawasaga Agricultural So Annual Meehn Plan 1mm Cookstown art bunny to am am Slitllkm for tllt afternoon scs INAUGURAL MEETING of Collingwood John MfLean Deputy Reeve Mm EVE4lYn dam giving report on 44444 4448 44 nounce lhe4mnval of Gaughtefi sum nu fix5t chapter 44 from lhtHTOWll CMmcll Jan 12 attracted large at Hiscox Aldermen Gordon Braniff Wllam 454m club The Agriculturax SO hPlaggufre Swell 4under4 we 34nr4t424i44443d443nt244n44bowlinga44444o lkW study buok4 Africzl444w4a44s endance of cillzm Mayor Grnydon Kohl Claxk John Royal Harold Dwigger Thomreier bought each member pair 44 44444444141444 ggnguatrhoggr TH lllllllbl31illlllltSlzlvflqpnSOll osslsltlpresldes with ClerkTreasurer Hill to as Scrannage and McDonald Pude Orkshire Ellis At enm This big event Wm be held Red Crm Mtlnx Jan 22 ll 15 his left Around council table are Reevo gthc exhibition one of each pair of Du Saturdav Feb at the Cdm The mm nwmngmuksmwn Chap mm Mm Lucy JUlhn monil of course going to thelmunny Ha Churchill Th1 year ltlian Goimtll mm mg 05 igills Wis sold by auction the Agricultural Social to defra the the annual meeing will at dun Rid Cms Si wlcnanzelhvldton rll15la dth Srmgllnx hlvlgrll Hilliard l4 onglgal hum of 2414 gt fad $0221 Aifi30CEEmggfeangg CW WW mm er as one gr um Jan 22 the Soldan bunm Telephone L444 0444 for the cost of feeding the two anticrpnted that Professor Hall Citizens are urged to attcnd 44444 44444 444444444444444454 44 Robertson 4444444 4444 the 544344 M44443 pamcia Evas4 Tomnm 444444444 4444444444444 4444444444444 Wedding In Dutch Church Several bf 19 191Ph9 55 gig lhrqugh me summer Prof Robertson will talk on ancl spent the weekend at her home in The 44444444444 Auximrv 44 444 Congrammions emy Decker were broken down With the heavy MenlmmfM was supplied by Fa town it rm mew and Miss licnui Pater who will islecl last week putting some of Jeannie and Donald Vanclse 35f4fFnrmllerSn Agmemenb Miss Isobel RamSM Tomlin Hm bc married in thc Dutch Church gum lines 0141940 order men the weckend with her pu mg or my MW your at the home vcHt of Alliiton on Fridl Jan gt Ram 109 ClJb l5 TEQUlYEd 10 of the president Mrs Cooper on nth To Bereaved supplya 20minute period of 4on 0M9 Mrand Mn anlgt 44 Thursday Jan with 13 members 23 We 5333 We to extend our telminth or an educational Mm My ilolmso mflud and two visitors present The moct Hubert Shepherd Million Spent ivm am the Mm of the me topic The banquet is being held Spent Sunday mm he bmmm ing opcncd with singing of hymn the weekend at his home llClt Froczlmr Rain 011 in Ch our ner llbOllll um hum mermulzm and after which Mrs George Farts led Fred Harris 0358 to Mrs Hal number of people Who went With RCV Gordon Hum 35 $19311 Rogerson Illness of Mn Peacock lentil Glenlil and awe on gamma evenin Ill piayir and conduclcd thc med M4444 Florence Kelly and M44444 4445 Barrm er Dancmg to the music of Carl mg he mmutcs 01th last meet trouble getting home on account Blacks orchestra Kettleby mu mm You maple ing worv road and adopted and two JOth Grant Toronto are Will gun he hm of the freezmg ram It made the conclude full days program All Jolthelelverllrlg Ezglfgleowtll 1mm31403 we Cad Mrs will nfnm 5119QO Pm Although the snow plow was roads almost imposstble for driv Junior Farmer members should Aat Church was speciully