TD in ibumhip on March was the son on My William Bank and Elizabeth Railing lie farm on his fathers property for years and lived in the at Ivy for three years The lit 31 Banks was married ht Burl on Aug 20 1908 to Art at Aroma who predeceased him on April IS 1935 In politics he was supporter of the Conservative party Surviving members of his fam lly one his three daughters Mrs William Gravatt Matildal of Al llston Gladys of Cookstownand Alice Thornton and sister In Almira Prcbblc of Alliston Three brothers predeceased him The funeral was held on Tues dly Dec 23 at Christ Anglican Church Ivy with the Rcv Herbert conducting the service Weller were Frank Feltis Oscir Whitcsidc Howard Banting Hugh McLean John Nicol Jr and Fred Arnold Interment was in Ivy Anglican Cemetery Among the floral tributcs were that from St Judcs Church and WA at Thornton Relatives and friends from An gus Collingwood Coostown Allis ton Thornton Barrie Egbcrt and Ivy attended the funeral McLaughlin Formerly of Anren Mills Dies at Espanola An outstanding figure In the lift of Espanola and district William James McLaughlin who was born 60 years ago at Antcn Mills died in December at his home in iispan 01a after long illness son of thc latc James Mc Laughlin and Kathcrinc Culliton hc received his education in Antcn Mills and Toronto and as young man worked at Sault Ste Marie rind then at llspanola pulp mill about 30 years ago Duilng depression years he trav elled between that town Little Current and Massey showing mov ing pictures and pioneered the opening of picture theatres in the district Having faith in their fu ture he branched out into theatrcs and hotels with one of each built few years ago in Espanola of modern design and an asset to the community and he was one of the first men from Northern Ontario to be elected to the Theatre Associa tion Board of Ontario Mr McLaughlin was also prom inent in political circles was presi dent of the Conservative Association until his health failed ca ing his mlgnation He was acti in the movement for clearing up the pol lution in the Spanish River was moniker of the Knights of Colum bus and of the Lions Club for many years He was instrumental in helping to form cemetery board and in its improvement was active in sport circles was on the school board for many years and helped to obtain MILBURN YOUR LOCAL FURRIER Dunlap St Th 81122 Opposlto Cloverleaf Repairs Remodelling Storage and Cleaning Rening Shall repairs while you wall within at Thom Dic ln Wm hospital resident of Thornton for thel post 30 yours Rob David Clarke who had been suffering from bron chlal pneumonia died on Sundayl Dec 21 1352 It the Western Hos pital Toronto Born on Oct 16 l8 in Eupnz ruin Township Mr Clarke was ihef son ollthc late Noble Clarke and the former Mary laiughced Viihl raised in that township and lai fumcd for over 40 years at Rockg lyn but came to Thornton where he farmed foranothcr 2t years and retired six years ago from active work Mr Clarke was member of the United Church The funeral was from Trinity United Church Thornton on ktfl ncsday Dec 24 with crvtce cons ducted by Rcv Hughes and Rev Daggctt jointy For the burial in Thornton Conn elcry the pallbcurcrs Wcrc Stewart James Spccts Nttlllt Jamicson Evcral Patton Spencer and Francis Crane Rclativcs and frlvnds were Ito ent from Thornton and vicinity andi from Toronto Wimdbridgc Brampl ton Guelph Weston Elmvalcp Mcaford Rocklyn lllllsdalc filll tcrs Falls and Ncwznarkcl Mr Carkc was the last nicnioir of family of ll originally and is survived by his Wife the fornwrl Mary Ellcn Falls two daughters Mrs Wilda Wright Weston Out and Mrs Harry Knupp of Thornton Thch arc two grandsons Virgil and Louis Wright Six ncphcws who acted as flowcr bcarcrs lltI Manlcy Claikc Harman Cook Stewart and Ormand Falls Lcslxc Armstrong and Basil Wallace support for thc Infinity ccntrc ln HHS ho was marricd to Cccilin Douglas Rog of chbwood who survives with two dauglitcrs Ann and an010 also one sLstcr Mrs Dnvc Kcnncy of lhclpston and lhric brothers Ixo of Phelps ton Wilfrcd Toronto and Harold of Churchill Manitoba The funeral was one of thc larg cstevci held in Ispanola with RC quiem Mass sung at 10 am by cousin of thc doccascd Rcv Ictcr Husscy 0f the Sault with the par ish pricst Father Buchicf as dczi con assisted by Father lourigny and Father Sturgeon The Knights of Columbus form ed guard of honor at the house and church and at the Roman Cath olic Cemetery tlicrc There were 26 honorary pall bearch and the active bcarcrs wcrc Mclecy Bourcicr Drago Paquctte Black and Watts MINESING vcspia Iforticuitural Society Jolly evening of fun by mcm hem of Vcspra Horticultural So ctcty was spent at social at Mid liurst reforestry hall to finish up