Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1953, p. 7

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SHANTY BAY 0325 MEADOW BROOK Trumpet Soloist Congratulations also Mr and II Wagon Auxflluy pars Hewle on becoming grand mu monolly mcctmg cf the Wu parents for the first time mums Auxuiary was held 11 311133 Mr and Mrs Hercward Martin El Ilaylurs on Tuesday Jan 13133111 Paul Sik Mr 36ch ll 313 Clock The iiftoldrft lrs llxdiidc with 31 1111 Milt Stilton presidnl Th bu tests Martin meeting opened with lllt rcpcmim Gating Wood rzumbtr of tin farmers of this dlllrlcl use Lastly crigaged gtlilfl out upply xii wood SiOl vol say yes Bury Rim wd Wind II udil Univ hull OIIJ bl WEI Phier mllhmd Home 1111 School ieii1 wvtbll Sundhv JJ111 by Mom and 1m Bum dog Mrs Gus Lg in icu or mm iiydm and lvmpliune pom LII IIIad by mt 111651 cw If lot5112111 36311 13 it ttmvi 11121 Oiuzigmiilc 11h mulin Ikl Robert Wimpy add Mull If Mn ditched lniarccn Aliihton liid II Dlgk Mr puwa iElleZIliLtllufl Illtzlltlg fur the Hindu 111mm lln wr k3 wuzhcz lop iefgIIng IIIIIIIII 1st tgd wry lliI SchoolAswcialion lo chmmv 1hr lowzixn was tlV lllrfitl$ for 1933 writ mil Dr 11 This was frum Bw Byiu 011 1f stalled by Harvey iii the WAS prayer partnezg in MD ls 11m iffmw Wilsau The Itlltl dcscriiwd tutu ml lluuic EtllOl the events of his church during tho bulls The lllbllllltill AvixgliV his Chmtmas season and Mile of hes Wednesqu Jim 21 rut ll nclwk 00231 ltInIiu mmle 11ml guild ullvmlancc Would be up h15I gala 11131121 irrf I1Ll1 cm Illtclulxd lltfi15llllltlll5 wtli bl Death at Miss Hutcth rum possilm 11 llltiflg 11 mm lllllmlvntlv with home bakgquIsallI at the myan sinking stillilvuriczz Eu fracnd nil market 08mm in curly With Department of Highways Ill 11 Milk Mold1 lltlle Elli Mra GI III LughllxluriiIdociwivti lingo w15maI Mn and Charm of Turnsizo 11112vu El CYII JIGLIIJILgtWI$322131 Mrv lull Wolsmuu who llllltjlttl 1151 only it NV 111 previous wor to b1 surveyu fur lti Dvpirt til Iml llwdiil llc ilili n5 lirnl 35 highlight Will Plihuiial minl of lligh13h was homo la 1103 mum in luwzi Typical all lrllilu1pl lflltnlr touches it added 111 lllt vcikcml from 111 station ill Sud Young lllLilntSJ wumriu tho rm 111 ll rid 11 gt preuent intercsi of the sub bury when MS mm up Dmmnum It Alliston V140 CWrmw th1 we ml The mcctingI ktls clusmi by summer llu xill now be Sillilllllltl mnan rurirx Lipo After mp1 CW Dr Ilglllllmlm With in Pilcrbom but cxuwcl to spend month of liar Itd ll H0111 mu Ram Own To yer for all WAs Iliu hustcxwn ilk wimp 01m CIIIII hp md MWunorruw wetting IllIon unit Roml ltgt for the ovunint were Mrs pmilglm lmnth Wind Mle Binm Amwmm Singers um 12 113 mikes and Mrs Oliver who Extended Honda HIM an rccurl1111g artists who recently row 5111 served dclicmus lCIlLShIllLlllS to Hillly Martin has gonv lo lu Nm rlilrmll Ws hmlmlgd 11 GUgt ling 1112111 parsllly Janitorfr thaw Have Jobs Malian and Niagara llzlzcnce 2111111 15 Working L1 on 3112 Wilbur Birnmtl at bill111 TIMI me 21 members pWSUmI The mm m1 1m extended 1111111133 Om lU 11411 Wt ixloud many Will take part Ollvrs wlml Euchre at Community Hall Home from Korea The IEISI cuchrc party for 1953 Cpl Michael Oliver lislowcl war held on