lnmnf oi Midhursl Cemelery For Wallace Courts on Dec IS The death of Wallace CoulLI on Saturday Dec 13 1952 me Wench Hospital Toromo was um expected following an emergency operation for appendicills He had been ill for very short time prer vim Barrie boy he was born here don brought on It the coroners logo into the sad passing of iii3 Iyoung girl we congratulate on me simple verdict they render1 ed They span over half hour deliberating during whzch lime 119 lameness of the room when the courl was held become great tho the mother burst into subs We fell mos all there dzd deep sympolhy for lhe parents who were helple inwrit mm they knew was appenmg felt as she Took so much SATURDAY DEC apply was trough dime from me NEYul birds were it produce in this way The crowdl Iurkcys eluted at 60c lb but hirer dropped to 50c on the largei Marital cad Confirmed late fowl Handful Oeese mowed amwa at 56c lb and Lkzge carol1 of luzkrys gfeselill too ohm in price to 40 duiks chickens ware dsplayv 391d 43 4519 $0 31 35C 13 LThuice ducks void for 50 lb Good Demand For Meat ed ewrywnrre win any additional spur oman in cgulur 514115 all 57 side 30 mmknd Man at Egg prizes mined as before at 45 In 53 Home Baking Home baking was another pop ulor feazure wzih mm mine big leader Vegemblcs were not plea um gown Sizes of which here were mym 25c and ham glshads goodw Oumidemcmimw gian$zyb um Eanumber1guardianinll IPwo kiddies had my 12m 131851071 paws on chxkcu pain as goof LII Lluurilily pickcal uni goal and 1121le all 490 in Record Attendance The ottendmce at Saturdaysl lrerh Lctf and pork had 1713 us thflldlld lll short rib 5chle and harmless shank 1LZ bunclesa shoulder lifui and had sellout Appleo went W111 59195 ICC fm mm There will be market our lTuesdoy Marian suiin She Should continue market and many up 111141124111 45c for LL 39 man we 45 Iosn 85c Greening Snows 65C day and mm Dec by of Angus who survives togeth on April 1917 son of Mrs Isag bells Courts and the late Alexander Coulis who was for many years ClerkTreasurer of Vespra Township Wallace attended the Prince Wales School and 1he Barrie Co legiale and for time was salc man with me 51111511an Uniform and Supply Company and later willi the Quaker 0115 Company In May 1942 he enlisted of Camp Borden was will Ihe Scolzisli Fusa illers and then wuh Prince Ed ward Island unit He won uver sons in the amumn of 1944 was on active service unlll uboul one year later and returned to Canada in5 1945 He had attained the rank of Captain with the 43m Highlanders returned with 111cm and was member of tho Regimental Officers Mess In February 1948 be returned lhe Sunshine Company in Toronto as general manager and was with them up to the time of his death In August 1940 he was married to the former Miss Lema Willougli THE LATE WALLACE COUTTS ardent fisherman The funeral was from the Lloyd and Slcckley Funeral Home to Cul lier Street United Church of which Wallace was former member and the service was conducted there oy Rev Kent of Thornhill who officialcd at the marriage of Mr and Mrs Wallace Coulis and ml baptized the children He was sislcd by Rev Lewis miniSter of the church Interment was in the family plot at Midhurst Union Cemetery Ind pallbeirers were William Norman now of Oshawa Ernest Wolfcndcri er with their lwo children Jaic Ann who is nine years and Ian Wallace who is three Since 1946 their homo was at 261 Evelyn Ave Toronto Other mem bers of the family still living are his mother one Sister Mrs Robinson of Scarborough three brothers Sandy Waller 1nd Gordon all of Barrie The late Mr Coulls had played rugby in collegiate days and fol lowed lhe game closely While In Toronto he was member of ihe West End YMCA and of High Park Ronson Frank Cordcry and Bert Unilcd Church He was also an Mcndclson all ofIoronlo Childrens Aid SUQQsts Gills Welcome to Needy Family Barrie and George Fowlcs Louis Taylor told he jury slilled in The girl made her 33 ed by those assisting her Her messagc wzll ling long v11 those fellow sufferers and may bi her contribution in the world Inng for Medicine and Religion Court of ReVision Continues Monday The forth years The lnnisfil Court of Revision 51le endeavoring to complcie appeals placed with them on prcScnl assessmcnla flt They have examined many pm porno Iu endeavor to See for the selves how the