Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1952, p. 7

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lawnmgm 51115an ETHEWWWYM St Ws Paint on Sunday The mm Column 5V 11111122 ScareWllsun 01 Come lwitll the vicewetland lacl myrrh in the chair The meetingl Mencken iryzsmPlzt 56 of Vpewd tenor sh ND imam Stprewub Maliiun lllal Hidden Somewhat Milan in giving at art 111 uf ngism i5 Flat 50 of 15ng Evmigna muzz Rcvy MOOfe itn hr3 pemhrnn Tova cum liicld secretary gave brief renew kw my ill 11 rum vmwrr lpf 111 gcrleral work the Bible 15061911 he publlthlrlg 1hr VVV VxVROUP TVV xosffm Cfme VVVS dlscrlplmes was m3 heres hockey an the 31Vthzsimns bruadcusts 1211 41 ltglimV arm Vail WV Learn lialrdmsslng Redgce galtguag Ar illuminating slide in mm mm 945 aczsmdry 01 pm Wk Ar 1351 tubacw crow waw 10 mm 13 gV lg Government registered School yea ftxpVLggVclV 221 VIVDaVCVanhE bring VyVVVou 11 pay taKrfBVVqu gVVVVVVV VV VVVBVVVVVVVVXCVY VVV gm WW where yuu are thoroughly trained VV VVVV pity accotm game mus 1V tfl= Canada ranks firmm wormV the printing the Bible Binnie New yen and Tummo Mad Camp Borden mu WVde VV VVVV VV VVVVV 331131 The tmfmm me annual 3l bores frum Barrie Arena Satur United Church for mxu ALud HMer Echo 50 Maple MM tiaigteluelalV day venigVVDVW and the Fiyersgprbparcd Chmmw VV LVVVVVVVVV VV VVVMVIVVWVVVVVVVVVVVLM tave to at or am 11 311151 1V VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVMWWVMWVWW HOLIDAY FLORIDA VGOWM vicepresldent and Miss tile Black Hawks aiming Will The 111 Fun Mrs Bates and Mr MC 13A Armstmng treasurer M1553 be heard on CKBB 915 Inthe Barrie stun 51111 my vegan 1111 321ml Izvtl lrll thi Muck for it llrlurrly was appointed secretary 339 kc ms lthcir fourth ycur of Llmbzmn 115 Hplle VVst aVri Vii Vg Ad 11 31 llea 11c nVle VVVCMOI brVVQVVVVVVVVVSV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVEV AVVVVVV 01 1111 ill LANDSUDE VOTE evening news v1 ear VV 111111111905 ufllll 9312 in the mom VV VVV me me ning sports mundupmng tm grl 3mg 111 111 till fan BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING At Allister on Dec lirrwslmg 5mm mm andll 115111 53112 VV eelgtcted ublti util VV 13m lllt annuallllttllniiVVillVVlle Upwl ll V15 ll1r t1rul llfttlti Lloyd gt J6 YIIKSCUIIHI in town1 This evening at 805 CKBB preliil the store also jum in an the sluts another in the 1952 series oflbroadcnsl humming uul nwr Past f1= row of Land for Taxes 111381111 III 11113 WJgtJ County of Simeoa CO one if the oldest metals from BDCI with the Glee Club as duws adds Chury lwlz to the Pl nd to wens Wm hosm Tomorrow ewmng mummg 1er 13m Mk3 MM 084 mm To wrr now pp pm 1105 the Camp Borden School Lllibl Seal of the 31nd Corporation bear lb munillsdwr Wrmwww WWW 1119 0sllll13gtle YV VVVfVV VF llufford at the plum Shoppers Treasurers Sale 15 lllm 951 schoul choir Christmas broadcasts Office Square thrilugll illc ltllldjelHCH WW lll mm om METAL The Township of Innisnl is me broadcast originates sped Yb em up 11 1111 cuculgl Abe llitllll used by man llltlvc races the same tlme the broadcast wlll Elihu 1115mm ll leli Rm 193 11 Run llllghls William 31 Vlflue ill hWlaM MMMWM feature the Codnngton St schoollon an early 11119va mm be 311125 0133 angwgidpufe Choir and on Monday evening atspree lls deputy in thy irlilllll gt gt TV lmm wn Choir On Tuesday the broadcast ys on 111 date the 1th day