mansion 1113114 1953 for Doctors off ADORABLE Collie Pups Dont miss seeing them at Brown and time Apply Box 147 Currier Bo waited Egon run 13 Apply miner or phone lvotf 91 En Bird ma Co Master Feed Store Jan 17 afternoon only mom son SALE Barrie 330 Vth gym ROOM WANTED Couple of reputablel boarders Apply 55 Sum St unvuanng and Mrs Herbert Dymcnt nee Rita Campbelllare happy to announce the arrival of daughter Sandra on Mpng or Gary and Bobby at Memoriall 12414 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE No Cockshuu Manure Spreader N0 26 Furroyv MH Plow No 30 Mll Row Cmp Tractor dayJan 12 1953 sister Hospital Halifax N0va Scotia Father doing very well Cally ingwood and Stayner please copy ELAMBwAt Grace Hospital Torso papers HARRISWe wish to thank our neighbors friends and relatives for their acts of love Imd sympm thy during our recent 1055 of beloved husband and father Frcd erick arm also for the many beautlfu floral tributes and cards Cu GROUP Mrs Harris and family Lesion are plwdlns hed mi CLAmmvc wish to extend Cliff Browns GM Rockeu Lakeview Dairy Copaco GI High three Earle Wwn 722 High single Harridine 306 Webb quthcrs the $800 sales taking threeiour sincere thanks and apprecia ROOM HOUSE bedrooms livf in room large kitchen acresf viIlage of Lisle miles from Camp Borden $1800 cash balance 22 per month lull prlcc $2800 Immediate possession Apply McGilvray Lisle Out 1037Wl SIX ROOM STOEEO House Iltlllll of Barrie on No 11 Highway City hemmed Good salary and working con Apply United Cigar Stein hill 31 adults one con Ib bed Small home all con Apply Box 14 Barrie 1r 144311 KEEPER Typist female experienced steady em loy top wages Must be abe to references Phone 2059 Ive7 IDLEAGED Housekeeper live poinl lead over TOYOHIOLTCIEKTmftion for many acts of kindness 37th week Legion edged Mndrygmessages of love and understand MENS TOWN LEAGIE gMoIors 52 Toronto Telegramglng beautiful floral offerings from SPECIALLY PRICED And IWd dmmd GROUP took Chicks Mens Wear and 13Xmany relatives friends and neigh efeatgd Hydro by the same scorsbors also thanking Dr Horton and For dcp it Mng Sandy Cove Golfers have Iakem 111 lVtoin MasseyHarris Dealer ngnggmftBugrcie 13C1923 six point lead in the first divig Bar Ea Barberwgggigslmeisdcig 3080111111180 Phone 3577E Cpl and Mrs Foden Nolsmn defeating Dims Smoke 3109152 keepllg mat 90 malIIng Rev Mr lIuIhefeand Ilev MI 393 31 AC and Sqd RCAF Ed 52 Dixies are the second placelglu on leuys BA who are conveniences with township taxes 11 gar daughter Dallas Diane Finlays also IOORZDUgg for me onsohng on IMALISTERwAt the Renal Vic oil heating ncrc und half ncarjmomAT sham Gm nearly mml xhumhjr garage buxIucw Rcumnablc Phone 2224 76 during our and bereavement of loria Hospital Barrie Jun 12 Priced reasonable Possession Feb LOSTBlack and White Slice 11 lb 11 11 11k gain 101 1A SdIIIIOQIMIW humnd and mm tiowii or ur 300 Hrs run 11ngclakean1 1953 to Mr and Mrs Me gt 20 How 51 Dunlop 164 GENDRON Cnrriagc very good 008 arichrs Io Laddie Hewar Mm Bradmd ban condltion Best offer Phone 5627 1009 Slr011d4lr23 collect llflB STOREY SOLID Brick Barrie Tanning No tire bringiugiull seven from Chryslcrs HWNlt daughm Judith Ann la plat 105m Brass and First Division French hybrid grams are nvw house 767 Gluin a52c0u by plbLIng grown in thc Nngara Ptllln to Jon 1953 to Mr and Mrs Henderson Lamb nee June Quillam 27 Gowan Ave AllanE dale son Douglas Hendersoni Progressive Peter worded To keep abreast oI thingc lcnm Allandalc Drugs whippedi