with mot inn hide W1 to music by cc St an ngyimc construction work at the radar Admission $1 per and Mr May thought the gov lunch Damirgiernmcnt should provide some help MW Ere Dance all cm 33 130mg nomchne shed had been constructor $31 133 ton lute pet of our luau Br palatal out ow long Vlliltbebomuwmten arc pot Examination mother ammomom $3rmncw hum min from at the late nomination that 191 Holiday in December If maniacrammed was defutzd within loothavethcnmc in for final month of his tenure he contended George bloom Councillor George MacKay felt that the time had come when it to have the roads over over dty beam so man It to at Where to work ol thoul any raid and pay taxes in the township Another mason the extended milk routes from tho adjacent towns Thus it costs lot more than in former yeah to maintain the roads statlon had been hard on the roads lie was in favor of how the ma Wgng go welwmegand also the location lie declared 1101 IL per person at Ivy Thursday Jan New Thors Night Old tymc and xcahimself in the running for council Kenneth Gimme Councillor Gillespie said the big mam dancing sm1mcaxronsprojm today was mow the Orchestra Lucky spot dmcelroads in shape He recalled that at MIKEY Admission ala previgug nmimon he had d2 New Years Eve dance chncs5clarcd in favor of at least 20000 day Dec 31 Baotou Community=yards of graml and they got close 811 Jack Giles and his 7pleccto that this year but he would like chain of Toronto novelties etc Balloons to are more 145147148 But this pit run gravel docs not Dime Guthrie Community Haiklamml me he ammmd The many Jun Music by Maegan too many rocks and big stones Jane mg his Hepmnes Admission The grader slashes most of them in 50c Dress optional Lunch countenlm dim and they gm 744891 the road but hindrance to wa Annual nomination meeting 5988011 aylofl Party to 180 CAMPBELL AND SCOTT RETURN 0R0 TOWNSHIP Continued from page one an acclamation for 1953 when he is running for the wardenship of the County of Simcoe in going over the business of 1052 the reeve pointed out that tho lakes were up some as every oneknew and part Of this was due tocounty levy But he explained he police village of Angus will bel held on Monday evening Jan 1953 at 9111 in the new public school on Siame 81 for the pur pose of clocking three trustees forl the said village for the year 1953 Ratepayers are requested to attend 1481 Womens Canadian Club meet ing Hiilcrcst School Jan ii 830 pan Speaker Col Pf Stacey mbjecl The Army and The Na gL lion Memberships available $250 148 Dancc at Baxter Friday Jan 95 to the music of Paxtons CKBB Dancing from 930 81lfW ltcr There had been lot of culvert work done 25 in couple of years er Gillespie pointed out but ap parently more culverts needed fix ing He liked the idea of stock piling gravel 11c mentioned that council had ap proached Dr Monlee MPP at Oro Fair in 1951 and asked for some provincial help in having conces lsion north of Highway 11 to the BCAF Station made an improve ment road They had been turned down at Toronto but instead dclc gallons from 0m and Mcdonte would go to Queens Park next month with every hope of having the townline for some seven miles taken over He spoke of the new machine shed and thought it fine except possibly too small for the future Norman Stoddnrt Nominated for deputy rccvc and council Norman Sioddart said there were number of things some good andsome nolaboutthe present administration Theyve been fortunate that there has been so little snow the last two winters he said Snowplowing always was one of the biggest headohces we had in my years on council He didnt agree with Councillor Bartholomew about the nomination date and favored the early date He pointed out that the weather was hardly ever as good as this year and often the roads were blocked both for nomination and for elec tion and further the late date ran into the Christmas season The taxes were harder to pay thisyear for most of us he declar ed While the rate is not up much we are getting lower prices for most of our products of the farm think it is high time we should start again in this township policy Of economy and try to keep the taxes DEPUTY LLOYD SCOII hat with big new additions to the bollcglata at Barrie and Orillla the township had added expenses in de bentures to meet both ways Out ofsorne $188737 expended by Oro Council In 1952 Reeve Campbell said we had the say in 0111 532717 He spoke About the new town ship shed how they decided its 10 ration and size sand why the final decisions were made despite some kritlclom He dwelt on county fnances pointing out that the rate was up for umber of reasons These in ludedv the new wing at the Home or the Aged new road machinery extra costs attire registry office childrens aid and health unit Recve Campbell stated that