Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1953, p. 14

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tint 14195 DAISTON Dalston Sunday School will be at JUNIOR with tho cakrzin of the cities to on TooVow late and Friday Jun 16 Ivy v1 Alumna at 1am good Mm me Thornton On Wednesday on 21 imponid but with new vying IccvWeGwill vs ChildWilli at EVERETT Mr and Mrs Joseph Gordon re 1030 on Sunday Jan 18 Church service 130 ill bl wmnemy Tummy and Friday recovery eermlne some pro ems AND CLUBS which exm Deweym rural Md until the end of February wnen Shepherd Malian cm Whirl people There is grcdtlme pldwm wmmeme we thevwrekcnd at his home hem turned home after spending con ple of weeks With their daughter and sonnhlaw at Ivy Sorry to report that Mrs Robert Whitley barrio bccn feeling wall and we nilKvuh for her Spfcdy various crow mm the mp9 Bradform Thursday Jan Allis Ilut are cowl grown scum ton vs Beeton at Bceton and Fr day Jan Z3 Ivy vs TecWethli lat Thornton JIIMBLE ms There was also panel 113 To JUNIOR FARMER mission the idea of which was to em Ontario can be successfully WA Meet Min Hunter grown in Northern Ontario The January meeting of the W0 Kr and in served the committee The mens Association met at Mica Joyce Kilo Velma Cole and mee 11 will be held on FeblHurlter The president Mrs 3mm Cg 31 at Mrs McMasters $Wood presided Twelve memberE paid their fees The members de ud nth The womens minim of the cidcd to make dark quilt for 1w Cole tended Presbyterian Church met at Mrsibale Blows are be 12 mews Fred Harris in ySQUYC and sent to Mrs Forbes when mtefrs on Naming eners Wood and the hostess svrvud 3m Mr and Mn ins Jun with 18 ladies in at1 01 remained in Barrie for tendance The meeting opencdldamty rmhmemx at 53 km hum with devotions conducted by the and En Fred Dawson and Itodustria there These games will be playeleacb take this opportunity of compli By Wt FRANK STONE mmmm 3rdsmnley weathera 4m deal to bc learned by both in nrdcr menmg we 5mm 5mg Jam lFarmcrs in provadmg this hockey Arthur Johnston 5thElwood Jcr loclltdtllc which gives Junior Farm Noawasagn Junior ly thwarold Whitlcy mme McQueen crs uho are not playing other hock icy good opportunity to play in FarmeroEVI Machinery Businessmen of thew own league These game Club RESUIIS AOUCBd very generous in supplying thisgsomh gimme Remain need the su on of awry Tlltl tnc vtVen mcmberc of mon Wm guod Wilts Which pp 1h Mfhhiriclub who 430111le were awarded on their standing ltgwoble campaign WWW fde fl which the Achievement Day find also uni Orcdmrbfzltawawgi 3J$ 10 mil years work Nottawasaga Junior Farmers nic the completion of their Farmers The program consmtcili 153er of monthly nieciings tllrkoughoui ihc iJunlor Farmers gigabsmwtacicfemonwzblgl sumincr whore Control Act we understand 1m to understand one anothers pru lblems The annual provincial pub lic speaking competition also took lplace but unfortunately there was werelnm 23 compciitor one who fools they can attend and we are sure that some excellent hockey will be played Stayner from cnlerrd TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 24 wnr nor nr no president At Junior Conference of Am were Sim in and agpmved and several emsltcnded the Junior lortncrs conic busing were ducussed com cuce in Toronto last week Annual Meeting year pot luck supper was planl The annual meeting of the Uni nod for the congregational annuallmmo md mam This will be pot luck supper and for the WA are to be held the mm my PM the congregation are all invited to rst Tuesday of the month instead up The lues Mr and Mrs Allan Brown zu tm $tmpday mine were 0de xor the Mrs Bertram is visiting in ted Church will be on Jan 21 meeting on Jan 12 The meetings new