the years work before the retiring secretarytreasurer Jenkins who is being moved to Huntsville left for his work in the north It was under the leadership of Mrs James Hancock and was started off by each one making hat from crcpc paper and wearing it so the judges could make decision for first prize Some lively and magic games were played Mr Hancock showed some interesting slides that were taken while on holidays in the States There was never dull moment Prizes were given out after which delicious lunch and coffee were served Everyone enjoyed the evening and much credit was given to Mr and Mrs Hancock The hall was especially decorated for thp occasionf directors meeting of Vcspra Horticultural Society is being call ed for Jan 23 at Mrs Hancocks at eight oclock All are urged to please try and attend schools and com BARle IRON worn HiSll Street Phone 5046 Agents forB and Feed Cookers TORNAMENTAI PORCH RAILS STEELFORSALE amoxsmmnvo WELDING ALEX CLELAND Proprletor ultimoqu or on MAcHIN itinerant mm aircraft Martinis no rain more socivty had wry successful year my o4 HEAD Misffihaw is visiting her aunt in Barrie Mr and Mrs James Abbott Par is called on Mr and Mrs Grini straw last week Miss Margarct fermvtll Toronto pool the p15 Wch With friends line for Fathers Birthday flaroid Smith Toronto spent the wcckcild with his parents and hclped his father Jans Smith cmcbralc ltlb 8h birthday Womens Missionary Society The first mgcung of the WMS for the new ycar was held at the parsonage on Jan with the now lyricctcd president Mrs Alvin Smith in the chair Meeting opcn cd mth hymn 29 followed by llltl Installation of officers was coniuctvil by Rcv Ncwell Minutes of last meeting were read also rvports of the ditlcrcnt com mittccs and these showed that the Mrs llipwcll icod letters of thanks from former nicmbcrs for Christ mas llltSSJlgCS thcy had rcccived Mrs Newcll and Mrs Hlpwell were appointed tu arrange for the World Day of Prayer Mrs Brown andI Mrs Jamcs Smith are to help with Ellc Mission Band at next meeting Mrs liimsford road the Scripture pussugts and Mrs Brethct thc pray or Mr Nowell explained parlsof the study book which was very in tcrcsting Roll call was answered bv 22 nmnbcrs Meeting closed with prayer Lunch was scrvcd Diamond chdlng Mr and Mrs Alfrcd Mchan wish to thank all those who help cd in any way on Jan or bo forcl to makc tllCll diamond vcd ding anniversary what it has been Especially sincere and heartfelt thanks to the United Church for the lovely basket of flowers Also to tlu WMS for the heating pad since exchanged for hot plate to the WI for electric tea kettle to the community for the wool blankets to the neighbors for the beautiful lamp and also for the many more lovely donations Also to those who gave cash donations brothers Dan and Cardic Mchan and sister Margaret Ann Silk and families and Orr families also several nicccs and nephews in Toronto It was all so overwhelming but it pleases one to know that it was love respect thoughtfulncss and goodwill that prompted ll Mr and Mrs McLean also had the goodwill of the weather man who plOVidCdSUCh grand weather for the occasion which made it pos sible for so many to attend It was lovely to meet so many of the old friends Thch were about 200 namcs registered present from To ronto Hillsdalc Newmarkct Rich mond Hill Aurora Barrie Brad ford Cookstown Bccton Tottcn ham Schomberg and surrounding community Over 100 cards were received from Barrie Mcaford Orillia Montreal and an airmail card from Florida Cable from The Queen highlight of the occasion which was most pleasing was when cable was received from Queen Elizabeth sending her warm con gratulations and good wishes Others were received from Prime Minister Louis St Laurent Hon Earl Rowe MP Hon George Drew and Rev Downer MlP Duntroon testimonial from the Province of Ontario signed by Provincial Secretary Arthur Welsh which read May extend to you on behalf of the Government of the Province of Ontario our heartlcst congratulations on your 69th wed ding anniversary and Wish that you both enjoy further anniversar ies in good health and happiness Nor do We forget thetgirls who did their part so well as waitressD es Mildred Reynolds Mary Mellon Margaret Sutherland Alice Smith and Joyce Reynolds amisted by Marion Burton May Gods bless ing rest upon all and we hope we wlll all meet again some time if not here in the beautiful land of somewhere MR AND MRS ALFRED McLEAN GUTHRlE Plan WI Meeting Jan 21 The Womens Institute will meet at Mrs Gerald Rattles on Wednes day Jan 21 Dr Turnbull Barrie will be the speaker Roll call Name one thing Id like to do better this year The motto year to live in to gain and to give in Hostesses Mrs Norman Stod dart and Mrs McAithur