second place the Bell Telephone 70 to nish in ve from Plymouths SCASEAHAI the Royal Victoria adults 21 conveniences no 11 $75 pcr month or better right person Phone 2172 Bare TIE between and p111 fwd7 WOMAN Wanted General house for adult family of No lug For Mr Cohen Proprietor Queens Hotel Apply I11 Mr Dav 1e11 Queens Hotel 167 POSITION WITH Future open for ambitious young man Knowledge bookkeeping preferred Reply mown handwriting giving refer nes to Box 29 Barrie Examiner lISIO MW WERIENCED Automobile sales for new and used cars with ectlons in the CookstownAL district Commission with mtial guarantee for thc right All replies treated in confid Our staff knows of this ad mcm Apply Box 25 Barrie Iner ITIONS WANTED CES TO CLEAN Nights only 9826 ABLE Practical nurse would work from morning until Box 28 Barrie Examim 26 IFIED MAN desires position local rm preferably in are or heating business Ex in both buying and sell Willing to accept responsibil Box 24 Barrie Examiner 268 WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage er in icrap Iron nw rim hides feathers live etc Special price paid am On trucks will call anywhere within the county on request Phone 2083 at WP one 5300 Stone on or inn MAXWELISHKOFF CO we and office no man 8t 314340 ATTENTION 3quan Pald rot rm CAST rumm BAIIERJES Ihdttstrial Iron Metal Yard and Office W81 1m 3411 Phone sum ped High Price Paid to LIVE POULTRY Price Paid some IRON hid hi fur horsehair feathers eLIEVITS TRADING Sf an Phone 2301 phone accepted 39139 ISKANIY good condition leuApply Box 26 Barrie H7 THUNK wanted Par price 1080 30 Bar Ericabrim China VII Gk Chairs Old Jewell etc The Little A11 Shoppe 115 mm East 3141 3512 Wanting transportation to alt Coy Camp Borden One do starting amq buildup of next day starting 11 17 number 155 engpyssuaons ml in Barrie 375 SEQ FEED Nellly Gllford Phonic Wiley 1080 Iowans on re ensur Townsbip Sc 001 Area bunny Moder not necessar Tenders close Jan my smadqitlallgfa rs BB AIIISIOII 2950 Phone 4152 men preferred on extra large lot ideal for dup lex front entrances garage new ly dccoralcd venetian blinds PIICI $10500 about onethird down Mortgage at Possession lcb Central Phone 67215 10vlt07 LARGE 10 ROOM Brick home tile ilrcpluccs toilet and bath sop Irziic hot water heating new oil burner this winter ncw venetian blinds 1005 lot largo garage nczu Loblnws new store partly fum ishod including large electric range extr large income with possbililies or advancement if in terested Price $16000 Largc pay ment rcqulrcd Principals phrase 11111933 force of sale Possession 30 days Owner 5209 1667 PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM Central Phone 5021 150 FURNISHED ROOMS Apply 147 Baycld St 15G GARAGE OR Storage Rooms Rea sonable Phone 3080 150 HOUSEKEEPING Room with grill furnished Phone 5281 150 LARGE GARAGE suitable to truck at 123 Mary St Phone 806r2 1556 GARAGE off Clapperton Street weekly or monthly Phone 2203 1567 FURNISHED Front Bedroom cen tral location gentleman preferred Phone 51425 156 CL ROOMS furnished heated with sink Business people preferred 1567 FURNISHED Bedrooms light housekeeping separate if dcsued Phone 6332 1567 LARGE WELL Furnished Bed room central Gentleman only Phone 3090 1556 SLEEPING ROOM men comfortable Phone 4056 gentle beds 1568 for single BEDROOM suit couple or busi ness girls Use of kitchen Abstain crs only Phone 6342 1543 LAREE LIGHT Housekeepig room suitable for two Heated Central location Phone 5027 1557 FURNISHED Bedrooms gentle one block