devoted to Ktllorig kindly tormented to take COC gladly welcomed out last Monday mg tend their annual meeting and com the Young P0044104 Their guests the Minion Iland for 1958 It was Robert Wilkinson and Betty Hy the remainder of the week has mama Junior Farmer Hockey Bl Wlnnenl were the young People Of like Qn 113111 ngivulrllwrll 133311alriilllslnlolooluin 250 very unusual January wean Mrs M233 was my at the wvfteelilnirsrillly glinwxglibelx gum and presbyterian um 03 441 bingo in Com Borde tTh also the lithium muting would day wrih Mrs Wilkinson 35 Hrs v54 hwnh Aer ma wtogshgp Iggwjhcwafllj be hcldut Miss Irene McMuslcrs Mrs Ross Bailey and John spent Back To BC By Air day night When She won 310 daleam 2941 gigfndtvgfigg gas cgngfsiile ggrviww had in AllH discussing scvernl items of the weekend with her mother in 44 Mrs Henry MC4Queen spent Mooney Chmme SmOker 58 at Beeton Friday Jan 30 Chilli thigschoolroom of tho church blSimss the meeting was mmed wdbridg Fume days wu her bmfher on saturday mght Willi vs Ivy at Thornton Ch 5121 Windsor Sedan lt over to Mrs Corrigan hymn Mr and Mrs Davrd Wagner and Sid Money before flying back George Farts wrih Mrs Ira Wilson 44 44 4444444444444 58 Wedding Anniversary Dodge Deluxe Sedan the Diana led the congregation was Sung and the SCIIDIUFG nu Gotta accompanied by MISS Vera to or omc en es cum SARK PRESERVED Friends bnd neighbors athe 3640 1I ilcs re Plymouth Easiness 1141435441141550ng Daring illsliloglgn 1kl444lt44442431444i4Nagy441441141434444f4g4t4nf4444 I444v4x4112444 sntctgs mill 4130 the dis once the Orange mm here on Wed The Cutty Sark last survrvor teofcers of YP orlS nede event to entertain of the famous tea clipper ships 54 N4 Courts took the M134 F4 ur Scotly 3114 His lie Mr P4 cupih were installed by the minister The 444431344k M234 R4 Caldwell rend few dayseinpcrgfggtgs cggadmie Well the last time yours truly and Mrs W4 Hubbard who cele IS tongedpreserged in lry44berih ymou ran r00 centre the SChOOlmom was re cred plcaslng vocal solo The daughter Mrs Fred Topping saw our own Scotty Taylor the braid the 58th Wedding unni onr gland 51m to sedan lggtldirlolhlzhefofrsgiormthcll 100mm came to close with the Congratulations to Mr and Mrs bow he was Very becoming and ma Jam The hall was that whCh Nelsons Ver Morris Sedan radio and the Miz ah due to the fact that the Yuletide We 119d The Committee an1t ms at Portsmomh Com Ford Coach each holding candle Duncan lfg2144844444 social 4424444 gogpgiymlyunm 0n the season was so generous with cpl Mr and Mrs Hubbard to seats mm Sew13 by the L9d9nCun couus presmem lighted the can WnS UnlOVLd Wiih 11mm sewed by Fred Pearson is spendin to 1m such it looks like Mrs Taylor had the platlorm Where they were tV Councl on the umme or mes the Other members 9f the the hotcss and committee in daylt with hit dqughter ME ME better get used to the factor there Presented with an addreSS and the DU EFlmburgh 1951 flfecumclll fall lvllhmrvligvllllfg Charltc rev Allislon wille seveal bow ties way down Chrome table knives and forks and has been Studymg the problem ecan csoa er in the bottom of the drawer to Mr Hubbard pipe In reply inv01Ve4d44La4nd site lfas beenten 34 thecggglcgsiggrgf ggcggreilsoi St Johns Guild Social Death of Mrs Clarence Varcoe Anyway that upper lip is catching they