wrociasnla liidmhd Ram Mathinesf Nvvlowclim Song THE CAST AND DIRECTORS produced by the New Well Young People held pdrty in honor of member of the actors Douglas Duff and his bride the for mer Miss Gerry McConnel of Elmvale right before their wedding last Saturday Mr and Mrs Harold Martin were hosts for the even ing The party was highlighted by mock wedding staged by several members of the group From left to right the wedding party includes Miss Matthews groom Robert Stalnton bride Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker as the brides father Bob Patton as brides wwqw of the play During the member maid and Mrs Patton as the minister Rural By nos We were present at tho Ontarioi Convention during the discussions on rural assessments It was plCl sure to see Eric Simpson Simcoc County assessor among those whol had taken hand in preparinglhcl report The discussions were livei ly and interesting and in most can cs those offering suggestions dealt with comparisons between farm asscssmcnt and those of urban pro pcrtics Education costs were blamed for the largest proportion of the tax costs The report of the Assessment Committee mentions such items as complimenting the Department of Municipal Affairs for an attempt to bring some kind of order to very confused taxation structure They felt that the county assessor sys tem provided the greatest hope thus far for truly equitable basis of taxation Basis Of Land Valuation In the development of any sys tem for taxation if real property so that taxation may be spread as on iformly as possible they were of the opinion that the soil should be given the first consideration that is its productivity It would seem desirable that all soils should be classified as to value by soils ex perts through an exhaustive sur vey It was also felt that Section 39 of the Act should be amended by an addition of section treating farm lands as separate classifica tion for assessing In establishing any new oasis for the assessment of land care should be taken to ensure that owners of farm lands are not penalized be cause of improvements made Improved Assessors Manual An improved assessors manual is welcomed It is unfortunate however the committee stated that certain aspects fell short of the ideal Particular attention was called to that part dealing with the appli cation of the rental factor which as now understood leaves too much to the discretion of the assesor It has been observed that each as sessor is now using his own method of applying the rental factor and the dsired uniformity of assess ments as between municipalities in not being achieved It is felt that much would be gained if the mam ual could be made more explicit in this regard Traln Assessors Assessors should have pro fessional status and be trained and refresher courses should be insti tuted so they might carry out their duties accurately and efficiently technical and practical knowledge of soils and rurallife should be prime requirement of rural as sessors County Courts of Revision Recommended That the setting up of county courts of revision as detailed by the Act under Section 66be en acted throughout the counties yvas recommended More Publicity Needed It was recommended that broad public relations project be insti tuted to keep the public informed on the whole program of property assessment The local and county assessors should assume the burden of such project it was felt Educntlon Costs Because of the tremendous bur den on rural municipalities dub to the need forcxpansion of pres ent educational facllltles kit was strongly recouunended that the full costof all new school buildingsbe borne by theprovlnclal andor the federal governments It was Ialao strongly recommended that in the planning and building all new schools great care should be ex ercised to provide only those facil ap Assessment ls Feature 0t Ontario Convention Talks lial to cducation leaving tion csscntials until such time as their inclusion is warranted by sol slantial reduction in building and other costs Soolal Services It was felt that tho cusls of all social services should be spreadl over wider area so that all who benefit therefrom should contribute on more equitable basis Hydro Rates Should Not Be Increased The committee expressed concorn over the increase in rural hydro rates They expressed the opinion that rural rates have been propor tionately higher than the rates of urban districts With the drastic decline in farm income no increase should be made unless absolutely necessary The Committee continued their report with recommendations re garding coarse grains workmcus compensation the Dairy Act rcc ommendation for coopcrativc de partment better sanitation at Stockyards and appreciation of