of September HVV sale of lands 1n arrears of taxes Will come from St Marys Separ unmet 88 llsllng spec111 prugrzlllls iul 11 the Township of lnmsfll 11111 be ate School in Barth 111111 the pro Vl held at Churchill in the Commup gram scheduled or 845 anV wedlChrtstma Eye and Cllllrxlllth Merry Chnstmas VlyVannf4VV 111 Hall at the hour 012 oclock in nesdily morning at 315 its the 3011 will appear we sugth you slip lrlll alternoon on the Third day of Jan OTXCE is her van that the in wood Di that page and keep it handy soll will start anew this morning 1111 luv CV glal broad uary 1933 unless the taxes and St of lands liable to be sold or cast and on Christmas morning atlyoull know 1113111 yout layurllcl 1th 11151111 leltl trud WINNERS 60315 are 50071 Dald ears of taxes the County of ClllLlmSS programs Will be heard 11 3111 illl Notice is hereby given that 111 815 Joselhss High 5mm Scrooge The Littlest Angel Tlltfl Of my ruthless lleigllburs gruell 5211 111 1115 713 Simcoe has been prepared thd was Ba lands for 53191 3mm published in an advertlsemelll Story of The First Christmas amid Will coascto sit replning 1111le 11011 MONDAY Mrs Elflck 66 Milk gigzesttyngnptlelisgddglyt2 83$ gem 1952 in The Ontario Three more church choir Christ The Selsh Giant are among the While my dulyls can is Quint GROUP TUESDAY st aze 11952 fenturcs and it would be VVVV VV VVVVVVV VV VIVV VVVVVVVVVVV 1912 and tha copies of the said Copies of said of laan shame 10 mm any Consult tllcl And my heart 5111111 knew 111 51 ll 111111111 JV Armstrong 55 pe cw advertisement can be seen in my VV 1m may be had Vat my ice VV VV VV VV Treasurers Office Cnuxchlu this mice or win be mailed upon SUPfeme Cour EaaleVerlsVlml 11 Mondbe Harm ll VVVVVV ancVllVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV by MW High Huh Mm HIDDEN WV WEDNESDAY MrsV MyesV 05 Dunaps 4th day of October 1952 making application for sameV VI titulazcyr When my rivills Slltnlll 151 113m Allan Deasurer em We as WW default of paint Sllngs Barne 01 0f the Program3 lo Mam 3hown Mr Tordlfo Dunlap shown on sald 115 0n belml Christmas Day will be GREETING hi mom TUESDAYV JANUARY 13 1951 at v1 11 Vcly the hour mo dcmck thel Continued from page 011m TIME With many of IL 101111 But will mm to prove my own JOlln Burl plaintiff 95 and 0in meials Tl Will 10 $09 the WWW ggglulggbg Flynn defendant Gillilortlhgmus 10 gulls frllglngl Spread before me rain or 51111113 lb soliictor for laintifl greetingsc ec theCpecm Chlll will cease to much your my aegfolhgrgfagod 511 113$ Leak solicitorpfor defendant Dis mas Sling Of CKBBS programs And buy more1 concerned with Everyone including daily winners of chickens has chance such arrears together with char pllte over sale of grain Court 1n Mondays Bame Examlml mine to win one of three 1820 lb Turkeys in draw to be made Ems AUTO gcs thereon formed settlement reached between Saturday Dec 20 EVERY ORDER COUNTS Orders taken up to 1111 Saturday are eligible for the the two parties and 160920 to be If landmt an 501d an January OTHER CASUALTY 13 an ad ourned sale w1ll be held paid into court by defendant to be TURKEY DR LINES on Tuesday January 27 at two paid over to plaintiff on account of OCkmk Udgmentami constitute payment COLEMAN Treasure as prohided in the minutes or some county Slmme men In for Cleanmg by cuppemn VSV mm Treasurers cc Howard Alfred Grassettp1am