he vlelt many of these expenditures were better made now rather than later should times not be sosgood maths f4ldlt make him too optimistic on hat moral Andrew Bartholomew Councillor Bartholomew ngmtuloted the school board on air work during the yearamr he Moraledown re was one were low The parks he echoed ywere decided ascet to Mia and were well worth flown About the machine shed Mr Stoddart said he thought it was mighty nice building Although there had been somg criticism of the location he wasnt going to join in that He noticed none of coun cil had bothered to tell the exact cost but he figured it would be around $10000 This was correct Councillor Bartholomew later re vealed it was $10092 complete with the government paying 55 Mr Stoddart declared that if there was to be an election his hat would be in the ring They tell me you cant come back once youve been beaten for deputy he stated but all my life Ive been trying to do the impossible Lawrence Fraser Nominated for council Lawrence Fraser said if he decided to run he would do the best he could for everyone and thanked those who put his name forward Kennedy Kennedy Shanty Bay nominated for council said he was not so much interested in the amount of money expended but ra ther in how if was expended There wer two matters he wished to brin before council One was the pollution of Kemperrfelt Bay by sewage from the Town of Barrie We depen on summer resldents prescnt trend of farm prices immnt WMM Secondly he spoke of the great ability and value to the township of the Clerk Winter Mr Tudbope Having been with branch of the department of high ways for me yam he felt he knew something about roads and could help in council but later he came back to declare that he was withdrawing his name in favor of Jack Taylor Taylor Taylor also of Shanty Bay was nomlmud for the rhooi board of which he has been Mr and also for council 11o declared that he would be in the field for council this time Mr Tiylor spoke along educa tional lion in the township The field day for the pupils lhlS year was fine thing he felt but de ciarcd himself disappointed that so few fathers turned out Woknow they are probably busy men he sold but it is one day in the year to see their children taking part in these games Mr Taylor stressed the great value of cooperation so that we could make good citizens of the children of our country Another successful event in Cm was the public speaking competi tion lie felt that in nhoiher year the hall would be overflowing with spectators There was the problem of lack of teachers and this year the minimum salary had to be raised to 31900 Re pointed out that far more pupils had been enrolling each year in the junior grades but there had not been nearly the same number graduating into normal school This situation would take probably six years to correct He felt that it was impossible to get along without Oldcr married teachers at present and in fact felt they were doing good job Everett McNivcn Everett McNiven school trustee said they had tried to make the fin ancial statement which was provid ed for the meeting as plain as pos sible He pointed out one item on the statement $62674 for fireinsur ance This was for all 12 schools and for three ycars he said The school board were faced with rising costs in building and salaries He offered several practical sugges tions for improving the educational system There remained the teach ing problem both as to getting sup ply and ability Howard Campbell know some of the problems that face the school board Howard Campbell new trustee stated but declared he was not able to offer any solution at present The school board was in the same boat as any thing clse if you want good build ing and good teachers you have to pay the money He said he would try to do his best on the bound as new member Harold Husband lruolee Harold Husband said he felt that education was very important matter He had three children attending school and he would like to see them get the best posgible but he also wanted to keep township costs down am willing to listen to anyone he declared to try to straighten out any misunderstanding that might arise between ratepayers and the school board Reeve Campbell Returns Reeve Campbell returned for sev eral remarks at the close of the meeting He said he wanted it made clear that council had not turned against the third line in favor of the MedonteOro townline The de partment had refused their request to make the 3rd an improvement road and it was final but they felt they had chance to get the town line fixed instead He said that Mr Stoddart had been asking for more economies but felt Oros expenditures and tax es would stand comparison with any and wereamong the lowest in the county Regarding Kompenfeit Bay Reeve Campbell