of Mm wumm 03va be present Mrt George Halbert is patient 530m in Stevenson Memorial Hospital mm Pleased Allislon Mrs Harry Coleman sister Mrs George Parks Barrie spent Tuesday in town visiting her of the rst Monnday as was the past year The welcome four new members to their group The February meeting will be hold at Mrs Lloyd Hughcs with Mrs Trotter and Mrs McLellan to assist with the lunch The pm Edward be is Spending gram convcnci Mrs Trotter look days in Toronto visiting relatives the chair mm 74 AW Daurecn Baker left on followed by was Mrs sung prayer Adair Sunday for Mom Apicn Quebec assisted Mrs Trotter with short ner Spending W99 Weeks 110 program contest concluded thr days Wih her Pawn MT and program and was won by Mrs Mrs Norman Bnkcr Copeland The hostess assistcd by Mr and Mrs Allen Green Wes Mrs Brayman and Mrs Corbett Ion spent the weekend with Mrs Greens parents Mr and Mrs Baker George Flldcy and Carl Fildcy spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Clarence Haddcn Mr and Mrs Madden and child ren spent Sunday at Lindsay vis lladdcns broihcrin law and Sign Mr and Mrs Jack ltlcvcn tables of court wlnst wcrc iiing Mrs Stewart Min Judith Tucker attended the Comma C3 funcral of her father John Tuck er at Midland on Thursday Mrs James McMahon Toronto is spending three weeks at her home in town Tom Webb and Miss Marion Webb returned home after spend ing an cnjoyablc two weeks with relatives at Guelph George Whytc Angus was vis itor in town on Saturday Southern Trip Mrs Wallace Cookstown and her sister Mrs Thompson A1 monte spent the Christmas vaca tion with their brother in Beau mont and Houston Texas While there they had an enjoyable tour to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico Euchre and Dance The Agricultural Society are making plans for their third ser ies euchre and dance in the Town Hall on Jan 14 Home for the weekend Tom Williams John Leadlay Kenneth Coburn Toronto John Houghton 112 Hamilton Misses Helen and Doris Mapes Barrie Miss Bessie Hunter spent the weekend in Toronto visiting friends Weekendguests of Mrand Mrs McFadden were Miss Bea trice McFadden and Miss Barbara Purvis Toronto Robert Terhune recently spent few days holidays with his bro ther Harris Terhune in Toronto Red Cross Meeting The annual meeting of the Cookstown Branch CRCS will be held on Jan 22 in the Soldiers Memorial Hall Citizens are urged to attend WA Meeting The January meeting of the Uni ted Church WA washeld in the school room of the church on Tues day Jan with 22 members pre sent The meeting openod with the singing of hymn 504 followed by the Scripture reading by Mrs Glass and the lesson thought and prayer by Rev Kellogg Min utes correspondence and reports were given The annual report of the treasurer was very gratifying Five cards were sent to the sick besides number of sick calls made by the different members Roll call was answered by the pay in of fees Rev Kellogg in stalled the officers for 1953 as 1011 OWS President Mrs Ira Wilson 15$ vicepresident Mrs Westlake 2nd vicepresident Mrs Albert Gilroy secretary Mrs gtIlalbert treasurer Mrs Evans pianist Mrs Kellogg audi tors Mrs Lewis VandMlssr Pat erson Mrs AmenGinny con vener of the program opened with reading by Mrs Cause The First Time Met God Mrs Graham and Mrs Jebb sang duet Mrs Grahamgave contest which was won by MrCouseVLtinch was LFLT served 21 lnvcly lunch and social hour was cnjoycd Escort Night The January meeting of 1110 Womens Institute took the form of social when the members cn tcrtained their husbands at the Town Hall on Wednesday Jun enjoyed Winnch were Mrs Bcrl Cousc and Adair Thc comr millcc of Mrs Donnell Mrs Jcbb Mrs Ira Wilson Mrs Miller Mrs llnrmnn and Mrs II Parker