AND COUNTY 01 801002 Since 1864 88th YearNo I46 TENSE MOMENT when the jurys finding at Fridays inquest on the death of Mary Taylor who died from lack of insulin in her system is announced Seen here is Mrs her sons and Taylor the girls mother sitting between Faundation May Be Set lip Herc WW l1 ileum Examinrr husband Mrs Taylor only broke down on one occasion throughout the hearing when the jury had retired to con sider its verdict Stress Nutrition Value Of Milk coal Producers Consider Idea Barrie milk producers are considering the formation of milkfoundatlon here to advertise the nutritional value of milk particularly to school children Freedom Of Speech By scolmr TAYLOR THINGS WERE KIND of quiet around the office and Lwas junk sitting there renamed trance lirke state wondering how many jobs would come up before we khooked off forChrlslmuswhen the tele phone jangled Uhhuh enquired Freddy The Fink Here the voice informed me in Freddy whats up Whats this Kevalls think hes up to my friend enquired Now find was question which had lim itless possibilities but for the life of me justcouldnt thinkwhat was worrying one of the chief henchmen of the Pogo Progressive Procrastin ltfrfi Freddy didnt wait for my ans wer He just went on Im talk ing about that heading he had on the last Column You know what mean that Final Last Hoe Anna businessrAint that Pogodalk copy right Kinda strikes me it is and if Robert Morrison of the Ontario Milk Foundation addressed the Barrie Milk Producers at their an nual meeting here on Thursday afternoon in Community House pointing out the equal advantage of such an organizatiOn to both producers and distributors meeting isto be called with distributors assoon as it can be god with view to setting upa local foundation The 35 producers from the sur rounding district met to reelect Bert Jamieson OroTownship president of their association for 1953 Other executive members for the coming year are Delno Jermey Barrie RR vicepresid ent Roy melding RR Bar rie secretarytreasurer Douglas Ferris Cunclles auditor and Mor ris McArthut of On Township Dwight Nelson of Stroud Victor Ross of 00 Station Cecil Sutton 01 Shanty Bay Ross Currie of oco Township Charles Simpson of Oro Township W5 Wright RE Barrie Andrew Cumming of Barrie and Joseph Quinlan Barrie RR directors Members of the quota committee areQlctor Ross Andrew Cumming Dwrght Nelson andEW Wright Ontario director on the Whole Milk League is Roy Hickling thats the case seems that we should be protestin or sumpin He dont have no card in the PPP and there forelies infringulatin swmpin or other seems to me Personally must admit that this hadnt occurreddo me when read the column in question tried to explain to Freddy dont think he meant anything like lial He was just being classical lly 5321 hf coltlmn enquired Fred rn else has diniiossesscdine temporari 1y lets not have any aspe rsions cast No about what afferfallisrriygcolumn Whats aspeisioiis insulting remarks ex gironcy okay Dont gee and trusted coma Iteu that washtuttr thought lbelter try rs soothhim You see Freddy he was only trying to tellthercadrs that that pas thelast final Column ofthe ream limited out 1f Thats incont where does this mm more down at old lot Aint than what Roe Aim business cumin still thinklts PogoktalIcSeems mine he gt filial he wasnt golhg Six or eight delegates to the annual convention of the Ontario Whole Milk League to be held at the Royal York Hotel in Tor onto on Jan and are to be appointed Anyone wishing to at tend theconvention as delegate was asked to contact Mr Hick llng or the president Theannual meeting of the Milk Pmducersws opened at 130 pm by the president Bert Jamlesoh The secretary Roy Hickling read the minutes of the last annual meeting and the nancial state ment which showed healthy bal ance Representing the Ontario Milk Foundation Mr Morrison gave halflthour talk on the work of the foundation and presented 20 minute lm on the care and hand ling of milk for the bnet of the producers foundation is composed of one member for each dairy in the case of Barrie four membeirs and an equal number of producers bringing the total number on local foundation to right The dislributors put up one cent per hundredpounds of milk and the producers the same amount to fin ance the foundation The primary Work at founda Turn to page two please BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY DECEMBER innit HEARS murmur nutrition i952 ciuwmmum WW none mu Serialm l4 PagesTW Inquest Iii rmrieuing Case Held ICk InSuIin Caused Girls Ilenlli No line To Blame Says Five Mun Jury think that is the only conclusion you could possibly come to It is very good verdict said Smirle Lawson clich coroner for Ontario when he heard the jury at the inquest into the death of Mary Taylor 19 Lefroy report that they found that the girl being diabetic died due to the lack of insulin in her system The jurys finding added We attach