Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1953, p. 12

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hm humorist it is hard to real imtltisalongmcsincchia in The New tractor Thurber Carnival tasks of caan includes the fam wlth the We alchlim and the doctor dhloxuoWoure Not My Heat 1m 111nm mm appeared httfeucinxbcheuder item Youre My Quit But some of the best Thqu we are heading at the moment does not have to do with the mans uwn par ticular type of humor at all with reminiscences of Columbus Ohio his nativepltyThc Thurber Album collection of pieces about Several of thcsc had been read before in margarine form There Is the profile of Thurbcrs city editor on tho Columbus Des patch who become mightily can uf unusual or 011 on mail bus and he immortalich thou city people peratcd at the use fancy wordi Dill You Ever See 11 Buldheaded Sheep Every man tom or child who think font thick luxuri shiny naturally urlcd Ind waved hair is better ilun dry brink tucking messy hair that loolu like 1h bnslnus end ohm thcufolh NIL NAL omheirhur 30 d1 NILONAL isinnolin 11s drluhlful to in make luit look wonderful full ODS shoul qua 0913181 if AT YOUR lumhlyn Drug Store RELIEF FOR COLDS Mrs aturc scntcd grtul stanilard of entries rCuunly Quilt and Rug Fnir coldfast Inhale Miuards Liniment Y0ull breathe easier feel betterust try ityoull see fl Barrie District Couple Wed In Florida fancy reporter used the word Viimcllsafin In story and the editor never let him forget it If the man went out to interview someone who turned out to be no comment man he would snarl at him Whats the matter wouldnt the guy vouchsafe any thing This story is in BLOOM he howled at the author of flamboy ant article and on another occasion he bawlcdz at reporter You did this story with FEELING giv ing the word all the force of an obscenity adds Thurber The collection of piccos about pcoplc is not merely StfflCS of f1c ional or biographical notes The Thurbcr Album 15 said to be one of the fincst pictures of small AHIPHCJR City in mascotday liter The author dwells on some of the people whd lived In Cplum Although only limited number will be able to take advantage of thc rugmnklng course being prc nox week in Barrie and again at tho bcginning of March the series of lessons should do deal to further misc the in the Simcoc Pro viding instruction in design and the tichniquc of H11 hooking the course will nlsc leach preparation of rugs for booking 19dyc1ng mu tcrinl and Cutting it into strips home in Bnn The Simcoc County Arts and Crafts Association is sponsoring the rugmnking clanscs with the co operation of the Womens Institute brunch and home monumics scr VICO of the Department of Agricul lurc Sincc only 15 may regis tcr for the cuursc and the number registering from any onc local In stitute branch is limited to two people it is suggested that another day season wed 122 The bride is fora5 Mr and Mrs rank Charpsll is tlic son of ilk Burs Ev Utopia Alzer mid poinzs of interrst 14 course 11131 be plgiccd 111 v31 of young ccidcd to pxvzdc with pap3r hats minus fur Ilicir 31011 sent her husband parcel and did 13 matte 1111111 the day paper bag in ncss and dLscavemn the band of hats and trinkets she had instrccu cd her husband to deliver She contacted club mllrnbe learned that she was credited wi supplying the Club with some 513 leftover sandwichesthe remains of business girls lunch as bit of Christmas cheer Never get husband to do anything for you she advises Check the discomfort of Legion Auxiliary KING or PAIN Insials EXECUllVB UNIMENT For Coming Year CASH When bills pile up get 350m $1000 fast at Household Finance Loans made without bankablc security Repayment plans to fit your income Up to 24 months to repay Phone or stop in r01 rm friendly dependable service 2511 YEAR IN CANADA 1101151110111 r1111111c1 as 51 moms oor plan 5529 IAlltll om mum simiawaucmunumam Mrs Adams was installed as president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie branch of the Can adian Legion at the monthly meet ing in the begion Hall Comrade Feltis presided over the installation of the new executive Officers for 1953 are Comrade Dickey past president Comrade Maynard lst vice prcsident Comrade Drake 2nd vicepresident Comrade Webb recording secretary Comrade Tattersall nancial secretary Comrade Campbell treasurer and Comrade Alker standard bearer The executive will be Comrades Smith Diamond McGuire Morris and James President Adams was in the chair and there was good at tendance at the final meeting of the year The meeting closed with social half hour and refresh merits ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE tenwintggmealswith gt mag Most mothers kow that children are the largest consumers of ketchupespecially