solid that only 40 of the taxes of the township came from the lakeshore However he under stood the department of health al ready had the matter of Barrie sewage system under consideration and the town would be advised what to do 10 clear it up in the coming year In conclusion he pointed out once again that the township council had very little control over most of the taxes 4ltXo DANDELIONS BLOOM PETERBOROUGH Ont CP Peterborough has moved into the dandelion belt Mrs Man ley reported that neighbor com ing to can on her picked dande lion on her front lawn at the end Of November the statistics Reeve Mlddlotoh Gals Acclamatlon is To Flo Council IContinued from page oneI were received by Archer At kinson both serving members and It Turner Addressing the welbattehdcd meeting in the Parish Hall Elm vale Reeve Middleton made brief specch in which he referred to some of the work which had gone on during the past year in County Council So fir es the county is concern ed in said we are in healthy financial state few years ago County Council built up surplus of 3178190 in bonda Reeve Middleton then referred to the Home at Becton Simcoe Manor and said that considerable moncy had been spent on equipping it but it was felt that they could keep the old people there at less money than having them placed in differ ent places throughout the county Considerable work had bccn done on the county roads and in the township they had about seven andahalf miles of these Grading ditching and gruelling had been done over parts of these They faced some heavy expendi ture and the Childrens Aid Soci cty was costing quite lot of room REEVE WALTER MIDDtcmN cy to operate It took 3157000 to run this organization In addition to that they had to lay out 17000 on the Family Court and $120000 on the County Health Unit Township Work Deputy Reeve Lamble said he felt the council had done quite lot of good work within the town ship during the past year They had put in culvert on the second line costing around $600 They also boil the Strath Bridge at cost of about $8000 Road work had taken up quite bit of time and money Their fire department was to be congratulated for the fine work which had been done during the year The men had shown fine spirit and had been very prompt whenever their services were re quied Councillor Earl Trace referred to the financial aspect of councils work comparing it wit expendi tures 10 years ago The county rate was up 36 mills the town rate had increased by one mill as had the school area The telephone bill had also gone up by two dollars over last year These items all had their effect on the tax bills Today the county levy was 127 mills and in 1942 it had been 52 Their tele phone bill 10 years ago was $9 and today it was up to $17 They had approximately 25 miles of road in the township and the financial outlay to grade and widen these roads was considerable Also they now had four snowplows in their service including the grader They had to take into consideration the fact that they alsOhad fire pro tection weed and cattle spraying and the high school bus service These all added to the taxes SnowPlowing Councillor Archie Wanless re ferred to number of the financial items also giving breakdown of how the costs were made up Last year they had spent $7539 on snow plowing and by this time last year they had spent about $3000 on plowing whereas this year they had hardly spent anything so far There was possibility that they might have surplus left from this In reply to question on the Orr Lake dam Reeve Middletorr said that the water was running around The First Column Continued from page one Chm Winn he wu in thel south for several days and no paper be wired or COW lie was dmnding that The Examinerbe sent to him immediately not even giving the journal time to reach Floriml via second class mail in normal channels let alone in the Christmas rush Coat of wire just about ate up total income from sub scri ptlon 001W disclosing three yolks What undwlch it would have made Council to have new dam erect ed but they did not say they would contribute anything to it They wanted the two townships to build the new dam Reeve Ml dieton added but do not mix 1k we have any right to take your money and put it in there to build new dam It might cost anything from We to for thousand dollars and the two councils met during the past year to discuss the matter and was agreed that they would give $1000 between them on propo lionate basis worked out on the assessment of each township Mc dontc might possibly pay $600 and 00 The De Flos the remaining partmcnt of Lands and Pores wouldgive 25 per oil of the co ribulcd if the ratepayers c0 School Trustees In very brief address Percy McGrath said they had done quite lot Of good work duringthe past year and they had