Thursday Jan 11 at nephew of Mr and Mrs 011V Shanty Ray Cmununil all un DIAL 2433 2434 2222 DRIVLRSIILF CARS AND TRUCKS WM VALLEY PROP 24 HOURSEKVICE HEATED OVERNIGHT STORAGE BARBIE ONT Walt Kelly 360T NEW F62 1011 Tan You Galileo VALLEY TAXI AND TRUCKING SERVICE WalESOF 0112120 IVOEDIM ovzmo To GIVE Momma MEASiRE 01 mm llltiillr cml mecting 011 Jun 27 wwing moct Willi will his daughtcr Mrs Wmw wk Wm be Ck LUCIE mg will be held I1 Mm mam gkmadyI mdld Ilmlll aid IllilliltS jlilm ILCllllly buck 1mm 1111119111893 mums nah in Australia Formosa mti Ellloptag Thursday 0mm UNI mm follows Imnplc and Al MctskcrlI director of Bangui liy MLA nIvI III II II II Sailors mm wimer IIFIruluy owning in the dtlllfllnws EIggvtlIomiittgglszugaiptIglIlIzvlpliptrez IIIIILLLIIIIllllIlvIIe MCII MIN Km and JIISIIIIII MchIIIIIIII himch iiII are mm mm 35mm mm IIII Cm Wm mng wmnm fur mu mum II mantvinduommsipeggy lIlIlIlIILdelIlLtI WIiIIIII IIIIIIISI EIiIIIsLIr UIICIIISI MISIIMIIII allIIIIiquiIIokm it their home on chv Ycii week IW BOWLH K3111 TIWHUgun Nl ln fill lltlllt lDlYummd TUM llll end 1d womey MUFqu Bowen and Melville rspr ind GOOD ML Canadian Girls In Training PHFFWHOCF Parents and Grandparents HOOIBoYI MIMOFIIMEK 5mmoo THE N051 DOG row Au me WArmIIJFFWMAN Brier mam iMorley Packard special duorgconon BjuI1dBud Sum TI The CGII mcl lit Carol mdi prize was also given out This wont mm We Comriu Crnvford ltt IW Ill II k1nd ch congratummm md Mls to MP mm 1331 Am ImMi homes 1101 their supper meeting After doll Sow caltlhveillllw flnllm Jun CUdS the people were given light vious hot dinner the meeting was 99V 311 50 lunch and the prizes were dislriE llom WINEWHOOIEWHBI rom Huhplldl uxncd Willi the 011113 Mrtlt Byrm Douglmv VMOHII butctl to lhIcIfurlunate wumcrs II 011$ ergiu Illorlly is wvll IYIirs Paterson lvd lhls 11b Ru Fm 11 utcmiancu mum IglIIn all IIILI ILCtnt illness in thean His Pruscnce With Ult II II 61 Ammw Cum Shampoo apprccm cd loyal Victorm Hospllal Barrie and was assisted by cm1cmwfd MMuumvu Staying with ML and MYSI NONI II SIngIIIg III The GIIIIdCIII ComIIeI 11 ihciia youthfullooltins color try Tintz Creme Sham lmt It new air tmcolors 1min man YQung or while is MrsJwre hold by MW III II Crawford mud 1ch Dmvthyi IYounlzfs blothcriulaw and Sisterngg Kwulill ml 41 1411111de Ann Campbcll read the Scripture Illuns MrI and ME 3mm mycckIed by IIII II NIL were enjoy31nd AIIII HmmIII Ied III prIIygII If Bamu MIIIIIIII 11 WJS prthcnlud lo MIQI Pnemoh IofId IIII IIIIIII 3333 MlS Hmld WSW 5159 WW bum AL 1irgbf13lifwimem of Arc in InostLitildrelting mm 1835 1351 week Tm Wm MIWd way The minutes of the last IIIIeIIdSI Mr and Mrs Ralph Hmkhng we mueunl were mild With the officers as President Edna Rnsc Bertram coloring home it shampoos Takes only 17 minutes No waiting for results Its so easy use jth shun Wont wash or rub our M0 EY BACK Guarantee Get your choicc of 13 beautiful shadcs today cm SHAMPOO HAIR COLORING TAMBLYN DRUG STORES Settle Ha yell Iiowi on the NIAGARA 0AM plan Haw much 10 you need 8100 $500 $1000 More Figure it upthen come to Niagara Finance and quickly arrange for friendly Life Insurance at no extra cost to youlon loans to $1000 protects your family You actually poyJess for many