Heinz Many mothers encourage its use because they find that youngsters are more easily persuaded to cleanup their plates if they have lots of Heinz Ketchup Men are notorious too for relishing spicy oondi merits meal without dash of Hcinz Tomato Ketchup can be sad disappointment Mothers find that the red magic from that famous bottle works nearmiracles in the kitchen especially when it comes to makingan appetizing dish out of leftovers or dolling up inexpensive meats Buy two or more bottles of Heinz TomatoKetchupthencxt time you shop so that youre alwayo sure of one for thc table Andoneforflicykucliciiw Invigowunuol muno1u MR 91 MRS c31an 00115032 following 3312132 3531 35113151 33111151 dduuhter lopcration with the Womens Insti vrlt Leaders Meet Here he plat of buy executive director recently return New Years Eve Wedding In Florida Church wedding of interest in the Barri district took plnce on Wed nesdn December at 1952 ii the First Baptist Church of Qcala Florida at three oclock in the afternoon when has Muriel Banner daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell of Minesing was married to Garfield Coulson son of Mr Fred Coulson and the late Mr Coulscn of Utopia The cerv emony was performedby the Rev Earl Stalllngs The bride chose for her wed ding an aqua knitted dress worn with black and winter white ac cessorles Her corsage was of pink feathered carnations Her attendant was Mrs John Krumeich of Ocala John Krumech of Ocala was groomsman reception followed Krumcich residence After wedding trip to Miami Key West and other points of in terest in Florida Mr and Mrs CouLson will be making their home in Barrie TOEFlSNSOR lRUGAIAKING JICOURSE HERE their hon The Simcoc County Arts and iCrofts Association is planning to Ohm Flculdljrncld ruginaking cuursc in co al the knAh Cf liizesing and her husband tile branch and home economics the late Mr mason service of thc Department of Ag Kw r1culturc the hour future The 31 er course thl cornpnse four whole VTle be Iiakingmeir days of instruction from 10 3111 to pm and final achievement day at which the work Will be cvalu 1th and appraised The instructor will be Miss Flor czicc Wrignt capable arts and crafts teacher from the Womens Institute branch The rst two days sessions will be held at the True Blue Hall High Barrie on Monday and Tucs day Jan 19 and 20 Class mem bers will receive thorough grounding in the fundamentals leading up to the art of rug hook ir including cutting and dyeing the material and preparing designs The next two sessions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday March and Pupils will have had an opportunity to make good start on their rugs by that time and will find these lessons extremely constructive Only 15 people may register for Youth fur Christ one of the On wizard Youth fo dcrs from all parts of the linich States will IT to Jan 24 Even anifcrd regional vice movement art1 11 IIQCL 11 The occasion the World Visionf Commas 325 5833315 of the ex ec ceuncii 51 Youth for Christ inn mikes in Toronto willl gt Coliseum and will have rnaxn spears Dr Robert AnSimpsm of Calgary Alberta is CPO 0f Chcagf Walden clfathc vicepresident for Wesern Can iouth for CIIILSL Luder Dr Cooks dvnami leadershia in the last four Toronto xauth Chmst 563 die movemept his nop ected by Gus Ambse is c0056 renneted 1120 13 commas and countmg in the eightday conference land will be host together with the A159 333335 32 the Tomaloiregional office to the many reli meetmgs and at many places inzgious leaders coming to thecrea WWMMW the area will be Dr Torrey mg The public is invited to all Johnson of Chicago founder and meetings and there is no admission first president Rev Hubert Mitchl charge ell Chbaau foreign suczetary Rev David Morken Tokyo Ja pan Rev Reinhold Barth Solin gen Germany Ted Engstmm cdr from the Far East and Redd Harper star of the Billy Graham lm Mr Texas Graha is arriving home from Korea weekend and has in formed Hedley that he will be un able to altendthe sessions ivw mwli cause of the necessity of following the Korean trip Simultaneous World Vision cru sades are being held in Toronto Oshawa Barrie Guelph Gait Brantford and St Catharines also Hamilton and London Single night rallies are planned for Oril Ila Welland and Kitchener as well as other places Day sessions are slated for the King Edward Hotel in Toronto Major item to be discussed is the Sixth World Congress on Evangel ism at Tokyo next Aug to Aug 17 as well as further work in YFC Rallies in North America The conference will be replete with musical talent as the Paler mo Brothers Phil and LouiS Ken Cumings baritone soloist Carl Bihl saxophonist the Csehy Musi cal Messengers Redd Harper Haw ard Jones Tumpeter and Miss Ruth Deyneka will