Tum mm H3 and Mn Wharf and family spent lb pm wail houngauau Ohio and Tomnidl private showing of Re Hall Move To own gurus lonpawaited lowcosi auloa Lower and son Clifford rustic pickvup ballet was amended local Dealer Gal Engagement CN Presideni Announced Recrealiop otfiamp Borden Preview of Baler in mm lby Charlie Church and Leo MarE they have acmpled posiQ EELS llowal is spending fcu vcciss of hits Lorrie Drys gauze Bud Linc hum bole by mechanical Mr and fairs Thomas Morrison unlotdet lard 24 spcni the weekend in geau of Barrie as the local New Holland Authorized Dealers The preview was held in Guelph Jan 12 where New Holland idcalcrs go their rst look at lhe Model 68 Engineers say this is flhe most compact balcr ever built With this type of silo materialgfuwrzlu llwmmll desrcned 10 13mm may be ensued at various periods Wlll Small 1733 30113895 Wltmkl ran throughout the season and no inchinl WY Jim 35 50 13 Chum M0 meey Heres spoilage tum plan WWW my bias Jamcs Marlin is leaching eau get their firsl Model 66 they Wight er Because air is excludcd if 15 vCl Mama plan lo hold public showmg in WI mar named possible to slam grass silage with draw on lgeir place of busing who area degree Wining man lnc un iul mam gassngnd gum or the model 66 Wm 01 be Knew thalbaler would my be done in the corxvenfiouali iannoumed nationally until later WM hem Frlda lype silo ltbu1delmls ofthe new balcr were 111nm An exlNrimcm was carried in khmr camel was idiscloscd to New Holland dealers crawl dawn un 31 the USA Agricultural Research 753 LTilr giamymg Preew if pieces oiliule in each Centre at Bellsvillc in 2930 in 3M Some the outstanding feat which one silo was filled with an mv will uid fgfdoglelgled mes are pmwommessm mung lfalf 0W Twhich in 15 igrgnmggt llllhuff lyivxll1iillizillflllli Managers gdles haymizglta gcciilllglofvndccgl and another silo was filled with 11c qfl in fiicvtfid Tm l0 Emmy for extra stability even same malergaj mu mmm HUD by all ion hilly bayficlds compacf con averaging 54 my mmm ank pulpwmd At lt strucun Wm permits p33 oper 454m bobby photo by never Slum re citation is hem insert 59330 dew lmalcrml as mighcd stDlul 1113111U Inomas Mom gt Wm and birds 939 Visibility MES NORMA HOBBS daughter Of Mr and Mrs ed this year which will give more and anulvzed as if was Hum1 Over lhc machine while in action kmude the Choice beat redmg md R0 Gran land complete Operator convex chbs and Mr Donald Gordon CMG LLD wnose ex mm at itslmiuu trucking pulp we CielIces gagcment has been announced Miss Hobbs graduate in glib 31193 for be calveslnnd uppeuranco when rcmovmi an jar dub work 80 than in Lzonc to spend few Mwwwm of McG University and served with the WRENS mm purposes may commmw 31 if yr of Senior Heifer calves born bcl mm howev in me 0355 thfh will m533fffnkrf oxdcrs for cobalt bombs Four or during the last war Mr Gordon is Chairman and PreSldent lweeu Aug and Dec 31 1952 or took place mm maa Thu thm haw duh35dlogepffcggdffglw of the Canadian National Railways and former Deputy Junior calves born between followmg fable suggcsls 11n half Mir latsv ilzivfurd entertained lt bind April of the club ear cured foragc was superior Hwkmmm M1 new mom he 0me bomb has Governor of the Bank of Canada and during the war Chair Junior and Senior Section shouldl Itfillilllxlulriff llchhfuzeriii at Whom RC Borden if 155de mad so kccn is the man of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board The marriage c1111 mzoggnfiljsdbe Themed Pel Cent Losses In Storage Ml Md Tumor anal AN EQUESTRIENNE from Anderson Park is asulde SUSie ed Sight llnigl db liltJSrilllltglgtfn wm take place the spring Si rw by blot clllub inieitberfhar1irerlitls Hui rm Sunday 1111 Mrl3b011l to indulge in one of the many recreations available at Canada tin Umhd Staffs and 8n for twi smpiy 118 WILTED FORAGE Dry Mmcy and Mrs Noni Cotton at Slavncr SC 13 11o find no mfairues amp Borden lll gt that is sometimes experienced in Mom Mmlm 1t fakcs about one your to cook ummmmm hiue mm stumble club Calf lhc cobalt in the reactor and it lasts mm mi by am Extract 1397 Sugar 7651 Cum Young Peoples society Ewen Speaking Mon HALFCURED FORAGF 111 am Maxinc McFaddcng ilbiut years bcforc it 1osc5 half 9N Mid asnnable lenc 5243 we on Friday cven mend that the club member use Mam 1m Prom 49 