both made some very tochi tame 531th the somh se v4 We are sor to the bow lie or not So mg remarks and thanked all re Balm the Thames to the we 055 lable 50 ClllurltlhblllllidOfgtgsl10rbiggl$ MFS Clarcnzt llligelepollettllilit good luck Scottyl 59 for We kindness duringpth the Royal Naval Cnege Greer cial period followed an4d lfungl evening at the new home of Mrs4B4 passed away Smday in Alliston Mn and Mrs E4 J4 Bowyen 1394 years they spent in this commun was served by members Atkinson 04 Thursday4 41314 84 Tm Hospital in he 30th year Mrs troll and MFS Otwayv London Mr Hubde Who is 78 Was YPU ital members surprlsed Mrs Atkinson 000 Was daughter Of Mr and are Vismng at DObSOnS born on farm ea Lindsay and an who was the founder of the or MS Herman Swaifield Alliston At time of wrlfing Mr Bow Mm Hubbard Who Is 76 was born MF Penny of 44 33me gaze garrization with pantry shower and to her husband mother and yer Sr who is now 93 is not well LENS England Coming to this an organ 41mm 18 03 lpllles ContestSund games were enjoyed dad brothers and sisters we ex we all wish him speedy recovery country 54 14 young girl They gilefizftnnflgllurzcll 139mg wag zmtt reiteshmcnlswerc served lend our deepest sympathy were married to Lindsay on Jan lt 1895 and farmed most allof their mudgand the new officers of the pr M1 and MW HaFIIS Miller Sller PIESbylellan Young Peoples 50 The eagsghtriflfigguhiogrw ldan spent the weekend with Mr Be smart Be fashionwise Make wes except for few years spent In Toronto before comm to Bax clety were4 installed gauonal meeting and supper was and Mrs wollw1u4 Vtskll in buttersoft velveteen M44 and M454 B4 Bennett and ter in 1928 settling on the farm 4121 Yrvr growrug p4li11d or bright solidr viFifw Week Prayer Highly H2laVlrheampitiylltck sup noon in Cookstown United Church team twnh separates Have sev RObert Jamm and Mr and Mrs Where they sml lwe mm the Madden Clowes visited at only son Earl They have ve mouth Special Sedan millzitsrsrlwrmaa Pit algae 5311 gg by alignanointing will on is res lhryerwmdsor Sedan day night mthe schotllioom ot the 443 44404444444444 4444445z0244444434 Give A4 J4 140444424 Org 155151 by Rev 54mph to sew grandchildren and 16 great grand Interment was in Al Farm Machinery Show children Both are eno in ood inll gggighonwggg IESEISJrExigug ing was Rev Duke Totten Lewis Cemetery Cookstown Many Pattern 4505 Misses Sizes 12 14 Quite number of farmers from health and hope to celJebDlati tgheir evrol Sedan th ham Who gave the address En beautiful flowers bore testimony to 11 13 20 30 342 34 36 348 40 42 this district attended the Corby diamond weddin anniversar in grudebaier Sedan ageldered SE ecuon coutbging reports of thoyears ac the esteem which the deceased Size 16 Top yards 35well nap Molors demonstration Friday night two moreyearsgfhe eveningywas twities worc given and the was heltl Besides the numerous Other yard 54inch and report improvements on all4spent in old time dancing and at Fold sedan Valentine Euchre and Dance church officers gave satisfactory floral tributes from relatives and This pattern easy to use simple farm machinerY 12 oclock dainty supper was 90580 Crusmm Sedan Cookstown Womens Institute are inancial reports These were pre friends there were those from to sow is tested for Has com Mr and Mrs Slessor