lElmvale Church ils Selling For schools Next Thursday menmg Codring ion Home and School Association is going to hold upen house to give the public an oxpurtunziy to see an international cxhlbll of childrens art from the Red CHIS Society Mrs James Harvre Will give an address on creative art for children in LOIIlilIlCllO with the cxhlbrlll2e entire pro gram designed to give parents an understanding of wrist teachers are tryingto do in the modern arr program in the schools Aside from her personal repu lotion as an artist of note Mrs liarvrc is exceptionally well qual ified to speak on childrens creat lvc art Every Saturday morning she has class of about 20 pupils under ten years of age at the Loyal True Blue flail The classes have been conducted for the past ten weeks and havc five weeks yet in go At Christmas the children an exhibit of their work for file parents and on Thursday evening other parents Will have look in at what Mrs Howiesclass has been doing during the Winter months Sin plans to have some of the Saturday morning class work of local children on exhibit with the creative art of European children The creative art night on Thursday is part of planned scr ics of programs which the Cod rington Home and School has been presenting this year The Idea is to go through the school curricu lumfrom social studios to Eng lish reading and writinglo nc quaint parents with their childrens school life and bring about more understanding of the present sys tem of education The home and school ch5 that creative art is one of the most gave important sllbjccts in which child rcn express themselves In todays Parents should go away from the meeting appreciating bit more the daubs and splashes of colonthat their children have been showmg to them Dr and Mrs Scott receiv ed phonc call from their dangli ter Mrs Craft yesterday morning Mrs Craft the former Betty Anne Scott was calling her parents from Japan where she has been living for the last year and half while her husband Mayor Craft of the USAAF IS stationed at Camp Tachikawa It was the rst telephone mm AMBULANCE SERVICE Now availzble far Bradford West Gwilllmbury and Innis fll Townships Will accom modate stretchers rigours 184 23J BRADFORD mum BALANCE WEEKLY MENT IN moon crsaiion ExMake your FIRST PAY Pkyl January Wedding The marriage of 5152 Gerdidlili McConnell daughter of sir McConnell and the idle an be Sculls had had mm their daughter since she lei for Japan ill the zone for alums three years and for year before she Joined him Mrs Craft lived with her mrcnis in Harris The call cause through at swift ocluck in the morning at the Scott some but in Japan it was 10 oclock in the evening 18 hours ahead of the Craft had been trying to get through in her parents incc Mon day time hcrc Living with other air fulCi basc lil Japan Jills Crzifl loves the country ihrcccdnoid son David live in the United States is flying troops and provisions from Japan to Korea They expect to return to the States in the summer and could have come back sooner but dUCld cd to stay and see another spring in Japan It has been wonderful year since her arrival ember Mrs Craft tolls her par cuts yet there has been no cold weather Camp Tachikawu is like bigl town She and her husband cnw joy travelling into the mountains but found that they had in ex chungc their big American car for small English model to on the narrow twisting roads Since marrying her husband while he was with the RCAF dur ing the war Mrs Craft has done great deal of travelling on this continent Before Major Craft 1ch for Japan they were stationed in South Carolina whch Dr and Mrs Scott paid them visit Oldesi Resident Of Coldwaier Has 9lsi Birthday COLDWAIERMrs Luke Lea thcrdalc oldest resident of Cold watcr and vicinity observes her 915i birthday today Friday Jan 16 Recently she has been conned to bed good deal of the time but continues to take an active inter est in the doings of relatives and in current events She resides on Eplctt Si with her daughter Miss Nell Leatherdalc in the same house her late husband built in 1883 The latter passed away in 1945 Mrs Leatherdale is the last sur vlving member