EMBER 22 guaranteed ready by Court House Baffle OnlaIlO tiff Gordon Paylor defendant DECEMBER 24 523 PM 25 RES 10th day or ocmber 19 gllmimigsfiiefiif Zlimiigiagg JUdgmenl for Plalnlllf of $63635 and resented VIVV cosu Allillliciilmsmli =1 Richard Roberts plaintiff Clarv 51 CUCSlml5 Ralph Skinner lllld Dwame BMWdefendants Stewart and Elite SOllClmlS for Plaintiff LIMITED COMPANY Phelnn and 08mm solic1tors for 5595 Skinner and Barryl Borden and El liot solicitors for Simpson Motor 5V accident Case settled between par made wt Every lqu Nghl PM ties on our Clam patEEW Tiamcm gargm 535 etl plain omas on yours Whale by official guardian etal of Sliced cxtm thin for Ma guardian Or defendant Whale mmmmmWWW moreamcvniugawm5Ell19zlicalatmammwzmuxmuwsuuxmm cwcr ca orics per sicc cstons M6114an Case adaourned and arrangements ileum mtmicmxksollhe Bread is real help to everyone on rcstrictcd Kellm Comomy of mm to be made to hearing batwwn LW mm and His Lordsmp Buy mm mm mm LISLE Your correspondent would like to lake this mummy to wish thQV manager angpstaff of The Examiner the man readers ver merr ONGE TRIED ALWAYS SATISFIED FOR PICKUP AND DELIVERY DIAL 2885 1921515913 in the Camdim Palm Ar voun NEIGHBORHOOD stout Ellllllillllllltc Christmas and happy New Year Number on Sick List VV we are sorry to report the time WADE MI POWER of WI itlllg there are nulnbel SPECIAL PURCHASE Regular $98 Genuine sick list we wish one and an bat ry ll liarde during call winter nights insuring ung pow in morning Emu chlifrefdAfimmegwermgingy to useno installationsimply 1111 Vic11m visitors with MrV and MrsV Albert steerith wheel and plug into nes 31 VS Ws Mr and Mrs Ken Hamilton To e1 pus Is any we 111 mm outlet Immediately kiiggsfays W5 MI and Mrs Jack Anderson and th an mg uu we silt idea Sunday with Mr ana Mrs Waler moo Anderson MIS Anderson returned home with them after spending Top television entert in cut few days Vat them home at moderate cost 174nm table model wrth all the ad We mes 11 many bu were made in 1949 than any other vantages 0f GE BlaCliDay ty ofbus lite Television and the new GE chassis It will look on your pm table or 5m mounted on the 1ndlv1dua11y tabl AIR CONDITIONING 115 legs prov1ded with General Electric BATTERY VITAUZER keeps gt over very Sp edy rec twin daughtersAlliston visited on lamamnnimmnmmammiamznu each Set Walnut Mahogany LOW or Light Oak finish ml green blue or amber Brit 1515 1V any can CLEAN INSIPE OUT ONLY FEW MORE sums AvmABLETolt CHRISTMAS INNER in SP Holidayliilk 12111151151101masawrllilcclllllillfzzfzarzl In Enable Our army751m to Enjoy it christian Holiday than win he 110111111511 311511 PledSeJQVQUW We Mattie up mull Mulesnudlmilk Em mums Visons VV Goon TIRES For adle iggggty and um um MIRRORSPOIIAMP VVVVV PRICE VV nem lent indium heads at qume5bhg VV ggihgcrfun VV 64 azgmmmhwc$ VVVVVVVVVVVV moths Fm SmVVVV FuVVVYVVVVVrVVWaVVmVy COVVVVV VVeVVVVVVVVVVV Payments 351 as $350 mweek Two drivin mmeupbk at umVVmV gomeagde 71025 135 HIVEATER DEEROSTER mum is Mm vr $1 Brill 937 CIGARETTE LIGHTER tam 11in pliant stnltu in Choose coor ls YOUR BUSINESS con DISTRICT coomammvn salmclls 11 ungerheldolors firm cont USED on ISMSION 113 Dial 4933 Moron allHr ww VV mth it an is7 MOE1 NWW Wummnwlmkuuumm eawallmmmammercantilemmmmmmdmmzwiwzmm Ktiltlfllwllltwl gt them

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