appear on the platforms of the widely scattered rallies Youth for Christ is an interde nominational religious youth 014 ganization which now hasrspread to 78countries of the world Its first vicepresident is Dr Billy Graham of Montreal NCgaining rank ps the top evangelist in North America Evon Hedley of Brant ford is secretary in addition to servmg as regional vicepresident for Eastern Canada Rev Bob Mrs Frankachuster Puts on 31116301111 Makes Hit Everyonocn it when Mrs Schnitcr j33011delicious 333 mu love thudelicste BpmBpnNuud i1 round MAM its wonderful My momma mt Conclude Course In Recreation Al Duniroon successful cource in social rec reation for teachers and leaders of young people groups was con cluded last Wednesday evening Jan Nearly 30 young men and women have gathered at the Sons d2 Scot land Hall Dunlrocn for six Wed nesday evenings to take part in folk and square dancing play party and social games and group singing under the leadership of Mi Louise Culley county recrea tion director and Mrs Gordon Todd The emphiiszs throughout has been on how members of the group could teach others how to instruct these same enjoyable rec reational activities During the course about 18 games 33 folk and square dances and many songs were learned Members of the class took turns in leading games dances and sing ing They found that good deal of skill 13 required to put across an enjoyable evening of recreation On the last cvcning recordings were used for some of the dances The members of the group pro vidcd refreshments and the course wound up with cnjoyuble so cial halfhour William Siddnll teacher at Dunncon expressed the thanks of the group to the staff pf the Simcoc County Recre ation Service for the splendid lead ership provided lie said that al ready many of the materials had been used in the schools family gatherings young peoples groups and at Girl Guide meetings in that area and l1opcd that another course might be arranged next year an this course Anyone interested should contact Miss Louise Collcy 53 Collier St Barrie Registra tions will be accepted in the order rcccivcd Others will be placed on waiting list and will be the rst ones notied as soon as ano thcr course can be arranged for Goldwater Minor Hockey Teams Begin Season Ernie Godfreys Coldwatcr Mid gets cuffed Orillia 83 at Goldwater rink last week The locals had 14 players in uniform to 19 for the vis itors As Elmvale Bantams failed to turn up the Coldwatcr team was split for an exhibition match There was fair attendance in spite of unfavorable weather The firemen who leased the rink pro vided free ice and facilities Goldwater Midgets got to the finals in OMHA play last year and coach Godfrey is making determ ined bid for the crown this season game between Elmvale and Goldwater Midgets has been ar ranged for the local rink on Jan 15 at pm Stupendous Bargains Terrific Selection priced dresses Hurry REGULAR VALUES TO CANADA 038311 The showy orchids one most beautiful orchids to blow the spring is found in Easter Special Services In Parkside Drive Gospel Hall Here Spccial gospel services are be ing held each evening in Parkside Drive Gospel Hall conducted by IMcssrs Gerald Taylor and Tim iothy Kember of Eastern Ontario Thesa men hdvc carried on slow lar campaigns throughout Canada and United States and although they make Lu claim of renown offer no entertainment and are in no way spectacular yet they have profound knowledge of the scriptures Their sole purpose is to discuss soberly and sincerely the allimportant matters of Eter nity In their travels they have found many who are deeply interested in these things They do not force personal cunnvcrsation but it is invited The duration of their mission will depend on the inter est shown nk799 11 0600 Yes maam you can raise that low ceiling widen narrow rooms and bring sunshine in to dark comers or so It will seem when you use the right wallpaper for these problem spots Come in and see cur tremendous library of new style books full of those hardtofind patterns that enhance furnishings improve room shapes and please your individual tastes foo Brushes for Painting or Papering Needs Kotbn Koters Dunkit Scrapers Plaster Sticks for patching thin cracks FloGlaze Paints and Colorizers OATES ARTIST SUPPLIES PICTURES MIRRORS 82 1111111111151 P11011c327ll DRESSES DRESSES ngssgsl JAMy Rock Bottom Prices OutstandirigStYlesha theyre all here in this outstanding collection ofisal inferunheard of valus REGULAR VALUES To W53 ucogynnfvnwus T0 199311 When youll you the selection the smallsavingst chance several for your wardrobe an and Michael cthcritlemsin this lgrcgtJcnuoryi prices am will mm you Hurry in today torment savingsl

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