values are arrivcd at The variation bclween poo land and top land is small 1113 it n33 made many obvious cxni ples One swamp farm with II or no productive $011 is assesoed Wllllln few dollars of the top 120 acres of what has been admitted for Oll Farms with 100 acres of who their owners have boasted flu best land in the township when the ii al is arrived al are equal or less than other forms which have less than third of top or near top soil Why soil should be capitalized 15 the question asked by Treasurer Allan It will still be soil Ii hunder or thousand years from now Why then should the land be capitalized over periodof seven us much is prucucc used by builders to set up replacement fund for buildings etc wmch has depreciation value County Assessor Eric Simpson was in attendance during the lri day afternoon session at Slroud lIc look exception to quotation which suited 11ml he had valued the top land discussed at $43 per acre rlc claimed that his valuation was 51a 300 for the 120 acres The tovnup assessment on this is $23 per acre 11 presan It may develop that out of all 1116 discussion on assessment on Assessment Commission may be the past and CLOCRS cmumch Swill 249 WISTCLOX IA IENS 395 795 EUROPEAN ALARMS 595 1100 recalled the old in when most of the Inmilv she had The Healmg 15 was lcflli My 14w In pork uni roasts loin and ham 30 to Sit Shoulder 41C Chops 91rd 2min 53c for large cap baskef Potatoe showed surpris mg drop 111 basket and 31 FOR in addition lo the regular 5am markets LAST MINUTE BLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES VzIb 80 Mb 150 CIGARETTES The Popular Brands Can Do Own Christmas Buying Soonfhere will be carol singing and the sound of Santas sleigh bells Christmas the season of goodwill towards men will be with us again In every community citizem of good heart are already planning to help bring Christmas cheer to fam ilies in poor circumstances chil dren in foster homes children in institutions From the Canadian Welfare Council in Ottawa comes 21 Christ mas message They urge that or ganizations and individuals give careful thought to their Christmas plans before going into action Christrnas they point out is de cidedly family festival 0f cent ral importance toa child are pres ents not from strangers but from familiar loved ones his parents Of central importance to all parents is thrill of planning and pro viding themselves for their small ones Because of this many welfare agencies have reported lo the Coun cils Child and Family Welfare Di thers sisters or others result This commission comprised of representative of farm lands rural properties and lake Shore pro perties would have the owner to decide on all matters of assessment valuation Ithe need for selfrespect and the wish to stand well in the eyes 01 our children Social agencies know the families concerned If fer any reason cash might be wasted they will hclp withuhe planning and shopping One novel plan of Christmas help has been reported to the Welfare Council club in Canadian City each year presents enough cash to the local society to provide each child with fifty cenls for Christmas shopping The children then go downtown and use their own ideas and initiative to buy gifts for Dro HAVE YOU In every community social ag encies welcome helping hand They are glad to have individuals and organizations work out witn them ways and means of spreading Christmas cheer Branches of the Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society are located SEAl in Alliston Collingwood Midland Orillia and Barrie and social work ers there will be glad to help you with any plan you may have to visions that they really prefer cash gifts at Christmus lime that can be turned over to parents for spending The divisions therefore suggest that if an individual or an organization has an urge tomplay Santa with baskets of food and presents they reconsider Providing cash so parents can themselves play Santa to their fam ilies is in the majority of cases much more understanding gesture Rich poor or just comfortable all have the same human feelings lo get in on our great pride offer offer for Christmas cheer to those in need Merry Christmas Justin case the midweek paper does not reach you before the Christmas festival we wish every one Merry Christmas We hope that you may have