from main street Apply 12 Collier St 156 ROOMED Apartment lprivate bath immediate possession Suit camp personnel Phone Alliston ISStf SELF CONTAINED large bright room on ground oors all conven iences good location not in pri vate home Phone 4933 1567 GARAGE approximately 20x402 floors ideal for storage or work shop At rear of 28 Elizabeth 51 of Maple Ave Phone 2253 1567 ROOMED selfcontained apart ment central Abstainers Sorry not suitable for children Business couple preferred Phone 51310 1556 ROOM 019 Main floor suitable for one or two with or without board block from bus stop east end of town 290 Kempenfelt Drive 1568 ROOMED Apartment main 1100 private entrance kitchen privil egos east end of town block from bus stop Apply 290 Kempenfelt Drive 1568 WOULD SHARE room heated house bedrooms unfurnished No objectionto small family Ap gly to Mrs Summerton Shanty ay Con 1567 IMMEDIATE Possession room heated apartment centrally loca tedNQthldn Buainesscouple preferred Apply Dangereld Mot ors phone 2487 15647 FURNISHED AND Heated Bed room and kitchen sitting room ground floor central Suitable for business people or marriedcou pie Phone 2075 between and FIVE 2mm TIRES and Iubcs in good shape Apply irittcudcn Edgur 76 GUNTYPE OiI Burner Complete with 200 gallon tank and controls Sacrifice at 5200 Phone 6539 after pm 76T ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoc Business Machines 60 Toronto St phone 4824 7130tf TELEVISION Set 10 Addison 1112111101 in very good condition Priced right for quick sale Phone BMW 3009 757 LARGE GE RANGE in excellent condition likc new LRcasonablc Apply 89 Essa Rd Allondale Phone 0729 757 PIGSWe Will supply your Hog Feeds till market time No interest No red tape Phone 53r5 Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm 713913 RUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2706 745tf MASTER CLIMAX Coal and Wood Stove reservoir and pipes good condition Apply to Mrs Daniel Stephens Belle Ewart Phone 84 Lofroy 767 REMEMBER Craig Hunter for ser vice Mastcr Feeds Oil Cake Farm Supplies Order and take delivery of your fertilizer now and save Phone 53r5 Stroud 713913 ANTIQUE Solid Wnlnut Bedroom Suite consisting of bed dresser and vashstand in good condition Phone 4571 after pm 756 RACCOON COAT size 14 in ex cellent condition years old N0 reasonable offer refused Apply Mr Davies Queens Hotel phone 2424 707 SAVE UP TO 50 on new sow ing machine Highest tradeIn allowance on your old machine regardless of condition For dem onstration phone Barrie 6359 75tf FRUIT C1 VEGETABLES APPL Courtlnnd King De licious Spy Sweets Belle Fleur Greening 91 up Roasting chick ens Balcd hay and straw Will dclivcr Phone Ottaway 3738 201449W rwooo FOR SALE CHOICE BODY Hardwood ft or stove length Reasonable price Phone Ivy 16131 6213 10 cows OF Dry Bodyuarcf wood Apply Shanty Bay Phone 846112Bagrlci DRYIIARDWOOD ft or cut stove length Full cord measure Can deliver Very reasonable Phone Mincsing 53 637 HARDWOOD Mixed Hardwood Hardwood Slabs and Softwood Slahs Sawcd any length Doliver cd Dennis Moran phone 2907 0011 LTVESTOCK r011 SALE BAYlt HORSES well matched Phone 19131 Stroud 967 CHUNKS PIGS average from 150175 lbs Phone 816141 907 NUMBER OF large English White Yorkshire Boars from imported stock ReaSOnable Apply Douglas Ross Cookstown phone 551 YOUNG Registered Holstein Cows duo from Jan 17 to Mar 28 Herd fully accredited and vaccin ated NL Cbantler and Son phone Cookstown 26r12 068 BLUE cow 1200 lbs years 513 fresh calf at side English