Fendly loans JUST FEW OF MANY HANS Momuy No of hed Payment Pymtt Amount For payment gural 1111111111 11111131111 Marmara THE WlLSONfBUIEDING no SQUARE rmva CANS ssstsisssm mENDu toms stitmlstiramm 16ml 333839 to Willowdale last weekend to visit Mrs Hicklings daughter Mrs Holy Locke and family Mrs Beet Honored On Monday evening paryt was held honor Contests Evomoollu Pnymunls Amount Mold 48317 dhlranwnhxu ham 151101111 5533 Alberta Visitors IMr rind Mrs Greculces of Champion Alberta visited the lat Jan 12 915 blllhOIlnlzlv and sister Mr bf Mrs Ind MFS Carson lust week on Reel former resident at Mrs mum F10min Taylors The party was held by the Chiller Chatter Club of which Mrs Reef was member Womans Association The Womans Association held their January nicellng lit the home of Mrs Giffen with 12 members pIreIsent and Mrs ickinson pre sxding The meeting was opened Will the theme song Let tlie Beauty of Jesus be Seen in Me and many worthwhile resolutions were given in the roll call Mrs Rupert agreed to do the caretakihg again and $10 was voted to the par sonage fund motion by Mrs Goodfellow and seconded by Mrs Dickinson was passed that the WA affiliate with Simcoe Presby lerial Mrs Rupert missionary con vener Ilook charge and hymn 570 was sung Scripture reading was PsIalrIn 89 Mrs Giffen read missmnary paper They that Were Scattered Abroad and Mrs Carson read World Charter Mrs McNabb had reading Old Year and New and Mrs Aub rey Giffen poem The Master Calls Mrs Rupert read hymn for today followed by prayer The meeting closed with hymn 262 and benediction Lunch was served by Mrs Giffcn and Mrs Mc Nabb Saskatchewan Visitor Arthur Partridge ofKerrobert Sask is visiting his sister Mrs Al bert Richardson and other relatives here Charle and Harvey Campbell of Regina visited Mr and Mrs McNabb recently Young People Rerorganized The Young People met at Allan McNavbbs last Tuesday evening and reorganized for another year Fol lowing are the otficers for 1953 President Graydon Gitfen vice president Robert Goodfellow sec retarytreasurer Laura Lennox or ganist Shirley culham conveners Fellowship Gordon Giffen Citizen ship Kenneth McNabb Culture Earl MacDonald Missions Allan McNabb Recreation Shirley Cul Amiual Church Meeting The annual church meeting was held on Monday night with Rev Veals presiding Encouraging reports were given by the treasuri ers for Stewards Sunday School Young People and Womans Associa tion Douglas Giffenwaschosento ceplace Earl Richardson on the Board of Stewards and Herb Dick inson was elected and treas urer replacing Blissell SSgexBev and Mrs Veals Were given vote of appreciationand lunch was served by the ladiesat the close of the meeting VicePresident Marjorie Cameron SecrclaryTrcusurcr Carol Craw ford AssistantSccrelziryTrellsurcr Joylc Campbell The next supper meeting will be at Edna Ruse Bcrt rams on Jan 26 lit pm United Adult Bible Class The annual meeting of the Adult Bible Class of the United Church was held at Gordon Clarks on Jan The reports of the secretary treasurer were encouraging Mrs Newton Besse was moved 11 vote of thanks for her failhful services as teacher in the last year The officers for 1933 are as follows President Beverley Bertram 19 VicePresident