wam Mr and Mrs Charles Thompson slrorlglh numcly doubling lhc amount or upmd and Mimi hm Free Exlract 419 Sugar 2753 31 mm 1mm Olillia 5mm Slmk had been bum up ignllo l12iullbflgcalfg farm if at allpossrblc Carotene 6438 ESunday Willl Mr and Mrs Edgar augmmvd by hilffxked 90m resting under cultivation for the The feeding value of both 511 lohultm r0 wuul iflcr th reactor brokc Same mlpost mYncal confeence ages was mcnsurcd in an 80day Mm mum ThomllSOIl And PUbliC Speaking feeding lllal with 14 milkingl cows The cows fcd wrllcd silugc MacLOgan of Oxford Counlylsliowcd on avcrugc livc vpighl won the Provincial Junior Farmcrloss pcr cow daily of H3 pound Public Speaking Competition held and 30duy dcclinc in milk prol in conjunction with the annuallduction of 1152 Junior Farmer Conference Tor The cows that vcrc fcd llllflly onto on Jan His subject wassilagc showed an avciugc livc The St Lawrence Seaway Prol weight gain of 030 pound pcr cml je daily and 30day decline in milk Tom Ross rcprcscnting North pruduction of Slmcoe wilh his talk on Bird Both silach were cd to fhc Sketches was considerably bct limit of appetite The daily conl ter than average from point of Sumplion of silage frymatter per interest The judges after consid 100 pounds of live vciglit was 231 arable debate excluded him from pounds when the cows vcrc fcu the finals because they considered wilted silage and 252 pounds when bird calls were out of place in they vcrc fed halfdry silugc public speech The score cardkbg which the speeches are mar offers 10 points for novelty and Tom thought the bird calls could be CODSldLlEd novel Congratulations and best wishes The high moral tone 01 rJlallo W0 11 and Mrs John Munn on young people was reected in the the birth of baby daughtcr at topics Chosen and the talks PM the Royal Victoria Hospital Bur sented Three of the five finalists no on Jan 1953 presenlcd speeches that were up Ronald Dexter and Francis Bunt liffing character Toronto spent the vcckcnd with Besides Tom Ro$ the following Mr andMr5 Demon Juniors attended the conference from North Simcoe Teresa Fraw United Choir Social ley Donne Jones Frances Berlhe The United Church choir en lotte Dale Miller and Bill Clark Joyed hot meat supper and social evening on TucsdayDcc 30 New Ideas on Enslage Nomination Meeting The newest type of 5110 to be The nominnnlion for thoVillage developed is constructed of steel of Angus was held in the new wilha glass surface bonded to the public school Monday night at steel These silos are completely oclock alttight collapsible plastic bag MW connected with the outside is plac ad in the top of the silo This Newton Robinson acts as bellows or lung to con trol the air pressure inside the Miss Mildred Copeland was home 8110 The ensilage is unloaded for the weekend Miss Ruth Jackson Barrie spent the weekend at home number from here attended the opening of Slmcoe Manor at Beeton on Sunday You can depend upon WMS Meet At Mrs Chantlern WMS met at Mrs Dee Chant the adwce Of our Specml lers Wednesday afterndon with 11 ists regarding your car good attendance Mrs Vemonl ignition its problems Connell was in the chair Mrs Newell and Mrs Houghton DRIVE IN TODAY led in prayer and Mrs Gordon Halbcrt read the study chapter In dainty lunch was served by the Auto Elwctservlce hostess and committed manic our Euchre Winners Twentylime tables were ply debcufuxe issue successfully floated does not solve your wholc Sewer problem The important point ishow will your Wet stand up Manymuniclpalitlcs have found pipe all oftbimirtry If scum pipe cannot resist the corrosin action ofacldsrmd alknllsdn the sewage and soilwrhenyoull have costly replacement job ilcvelop gases that have powerful chemical action pm bud and luau proof and lidpermanent rristgncro such chemicauaion re Tbisvmunpcipf mulnnoncy makes iCCdCVOlIOIIS were conducted by series of photographs of germs dying with smiles on their faces Kenzie Medicine Hat Alberta when killed With our perfumed Congratulations and best wishes gelmicide for the future Marc developing long before the debentures were paid off Mr and Mrs Allch School Meeting mt Morrison Mcllridc ilzcndcd the schooliRcevc James McCurdy infcling of Mounslonc on Monday Mr and Mrs Carman McLean Toronto cnl Sunda st Andrews WA Quilting maps from Mt St