White HogsWIIITCEiSleId 85 ILirTl worth Hog200 lbs Alex Allen CookstoWn phone 71r11 cabana KELL CHICK HATCHERv cannon Approved omen Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Friday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Crossand Barred feu Ttese chicks 3n brfd for quu eggs an men pro duction Phone 2320 Barrie 24Btf HUNTERS PULLDTS lam selling but we must sell the cockoreu also Available week commenc inngan 20 Phone r5 orwrlte to 11vinaim 06 Stencilraphy JANUARY SALE of reconditioned Hunters ultry Farm Strand BUY HUNTERS Chick forums red for em ml far meat uall feathering arred Roe approved Ramp Rock an away Cro note farm Strqur IMO will ch can mean gogfw ch coma priced moon Far 2447443 trademarth Hospital Barrie Jan 14 1953 to Mr and Mrs Robert Scasc RH No Angus son BROW NSuddvnly at Detroit POUNDmRonson Lighter in Bar rie Monday Jun 12 Owner may have same byproving ownership and paying for this ad Apply Mrs Sanford Page Angus 1741 WRONG COAT picked up by mis 35thng 5mm arise 9312 053 Monday Jan 12 1913 Milton For ovclmlgc contact 3Chuleg MIl Bmwn husband My 01 cnbcck father of Ruth Douglas 310AM MIHS phqm and Marie brother of SadicVCarr Painswlck Funeral and Inter mcnt on Thursday Jan 15 at Brown City Michigan CRAIKePassed away at the par DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS suuagc Allislon on Monday Jan Edgehill Drive Barrie 12 1953 Reverend Fred Cralk beloved husband of Myrtle Pct Body Conditioning and Arthrltlc Treatment erkin and dear father of Norman Cralk of Lenside In his 10 run 1111 10 pm Dilly Appointment Phone 81411 Funeral Chapel Alliston until 11 am Thursday Jan 15 then to St Johns United Church for service at 230 Interment Mount Royal Cemetery Montreal on SaIurday Jan 17 GLIDDONSuddcnly at the home of his sister Barrie Tuesday Jan 13 1953 George Henry Gliddon late of 14 Heyworth Crescent Toronto beloved hus band of the late Nellie Pollock and dear father of Clarence Earl and Douglas of Toronto also brother of Mrs George Payne Maud and Mrs Bell Hadden of Barrie The late Mr Gllddon is resting at the Funeral Home of Austin Mack 1986Queen St Toronto where service will be held on Friday at 130 pm Interment Pine Hills Ceme 651h your Resting at Thomas 8073 If BUILDING TRADES TILE FLOORING PLASTIC WALL TILE Mastic Asphalt and Rubber TileVinyl Flooring Free Estim ates HARRY YOUNG 29 Park St Phone 4067 3513132 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own noon Its euy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander doe excellent work Low rates Complete line of oor finishing materials paints vanishes shell acs llers brushes etc We loll everything needed to mote new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER l9 Clapperton St 59ltfb SKATE SHARPENI N6 newest methods prompt service CANADIAN TIRE CORP 90 Elizabeth St Phone 3502 51181 Accommodaon Wanted HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE 0R ROOMS furnished no GENERAL CONTRACTOR Chudem meimtely $50 per month Apply Box 27 Barrie Ex Repalrs and alterations to houses amllle 1157 stores etc Roofing carpentry URGENTLY IN need Of living $2111 Work Anything in build quarters for wife and children Phone 430 Camp Borden after 430 pm during week Sgt Lavergne No down payment on most jobs 1188 Fast efficient guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47113 AUTOMOBILES 51199 1940 CHEV Army Truck good con dition $250 David Alderson phone COUTTS INSURANCE 78r4 Alliston 1367 AGENCY 11152 DODGE 4DOOR Sedan 8000 II