Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1953, p. 8

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Hut Germanys natioan armed the careful Wlmrlw imam gm bomb it forces the civilian population is energy lm WW MW alibi living in guns or butter Observers feel that the my on Was an alternative 05$ we me warning and we offer our con Bruce Pearce and his movie Since 1931 The tho centre of the thriv im with its great tobacco been published twice Thursday Effective Jan 13 into be published Monday Wed Friday some as The Barrie Ex only two triweeklies in Ontario in Barrie and Simcoe although there orb number of blwceklies Several other rtmu are published in Canada notably at Kamloops BC and Summerside PM The Sinicoe Reformer progressed to tri weekly status for exactly the same reason as The Barrie Examiner In his initial an nouncement Editor Pearce summarized Naturally we have not taken this step without some trepidation and not without careful consideration of all surrounding cir cumstances The decision to start publishing three times week was not based on snap judgment It came only after months nay years of planning Except for the race war this move would have come sooner Staff and equipment prob lems duringthe war were such that little progress could be made Chief aim of the move to triweekly publication is to give our readers 50 per cent improvement in news service and to afford greater flexibility to the advertisers who make such generous use of The Reformers columns Incidentally it will rclleve the peak rush which so frequently occurs in midweek when it was necessary to print bulky 324page newspaper At the present time were are only three other triweeklies in Canada They are pub lished in Kataloops Barrie and Summerside Kamloops and Barrie are larger than Simcoc but we do not concede that they are better towns Morwver The Reformer serves rural and village constituency equal to those of the aforementioned towns fSimcoe today is town of close to 7200 citizens and when the unincorporated suburbs are considered it must run close to 8000 The County of Norfolk according to the 1951 census had population of 42000 citizens an increase of 7000 in 10 years Simcoe and Nor folk Countit as the principal locale of the fluecured tobacco industry have naturally benefited by the tremendous progress made by this industry in recent years It is these considerations which have in Cfluenccd us in our decision to give the citiz ens of this progressive community tri vreckly newspaper We do not intend to com pote with the big city dailies which flow into the county inconsiderabie numbers but we propose to give our readers triweekly service all local news picturesfeatures and advert was Ejarly dr Late Elections the County of Bimcoe most municipalit ghold their nominations and elections ear in December Others wait until the end attire year There are two schools of thought At the recent Oro ratepayers meeting one of the nominees said he thought it should have boen held month earlier His reasons bet in weather conditions and ahead of the Christmasrush iAnother nominee said he was in favor of the late election His reasoning sitting councillordefeated early in December still holds office tothecnd of the year and might not give the same interest or responsibility to his position Now thgrcls plenty or sound thought in both arguments We incline hoWever to the early nominations Anyone who is not pre pdred to fulfillbis obligation as an elected member for 12 months is better out of of fibcand deserves to be defeated we have not heard of defeated collu ciffor failing tofdischarge his duties for the month Ono Yars Enough horonto Controller Louis Shannon 630 at scent dwaanlSClub dinner stated was in or of thdtwoyear municipal normal to Mayor Jam Iiart of barrio sitting beside him at the guayor Hart shook his head trough he commented tersely This argth among municipal ratepayers li going for yearsliutthe maV jority still feel that they should have the option of expressing approval or disapprov al of their elected representatives earlier than at the end of two years Level Crossings in County Just to illustrate the number of railway level crossings in the Cour ty of Simcoe Edi tor Bert Smith of Creemor tells us that while he and Reeve George Shepherd and their via county roads and 10 Think of the total there must be altogether in the county con sidcring the multiplicity of roads highways Aleri Work by local Police and and railway tracks Editorial Notes person should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong which is but say ing in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday wAlcxandcr Pope Why are school taxes higher The Finan cial Post supplies this blunt answer We are not satisfied with the plain building of generation or so ago and the plainer rooms and equipment Now many think school is too primitive unless it has an elaborate and expensive auditorium gymnasium and swimming pool We have buses to bring the children to school and take them home We have elaborate and special rooms