McCuaig 2nd VicePresident Bartholomew SecretaryTreasurer Gordon Clark Assistant Secretary Treasurer Walker Caldwell Teachers MrsrN Besse Mrs Gray Flower Committee Mrs Hall Mrs Walker Caldwell Social Commit tee Mrs Love Mrs Caldwell All the members are onthe Look out Committee The meeting clos ed with prayer Refreshments were served Visit In Barrie and London Mr and Mrs Neil McCuaig have returned home after visiting Mrs McCuaigs sisterinlaw Mrs Stephens in London and also Mrs Livingston Barrie Death of William Jermey Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs Jermey whose husband Wil liam Jermey passed away on Jan Funeral services were held last Saturday afternoon COLDWATER Married At Windsor 011 Jan 10 Margaret Helen daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Elleringion was married at Windsor to Cecil Lionel Laugh lin North River son of Mrs Laugh lin and the late Charles Laughlip United Church Annuals Arrangements were made for Goldwater United Church annual meelihg to be held Jan 20 Early United Church annual was held at Albert Ortons home and North Ri ver United Churchlannual took place at the church where sup per was provided sunday School Concert Sunday School scholars with their teachers parents and others totalling over 200 attended sup par and concert in the United Church Sunday School Wednesday night Jan 14 The usual Christmas concert and supperhad to be post pOned last month when new oil heatingisystemwasrbeinghstalled Program and concert arrange ments were under the direction of the superint ndent Mrs Sheppard he WOmans Associ ation headed by Mrs Manning provided the supper Films were shown by Lorne Gra ham some of the children presented variety of numbers and Joe Greenwood champion district fid dler played several numbers 2c companied at thepianolbyMc Millard RevItoss Cumming Iact In ed as chairman Auki SOCKSSWAMP MISSION WHAT WA +1 16 have You 1am WWITHEM 01115102 1111517 OFF OF mm THE M10019 ON TH THE IN 41 wr WWW Iilll CLEAN FOR BETTER KIND OF DRY CLEANING W11 will 111151111 NIGHT NIGHT DOLLY muow STEP 1N EAevmso you wournzAcK THATS IT BRUSH YOUR CAP OFF AND LET ME TAKE your BOOKSAND comm 5140123 AND 1101 SHAKE YOUR coAr WELLw KHAR THE WORLD MOVES AND so no JAREEQp RAGE 11 ELSWORTH MAMA 111 JUS $11 our HERE MAMA CAN 60 AN no Lnmtg III Scenic hi hways you are routed vlo New Orlebns 5401 ysgll 53v nigh and QM day logs the sights of this encha ting City YOllr tour conductor who fpeqlts bathSpOuish and ioinsyovr group at San Antonio dhd accompanies you 30 Ond back Youll enioytbe wonderful SlQhI Iof Mexuco It quaint OpsanId the strange customs of its colorful citizens VANCOUVER fCP The iCBnt ral Mission here has beenswamped with socksImore titan 3000 pairsa sinceIthe missions appeal to help needy men at Christmas Gifts of socks and money to buy themcame from all over the provincesome even from Manitoba SI 11mm South of the Border ROUND TRIP FA no TORONTO 505506 chm mcwogs HOTEL ROOM FOR 23 moms in room A150 l9 MEALS lc ANDTH1N1NDERBLLN9I FAIWGODNOTHERWAVEO III COACH SEDANI II Drivenlhy muI service mam II II II II II IE Illls IE IMIII II 1H2 new 999 Wm gt NE 11 if gt 461a mu mt 65

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