Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1953, p. 13

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Jesus Mrs Maxwell is Installedf President of Col large number of umxn 343111 cred on Frldny afteznuun in Cal ier Street United Church hall for the lnzlallalmil officers of the Woman Society of the church Rev Lows JIlGLLCZtrll liic installation of the new cXtC1c headed by the 1333 grand111 Mrs Maxwell Other officers for the your rs Lawn lmflululy 1cgtl dent Mrs lfiJlms president Mrs Allen 1st vicepresident 315 13 Fluuk 2nd vicepremier Mrs Fos ter 3rd vicepru wilt Mrs MacDonald rccu1 Lug secretary Mrs Libslzulzn correspond ing secretary Mrs Parsons literature secretary md 511s Gregory treasurer Committee Conveners Convoners of committees Mrs Allllslllltlgg Climth stewardship Mrs Dingnmn community thumbing Mrs Lloyd associatc helpers Mrs Gray Missionary Monthly Mrs Orchard mite bnxcs Miss Rix supply secretary Mrs M111 wacd tcmpcruncc and Clllbllllll citizenship Mrs tkinson social Mrs Lambert plIlli Lst Miss Margaret 511111211 Clll and Mrs 3113411 and Mrs Pilc Mission Band Mrs Hill the ruin ing p1si1lc111 priillrli ll 1ch mout ing opening will most suztablo chapter from Grace Crowclls Meditation 111 the beginning God in between God throughout all eternity God forever more is God As women study their Bib les pray for peace nicct issues ac cording to His judgment so will the battles of life be won Let us move forward Willi our hands in llis The way will be never too dark if we have His strength by which tO travel The hymn Keep us Keep us pure was sung ed by prayer Monthly reports vcrc received and Mrs Mills led the dc votional period She based her thoughts on Phillipians 1314 Forgetting those things which are behind press forwardfor the high calling of God in Christ Mrs Andrew Cummingjs praycrfor willing cars and under standing hearts followed The offering was received by Mrs Robertson and Mrs Orchard timely message in song Shall Not Pass Again This Way con cludcd this part of the program Before vacating the chair Mrs Phillips thanked the Society for their assistance during the past two years stating that she felt she could look back with satisfac tion to what had been accomplish cd She wished the new president two years or more of happiness in her leadership of the WMS She of frhmzbriury ll lk faithful follow lier Street WMS 561lilvr up of the MI U1 31 nammn 11111 L11 Ulf 1111 3151 of 51113312 her in uzc Annual Reports Clary lit cf lx1 lw 1n1iuul 11111213 gncl by the Hltlilflrs 1111 Culllcllcl 11mm wru lzlwsl 1114131124 flurry new 34 111c111bcz of wliuzn T13 xcl ltfc IlltflllbLli Two mull lzzp clics were Micl to ler ll3 uinul nicrubus All Mrs thlliillLS and vorc lug through truth The 10 regular inclungs lulu lliiu of con llfc pfc DOliglhb Ferris and 313mm Bouti 11 uh 315 P12111415 prosmcd hudl 11r11v 1llc11lizincu of lid It pzupmzns of lllU innImps wvic su plunnvd and conducted by lLLillLlb lliul ouch 111c111bcr of the society funk u1u p12 111 lac lliil Ibo 31111 111 the pm your Illt1lll to the WMS was licur two inspiring 51mm 111 Kcll Plti czit the 111 c1111 211 April c111 13ml gt111u1111lund 11 1111 U111l L1urcl1 llt3illl 11 llulliam 1111iiz1 lI1c rllllll books l1un1l11kclt 10 Northern Lights znid Along African Il111lt vcru intensely In lcrosllng 11nd lllfUllllilllVL 11l111 lmin Slavery in Scrvlcc was ltliunn 11 November 1952 Activities b11c1 survey of the Societys work for 19712 showed assistance guru to the CGIT at its affiliation Survicc wlicn budng were pre scntcd and to the Mission Band in contributions for the