filled with more elaborate equipment to teach sewing cooking and carpentry skills that children earlier in the century were expected to learn at home Is it any wonder that our school taxes have increased And is it paying off in better schooling and better citizen ship Tyranny is habit capable of being devel oped and at last becomes disease The man and the citizen disappear forever in the tyrant Fyodor Dostoycvsky OPINIONS OF OTHERS Not Public Uiiliiy Canadian Weekly Editor Among occupational hazards of the weekly news paper business is the neverending parade of people who delight in giving unsolicited free advice on the publishing business To hear people talk about their hometown news paper one would think that every grocer hardware merchant and garage mechanic could take over the paper and do much more capable job than the local editor Too there are the community leaders who are quick to harass the busy publisher who doesnt slant stories to their liking If the editor takes firm stand on local issue he is branded as omery and stubborn if he tries to sit on the fence and offend as few people as possible he is accused of failing to give leadership Perhaps most annoying is the multitude of Ideas people have about the role of responsibility of the press In the eyes of those sponsoring their pet project be it Red Cross or community park it is without question the local newspapers responsi bility to lend its unqualified support The sooner people generally realize that news papers are not public tltilities the better off well all be Lone Rose Among Thorns Orlllia Packet Times Mrs Evelyn Hiscox of Collingwood probably isnt aware of It but she has thrown kingsized monkey wrench into the administration of Simcoe By reason of being elected Dcputy Reeve of Coll ingwood by acclamation last week Mrs Hiscox has made Slmcoc County history She will be the first woman ever to hold seat on the Simcoe County Council The County Council consists of almost 50 members and Mrs Hiscox wiilbe the lone rose among the thorns News reports from Coilingwood dont indicate whether Mrs Hlscox is of the thin or thickskinned variety Nothingis said about her ability to with stand asteady diet of cigar smoke There is no indication whether she blushes easily Her presence at County Council wlll pose some problems for many of her fellow Councillors Those whispered corridor stories of the slightly racy nature will now be accompanied bynervous overLtheshoul der glances on the part of teller and listener These carefree debates in the vaults will have to be toned down And if Mrs Hiscox insists on accompanying her fellow Councillors onthose bus trips to the Royal Winter Fair or to visit neighboring County it is likely that some of the boys simply wont enjoy themselves very much at all But there can be no doubt judging from Mrs His coxs picture thatshc will vastly improve the ap pearance of the County Council number of the members are not what could be termed handsome dstingulshed types and they would be the first to mit it Chances are that things will work themselves out all right eventually and if Mrs Hiscox can put up with her fellow Councillors there seems to be little reason why they shouldntput up with her iEnglsnd are seriously perturbed infohsrnmed Naguib the Premier of wives drove to Becton for the ceremony at Simcoe Manor Jan 11 they counted the cross ings There were exactly 16 between Crce more and Becton about 20 miles travelling lTo The Editor jecL found in the Authorized Version 32110 Thanking you am British government cir to clear British troops from the Suez Canal zone Germans beingoffered or margarine alternative due to armed forces development Sweden to begin uranium production in nextxfew mantras President Truman an nouncts America has detonated hydrogen bomb Polish labor organization simply primitive says economist EGYPT Government circles in London Egypt that he will clear Briiish WOODS from the Suez Canal zone Prevlous to this the Generals representative MajSalah Salem over the siatcmcni by Maj Gen and announced that all the main Sudanese pariics have now signed Khartoum Agreement with him for Sudanese frcbdom on Egyptian ltffll The ultimatum came however when the Major Issued statement and when it does arrch the alloca acccpt the tion is one ballpound to each cus thai the British must iGerman Groicwohl that the development of was the Germans were once offs if is now ed by Herman Scoring margarine and not buttrr Despite the assurances of Ministerlresident Otto the armed forces Would in no way attest their standard of living lllilt has already been deterioraziun Today apart from party officials shock workers and privileged class the East Germans cannot afford offration buffer at around 10 marks about $250 wood the ration they get less than onc balf pound month Recently however even the cxpsnsive un railoned buffer has disappeared from the stores Potatoes wen again rationed in the autumn after flew back to Egypt from the Sudan having been sold freely since 1950 The position is the same with on lons Reports ill that