the setting up of committee to advrsc on the Ontario Agricultural Col loge In conclusion they offered the Government wholchcartcd cooper ation in implementing any of the requests made We feel certain that the govern ment will join with us in attempt ing to place agriculture on satis factory levcl of productivity and income in order that we may meet our responsibility of producing ade quatefood for all they concluded International News Review Continued from page eight seems to be little doubt that Mos cow anticipated an easy victory Western strategists fear another such miscalculation more than they fear deliberate act of war by the Russian leader There is little doubt now that Trumans warning may the very strong deterrentto any further miscalculations by the Soviets POLAND Polish labor organizations in foundries and other industrial plants has been severely criticized by one of that countrys top com mentators on economic affairs Pro fessr Jan Wycozembskl In recent broadcast he describ ed labor organization in some steel plants as simply primitive The work was planned neither with re ference to shifts nor departments there were no production plans for the great furnaces and raw mater ials were not delivered regularly The workers did not attain set Coldwater Scout evening bride and groom were presented with beautiful sliver tray Both replied very fittingly expressing their thanks for the gift and thanking the group for the very enjoyable evening After several games and readings an in structlve book containing the life tilstory in pictures of the bride and groom was pre sented to the couple Rodney Duff gave humorous reading Bridegroom Should Know The bride is former Examiner What Every Young staff Charter Presented To lions Club Presentation of the charter for Goldwater lst Scout troOp was presented to Coldwatcr Lions Club at their gular meeting by Allan Bell of Emvalc vicepresident of South Georgian Bay Scout Anso ciation Les Sandlord Scoulntas tor received the charter on be half of the Lions Among the guests were Mrs Gietarrllarvic Cubmastcr and oncl of her asistants Miss Winnifrcd Hoyle Ron Moffatt of Midland form cr district commissioner of Scouts told the meeting that Scout train ing was character buildcr and laid the foundatlon f0 citizenship Lloyd Lctltcrby introduced John Drinkwatcr of Orillia township who spoke on the early settlers of the district including his own rell elm ativcs Mr Drinkwater former war den of Simcoe County showed many heirlooms and momentocs handed down from early times He llch in threestorey house 55 ft 35 ft with 12 bedrooms built by his grandfather in 1880 and the brick for which was totcd from Muddy York by mule barge and horseback George Graham thanked the speaker Lloyd Bell conducted booster contest by picking teams of Lions blindfoldlng some and requiring that necktics be placed back on their owners George Graham sterling zne coming easier now ithc finished sra MockE weddan at Party Former Comp Borden RCAF co Now Director NATO Manpower former Commanding Officer the RCA Station atCarnp Smith in 1942 is walking it mental tight rope these thy in France he meets the problem of applying cutandwdried mathematical form ula to complex personnel problems of the North Atlantic Treaty Or ganizatlon Group Captain Cavendish Carl lngKelly Toronto veteran RCA officer is director of organization and manpower for the Allied Air Forces in Central Europe This entails filling manpower needs with View to maintaining reasonable balance among nationalities Monday nights trip to RCA Sation Camp Borden proved to be one of the best so far this year for the local squadron The cadets 53 of them boarded Air Force buses at Barrie Armoury at seven oclock and on arrival split into two groups for lectures These cuvcrcd air frames and engines us ing the Sabre Jets on the station as models Following the lectures happy half hour was spent in the Station snack bar with hot dogs iffltl pop as first course The buses arrived back at the Armoury at 10 pin and another trip to Borden was over The arrival of the long awaited engine is expected this week This piece of machinery is supplied by the RCA in Working condition and the cadets are given an oppor tunity to take lectures which will load to their eventual ability to take it apart and then make it lick again When the thing arrives and we get look at it well be able to tell you more about it The Camera Club is running like clockwork with great quantities of film and paper being used like mad as the cadets in the club experi merit and practice the art of picture taking Its not as easy as it looks But such things as meters stops exposure index focus etc and soon product will be pro fessional The Examiners staff