aner served by the ladies in charge radio planning their annual Valentine Sented by Douglas Hopper Clerk 0f COOkstOWHUmtEd Church Eato illustrated instructions and Mrs Johnson were recent 44 euchre and dance in the town hall t4he SCSflon and Lloyd Hughes C0 Inmsfil School Area Trafalgar Send TllmTyFIVE CENTS visitors at Shelswells in Thorn on Feb 11 Everyone welcome lreasure report read by Mrs Untie4d Church the Afternoon and 35C in coins Stamps camwt be ton Come and have good time4 Hughes who reported substan Evening Auxiliaries of the United ted for this attern Print ital bank balance Gordon Patton Church and the Womens Institute aceep Mime 13181 Arm YPU T011011 PM treasurer of budget funds reported Cookstown Flowerbearers were ElghEljAME ADDRESS Sorry to Port that MIS On Monday evening Jan 12 allocation gxoeeded Mrs Currie Elmer Graham OrvalMaxlingar Partridge had the miSIOItune 10 about 20 members Of COORStOWH gavethe treasurers and secretarys field WheelerDennis Coo er Lorne Seld Order to ANNE ADAMS fall if her home fraCtUIing her mural coach United Church YPU enjoyed 10 reports of the WA Mrs Trotter Gallaugher Lambert WIllson and Care The Barrie Examiner Patt right arm P1343100 Club Coupe bogsun party at Mr and MrS Ivan the Sunday School Mrs Patton Doug Fisher Pallbearers were four Wm Deplw Front St West T0 Dr Strachan Toronto spent the radio Wrighs 4434118 Weath 4W435 454331 the WMS Hopper3 for the neighbors Irving Cooper Harold Omor ont weakend at her hOme and in won er 00 hoil4 Mr Moore as mnlsler Parker Clarence Munroe and Mm you coach lion After the members returned thechurch spbke appreciatively of Betteridge and two nephews Ken RAN EXPANDS M232 gmefwrgifedsm at $510 OWL dehvered Alma sedan to the parsonage refreshments were the co petation of all depart neth Fish and Mervyn Dunn senM4 ments444especiauy commending the Phi Royal Australian Navy this week of the death all her bro protein mineral Itamin conce tr te faithful work of the teachers of the MIS Balemim Laid to Rest mm is expanding its air therinlawr Everett Saul wlmml 3601413 hits ordered from Britain 40 Fairey Ste Marie Mrs Rooney and Russ Concentrate is desi nedto meet the lequre igucm and Dance Sunday Shlt Vhp 35515195 him F1ank11l41 Bateman Gannet singleengine turbojet airs ell Thompson Jeft to attend the fh fi Al rowd attnded therird supemmendent 0r theSChl Pa aiyleggy un ay morrl craft for antisubmarine duties funeral on Friday Jan 16 Sym ments 0f we Custom mlxer on so Orqun 1Stailfsab Jellies and diinces Spon SlauagoniSftengmlfgagggglg gspifgl Tmim lsnincitugsggj lThey 5will be delivered in 1955 and pathy of the comulunity is bxtend WHO desires lO use home grown grains sored by the AgriculturalSociety 313le 1953 followed Seem vous Weanesdam Mm Batman had will44c4ost 342 million The4 Gan ed to Mrs Everett the former on Jan 14 in the town hall The tam E4 C4 New treasumn L4 04 been patient inhospital and the 3Et4 hats superpriority In pro Mabel Thompson in her bereave A11 Coi0p agiry feeds cony variety of essential pro Hughes b0y4d4 449i nagemem cause of her death was cerebral won my Emam mgnt teirfs vitamins andminerals such aSmanganese cobalt Chirles RVs2811 Emma and embOhSm iron copperoaloiiim and phosphorus Coop dairy feeds gt Albert Erwm budg masurer MTS Bateman was the mm