Insurance miles complete with Slipcovers and radio Re ent D40 Phon We Have II 4359 f2 13691 Owen St Barrie phones 46 CADILLAC Limousine excell OFFICE 2377 2311 cut condition throughout Cheap 5121u for quick sale $300 down Phone 2544 CHAINSAWSERLLQE 1950 CHEV PANEL 3850 orbest offer ow Chains for all makes of sows in stock fory MOLLOYAt St Michaels Hospi tal Toronto on Monday Jan 12 1953 Charles Molloy dearly lov Wed husband of Susan Gallagher dear father of Pat and Sue of To ronto Mary Mrs Todd of Bar rie and Frank of Montreal Rest ing at the Rosar Funeral Res idence 467 Sherbourne St Fun eral Thursday at 845 am to St Michaels Cathedral for re quiem mass at 915 oclock In terment Mount Hope Cemetery Please omit flowers THIEVEItiYANEAtd Dewson Lodge oron on 11 ay Jan 1953 P11011552 Samuel Trevelyan in his 93rd year of 143 Tyrell Ave Toronto husband of the late Mary Han nah Tremlett and dear father of Edmund Harold of Lefroy Ada Mrs Fred Hadlow Sam uel and Amy Mrs Gordon Brad ley Interment Prospect Ceme tery Jan 12 13010 V1 mile west No 27 Highway Con 14 Ray Tay lor phone 2171 Barrie 1820 1941 FORD SEDAN Delivery ex cellent condition solid body very clean looking vehicle suitable for small busmess Phone 6298 any time 13 PRICES JANUARY 14 1953 Lruoosr commands POULTRY As quoted by mm Iooperative Packers of Ontario Barrie nous $2675 sown Grade Full service on all makes SOLE AGENCY FOR LOMBARD WOODLOT WIZARD Northern Chain Saws LH Bud Parker 730 561511111SITWLWPhiBlilFl 6397 5543 711110113 Wanting wood out with chain saw hone Bill McFadden 53r21 Elmva 507 MIMEOGRAPHING and Public Bnrrle Business College 66 Toronto 81 name Phone 4824 5130tf pinto srocglicremovedfxiomygpr no $1650 at rom OX nan cry osIIPphorIe ycollect Barrie son Large ordon Young Limited 573I1W Medium Small OHICIIENS electric and treadle savvln mach ines Singer sewing Mach no Go 22 0111811 St Phone 4305 541 om 1b FOR RENT Portable Sew Ma nunIIIOHIIIInInlnuuuiuluun Grade all Grade to lbs coial Guile It Grade one so 11 gthqafmt on 11 gimp lags by 333kis1 03 avelph one GIBB nunHumor rutowning PM and cu TMll no am an on We 1939 who die chines by the month one Inger Sewing Centre Bane 65 or Colllnywoo 901 5113 SEWINCI MACHINE new to all make and models Free estimates in 001911 Inc Phone 18603 12 or 13601111100015 Singers Centre PRUNINGclAp Iv mmmuuuumm umquuumumu mummy In In Camp crdcn 111 gvr Inuuunuuu mileage DATEDat Barrie this 13th day LIIlIIII Sim sEIIIIIIzr mm Rangers have taken ve point Legion 175ula for wincmakiug lead in the second division 18 Toronto Telegram 144 fouling Webbs 52 Wchbs are Landry Motors m5 tied with Cliff Browns for second Hng Cliff Browns defeated Lakeview 13x DAILY by 52 coum GM RUN Chicks Mens Wear ots defeated Copaco by the some Second Division score leaving Copaco one point Barrie Examiner behind spot ron DUIfK sums 513 rHIs wmmz Lakcvlew Dairy in last Finlay5 BA 1423 An Boknrs 12 Baubch Chryslcrs High three credlth 647 High is single Harry Wick 297 First Division Sandy Cove Golfers Dixles Smoke Shop Brass and Glenn Bell Telephone Allaudalc Drugs Barrie Tanning No GILFORD Womens Missionary Society January meeting of Gilford WMS was held of Mrs Girvau Sawyers home with 18 members paying their fees Roll call was answered by the word Covenant The past treasurer read her annual report showing wonderful years giv ing exceeding even 1951 The society is always well over its allo cation Mrs Wcs Hughes retiring Christian Stewardship Secretary gave hcr final talk encouraging