every happiness possible at this season Wel know of some ho es where the dark Shadows of eath hover near We all their friends feel deeply sorry for them and hope that we may assist in bringing comfort in their sorrow Throughout the township there are many organizations who desire to see that Christmas cheer reaches everyliome Tbey will be pleased to know 1918115 family has been missed They can Lb reached through lhfelephdhe exchanges who will pass the message along 10 those who will see that the needs are taken care of fWeIh vJiadJnany readers ext preSS their appreciation of this 01 umn Itis open to receive any mes sage from any resident and to as Sisllin the betterruenliof the town shinatlargef Agaiii we hopeifor all Merry fSllNBEAM gvory $1999 pailnae entitles Iiyon to ONE CHANCE on this othe Burlluxurio cntor luau shop yvlll xlvc you at talcum GRAN Cpl$111135 especially to those away from file home fireside Taylor Vldicf eu whoserved on undergoing evi RIGHT TUBERCULOSIS YOUR MAN WILL LAPIRECIATE annuals THIS CHRISTMAS no cHRYCO erciA DRIVING LIGHTS IamRS spot lights backup Ilglll andwlhe ouXIIIarydriving lights We have complete selection Each one scientific ally oeSIgned to aid duvmg Hell have thefinesl in entertainment at his fingerlips Customdesi ned to fit Chrysler ulll cars Installed while you wait CHRYCO SEAT COVERS Smart designs longwearing pszlecl lit Keep scab new 0PM up Isleold wornseafs can Inslallthem ina jiffy CIIRYCO is trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Cannon Limiled Flllllll Illl MIIIIIIIS mom157351 MOSS ms To Our Customers andFriends The Management our Staff of Tomblyns ll of Christmasanil New Years Greeting ELECTRIC SCHICK HEATING PADS ELECTRIC Gift of Comfort and Usefulness Thaisupreme Gift For Man ARISTocRAT 795 RELIANCE 895 950 For Smooch Clean convenient Shaving 29195 HEWISWIIIIIGI Ailewcleil lipstick by Heres real eyecatcherthc Siiuirr igcccssory youll use for Every spe al ccasion Exouisitelyjcwcled Smrgl ldlCmeS filled 531 size of your favoriteHazclBishopN SmcgriLipsrickat no extra cost Imporhd Friend the Happiest dlwvisl TOBACCOS HALFPOUND TINS For Pipe or Cigarette CIGARETTE LIGIITEIIS mm 795 330 925 moo zoo AFTER SHAVING LOTION 125 INVISIBLE TALCUM 125 SHAVING CREAM 15 LAVENDER so 3an nox 150 LAVENDER PERFUME LOTUS COLOGNE 115 250 300 lAVENDOMEAL COUNSELOR BATHROOM SCALES Excellent Gift RSQRRTSSEIICE 9mm wkumi 125 RSV FROZEN FRAGRANCE COLOGNE GEMEY PERFUME STAll 175 CEMEI TOILET WATER L7 New Modem Sales in Variety of Colon siuvmc BOWLS 11mm 200 PIPES mun 350 mount zoo musmua 100 HUDNUI GIFTS All 64in Gift Packaged lATIl SALTS 309 TALCUM POWDER 100 COLOGNE CONCENTRATE 215 WITH ATOMIZER 350 IROWNTREES DAIRY BOX CHOCOLATES lb 75c III 140 HICKOK WALLETS STEAK KNIVES Stainless Steel Full Dinnr Size Serrated Blade Tips Simulated Ivory Handles Superior QHIIIfy Leather and Construction Plain Fold or zippered 350 801 ASK TAMBIYNS Clip For Christmas TURKEY IN THEIAG After your Christmas turkey is stuffed and ready for the men roll The bird in heavy brown paper whici has been oiled an the insole Leave the ends open and place breasll up on rack in your roasting pan Roast the turkey uncovertd with out basting or turning until tender Turkey should be done in a9325 deg oven30 minutes on pound for 710 pound birdZO inimTicTs per pound for 10IS pound bird and 18 minutes per pound for ISZO pound bird NON REPEATING DRESSINCT So your fowl dressing wont res peat on youand your guests add HOUSEHOLD SCISSORS Fine Quality Steel in Bright Chronle Finiin 74nd Overall half teaspoon gingerro he drtss ing for chicken teaspoon for turkey QUICK TABLE DECUnTIONi Cur three circles of colored card board or plain cardboard which an be covered with gold or silver wrapping paper On bottom circle 14 place circle of grapefruit On second circle IIOI laid on maul granzfmit arrange circle GI oranges On mp circle SWarr range circle of apples Top with grapes Surround with holly Its beaulilulc edible which doubles not in brass our in hull 11th MASHED P0131954 Barrow potatoes 04114141 Iighlness with hot mil add one whole egg and 111st powder Beat again till light your heart on Christmas morning Plenum you Jim to limg=v4CAMERTAf am now crowns memos comm cmvuw CAMERAS 1675 Rom PONY Somme Happy Wag 9th ulwxzrsuowm almond Ewartnsv Mannunmoun 63 has 25