his ealbountS of Vitamin which is essential in homas Mayes Ellen Jane Parks daughter of the co gn Th Mayer late Mr and Mrs John William our northern climate ymmyd Parks and was born in Au 1191 Of There passed away on Sunday gt 77 44 f3 Dec 28 1952 in Royal Yictgria lgpfggkgfhg42 COOP 35HOG4VCONCENTRATE Hospital Barrie Louise Dunn WI 4e v4 44 of Raymond McMaster Innisfil dam 0f um commumty her hus It 40M Reliveli Township Mrs McMaster who band Franklm Bateman Who Ptutelh4 Mineral 1Vltamin Sllpplemellt died in 1920 having formed few 11y injured in motor 433 hen0191 Sedan W35 gm miles east of the 4village She re carIdIIWfly engine Clash 33 Thom sided for afew years in Barrieand Many feeqels nwduceo large percentage uof their own mm sea 053 ever regime had spent the past two yearswith rain All rains are deficieitt in minerals vitamins and 140 Chrysler sedan sciougness and4passed away tho her only chili Velma inTorbnm Chevrolet Coach morning 01194me the academ She was the loltt surviving member some of the essential proteins also $381115 are largely 136 Oldsmobile Sedan Mrs MCMasler was the youngerkmher family4 three 545444444444 44444 Composed of carbohydrates Coop hog concentrate is $51441144l44lll1i44r0494f C14v4i4x44444a4i4144l44 4nJ44reRankrnMrs Donnell andr rs 44 or specially preparedlo balance home own grains thus Jam Gdw Whers assurms mvwwiclent360191811185nstead or feeding 10001bof4g4raln t0produCe amarketwble hog you can 3211 VialvRPIeViogs theltlfafs George of Cookstown and John Iiage aymon 85 Parks of Manitoba having prede June 1942 she held an office 9031 ceased her 700 1b with 5060 1b use gratis mg WI up hog con no in Toronto Since commg to Mrs Bateman is survived by her cen4trate4 44 Bethesda to reside on their farm 4A she had interested herself in com daughter Velma Mrs Percy and grandchildren Allan gt mumw welfare cgurch hactwme Mrgaret and John Percy loronto in 443 MM Dunn 44 44 44 and tho welfare her eorr44t4t4e44an44 Th body rested ahe TwnFun 444 44 inoxeollem condl 44 family She 44v ac sawnug eral Home Yonge St thence to 44 44347444 44 3th 4444 Cookslown Instute 41 Wafflainvilll ozlllherf mo on gt lislli$lfvlllmillll gt Mirth WOW the gen 52mm ternoou Jam13 in SinJohSAny and Your pigs willtgo to harketat 8v months Weighing the WMS and gy glican Church Thel service was 200 v4 Mrs McMaster is survived by her conduct by Rem J4 w44Newton 44 44 inuonselfmreoutofwork husband Raymond dauzhtexv 1th Allandalearid Rev HDon logyumyimg my money you ymne and two wnsmumy aml algsnlieccr lf St Joms Church yousgwws Wmpbd healthy alum yourself something Of wgm herppalegtsdlfrhm cocksmwn Of lmmmli decllsll per month Ill hlillcy ad beman hivemem 51 gt our rst by won Dsqlzhgllldtgz Mrs Fight llama and bearers Were John OSbome Bill Andrews Port Credit and me bro BantingnlttColeman Shelving 45 your mm hmxwmhe gunmen 444 quwkmsmmmoncy may pmn Trams 13513 DPerhnia Cduse rig tnfcly You willing feeding balanced ration 44 44 i4= 9Mtl gt The remains rested untilinoon on ferment was in St Johns Ceme 4444 In cmmcqfu Wednesdaw EN 314 444 Hughes 44 FORWITED tram mainline ll 11 untamed as Fun H0man cwksmwn The IIldglnlaml funeral emce W3wl1l TIME ONLY melded e= mm 404M444 44 44 444 44444c44mnb44 444 44 44 444 44 $44443444444644444444444544444 ovohlo halfyearly 7W v1lllilhnm