the ladies to better things in the future Mrs John Kell gave the report of the organizing of the Mission Band by Mrs Brethet of Bond Head Mrs Kell said she was pleased with the support that she as president of the new Band is receiving Mrs Sherman Todd gave very interesting talk on Its Time For TIIIII All Imporiun1 Africa and its agriculture from the Inter eckup study book Mrs Weaver rend avumcthr IIIIW III STOCK Single and Double TUBEROUS BEGONIA INSTALL CHRYCO 90mm um Chryco batteries are packed with crackling power New Hard Rub her case designed for long life Drive In regularly for FREE battery service When you need new bul ler see us about CHRYCO CHRYCO trademark of tho ChryLIcr Corporation cI Canada mind FRENCH MOTORS 10 Ross St Phone 5735 Barrie and GLOXINIA BULBS Plant now for Spring and Summer Bloom IIIIIIWN Ii 30 Ill SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 three letters received Mrs Frank Kell read wonderful story of Africas Dream Village Mrs Eb en Sawyer was in charge of the worship service with Mrs Robert Ken assisting Rev Sanders installed the new officers and clos ed the meeting The Club Girl Entertath On Friday Jan the members of the Homemaking Club met at Helen Kells The meeting was well attended Jean Nesbitt was nom inated as pres reporter and it was decided that the next meeting would be held at Marlon Harrisons Mrs Cannom continued with the course The Club Girl Dhtertains Menu planning table setting and Canadas food rules were the topics discussed The girls got 11 actlcal experience by setting tabe and for the next meeting days menu is to be planned based on Canadas food rules At the clase adeliclous lunch was served by the hostesses Anne Constable and Helen Kell IN MEMORIAM WILSONIn loving memory of dear father and grandfather George Wilson who passed away Jan 12 1950 Complete Lubrication Including Gone from us but leaving mem 0mg TransmiSIon and Differential Death 11 Memorifg tilizftvililla alwaysayliuger change WInte Grade Mon While upon thIs earth we stay Washing Waxing to Prevent RUSI Chck Battery AntiFreeze Tires SNOW RAIN swsu w1nter driving is tough on you but it is tougher on youi car Drive in today for these important services theyll make your car last longer with less expense Sad1y missed by daughter Lollie sonInlaw Kenneth and grandson Gary HANGE or NAME ACT RSO I950 Our service department has the factorytrained men and eqmp to keep your car in top startin and hi TAKE NOTICE that ursuant to me the Change of Name MI3 and being in have 59 mm check over Chapter 47 of the Revised Statutes Plugs Points Condenser Coil of Ontario 1950 an application IIIIIIISIIIIII HI will be made to His Honour Judge LIMITED Harvlc If his Chambers in the Your OneEStoprService Centre Court House Barrie Ontario on 831111111011 III Phone 5937 10 fl Thursday the 12th day of Febru ary 1953 at the hourrirofrrrthma thirty oclock In the afternoon by RoberL Walter EorgieThomson residing anship of Oro in the County of Simcoe to change his name toRobert Walter Thom son of January 1953 BOYS SEAGBAM ROWE 13 Owen Street 612W BARRIE Ont mm rams1 cm mews Sawvllowonisnle Barrie Call 111 amineva 111mm ughuveilght saw in ac 01110simngidemmstraon on your own no Mun than to Lemmamm Man Commthmprloesnnd Ins um the districtlnlour shop gum pf mus ELLQAII Models Woman 313110 so ennui sum HQRNET $2130 Precision 28 117 MAN 36 3311110 11 ac 321115 111mm as 3111 ovumsrznsAvnlmnpu1N7Tnusnmusl Wm 24 Chain as Rood Planting $8340 Reed Meatball Lombard 297 Humane 23