Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1952, p. 19

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and mime grand champion we In Lhe grant xiii lcbeti grand chung THE BARK EXAmm my 3011 of the noted Ole101m 385 If 3mm The grain Chlanlpllllbflly went to Wingsuver Hall Maud tin11 12 Kelley Semsmxrg and exported to pie Alert bred by Wm in one 31118 by Oman Lhambera of Wu Alluton and 50111113 shown by Mc hagofrid Omarz 1910 Size agtdguc and IL 11 lifeliquat Lam daughter of Lonelm Al Camp 301000 ling Appitfatk Ate an Which year he Royal Canadian Corps of Signals is We Pickup and belies 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE Seattle Next 23211 cow class and went through to him 111 c= 141 15 of Mark Qman Glennmu lint Appus 5511161 ibred by lilofugue Alliston uided 11ij control cars and 351 daughlur of SLgnlt was 1111 in sisted ginougth me nave 31 prize $1111 111mg 0111 111101 PHONE 296 0R0 the wave the Regiment wmhetclmlpltill 3111mm of the show The my pry1 l1cc1tloii 111211 The grand crinmpnm bull 15 111 winning ugh null Carnalmn linu Slgll Mngm lviul bred by CantuL Human cam breeding glghoma lne reserve grandl mm lenampion 3115 Maple 1x3 12 313 Chilean Notional Exposition held at am by rm R4fo 53mm 30 01511115 iand exportcf to Chile in 2950 the Non Amman WW WE international Lubbock Exporles Mck Camp Borden Last week lib 151 Canadian Signal Regiment alloyed by road convoy from Vimy gBurrzicks to its new location The the Permanent Force RCCS 3130 Oakwlle Tn cow is danglizer Amman do Judge JV Hum of Keendni Lodge Insomnia go first formed after World War its first home was Camp Bore hamburg Middletown Maryland two Canadian bred cows 1112th the female section of the show den The Depot was manned in 1921 and remained at Borden until it moved to its newly built quantum These stood first and second in the 1011 Milk an In its fth annual statement reAn Vim Barracks just east of The last Session of the mummy wwww wr artbflughes held 111 Saturday EBank of Toronto on 11030 eth 12 of activitiesff theecorruniftzoi WWW Br mmv iAssets Record High ammmn ha we 81W 10 The demand for cotton is falling every age group in the community off Uncle Sam may have some prots PQWw and skating trouble in getting no of his share Increased dimes to senior citizens film llb The ular crop of cotton runs rary preterm es flasses in art held in the Com munity House for children under 14 were completh last February under the leadership of Mrs llarvie and Mrs Bowman With only one room available this September we rteopened the class es in creative art under Mrs Harvic at the Loyal True Blue 11211 With registration of 37 This class will be continued in January Varied types of skating activ ities were promoted and beginners classes for children under six were provided with the cooperalion of Wes Allsopp These classes were held on Thursdays from 10 until 11 am during January February and March and reocpened during the last Mel of November Parents were most appreciative of this op igrtunity Average attendance was An adult skating class was pro moted and skating classes were held one evening week during January and February The membership quota of 275 was reached and the recreation pommlttce assisted in or ganizing this group which immed iately became selfsustaining This group reopencd its memberships in October and started classes with full quota of members 250 The recreation committee also 1551316211 in organizing figure skat ing club in February In its final week of operation in March the Barrie Skating Club presented carnival to capacity ahdlence al the Arena The skaters had reCeivv ed their training in the figure skat ing classes provided by the recrea tion committee during the preced ing full year This club has full quota of members 350 Swimming Clms Swimming clames from 16 and over were organized in cooperation with the Simcoe Recreation Com mittee under Miss Louise Culley Classes were held at Bardia Pool Registration was excellent and re sultu satisfactory though an epi demic at Camp Borden broke the progression of classes and caused some withdrawals Five programs of film library pictures were presented for senior Citizens at the library hall Those who attended were most apprecia tive difficulties caused decreased attendance in the winter months therefore this project was regret fully discontinued Average attend ance was 35 The project which attracted the largest members was our summer playground program which we feel in 1962 showed the most successful summer to date trainingprogram was given to 14 supervisors who had been ap pointed for summer work There were five Classes each in arts