there are no fruits nor vagriabhs to must East Berlin sores Margarine is available only oc casionally in the SIBXCJWIIHI stores Egyptian plan for the Sudan or else tamer Reason for the short18 flure would lNlle Valley The British have been trying to evolve Sudanese plan which would protect the backward south ern minority from being swamped by tho morc advanced northern Sudanese when Sudan becomes in dcpcndcni In the past the British had been gsupporied in this stand by the The Barrie Examiner southern Sudanese but now Major Dear Sir Salcm claims to have won the So someumes we as taxpayers meyclallsi Republican Party with Its apt to do little grumbling aboutigymmthes or the somber SUdnn high taxes Very often we dolfSeizvifO 591 noi realize just what that taxl has also been warned that all Sudanese political parties Elis1903 bLagcespegogtoamg will take action against the British adequam me ghting equipment influenced Sudanese Government are sometimes taken for granted uer Bnmh GPWPOF General Last Wednesday at mm our Sir Robert Howe if Britain refuses hatchery and 2500 special breed to accept Egyptian plan ing stock two weeks old chicks and probably our chick outputjfor the season was saved from fire fighting in the Fire Fighters Barrie Jan 12 I953 according to the govrrnmcnt Ill formaiion office is duc to the in creased demand for the nmrgnrincs improved quality and low pllti four marks 98 centsl 21 pound SWEDEN According to report from Stockholm Sweden will start ur anium production in few months time statement to this cffccl was is sued by Harry Bryniclsson manag ing director of thc stateowned Atomic Energy Commission Production of the uranium will take place at an extraction plant now under construction In Kvnrn torp Central Sweden where uran ium is found in layers of shale and In coal It will be used in reactor now being constructed underground lil Stockholm The commission according to Mr Today with the development of Brynielsson is interested only in by alert police and rcflghters work We would particularly like to thank Corporal France and Con stable Bcamnn of like local Pro vincial Police Detachment for de lccting the fire and turning in he alarm On the other hand he very prompt work of the fire dc parlmcnt was of course what kcpf the damage to minimum To the local re department to Cpl France and PC Bcaman thank you for everything might say that we were able to have every thing back to normal in 48 hours Yours truly JIM GILMORE Bible Translaiion Minesing Jan 10 1953 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir have previously writtcn three letters on Bible translation basing my arguments on the established authority and superiority of the King James Version with doctrines that originated more than twenty five hundred years ago In reply published last week Mr Morris writes in defence of the Revised Standard Version which he has an undisputed right to do would like to answer all his criticisms First to point out that from the standpoint of common sense any translation worthy of the name Bible should maintain the funda mental doctrines of the Christian faith and be consistent in its use of words from cover to cover have no apologies to make for quoting man in high public office who preaches the evangeli cal gospel of personal salvation as that has been the chief mission of the Christian church for over eighteen hundred years Besides glvmg political leadership In the province of Alberta to the satis faction of majority of the elec tors Hon Manning conducts the National Back to the Bible Hour These services are broad cast from 14 radio stations in most of the large cities from Vancouver to Halifax and some of the towns including Barries CKBB Begin ning this month he is giving series of talks on this same sub scrvicc will be at pm Friddy Before sending in the rest of my answer am going to ask favor It is that for the conven fence information and Wadvantage of all concerned you add to this part two passages of scripture as Isaiah 71016 and 2nd Timothy Yours sincerely ERNEST STOKES Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities 9l Dunlop Street Barrio Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct wires noun ssnvrcrs Gospel services are being conducted every night this week at oclock except on Saturday On Sunday the PARKSIDE GOSPEL HALL sermons Timothy Kember Pinion Taylor lleseronio YOU ARE URGED TO ATIEND THE win or vmvni SERVICES Monday January lilio Friday Jun 23 pm Each Night punun llev lliflungi BA BIii on St Enochs Presbyterian Church Hamilton SpeciaIMusic Wed RCAF Choir Camp Borden Knox College Quartet SERVICESWILL BE HELD MONDAYESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Allandale TUESDAY until FRIDAY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Let us come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need MYOUT For CHRIST WORLD WNF One Wee OMlif JOE Totuy JAN 18 +214 aronrllsnnsrdlllrllllnlilm5 Stimulus Elamuni turner Mosioursraunmo CHRISTIAN momonrsr IN AMERICA Mrs Major llillicllllgIHI of Strut listS can operation If in