served dciicious lunch YPU Meeting Cooksiown YPU held their rogu lar meeting in the school room of the church on Monday evening Jan with the president Duncan Coulis presiding thn the elec tion of officers took place results were President Duncan Coutis secretary Jane Bowen treasurer Bruce McCallum All other offi cers remain as in 1952 The in stallation of officers took place Sunday eveninthan 11 sleigh riding party was held on Monday evening The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and every one took part in recreation Bosss Social Group Rosss Social Group met at Mrs Montgomerys on Thursday afi crnoon Jan with 14 members present The president Mrs Dcrmott led in repeating the Lords Prayer in unison Roll call Was answered by paying fees for 1953 Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted Thank you cards were received from members who have been sick custom quilt was quilted during the afternoon Lunch was served bythe hostess assisted by Mrs Norman Nevils Mrs David Ware and Mrs Ivan Wright The next meeting will be held at Mrs James Wares on Thursday Jan 22 Mrs Milt Trace and daught Betty Elmvale returned home Sunday after spending few days with Mrs Traces parents Dr and Mrs Leadlay Red Cross Campaign tlic izunzly of Mrs William Gavin whu puascd away in Barrie al the home of lwr son Archie Mrs Fitldniun Dcparlmcnt of Agricui= turnl Enginecring Guclph in Junior Farmcr Belilnllylonference In Toronto members from sirucltd llit XiitmbtIS mainlwithroughout South Simcoc aitcndcd Gavin was kind neighbor when $110 rosidcd in this community LOBA Plan IIuchrg Titc LOBA mcmbcrs are holding cuchrc in tin Ornnizo llzili Jan 21 CMIlAIGHURST Ml Norma Falli was home to Vuscy for tho wcckcnd William ilodgson Fraser air 11nd Bruce McMnslcr vcrc lltllili from Iurmiiu for couple of days Shower For Belly Eustlund pleasant cvcning was spcni ll Miss Richardsons on Friday who she cntcrtuincd numbcr of ludics for 21 shower for Miss Betty East lzmd whose marriage tuch pincc ncxt Sniurdny Enjoy Movie In Hall The John Dccrc movie in 111 hull Ihursduy cvcning was well 11 tcndcd 1nd cnjoycd Born in St Andrews Hospital Midland in Thursday Jan 1953 daughter to Mr and Mrs John McNuit Bcsl wishcs Mr and Mrs Claicncc Weeks Orillin spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Ilnrvcy OildCS HOLIOWS Lovely Winter Day bcuutiful day today after the rain and wind of Saturday lhv trees are lovely with the snow and ice on them Slippery Hill Mr and Mrs Bowdcn had one of the many cars that were stopped on the Becton Road waiting for the truck to sand the hill to go to$im coc Manor on Sunday Simcciz Manor is 21 lovely plnccmnd they scrvcd delicious lunch Billy Vernon In Hospital Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon and children visited Mr and Mrs Wil liam chony also Billy Vernon who is patient in the Sick Chil drens Hospital Billy is having severil allergy tests We hope he will soon be home $11786 Paid at Royal Bank $20 Hollows Womens Institute $10 Total receipts $45941 The num ber of contributions was 294 Mem bership is 340 The canvassing committee was composed of Mrs MC0utts Mrs Glass Keith Beatty Wilson Wright Mrs Cousc Mrs Fldler Mrs Hughes Dr Hill John Ends Cooper McMaster Mrs Marwood Mrs George Moore The following are the details of the 1952 Red Cross campaign con ducted by the Cookstown Branch Essa rural $6632 village $8710 total $153145 Innlsfil rural $5940 village $4645 total $10585 West Gwillimbury rural $2250 village $2975 total $5225 Tecumseth rural $5353 village $6433 total Joe Vernon Rutledge Mrs Evans Mrs Baker Mrs Ramsay William Nevils Beat ty Mrs Riley and Mrs Jen nett Thanks are expressed to the donors canvassers Mr Adair of the Royal Bank