Azadicws WA hold mm Mrs llubcrl Martins orI Tue Mellon dim Mrs John Easlon Thornton is Mm Visiting her daughter Mrs Wicc M1 at llic first of scrics of cuchrc MTS Anderson Toronto Visned put on in tho hall by Fishers Cor recently at me home or her 5v ucis ll Tlc lllSl prize lady was Anon Anderson Mrs llodgson second Milton M1 and Mrs Harry Rm Spent ililchic playing as lady Jean Ell Sunday in Toronto With the lat lUll consolation prize Mervin tells bmlher Charles DllnStan lfounsomc first for men Ben and Mrsi Earl Win and Steers sccond William William Childre P0 Credit called on won tlic mcus consoldutlon prizc Mr and Mrs James Drummond Mrs Kcn Suwdun got the luckv and and Mrs Lloyd 149889 cliuir prixc first 1001 prizc Mrs Sunday 135k Jess Mr and Mrs Ted Boughton Bol Glcn Allcn is visiting his broth ton on Sunday 01 who is ill in V1 C1 At Masonic Installation Wilmer Palmer Joseph Belford Goldwater Finances Sam Johnson Cliff Abrams Jack Culgin Gil Cocking and Thomas Sayers attended Masonic meet EastEnd Toronto Than of officers It is or installation the from of Mr Sayers edge Coldunfcv is in the best nancial position it has enjoyed for several terups Eel Bridge Pb years and in 1952 saw gain of the SenL andge entertained about $3000 on the right side of da lor rldge Club Tugs the ledger the inaugural meeting neg evemng laSL The pme wm of Councrl learned Monday night 2mg Kiel9 ISt Mrs Rene Delaney Rccvc Andrew Dunlop said much rs Rhea carter of the credit for this was due no walkem Elie ClerkTreasurer Chester Mar in Red Cross Shipments The local Red Cress Of total arrears of taxes amount ShiDDEd to head Office 21012312101 ing to $596937 there was 293171 on Jan 13 the folio listcd for the fax sale at$Barrie 10 Pairs StOCkingwmg 11 gullts A11of llicJutlcr amount except Sweler 1W0 infant bonnets Mb 312 ilcm ruyolving technicality Pairs mills ve girls swaterc was rcdccmcd prior to the sale There had been Previous shit m9 meni last fall budget for roads and bridges was set at $3000 and borrow MINESING ing bylaw was passed Goldwater Congratulations to Mr and Mrs bank manager Kenneth Hamilton congratulated Councilron its im proved financial position ordon Mick AS lherc IS to be review of little son Who have 0mm the general rate structure of hydro ill the convention in Toronto in Childrens Night at Hall Fbluaiy Pile of Barrie off TueSday night was childrens we of the HEPC did not meet night atthe ball when theyturned with Councilucgarding possible 01 10 enjoy the pictures of increase in Goldwater rates He the Royal Tour Singsong and rccommcndcd delay till after the treat or oranges Not 011 was the convention program enjoyed by the children In the session which lasted till bUt the aduus Who were Presem midnight many matters were 115 as WICH cussed including re rolection for outside municipalities police pro Deah 0f Mrs orchardk Father team the need to curb speed Sympathy of the community goes ing licnllli protection and localoutto Mr and Mfs Andrew or improvements needed Commit Chmd and famlly who werek lees appointed with the rst nami reaved by the death of Mr Jamie Chairman were roads and brid so Althfmgh alive Pf Meatoid ges drew swailgmhomas gunlailjerhlvelgs giigardmfl his only mom water and llght Lawrence ears severfil Dcvme and Victor Turner Only an many mends absentee was this district who was in Gun lm Swale RWBlozwr1ght attended ban Following the declarations of off ggfgoatsgmrdigyagvgggi HOtelr TQ Mr and Mrs Harry Rowell of Stayner visited relatives here last Ppurumun TO DEATH wee Describing new disinfectant Rev Rbbert Wigby Wedding in Winnipeg to be shown at the Coronation Bri wedding of interest to Mine tish Industries Fair London and sing folk took WC ace Winm Birmingham April 27May last Wek when Joan Parryp firm quipped We are arranging representative of UK chemicals tpopular Minesing girl and graduate of Eloya Victoria Hospital Barrie bec me the bride of Donald Mac BVEIIY Tuesday 2309111 We huvelarge offerings of all classes of livertockBef and dairy cattle milk cows youngculves veal calves placket cattle feeder pigs all sizes and horses This In one of the largest sales in Ontario in ne Mgcascm an P111615 Bellevlllvlimlock suesiu Belleville Ontario HIGHWAY 14 NORTH AT orig mums Mr and Mrs Harold McCurdy llllllllll Mrs Mary and Mr and