now tormdcrm g5 be havulcL Urduuoiedi 4ch of the mayor ark 9f the wvizd gt Sgugseewtas ihc warning Slain made srmb and met Urnon by filfiiis fldlwllff Him Ina hung in his fizzl NEVIS K3 11 lambdgfi ur iSr lalt of llzr union Turn to page Herve may fill an Si Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON DA Minister MR MAURICE BAKER Organzs and Cnmrmasier WWW FIRSTBAPTISTCHURCil nsv Ltlcx as an Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist SUNDAY JANUARY 13 SUNDAY scuool 954 am in rimWORSHIP pmBROAIN7AST cuss The FRIENDLY cnuncn Rev Eugcncp Beech BA Annual Goodmll exchange of pill iut service Church of 11th ALLANDALE RECIOR Rev NewtomSmlth BA 800 rumHOLY COMMUNION 00 minMORNING PRAYER pmAnnual goodwill exchange of pulpits Rev Ferguson Si An drews Church The Salvation Army 00 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly WOISth SR MAJOR ll MILLS Commanding Officer WOOD Assistant LT REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1953 MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist SlFNlmY JANUARY 13 lJSZi ll mm The Rev Andrew ll runTHE IIURCII SCHOOL 1215 pmYoung Peoples Bible Class Support the week of Prayer Services ford will visit Barrie and conduct the weekend services at the Salva liun Army Citadel Saturday8 pm Sunday 11 amlIolincss Meeting pmSunday School pmSalvation meeting Mrs llcthcrington will be accomp anied by her daughter Jean EVERYONE IS WELCOME Collier Si Baptist Church Independent SUNDAY JANUARY 18 945 amSunday School 11 nanBeginners Dept II amMorulng Worship Subject The Still Small Voice pmREV BEWELL BA The Annual Minister Exchange Service Holly Sunday School p111 Ilolly Church Service pm EVERYONE WORSHIP GOD ON 1115 DAY 32 Central United Church Minister REVJ BEWELL BA Organist and Choirrnaster WARREN CLEAN SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1953 11 aimMORNING WORSHIP Marks of Success punEVENING fWOBSHlP Rev Muir BA Essa Road Predbyierian SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1953 945 armBIBLE SCHOOL Classes for all ages ll amWORSIIP SERVICE pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE Dr Zacharias Carlos of The SPANISH CHRISTIAN MISSION will be the special speaker for the day He will be showing film of the work being carried on in Spain Donli miss this opportunity of hear ing him VISITORS CORDIALLY INVITED 22 Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV mum ILA Minister MR FRANK BUTCHER Organist CHURCH SCHOOL 945 nunJr Int and Sr Come to Gods House on His Day WEEK OF PRAYER Consult Special Notice on this page 22l Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Cholnnaster SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1953 if ramChurch School 11 armNursery Class 11 am THE WEEK or PRAYER pm SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1953 Rev Jw New oilSmith BA msMORNING SERVICE Goodwill exchange of Pulpits Unbalanced Budgets Inside 815 DBLYoungPeoplets Society Human Souls at THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJunior Intermediate and TRINITYCHURCH Senior Depts ll amNursery Beginners and Rev chENCIER WRIGHT Rector Primary Departments pmThe Adult BibleClasa sunHOLY COMMUNION 10 amSUNDAY SCHOOL embargo ssnvron Goo wl 11 amMoanNG PRAYER AND 51 11 Kc ange seme SERMON Barrie Ministerial Association REV BURGESS LOOKING FORWARD pmEVENSONG of Full Gospel Tabernacle Preacher The Rev Ernest Lewis MA BD CollierSt United Everyone Warmly Welcomed 815 Murillo Fireside numb arosrouc rants CHURCH TLIIHRII Mich SI Grace 59ploll SUEQY launches Sunday School at2 pan Service at 11111 PASTOR HUTCHINSONM ToniaSmite me Shepherd the Sheen shallbcscatfered WED JAN 21 pm 37 Mary st Barrie 945 armSUNDAY soilbot mo amBREAKING or cacao rimcoma momma st Wed coo pmPRAYEB SERVICE luaxwam when EVERYONE FUllGOSPll insular17 Affiliated with on Pentecostal Assemblies of 20 unwasrsn canals any nonoass mason SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1953 953 Diaaoron canons morn consumer armson Simpson EARLfoAvls Published Monday Wednesdoy Friday Wilaonrnuiidingmost Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada by minim EXAMINER LIMITED or CHIlCKYIooPreaident armr secretarypeanuts KVPlllid PM Wukl News apeo 001 if rst Mimi Simulations Submit to ll 3min watts Manninw lditor dammit an manor ninetyXVI Offloouanour 0mm TAYlOR News utter ll TGMIJNBON Production Manon hath cooruyrlut sumlnundent All Mina9031th 0160 $1 binommnut0lilm seem lam communion souls mamtum cooninch Wimwul enum cum 10 amSunday Schooland Bible Class 11 cumsMorning Worship Evening Serviceln The Odclfellows Trample BE SURE AND HEAR if Ifouth for Christ Team Sundoy Evening pm The ac 35 Sunday opening HealingruspllollierSlBopilsi Church Juuuisfltzo+n WilliSt Bulls nun1 SOLOIST moor anoNQOHIO and oatmeal KN Don Anikenbung Back from Europe Iy willbe held following the evening service K9 Minings Portugal and Belgium Marv Honory Tenor SoloisiLSeatile Wash 24 great Youth Ral at 845 pm wnd9ul word Broadcast CREEllbaim Dawning M4vwmuwwf

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