no blame to any person or persons in the death of Mary Taylor Considerable interest was shown lemups they would on purely in the inquest and fully halfannatural grounds be disposed to feel hour before it was due to beginvcry much as the daughter must the Magistrates Court in the Mun have felt Nor must you blame icipal Building was well filled ithc preacher do not suppose Dr Lawson was assisted by Dr should agree entirely with him but Shannon coroner Barrie while he may be very sincere man and the different witnesses were ques he may desire to exercise help tioned by Crown Attorney ful ministry to those who waited Thompson QC upon his ministry Five men constituted the jury Notwithstanding there is no and these were Aldermrln Ntiduubl about it there was Very Bibby foreman James Byrnes lserious error which cost this young Lester Cooke Ralph Reid and Robgirl her life and we should all ert Sinclair olagree that if there is any possi The jury retired at pm and bility of preventing repetition of it was just one hour later thatlsuch fatal mistake it would be they returned to the court room well to employ SUCh means 35 may The report of their findings wasl then handed to the chief coronerl who read it aloud Prior to adjourning to consider their verdict the jury was address ed by Mr Lawson who stated You have all heard of the lam entable occurrence here where young girl attending certain ser vices hoped she might find relief fromI chronic illness and after 15 years continuous use discontin= ued the use of insulin praying that the Lord would help her and in hourslhe poor girl was dead One can understand the public alarm over tragedy of that sort continued Dr Lawson and it would be easy to blame people who are not blamewortby think can understand this poor girl little and if you had been taking any kind of medicine regularly for 15 years and any thing promised you the possibility of relief you wouldhe inclinedto sayI am almost disposed to Jisk it So do not be harshlin your judgment of sufferer like that nor in your judgment of her par ents who in all probability hat he profoundest affection motile and desired her good Chokes on EPieantliih Young Man Dies Suddenly EImvaIe Ronald Grantham 20 died sud denly at Elmvaie early Sunday Dec 14 He is reported to have succumbed luminutes after chok ing on peanut Survivingrsareslfhmm and Mrs Walter Grantham Barrie three brothers Ivan Toronto Roy and WilliamBarrie and one sister Mrs Laverne DuffyOshawa The Grantham family moved to fromEldeislie Township Grey County two years ago and then to Barrie Interment took place at Alliston cm arnvedkrvgreuy panama 3in 13 greeted by thongs of kiddiesond iv floors of ill udimmyale ntie band ultras ultimo be used for such purpose We all pray for our loved ones who are sick the chief coroner continued There is no question in my mind of divine healing be cause say all healing is divine having operated on thousands of individuals in surgery know that God healed the wounds and God gave me strength when prayed to Him for help before doing serious operation But our Lord Himself recog nized the need of doctors and phys icians and perhaps the result of this inquest may bring about better understandingl between faith they had received no further word During the proceedings bowl ever Pastor Maxwell Wbyte Torl onto who had been sitting in court rose to his feet to state that he had received communi cation from Pastor Holmes He was given permission to read fills out and in port it stated that thci forncy Miss Taylor for about the past 2V years knowledge that the girl had dis continued thc use of insulin First Witness The first witness to be called was Dr Postnikoff and be said when questioned by the Crown At lhat be had been treating liis patient required insulin writer expressed his very great 9mm We day 3d Md bhee rage over the girls death and taking it prior to the time she ad assured the family of his deep sym first come under his care around patiiy He had not give any medi August 1950 cal advice and did not claim toi be healer pray for the sick and he had no Dr Postnikoff said he was not is work was to absolutely certain as to how the in lTurn to page two please so Collapses at ollowlng heart attack Martin 32 Phelpslon ms to Royal Victoria Hamlin mm Barrie Arena where he had In spectator at the 51wa game mg Mr Martin was attended by Bigelowal being moved to hospital mained in overnight and ll lowed to return borne the full log day Soldier Killed in Weekend cu Accident in Highway 90 lter Own IIuto Skids Into IIithi soldier at Camp Borden Albenie Vetref 34 RCAC School and originally from Mill Street Madamba Maine USA was killed instantly as the result of one of number of weekend car accidents which were mainly caused due to the icy condition of the roads The accident in which Verrel lost his life occurred on Highway 90 near Ecrndale Road few minutes after am Sunday He was standing on