Mrs Sutherland nee MM Mrs hurlcs Tliornpsonchlma McCurdy Toronto spent MacDonald and Mrs the wcckcnd with their father Gl011 llznlmun second Mrs Bill Mr and Mrs Frank Mhnsm Rouc Ncurcsl birthday Mrs Earl and sued at the home 0f ing at Queen City Lodge Temple Cull Family Bereaved The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr and Mrs John Cull and family in the death of their duuglilcr and sislcr Mollie in Kitchener on Friday lust By ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA Jan 12 CPCunudns carefully guarded atomic ccnlre at Chalk River On1 130 miles north west of hcrc was visited last chk by group of reporters Ihcy found its heartthe worlds most powerful atomic rcnctorsfill out of order and leaking danger ously month aftcr break had developed in the aluminum sheath ing around one of the 176 rods of uranium fuel inside its thick con crete jacket The reactor will be out of order for monthstho first major break down in its five years of turning out radioactive isotopes for peace time use including the famous untincaucer Cobalt 60 But scientists think they can nurse the giant back to more powerful state than ever In the meantime they have put more urg ency into construction ofa new 8300000110 reactor whose capabil ities will be far beyond those of the ailing one The foundations for the new re actor have been blasted into the the target Worms completion is some time next year Anothcrprojecfslill in the plan ning stageis power plant that will put atomic energy to every day work The first plant may ex ist in Canada within five years but the prevailing thought among Chalk River scientists is that it will be at least 15 yeau before atomic energy becomes major power fac tor in Canada These new projects however are expected to keep Canada in the forefront in application of the atom to peacetime uses Affects Cancer Victims The breakdown of the present re actor will vitally affect cancer suf ferers who are looking forward to more widespread availability of the Cobalt 60 bombthe powerful new weapon for fighting cancer Theheart of the bomb Cobalt 60 is produced by impregnating ord inary cobalt with radioactivity rc leased inside the atomic furnace in steady controlled stream Until the furnace is repaired no more cobalt 60 will be produced and scientists expect this will take many months Atomic Energy of Canada the crownowned company Which runs Chalk River has received scores of Spent down By using twice the normal Sunday Willi Mrs Thomas Dwiul Mr and MFS Bl Agnew Will lwll 111 mum owdale spent the wcckenr with amount of this halfcooch Cobalt 00 few more anticancer bombs can bc supplied but thcrc is long list of applicants Research Conlinucs Dr Mackenzie head of the Chalk River projcct said the rc uclor could be out of notion year without scriously affccting the re scarch work curricd on in the 100 acre sitc Ihcrc arc stockpiles of its produclsradioisotopcs pluton 111111 and other things The rcporlcrs saw how some of die icscurcli work was curricd on by the 500 scientists more There was one machine that czm measure firm in fantastic fractions of sccond another that can mens urc threebilliomhs of an ounce And although Chalk River isnt concerned with making the atomic bomb one scientist told reporters now to make an atomic explosion All you do is pile up enough pure uranium and when the last piccc is piled on BOOM everything goes He didnt say though how if is arranged Another scientist Brilishbom John Robson has spcnl three years chasing the neutrinoa ghost with tremendous speed but prac tically no weight Scientists are convinced that the neutrino forms part of the atoms core and that it could reveal much information about what holds sub stance together Robson is believed the only per son in the world trying to catalogue the neutrinos existence The break doWn of the reactor has delayed his search but he thinks hell succeed in his studies six months after the reactor starts working again Goodwill Mission Canadas biggest goodwill trade mission in history set off from Ot tawa last week to tell business men in nine LatinAmerican countries of the goods Canada has to offer and to impress Canadian busincss men with the vabt trade opportunities in Central and South America Trade Minister Howe is heading the 12man group which includes