fine comple So far as the finances were concerned they 11sz Every ment of teachers had surplus this year thing was going very well Mr McGrath then intimated that he was withdrawing his nomination in favor of the new candidate Rus soll Iurncr Lorne Archer said the board was in healthy financial state Var ous things had come up during the year which were new to them b1 they had managed to get throug the work in satisfactory manne it that budncaa problem in Toronto It was they Highway Number is st Four Now what would you do out he was present for the 25111 Com Towo and Comfy Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Ross Underhlli were Mrs Underhills brotherlnlaw and sis ter Mr and Mrs Edward Helmlte of Buffalo Barrle Group Alcoholic An onymous meet 830 pm Tuesdays Library 11311 Bring your drinking problem to us for help Address condential inquiries to Box 52 Barrie 127th HEADS ORILLIA KIWANIS Clarke garage operator and retiring alderman takes over the presidency Of the Kiwanis Club Of Orillla in 1953 WINS $535 SCHOLARSHIPS Malcolm Reed son of Rev and Mrs Fred Reed Scfbright United Church an cxstudent at Orlllia District Collegiate has won $535 in scholarships bursaries and cash He received 10 first class honors in senior matriculation and graduat ed in June 1952 Now studying Ar chitecture at University of Toronto mmw LUNCHAT BRYSDNS lCE CREAM CANDY 22 ELIZABETH ST ENGAGEMEle daughter Geraldine Phyllis mcncomcut of ODCI Dec 19 unload of Barrio hockey fans were returning Tom recent game snowing and were on Controlled Access Hundred when the vehicle broke down They were sitting there when along came member of the gendormcric He responded How the patrolman but fast me youre one of those IIuronla dlans this highways supposed to named after And now well Df seeing you when we settle back change that to groove Middle and Last Columns and It ping days until Christmas One of their schools had been withdrawn from the area but th was through no fault of their ad ministration but because nelgr boring township felt it was paying 111 too much to Flos in taxes for this purpose Clarence Atkinson said that felt they should all realize the im portance Of the small schoolhouse which they had come to regard as an lntegra partof their commun ities If there was spreadingout of education it might well be that the youngsters would have to travel 01 TOWN HIGH RIVER Alta Is and theres stone cairn in public park to prove it bronic plaque on the calm says the fort It was founded in 1868 land this would be hardship some Of the little ones Mr Turner was not present address the meeting NOTICE Dr Spiersannounces his retlrcment from practice on January 1953 The date ffice will be closed after that HAPPY NEW All We take this opportunity to wish our many friends and customersqa Joyful and Happy New Year in STORE HOU WEDNESDAY TIIURSDAY RS THIS WEEK OPEN UNTIL PM CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY CLOSED ALL DAY son STOCK TAKING SATURDAY OPEN UNTIL pm the nds of the present dam and encouraging item to provide recrea orgepmple roads he sputum more travoleVery bodaputawne 18508 pt run gravel onduring chainloge was actand another ieWELSRSV9 00009000 to Vnerwatch till 111 111 9o acloctln of GRUEN watches includes models aalow an $3875 at each In the rst word In proclaim the last word in atylelnSoe them today AVllllltm fstlAllOVlh 10 kt oldlled 001th leaf to back $3375 IVlltTNIN TiNNANt 10 kt ldflllod top min leaG whack are cuwumu IVIA5 tog lulu ago the ratepayers petitioned Medonta promise to confuse you again during 11 1953 And rcmombcr only 303 shop CP This southern Alberta town at one time was known as Fort Spitzee OIDCIIEES thats Belgian for constable and when one of the party stepped out of the car he was asked his name Came back Dont tell In be in the first column again next Monday in the rut Walter Happy New Year to all those who take the time to read the First STOKELYSHONEY PODSWEET TENDER FANCY PEAS In KERNEL CORNOFF IHE COBFANCY NIBLEIS CORN 21137 FRUIT COCKTAIL dim JUICE 2129 with TOMATO JUICE guaranlcetl Witt MAPLE LEAF 0R SWIFTS PREMIUM SMOKED BONELESS 1211 the piece lb lb MAPLLEAF SMOKED lb the 10 Or Tin for to centre or sliced II li001lllls FRESH POI SHOULDER MAST 39c wan roman roux IIIITT ROAST 49 CALIFORNIAIN SHELLLARGE DIAMOND WALNUTS In53 49 QUALITY MIXTURE5 VARIErIEsIN sHELL lb BEAVER MIXED NUTS mm do Dilllcmus Turns 39 We mus mummuszummutu Mrs Rose McConnell of Eimvaie announces the engagement Of her Douglas Dcntorr Duff son of Mr and Mrs David Duff pf New Lox cll the marriage to take placc Sai urday January 10th in Elmvale THY AN MINE WANT All 19 UfFED CHRISTIES rIIITz BISCUITS TANGYsIIIOIIMELLO skit MINceuuTTiIteetAnKsOLD Cannon TOWN Values Effecti jooumtou Waikiki gchPOzcnthMMM mm yr for dot 6r fl 0221