and crafts undefMrsM0rly Livingston story telling Miss Molley Brown games WC Law and organization under Miss Louise Culley and Dal ton Nedbitt playground supervisor Playground programs were con ducted at Oddlfellows Park Shear and Innisfil parks Brock St park Queens Pork St Vincent Park Gunn St park and junior play ground atNelson Squarepurk The program was continued for eight weeks Total registration was 742 rirboys and girls 321 boys and 421 girls Total attendance 11130 boys 4760 girls 6730 Daily attendance averaged 275 boys and girls Peak attendance vrasg125 at Gunn Street with Queens Park reaching 125 and Soroptun ist burstihg its seams at 100 The Parks Board was most com operative providing new stationary play equipment and muchneeded shelters atGunn Street and Brock Street parks Highlights of the summer play ml program we the Kiwanis drens day with track and field activities held in the morning and novelty events in the afternoon About 300 children took part Eath playground heldone special day event at least The most notable of these was circus at Saxoptimist Park palmival at Gu nn Street Park fairat Brock Street Park beautyuo rst and opets day at Nelspn Square bicycle rodeoat Queenfs Irk Wiener roast at Sf Vincent Sueet Park and an excurs ion from Street Park to the fairly highnicloseto 15000000 bales leased today The Bank of Twaingy August 93 of 500 undo to the bale The demand pgbroad is by no means om the Olden H817 Rh When RC Sigs moved first to Olfice in the Provinu of Ontario Bvdd up strong It may be that we are 111 Amp was cute lreports excellent progresa for Aha CAR RC gigs bccame the for lower prices of farm producuuyem ended November 29 1951 all along the line Then new bres are coming intol vogue recent ones are expanding their own uses 11 is only to be expected that increased production will eventually bring about price adjustments At recent meeting of the Uni teo Nations and Financial Com mittee Taylor Assistant De puty Minister of Finance for Can ada made lucid statement of the case think he said it is an over simplication to speak as if raw material prices followed common pattern 000000 in 115 which is offset to some extent by drop of $6000000 in Govern Total assets have increased byf tory of the bank Deposits from the public at $477000000 show an increase ofl made up of $231X0Wlwrv1cesfortlw camp The present in noninterest bearing and $21 intercsibearing depos ment balance gt Commercial loans at 311980000003 are up by 39000000 Shortterm Government of Caini nda securities increased by $24 0n the Grille raw materialiooom and with moderate changes prices in terms of United States currency are at present about three times what they were in 1938 and on the average they are about 15 per cent below their postwar peaks Some commodity prices are cur rently holding at their poslwar peaks such as rice silk copper and nitrates while others such as jute wool and cocoanul oil have fallen 50 per cent or more from their levels of couple of years ago But even those which have re cently fallen so sharply are still about three times their prewar price It would be desirable said Mr Taylor for all countries to coll aborate in measures that would reduce the extent 3nd moderate the violence in the swims of prices Butvl do not believe we can or should attempt to prevent the longerterm changes in the terms of trade which are the result of technological progress or secular trends Much of the dissatisfaction over deterioration in the terms of trade of the raw material and prime commodity exporting coun tries arises because they misinter pret their statistics VAs productivity increases the real terms of trade will almost certainly improve even when the purely arithmetical terms of trade appear to have deteriorated AS an example Mr Taylor said the world price of Canadian wheat now not much more than twice as great as it was forty years ago In the meantime the unit prices of the things that go into costs of producing wheat average between four and five times what they were forty years ago In other words the arithmetical terms of trade have moved heavily against the Canadian wheat grower But in fact the Canadian wheat grower is far better off be en joys far higher standard of living than he did back in 1912 or 1913 The explanation of course is jhat the productivity of the Wheat growing industry has increased tremendously that it takes for few er manhours to produce hund red bushels ot wheat Part of this increased prodch tivityhas accrued to the grower In higher real income anda part has accrued to the benet of the junior teenage playground pro gram led by law This group concentrated on tennis