the shouL der of the road when he was struck by car driven by Douglas Duns healers the power of prayer and more 25 l35 Essa Road Barrie the necessity for modern advice on surgery and medicine young girl having dis eased pancreas which controls the metabolism of sugar died be cause she did not get insulin Mary Taylor the daughter of Mr and Mrs David Taylor died on Wednesday Dec when it was understood she had given up insulin treatments she had taken since childrto undergo faith healing cure after having heard whit Holmes preach al servioe in few Pastor Holmes although earlier reported to have said that he would bewilling to come to Bar rie to attend the inquest into the girls death did not make an ap pearance Crown Attorney Thompson des cribed to the court how police off icers had travelled to North Ton nawanda New York to see Pastor Holmes iminediately following the girls death The evangelist had said that he would be willing to attend and then he later explained that the date oiginally set for the Maud mwaum not be convenient as he would just be nishing his tour and would be wanting to be home With his family and friends for Christmas Mr Thompson said telegram had been dispatched to Pastor Holmes informing him that the date of the hearing had been changed to Friday Dec 19 but Earlier in the night car had skidded off the highway near the spot and arrangements were being made to have it pulled out of the ditch towtruck was standing byA little later Vcrret drove along the road accompanied by three companions His vehicle also skidded off the road more or less beside the other car While the other car was being pulled out of the ditch Verret and his companions were standing on the shoulder of the road Duns iiiore approached the scene of the condemned 33 he was powwow to pass the truck he has blinded by the oncoming headlights of an other car He pulled over near the shoulder of the road striking Verret as he did so The soldier died of fracture to the base of the skull0 Car Complete Wreck Osborne 55 110 Owen Street was taken to Royal Victoria Hos pital suffering from concussion and body injuries following an ac cident on Highway 11 on Friday night MitOsbome was travelling north when he noticed another car park ed on the paved portion of the highway apparently with no lights showing The vehicle which had also been northbound before it was Stopped was owned anddriven by Frank Parkham l8 RCAF Camp Borden was was accompan ied by few companions Mr Osbornes car went into skid struck the stationary vehi cle skidded into the rlght hand ditch hit culvert and rolled over The car was completely wrecked Damage to Parkbams car was around 3100 Hit Tree Damage estimated at several hundred dollars resulted from an accident in town during the early hours of Sunday morning westbound car drivenrby Will iam Merrick 12 Sophia Street East went into side skid on Charlotte Street west of the Sup erteststation and struck tree on the south side of the street The driver received minor body abrasrons Cloudy Dull Not Much Change Possible Snow Another week brought very moderate weather With few ex tremes Light snow fell min Saturday night and Sunday morning This morning was dull and cloudy with possible snow or rain to follow The wind Ills been easterly for some time Friday and Saturday were cold er with low of 13 Temperatures were High Low Dec 15 Dec 18 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 DECi 20 Dec 21 SUFFERS BROKEN WRIST Bink Speck of Beeton recently suffered fracture of the right wrisi in four places and was treac ed abSteveasonemorialepital Alliston DISCARD mus JAN ll Cullingwood police will take up and store the towns rmain street meters 50m Janlwthar in the world ns 15 makerraring Want tome Barrie Man Gets Appointment lo Lumber Council The National Retail Lumbenneps Council of Canada has appointed Charles Griffin Barrie to be the official representative of Ontario on its board of directors The on nounccment was made by the Sec retary of the National Council Andrew from the Vanuatu lice recently Other Directors are mm Moncton NB Clarence ick larton NS Frederic real Manning gt Thomas Vancouver GRIFFIN The National Council will to discuss all matters of importance in which lumbermen throughoutoCanada are pooling national problems as housing lack of cemeutfor home construction import and export duties freight grades of lumber and plywoods The next meeting of the thilm Lumbermens Council will hold inrancouver Griffin vised of his appointment on his turn recently from Montreal he and Mrs Griffin were of the Quebec Lumber and trauma tuners Association convention the Mount Royal Hotel Christmas Shop Vi aces cumming music box An evening brig halt hastire magic of silk scarf from Italy sweater Youstill canand local stores where lastminute shpglpg have just mm most precious oitthe Christmas tree Althoughsonic report fth Christmas bum ed uterthisyeeram it in start