of family of seven She was formerly Amelia Boyd and was born at Early When she was girl lhe fam ily spun wool for their clothing used maple syrup for sweetening and made tallow candles for lighting Mrs Leatherdalc another daughter Mrs Livingstone Elsie of Toronto One son Dr Leatherdaic who was Coldwatcr dentist died in 1947 and another sonArnott was killed In action in World War CANCER CRUSADE CALGARY CP Alberta scor has ed twoflrsts for all Canada in the 1951f Cancr Crusade the Alberta division of the Canadian Cancer Society reports Besides raising the highest per capita sum$211253 the provinces gross expenses were lowest at $14342 mansm llllllWAllCE For Your Old Electric Washer Regardless of Age or Condition vfd McConnell of Duuglas Demon Duff sun of Mr snu Mrs Band Dqu of New Low iler husband has been Mrs Witt at ihc rctl She and her Itlfcnic of Einwalc who was vczlr very much the sonic as they have Major Crufi cia until miiis and small matching cup lirl llowcrs wru yellow roses and lust Dcc drive Elmvale to ell look place on Saturday Janu id 1353 230 uciock za llxcl afternoon iii St Andrews iresbyl The quiet tartan Church Elinvalc ceremony was performed by ihc licr Burgess in the presence of the immediate fonnlics of mu brzdc and groom and few friends The bride was wearing in ball cinalcngiil strapless gown of white bridal satin with overskirfS of nylon no and nylon lace Her matching lace Jacket was styled 6wzih lung sleeves and buttoned in the fruni lo peter pan Ilci cll was caught to white cup Zillil lzci 0395 TIC attendant collar small flowers were was Ille Annoy in ballerinalength strapless gown of yellow nylon not over luff nullclung bolero and manic mums Murray McCumlull of was groomsninu reception followed at the home of the brides mother when Mrs McConncll rcccivcd wearing grey suit with navy blue access ories and corsaigu of red roses Mrs Duff who also received was In black and was wearing matchl mg ilCCtSSOIlQS and corsagc of pink roses Ellnvalc the bride travelling in suit ofi sen grccn gaburdinc wearing brown accessories On turn Mr and Mrs Duff Will be muklng their home III New Lowl cll Bela Sigmmi very successful bridge in the Easti moncy for Christmas the needy Enough funds were raised to supply two families each with four children with Christmas basket IIhcsc baskets contained 11 complete Christmas dinner chicken Christmas pudding Christ mas cake nuts vegetables and candy toy for each child and two articles of clothing were also in cluded the sorority reports Simcoe Centre MPP Addresses Lefroy lnsiirure Lefroy Womens Institute opened llS January meeting last Tuesday With the singing of the Ode Roll call was answered with the query What do women givc1tovcitizcn Shipi which produced som eklJ lent answers Mrs Maurice Reid reviewed the current events of the past months of I952 The president gave her chair to Mrs Thomas Stephens convener for the evening Mrs Stephens theme was citizenship andieducation The speaker was George Johnston Minesing local MPP The members were delight ed to meet Mr Johnston and his charming wife who is an active WI member at Minesing He gave resumeof his career since boyhood how he became interested in poll tics and had gonecn through the years as hardworking basket manufacturer and farmer Although not college graduate he has had education next to his heart and feels that no one seems to have too much or know too much We can always learn mme threequarters the size of Europe but has fewer than 10000000 in habitants Mr Johnston then told how he became elected to his present post as member of parliament without evervhaving hadthe experience of being on town or county coun cil He talked of the things being done to make farm and rural life nttractive For the rst mmi orLuxMoosL with Stainless Steal Airlock Tub N0 I7CASH DOWN PAYMENT There are more than 100 islands the history of the province the government is making available free school books to grades due to eight Women arebelngmllowedv to sit on juries IIe laughineg rc markedi Dons this bring women up tother level of men or down to the level of men gt Mrs Allen thanked Mr Johnston for his