annual tea in May Four hundred and 98 calls were made one member Mrs Robertson making 87 calls Associate members numbering 23 received 50 visits The literature secretary reported that Collier Street WMS now had 115 own library of 80 books Two quills valued at $12 each were sent to home missions and 16 car tons of clothing to the Overseas Relief Department members mile boxes and thank offcrmgs Installation In 115 brief remarks at the in sinllntion of officers Rcv Lewis complimented the society on its splendid work Sic felt sure its success was due to the fact that each member was an act 1vc member and contributed con sislcntly and vitally each month Christian responsibility As the installntion service was T1115 15 sacred privilege and atMount Athabasca in the Canadian ELMVALE HUGH lmhlla Officers lallulmn 15 111125 ill Maa of CJIuIlJtlul bid 1mmzltuzc 21a out by DOOM it Wu pm lliu IichJLly Juli lily ofct Wu 1311 12 3511 ii 111 By ldzl and 11 WM Bil 211 81 ii U1rzi1l1 Bu El Mclizzy Em lapnr1fl1c1 21l ll Bl $1 13141 Flutmn Giulia 2G Bzu lc TFlcY Blll lluizinll lllu 301131 Elrlck JS Elirun 111bvl 011111 Foliolull thu cticizmny and 11 11 11 Luvs scsszuzi 21 lion41191 lgt luau Visited In Toronto llts if Gray 5gtcni cw 1111 flit 311 Vlrlltlillltl and 1ll 121 10W H151 Copeland v311 11121121 1n the Toronto ll1 111 Hospital program thl M14 ilbmt llllllllul 11 lurid cliiizlrcn 11Il11 vlltlll 11 aluyw v1tl1 Baylor Mrs llilclii1o11s 119 131115 Mrs J1111c 311151 Taro ed 32 11nd 1113 llmzl lnlh Ill 111 111 Barrio Ilopitul T1111 11111111 numb of Janus 11111b11s mil I1 11 In l111 that ho was tukcn by zunlmluncv it I13 llllll Vzcturin Hospml Barrio on Jun 10 All will 11 11121111111 lltlfit butt31 ltpllllS 5111111 Mrs Purtvr Ituy vliu 1115 been very 111 at llcl 110nm 1x much 1111 111m cd DuffMcConncll Wedding tungruh1lutiu11s to Mr and Mr Douglas Duff 1110c Geraldine MI Connclll who were married Sni 111day Jan 10 by Rev Bur gess Mrs Drinklc NCVLlSkLiIIl spcndimz 11 couplc of months with lici sislcr Mrs James Bowman 11Irlt Ken Ritchie Midland 10 1vcd fricndsliips here 011 Thu1 read each officer was impressed The societysflvllll the stress placed on prayer allocation for $1000 was reached through the systematic giving Ofiquven 1h111kcd the ladies for her cloc for the society and its work The new president Mrs took the chair and lion rA chain is no stronger than llS weakest link With the cuopcraiion enough to hold the chain May we together this year go forwdrd in the work of the Master 02 SKI IN SUMMER Summer skiing is enjoyed on Rockies with snow from 8500 feet to the 11000100t level Illll My Jllscpli 1311pm of the members of lhc WMS may my link be strong lie Sirllcuv matll held ull Jan at rueulcu Ulilxlt ml citing lt1rud sewiun of l11r1u1 lcll Llama xii1c lflLLllt 31111 p141 In 11 11 CL1El cz 11cc Im 111 1l the recmanor llrcctul Louise Cllixy asylslcd Canton Todd of Ciui ll wall outlnzc line 110 lllgt and lmrIupinrn of lllt lukl his Home mi 111m 1i1 11 vllli report on Sin 1511c41l slums of the board 11nd 113 col 101 LlL coming your mu Ail appointed llltllllitl of Award cxccp one wcrc proscnt lilic monthly meeting which the Suite pimnzm Md Emmy Iprumscd 31mg fl mum l1211l nilclings l1l1 bum lltld 11 was c1zcfully discussed and HM JO mum mum Wm 1311 up Hum4 will be rnndc M1 and Unit dm 1m th for $1000 no mic amount 11mm 332 mum dikmw by the board lust your It was Edwin MMHHWH igionxlcd out lllIll this ictuuily 111621115 grant from lllt county of $5500 111cc lnc county will Iecmvc 111ll mi from the commumty proudlms branch of I11 Dtllillllt lllll iml