ya nests It mrmrumce andjSAWMlll TIMBERIQNSIRUCIIOM HosethaewehatedegheltomawundrimEnamel onthnuuoagtahitmmpnphlendmmpy mumm amiable masmono wood momamawwe thhmimm MM rmmilw To swarm Sx chase at our and during hora Tlxaolts those who helped with the galaxies and those who have ted teed We alas viola ghoul Warfare Jyoti ua oran enero worrying thepakmg at he timed the hm mung Roso and saw Chip IN mom Mcwm gigghemory of Heather Marie McNahb who oiled Jan 20 1351 age It weeke We dowel forget you nor do we intends We think of you attest and will to the end Gone and forgotten by some you may be But clear to our memory you ever will be Ever loved ahd remembered by dad mum and brother Billy and sister Alberta MUTE11 loving memory of our dear rather arry Mum who phoned away Jan 15 1944 Years at striving little oi play Lovmg and swing the whole of the wan cherished smile heart of gold To the dearest husband and dad re world could hold Happy memories fond and true From as who thought the world otyou Loved and remembered by lamily GoooNess cuaqus tiller herd nd all world were our trustee WW as it res and more see we are of Mother gear Smiling armature door sadly re by hut dude ergElla and mum Will id 301 Alden and daughterlav law Mary AUGHwlrx loving memory at dear mother Sara Ellenslf who gamed away Ian 18 195 Bowie your grave often stand use heart both crushed and sure But if the glugm the sweet words come Wot lost but game before God knows how much miss you lie counts the tears shed Add whispers she only Sleeps Yourloved one is not dead 30 Ill be bravedear mother And pray to God each day Alld when He calls me hometo you xour ezulle will guide the way Sad sec and lovingly re membered by daughter Edna and =onlnluw Mali grimlym lovingmemor at my deaz husband Harry ulr who parsed away Jan 15 1944 Though his smile has gone forever Add his hand cannot touch Still have so many memories or the one loved so touch Though out of sight hes ever near 31le loved still missed still mine He wlll live With me in memory Until the end of 131m lver remdmhered by his lov ing wife Annie THOMPSONIn lovin of dear mother an memory grandmo her Elizabeth Thompson who passed away Jan 18 1951 25119 suffered patiently and long hope was bright her faith was strong The peace of Jesus lled her breast iAnd in His arms she sank to rest Lormgly remembered by daughter Mabel sonihlaw Edgar and family PERSONAL DALNE$ geek WEB Body Conditioning add Arthrltic anon 10 3111 on ma WlLL IWILFRED formerly cit Vancouver parents of ilsobci andHone oremfone know eese hone ing their whorah cuts 53411 Barrie am5 pan SKINNY curves Gain to 10 1bsnew pep Try famous health and wbighte bmlderpstrex $011130 sey Harris Cultivator Edna emu 79 arms Get lovely 33 to tier and Son ovum my $12 Con Wedge magma 11ustsuthdeyu NIED JANUARY 28 tHORSES Grey Home rising 3959313 broken Sorrel Belgian Gelding years light made and tail Aged Horse CATTLE Grey Cow5 years esh Black Cow years sh Red Cow years due Feb 23 Black Cow years due Feb 28 Blue Keller years due Feb 23 Red Cow years due March 28 Roan Cow ru years due Aug milking well Red Heifer years Red Cow years milking pasture Med year old Steer 900 198 Writers yearold Steer year old Spring Steer Calves Heller Spring Cain Young Calves All above cattle good quality SWINE 10 good thrifty Chunks aoproximately 90 1115 Bed Sow Hooded litter due March 22 FOWL 45 Light Sussex Pilllets laying well IMPLEMNTS W4 Internation al Tractor on rubber John Deere 3iurrow plow years old Mae yew old Massey Harris austeel Drill 13 disc Massey Harris Binder Itg in good repair Internatmnal Mower in good repair Cockshytt Manure Spreader Rubher tired Wagon Hay Rack +section Drag Harrows Set Market Sleighs In ternaiional Hay Rake Buck Rake for Eord Tractor Grain Grinder Fanning Mill Viking Creep Sep arator in good running order Single Furrow Walking Plow Hoover Potato Digger Interna tional brow Potato Planter with Tmzer attachment Wheelbar row Briggs and Stratton Gasoline Engine Colony Home mm 20 ill of Molasses Set Sling Ropes Set at Emailing grimnose Set Back Band Harness several Hors Collars HAY AND GRAIN Ap roan ger 16 tons of Alfalta an frlmo if Hui 41 tons of Baled Altaira Treasurer 2013313 39 Treasurers Ofce Court House Ontario mu of January ma wmvnm thy Hay 500 bushels of hf HBUSEEOLD EFFECTS Sew dig Machine Ice Box Coal oil Stove Iron Beds Ber Stov Quahtrty oi Lumber to gnumerouslo mention Sale to commence at pm Terms cash Nothing emerged uhlil settled for No re serve as owner has sold farm Forks shovels and augments be re Ross Hand and Thomas Gall augher Clerks Chester Baird Aug oheer MOE