and to all others who assisted in making the cam paign such splendid success 0051121 SERVICES Gospel services are being week at oclock except on service will be at pm onducted every ulgrlitithis Saturday On Sunday the lithium GOSPEL 111111 SPEAKERS6Ejny10ndlcscr0ntcw Timothy llember Pinion once and minor zcpairs to tiling haying and hutvcsling equipment Thcrc was lilt meeting at which the Provincial lolicc addressed 111 was tin Provinciai Conference at lo mum on Jun The thcmc of this Understanding Ourselves and group on highway sofciy with farm Others and discussions included1 implcmcnts of instruction on llu Selling plows and plowing match vorkJ and also includcd 11110an thc mcmbcrs Milton NitArthur QiltlwAllcn V111 and that there is 21 great fulurc I3 03009101715 for 53 description bury district of Northern The Achicvumont Day consisicdingnculturc by Romeo Lcroux On tarios otlricultural Representative for Sud This talk wan par competition ticulnrly enlightening and left the impression that agriculture in Nor Thc standing is as follows lstw thcrn Ontario is developing rapidly gricarly IOOJ of the cattle UWflcljl have signed this petition in Invorl of the Act and this will come bch fore the township council at inclsf January meeting FABMEBS Junior Farmers Hockey League Starts Jan 14 Plans are nearing complction for the Junior Farmer hockey schedule with games starting on Wednesday Jan 14 whcn CliiliiWilli Club aic playing the Allision Club at Brazi furd on Thursday Jilii 15 Bcctun mill Sensoonanew Mace ae and brominew Ionyer lover DilloucoNrERENCE 24 A5 $111010 312111101111 ism solvo LEADER mm 10 Saw yzniron room r0 human MANiviomaksj 111111211101 11 cubism MAGAZINE ms Marcus morn r011 cnmsr illtlllilllCI high compression perfonnanco end Automatic Power P1100 for tradi tional Ford economy Advanced depign hackedhy experience gained in building more V8 engines than all other manufacturercombinedv wll It shiny vicious comm Hull119M Berlin for dustfree draftfreecomfort are built Its here the neiv pacesetting style making 53 Fordpresenting for the rst timethe sensational new Miracle Ride MARKET 830 mm Mulcuster Street to 1230 noon 511011 5111030111 11011111111 Eggs Dairy Butter Chickens Meats Butttrmilk Apples Honey cheubics Home Baking Funny Work Knitting General Meeting 61 Election Tues Jan 20 pm MARKET ALL VENDORS PLEASE ATTEND PowerFive Pedals suspended from above work easier and climinutc dra fly oor 110103 road noise and dustprovide more 11 space for the driver CentreFill Fueling mach llingup cosy from either sidc nftllc gas pump prevents damage to nish and gas spilling on fenders widf look GOIDEN ANNIVERSARY OF IHE GREATESI NAME lN MOTORING FullCircle Visibility with onepiece curvcd windshield that really lets you see car that handles with effortless Steering litakin Now feel the difference in the 53 Ford and parking with proved V8 power an it with the entire suspension system completely brilliant performance See it check it balanced for safer smoother quieter ride+ youll find the 1953 Ford gives you so many that gives brandnew concept of comfort 4011 all kinds of road Again Ford steps ahead with the fchtures you want Iggy young for years the swing is to Ford things you need and unincTestDrive 0rd youll know why more than over before Fordoniatlc Drive Overdrivc and whif tidowa tin optional of nun cost Foulemullc llrlvo is theneatmoitvor Mow Miracle Rldcthat takes 1111 the factors aatile antematiodrive on the road Willil of rid ngineers them into completely Ford youcan choose from Fordomatie balanmd combination for ride thata Overdrivelf or SynchroSilent Shift trulya revelation om FORD DEALER liliill Hill Till

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