interesti talk The meeting closed with the sing ing of the national anthem and an enjoyable lunch served by the hos tesses Mrs Stephens Mrs Tuckcy and Mrs Adams MANY ISLANDS in the Falkland Isles 300 miles from the southern tip of South Am watchmen Later the bride and groom lcfiiweddmg on wedding trip to New Y0klbill0 Angus Legion Auxiliary Elecis Gave Two FamiliesElQSB Officers Chrisimas Baskeis crn Slur Rooms In order to ralsciof Connmic Joan Cook Isl baskets forlprcsidcnt Comrade Grace Jackson ind vicepresident othy Lzlbrossc recording secretary Comrade Margaret Barrett correj sounding secretary Comrade Maryi Collins Emily Bailey standard bearer posed of Comrades Margaret Tucki or Marjorie Clumbers West Betty Gillhum and Florence Britncll chair lady lEssa ROad WMS Has Firsi Meeting Of Nszear The Womens Missionary Society of Essa Road Presbyterian Church held its first meeting of the new year on Thursday home of Mrs Clarence Cumming 07 Campbell Ave crs message for the thanked the members for electing her to the office of president and stated that would give her best service to the society throughout the year spoke briefLyon the motto of the societyi urging the members to undertake campaign for increased member ship She gave them the slogan Each one reach one the singing of hymn 648 The first chapter of Joshua verses 19 was read by Mrs Wornica Mrs Mildred Shear led in prayer the missionary work in Africa was presented by Mrs Muir with recorded commentary 571 and benediction by Rev Muir hostess and Miss Janet Baillie as sisted by Mrs Logan and Mrs Avenhuis Materials supplied and MR AND MRS EDGAR TUER of Alliston cutting their cake following their midJanuary nuptials The Is the former Eileen Lawson daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawson of Alliston and the late Mrs Lawson and her mm husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Tucr of Alliston Cllllllldi Ptggy llullzlnd is lllcl zillV prvsldcni of the Ladies Auxll Association is planning Lust November the Alpha Phiiinxy to tho Canadian Legion Branch ClOklIch iiillll Jililr 30 Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held M499 BESL ill AnglIS Sllc heads on executive made up vicc treasurer and Comradcl Ihc cxccullvc committee is com Geraldine with Mrs Britnell asx Jan at the The president Mrs Som opened the meeting with new year She with Gods help she She The World vfdrGhst The devotions proceeded with and film strip showing something of The meeting closed with hymn Refreshments were served by the THIN POPULATION AngloEgyptian Sudan IS The H00 comma fLINOLEUMSW ASPHALT TILE RUBBER TILE PLASTIC WALL TILE installed FREE ESTIMATES SWAWolfenden 70 MapleAve Phone 5185 Bethe JAYPA Plans Crokinole fPariy Jan 20 your the young people gnihvrvd at tlin home of gIhc meeting Comrade Dorg prayen given by Bill Patton games nicnts Ich served by the hostess proximately 35000000 acres of CllV soils exist in the agricultural lLIIS of Canada LUMBAGO lame Back When your back is still and very painful and its an cfimt for you to stoop or bond laid the rcmcdy lhut has brought swift 4110 relief to thousand3lvmplctons TRCs miscry of Lumbago day longer than you have Sci TyRCs today 15c $135 at drug lflli1ilS Yul V1 lion1RD JUNE IN JANUARY in Jh ifcli 3122 IJUI Itll DES ilIJLlL Willi iwo 12 mt inn ids wasting lililijll lili tin llll uu is tinci for nun lllliil Add 4111 Sin Illtl jolly flztal con lei leIIil hours SIEWS Alli ALWAYS IN OR IIILH cold llthltI luyv uni litms lcrlpv fur 102 lirmvn slow which hopc Oil Will try and enjoy as much is uni Thur Ougnly brown in lzui fat pounds hccf chuck cut in I1nch CllDiS Add cups boiling water ital spoon lmnun jurrv liii4tll Wurccsicrsliirc nliltt Clmc gui llL nlncczi lopilulluli on linvvs lublcspoun salt teaspoon sli gxr teaspoon pepper fun puun puprlkn dmh of illsplcr or cloves Cover and Silllllllf hours EIII our smnnlly to lump from llckiug Iiunluxc boy lams udd small carrots illl lil fluids medium pniulucs cut in llillvis pound in IQ smnll Vlllli un IOIIS and up 1lncli clcry lcngths Cunilnuc cooking 20 to kill minutes longer or until vcgc IZIIIIIS are cooked llcmnvc