antics 11 1111v until Llliic111u11 thllllll 53000 193 cl 1c cu Inc cvrnln llillltd C21 51111115 pumvs 101 Now L115 39 Cmmll 111111111gt llLlll ill the Bun1 DISf $7001 111111 15 rusull tile Cnnmmu bunny dmi 013 Slincuu Cuuiilv llccxvuliun Slrvicc pm 5mm warm mi inmvdf 215 b11111 1111111119 In 111kc any numbers and llluuipsunwlli1 pundltuzcs lo unpruvu Skim umnwrwrvrm Emmy my Cluilmcm HClmlcll mud l1c Culiingwomi liunzc 1110 School in my 713 03 10W Axsucinlnnn cuiziznunily ccruzitmn but 11 13 llllllbll ll 1vr11d iclic1l mums nr 311 Vmpru u111u11 lzil mm 5350 it Domed ltulc tlc Ladies Auxuiniv of llm Cmnb ItMmrlquwt l5 llCAl Camp lltlltlttl li1i1s FHLI 110d US 301 10 TCCWHUO oration of Agriculturu Sl1uudI board hopes to overcome the 91 Young Peoples Union 111111 the lying over of 11 deficit which 1111 gammy Hwy1m club me the C350 fur the 135 few successful pluvmnuking conning ymm and mVCSl in some mum arranged through llu cuupcruliunl chim Ofce and ngmm WWWof the Sinicoc County Arts 11nd mum Crufls Association was hold 1111 The recreation directors report Moonstone from Oct 27 to Doc showed busy DreChristmas and Reports 111 recreation work and 1411 13m zc llw l1llutc p101 ul11111c lui 11 111111 Iltc rilcrcntllrr my 111 cu11111lv Collcgc you Slk twin ul 21 in urxsltup lull thlllullnllhiiullv awnings 13w fut Crown cit izugrnii luillillr nus 1vu11 1111 lotion p11 Linc alilfl winnnniily ltclculmn ox office 11115111 15 111111111 to take advantage of values like this IllT ALL UPHOLSTERY FABRICS during our grout after Inventory Sulc IN srocx SALE Continues 10 5111 RECREATION SERVICE TO ASK $8000 GRANTFROM COUNTY 1p i11l1 5311 give liJllLlHlllp to afli culecreuce were of lltc Sirocco uzt Suclal $133 annual mortingj 2tl 12 Ills lc lcurrllmz Agmuiturez 311 asked Arts and wlxtzwr glorlwlffuw day will M1 Mrs plne 5555 Amps McMahm and Lctgll Mas Lmufaucl and Min 11 sung pennan 31v l111ll Building The to llUVlc cu 15 aawclntiun pprmui of fins Quilt fin dune nilElm around the 4111 cc1cu must filling to Lumx to pcrmzmcn rvstw CULII billllllllgz 1113211 ll dulle thanks fur tlner lllluugllulll llu 11ch In llllll on 1l1mpr1l1l1 11 11 pnml workup will lllt buuid 311111 lull1 cal 31 incluprncntl 11nd 11mg laws TEN l1 nculnnz 1llllll gm $011 13 llurnv lill Nu mm4 1153 Bunion llulpn Dall 11 Barrie Tent li Ilwning Co 34 BAYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 11 Alum Sirnu Julizi iiuliun Vll1lli1 ll 1r 11134 11 110111 allot mung au 11 lluzuliin fur Im germ Louise Culley run BARBIE EXAMINER Wimmonmw HAWKESIONE lcmke Crawford liter spending week Deepest sympathy is tutti 1f Ratcltffc 51 ii Ma and Mrs lrwin Smkmson returned Sistcrmin in Tm Mr sumac 11 luhn Edwards visited us week Miss llclcn Fell lilinvzilc Gordon Tuald Churchilllluopitnl Staff Toronto want an lzid lllr ttllthlguil Lllltclul blisslnrclwnd will Miss Loreen 3M Slut DOORS SASH 56 Ellen Street ANNUAL RING INSPECTION FROM JAN 15 AT WW Bring in your diOmOnd rings and all your rings Ladies and Mens Have them cleaned and checked by experts free of charge REEVE 5111111151111115 111111155 wum SIIIIIE IIIDESIIE museum OnTheir Entire suck or quality Merchandise 0511111 nunm 11111115115 wmnzn cons 1111111111 SKIRTS 111125553 suns 5111111511111N111111s StillWIGIINWTS usurious sums All merchandise outstore carriesthe original price Make your selection when paying Take advantage of this opportunity REMEMBER THERES arm on SALEA YEAR ATTRANSMAN5 PI 55 WEAK tl1en have 20 deducted IEWELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS

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