photographer Mr Favero has of fered to assist at our Camera Club and he doesnt know yet what that offer can do to him Another week or two should see things ready for him in the photographic section of the squadron then look out Red itll be your turn to an swer questions ltChultChNbrlylcm wound up putting tie on Mrs Harvic New members received were Walter Orr and Les Sanford MORE FOXES In spite of the fact that Renfrcw county municipalities have been paying bounty on foxes for some time these animals which prey on farmers poultry yards seem to be increasing in number rather than diminishing Practically every copy of minutes of meetings of township councils in this area contains list sometimes short but often long of payments of bounty Pembrokc Ont StandardObserver ARCTIC Jvowanoas One of the worlds largest vol cano chains is spaced along the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutianls lands SIBELIUS STREET The city of Fairbanks Alaska has named stieet in hunor of the Finnish musical composer Sibelius ti of soothing cooling liquid llltmiptlon poaitlvdy relieve raw red itchcaused by eczema rashes scalp irritation chafingother itch troubles Grcasclcss stainlessA fie satisfy or money your dmgxlstfot DDDPWION Getting the lob doneand still hoopla the various members of the totally happy has me walking mntal tighbrope says the Group Captain In theory the idea to draw 25 of personnel each from EU lain France and the United States little more than each are sup to come from Canada Bel gium and Holland In practice we dont break the ruleAve bend it little Thus if country cannot supply radio operator on request he is supplied on temporary basis from wherever possible Ihe right na tionality is supplied when avail able to keep the ratio right On this basis the US supplies 35 of personnel for headquarters Group Captain CarlingKelly is not worried about his job am confident that we can work out our problems together he says have found out that European methods of doing iii although slower are sometimes more effcc ltivc and more thorough Its It the difference between the Nor American quick lunch and the European heavier longer meal The North American gets through quicker the European eats better but in the end they both fccd themsclvcs and that was their ob jcctivc Group Captain CurlingKelly who was previously air attache at the air embassy in Paris for two cars was stationed at Trenton in 1936 and 1937 He returned later in 1937 and remained further two years He went overseas With the fighter squadron in February 1940 and returned to Trenton in the same year He was at Camp Bor dcn from the spring of I942 to summer 1943 then procccdcd over seas as fightcr pilot Shot down over Germany in 1945 he 13 an ex prisoner of war corovvarER lo Instal Legion Officers Speaker at installation of 1953 Legion officers at Coldwatcr head Deputy Zone Commander Wil Midland will assist in the ccre mony with delegations from Mid land and Collingwood attending Lots of Action in Hockey About 500 district hockey farts saw lots of action in the second rural league game here Jan 12 when Honey Harbor outgucsscd Warminstcr to DGot cash promptly at because our ofces and imefhods are new and modern No endomn ot bookable ao curity required Auto lotus fea tured hate Phone for lvisit on pomn no will no fillyom he losgglnn aim loande coma in 2nd FL Publlc Utilities Bid Pllono 5831 Domld 15 BAYFIELD $T BARRIE Fish vss MANager OPEN DAILY TO HANRDAY TO 12 mo mode to usth of ill manila tan tunnel Finch dinpony of and MUTHERS All marga rines arenot the same goals and in most cases did not even know what these goals were BRIEFS It HAPPENED RECENTLY The Santa Fe newspaper New Mexican has pointed to the possi bilityrthat the Defence Department may soon disclose information which might explain some of the things sighted by bewildered observers who had termed them flying saucers for want of better name The 83 inhabitants of Eli Island off the coast of South Sweden were all in bed with influenza follow ing an epidemic which has been during recent weeks 510th Foster Dulles incoming American state secretary and liar oldgE Stassen who Will direct for ieign economic aid are to visit Etu opc soon to study raging in south andwtest sweden political trends hereiinrelatlcm to USmilltary itles whichare regardedssesseii jndeconomicald Cgksav ti on fig margarine with value in lgiSINGLEINllllEDIEN magnifier NU 40A is good ff and gaadfor you Youll love moms naturally fresh del icitto avor Contains no arcreact avoring Youll benet from Nucoaa abundance of voiding choral Gandhinsaoabenzoal preeroatiw plus Nucons yaluable food EvonNucoasociklnil delicat color comes quarters on Jan 16 will be Zon Commander Taylor Collingwo