some of Canadas most prominent industrialists It will spend five weeks on the 17000mile trip The missionnwill visit Brazil Ar gentina Uruguay Venezuela Col ombia the Dominican Republic Haiti Cuba and Mexico Mr Howe emphasized the group had no intention of dealing with defence problems or signing trade agreements We simply will be building up goodwill and will see what we can sell he said Living Costs Drop The governments living costs in dex released last week showed that in November prices made their big gest drop in Seven months The new Consumer Price Index based on 1949 prices equalling 100 declinedby threetenths of paint to 1158the level of August 1951 The Bureau of Statistics saidthe decline was due to lower food prices which offset higher rents CD Canadian life insurance com panies carry on business in more than 50 other countries As mallcr of fact the basic values used and applicd in this County are much lowcr than those used in utlicr tobacco growing chon world Counties such as Norfolk Middle When an appeal to me JUdge sex and Brant and could quite from decision of the Tecumscfb conceivably be increased Court of Revision on the 640acres Therefore the appeals are dis owned by MCkCHZle Beallk missed and tho assessment sus Alliston was heard on Dec 17 lainend 1952 of the chumselh township EM offices at Bceton County Judge pouo WORKERS VOLUNTEERS llmvie of Barrie reserved The work of the Canadian March his delusion after the appeals had of Dimes is carried out largely been debated for over three hours through the emuls of unpaid In recent weeks Judge Harv volunteers The local committees llaSSCd judgmtnl the appeals especially directly concerned with and submittcd his reasons for judg the program of The Canadian lent lolthe TOWHSMP Tecum March of Dimes are entirely com Selh WhKh MEWS posed of volunteer workers There 10 these appeals it 15 COHCCdedure only two paid employees in that the whole principle involvcdau Ontarim and at issue is whether lands nor mully of lesser value because of lightness and inability to grow good crops on the former basis of agriculture and now proven to be capable of growing more valuable crops in the form of tobacco there to by acquire an increased value for assessment purposes The appellant argued that in so increasing assessments against these lands the Assessor is in eff ect assessing tobacco rights and the value thal accrue therefrom rather than basic land or soil values With this contention do not agree Land or soil is valuable for what it produces or is capable of producing whether it be wheat soybeans citrus fruit celery or tobacco The demand for the pro duct determines its value and the value of the land producing 11 th 332 fth AgesfmrgglreAclicIlfglO 1950 Cgapte 24 says in sun Io no this romurlmbln now Slngll Phuu Capacitor motor Immoral many In ascertammg the value 0f new haluru sluvdy cousinulna land without buildings thereon Flaming Fppoatuneomoclh slamming consideration shall be given to the b9 present use location normal rent al value normal sale value and other circumstances affecting the value 13 DunlojLSt Phone 2879 This must be the guiding prin BARBIE ciple and unless unfairness or dis criminalion is shown it should be die NEW YEAnsrrtms OFFERS Goof TILL FEB 23 FROM YOUR LOCALMAGAZINEAGENCY Linus noun mum 41111 fmus noun mum 600 CAISiwlng of 150 over Single Copy Price Ilium OFFER Gobi TILL MAY 15 ISSUES crumb murmur 200 For mew sunsonmsusouu rilrrzomrm rm28ml smnnu rururmsr szwssxsun Special or Renewal Offers Accepted alowesl Eriks Guiltamber 24 Granville If Slrcet We Stuck Asullrluieiitsrof Every Ddy Muslim stationer 010 gt GIVES 2575 MORE Gnowru You can get up to 25 more growth fromyour chicks when you feedthem New Furniqu SHURGAIN Chick Starlet Experimental lusts at theSURGAIN Farm have shown that ohlcks fed on New Fomuh SHURGAIN Chick Starter have 25 more growth at weeks onto than chicks Led on ordinary start er feeds lbs of our ow Formula SHURGAIN Chick Stung will give the slung results as lbs of ordinary chick starters Get results like fills with your chicks this year Feed New Formula SINKGAIN Chick Stbrlr There jg no better feed afxing price Try it and speVlslt our Mlll and ask us about this sensationally new Chick Starter demon herb no smut screamb organic 2687 2271 =REE