roller skat ing and hardbal and finished the season with tw bennistourn ament average attendance 30 The fine summer weather pro need good opportunity 91911 swnmrung program which wbSwell attended This mutant was held at Minets Point necessitating trans portation of the children Total registration was 400 and total at tendance 20703 Of these 67 beginners learned to swim and over 60 passed junior in termediate and senior Red Cross The First Iooperative Packers of Ontario trophy Was again played off this yearfor the County of 811m coe The winning team forum mens cupwas RCAF Camp Bor Thecup for the womens team WEE Your committee for the year 1952 consisted of Courts ohalr man Alderman MrBibby Alder and Loss Account in other categories total securli ties now stand at $205000000 11 Immediate quick assets of overi $100000000 represents 20 of the banks liabilities to the public Profits before depreciation and taxes show an increase of 5134000 After providing for an increase in taxes of $109000 moderate drop in depreciation and payment of dividends and bonus totalling $160 per share the sum of $203 000 is carried forward in Profit consumer in lower relative prices So it is with nations Some countries look to the ne gotiation of international commod ity agreements to protect the world prices of their products The work ing of the International Wheat Agreement has led them to think that the same mechanism will work for other commodities Mr Taylor warned however that such agreements are no pun acea He seems quite ready to face realities There may come time when the market will be once more left free to determine its own price level The sooner the better The task of regulating world prices must be left to the world and cannot be done by few mum army occupant of the camp and shared RCAI accommodation Over savanna and MW Mid lluntil suitable faculties were pro 551000300 the highest in the 1115 uled for them Small detachments of RCE RCASC RCOC and station hos pllal manned by RCAMC provided lines of RCASC School were those occupied by Sig in 1937 The en 1111 establishments of The Depot 11C Sigs at the time of its move in 1937 was in the neighborhood of 175 all ranks mfflc Troubles The main convoy consisting of 47 vehicles wasplagued with one of those days for the m0ve The road betwuen Kingston and Catara ui had been impassable and clog god with vehicles on Saturday night By early Sunday morning the road block of civilian vehicles had all managed to extricate them selves but the snowstorm which came from the northeast stayed ahead of the convoy lowering visi bility and producing very slip pery road Notwithstanding the number of casualties was small only two vehicles becoming con firmed nonrunners Good Iooperation From the time that the Regiment was warned of its impending move until the move had been completed the cooperation received from all assisting units was excellent RCASC Camp Borden provided 25 drivers for the move Coy Pro Kingston provided three NCOs to assist with convoy control 207 Workshop RCEME Kingston provided repair and recovery de tachment whose very fine and un stinting efforts in the face of ex tremely adverse weather for 35 hour stretch are worthy of special comment The Ontario provincxal police pro heroes to live iiiproviding only highly interested people who feel that running the world in their High Street that their own pay is sufficiently high Agents for and Feed Cookers ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE nmcxsmrrnmo WELDING ALEX CLELAND Proprietor Greer Transportation 1110 HOLIDAY BUS SCHEDULE cuusiuis mu crawl SERVICE BAKRIE cm BORDEN 50qu SCHEDULE EXCEPT FROM BARBIE 12001510011 115 p111 WILL BE OPERATED FROM BORDEN 100 pm 209 on own way will make place lit for express its deep appreciation to your hosp the hospitals own answer ital bill worries HOSPITAL CHARGE Oi when youmiekyour hospitals have flnioddition to providing moyEio treat you also Mkan 1o care of the nancial hazard ofhospilol billsT6diLHV every third person inOnlorio Budgets for unexg 31BARR1E timezone SCHEDULE jpcldi hospital expense through BluetCmssTthE Iw If AV gt my lgsawillmmgn syndwmdm fgggrglospuql Associations Iplon man Girdwood Mrs Edythe Redmon Poppleton EM Martyfs Shrine Theso yactivities were organized and carried out by the individual playgrovddemdera nToWn StillgdqlleillOrq AsgUsuol andareptoofogtthe strongld gtHHASTI mm Athwgpln Inveslidl 1537 Blue Conserving to ARSIDAY SchedulepWillQperoto 0qu plum employeiswmg 52mm in 100 IAKRIE CAMP 131150510111 011011110 011 Sunday Schedule our weeXtend our complimentsmtgthe 5MERRY

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