mcut null vcgciublcs uml thicken liquid for gravy Makes to servings Photo by Audion Altman For suggestion of spring serve his accompanied by iussrd green salad with tangy French dlLSSI lug Corn mczll muffins arc lZLilvl Ito blot up the gravy Young Illuplis hum more popular than French poodlcsl thcsc lilySill lcnsi theyre cheapl Al the first intcling of the now er Amer mung them 0WD llcilicl Anglican Mrs Elwoud Wines innmiss went out and bought was Opened wimmncfor myself and Just love lll The Scrimum funding 35in is really vcrylntcrcst1ng tol grow and us SlleLCI of convcrg sullon Ihcru zlrc quite fowl hardmdfast rules for growingi thcm successfully Some plants seem to thrive on the recommend cd routine others like mlncil grow beautifully by doing just ihcl opposite so have come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is just experiment until you find the treatment that is best for2 your own individual plant Howl over here are few suggestions which may be of help The outer lcavcs can be destroyed by rough pot edges Evidence of this can be seen when loaf stcms go jelly1 like and collapse Test your potl rims for smoothness and if they show rough surfaces dip in hot paraffin or slicllnck tlicm Plomplly clip off all spcnt flowI er stemsthis will keep your session and refresh business played Following the left It has been estimated that up Dont sulfur from ilicflngging Tll 40 so Jan 19 The Greatest wand Thousands sficld second from left is the fifth generation of her family as she poses with her descendants oi each generation At the extreme right in Mrs Bans daughter Mrs James Greer and at the extreme in is her grnzuldmghtcr Mrs Claude Duffin daughter of Mrs Greer Mrs Cyril Hannaih second from right WhOlS the former Alvcruu Du ffin is greatgranddaughter and her lltllu daughter Joanne Elizabeth Hannath is greatgreat grunddauuhtcr Mrs Butcs is now in her 98th year BATES so of Man re rust plum ookznv lltli and ii llS bust the hcslili of lbcseplants during nonc winter months have mine dir ccily under table lamp In the corner of the window and it This clipping is owl douc vnhj to have improved immeasurably careful lojsulcc moving it there If you find any insect ml on Africnn VmIclz gtllillllll always Illt Plant spray with an atomizer IJL watered from the bolium U5 llllvd Willi one of the special Afri wuicr that Is warm Ciili oven can Vlolcl sprays now on sale bu fairly not during cold weather iirimrxnbcr cerium lilzn nngili Will in do riilillliiiiilili llru mums oi ilw plmi voicri luzimnlcd sharp scsltu1lt leave luwur slums undisturbed bring if you havent an African Violet add lililu now try unctbeyre real lo the wattr twice llltl plzlni food month gentle shower is also good for this vv rim MIHACULOUS ESCAPE GUELIII CP Police war they investigated zinc spray until the levelcrossing smash of milk ymllruck by freight train to nd returning if to truck driver Clarence Snider The truck cab shnifclcd but Snider emerged un ccms lo improve scalhcd wag plant For lI and handy too for those who uglyl lmilrjlgmf FUUI Sllgiiihl amazed wllcn tepid Aluuys plum before AFRICAN VIOLETS seem to be 10 IONUUH glows best Arline dry vhcrc find you ill was unhurt QUICKLY You can get $50 to security QUIETlY Loans made promptly on your own Sigmund CONVENIENHY Select your own in to 24 months to repay Rcmcmbcr mom people borrow from Household Flnanca than any other company in its field Phone orstop in today 2511 YEAR IN CANADA HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 23 Inherit Sh second oor phon 5529 BARRIE ONT onus usual 55 warm sc sou pa rags curs um saucers sau curs run srucrns CUPS llNll SAUCEBS CUPS AND SAUCERS lan3 house apartment or tcpis of my 1000 without banknbb payment plan Up1 39 Mel This great offer ls possible onlybeoouso we were fortunate in obtaining Special Purchascon these washers AND is cool Fons WEEKS ONLY Bu lE uw The friendly store where youndguars more BillieliSlilleneiim Phone 3664 Hurry in for this finallday of ourggreal After Inventory Sale Hurry in for outstandingvalues on homcnccds cranky and mucous MATERIALS UPHOLSTERY FABRICS and Barrie an Wag 134Mmrtos1