use 1m Wimp Bonk Metal So as or MAX PUSHKOFF co must 150 Tim 8t ATTENTION lmmwu 11 Prlcurudru mmnsiblc position In mg CAST WAD turning for man who BAIIEBIE to Box The Barrie 211 Industrial Iron C7 Metal full articulars 1n Yard and Ofce choir rumour St 38111 Phone 811131 Special High Prices Paid for Splendld Opportunmes LIVE POULTRY for Highest chcr Pd SCRA m0 Young Me hides wool horsehair feathers 2123 LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 WI nd conecuon Flam Collect phone calls accepted 33020 Good latlea and workln condiv an employee beneggs Qua BALED STRAW Wanted Phone in junior mammlauon or Custom Beeton 45m 3441 oqul in related experience norms WOOD 411 mixed Replylfntnwrlting only to hardwood urgently needed Reid lilting age education ex 3141 patience and marital status All 10 TONS GOOD Clover Hay want cd also tons Balcd Straw Apply 591 dmm Jennctl RR Thornton phone Cookstown 55121 3140141 PIANO wanted apartment size Acceptance corporaton in good condition to buy rent 0nd St Toronto or store ior use of it Mrs b46205 Snider Craighurst Phone Home 845r51 34411 ARISNRNQlFTS INSTRUCTOR WANTED TO BUY small lots 01 landsuitable for reforestation in lies to commence January 1953 cm Angus 01 Utopia App commensurate with expcr BOX 38 Barrie Examlner tattoo and ability Apply to George 33141144W Secretary Treasurer mb School Board Hlll LOST FOUND crest School Borne 11413142 STRAYEDCattlc beast at Car mnn Bell Sunnida1c Phone 545r11 Stayner 17141142 LOSTBlack Spaniel Saturday gt night Dec from St Marys Rec Mcxrwlttrmodemrs wanted tory Answers to Teddy Phone for work Apply Box 2985 or contact 95 Mulcaster St The Barrie Examiner 17 142 144pm STRAYEDFrom Lot 10 Con 13 Vespra red steer coming years PART TIME experienced female TB Number 85959U6 or 85930U6 cook wanted Phone 2039 0f 82114 brand on left hip Jack Dow 1141 ney phone 52 Minesing 17141143 NEWSPAPER Carrier Bo wanted to Alldhdoleroute ApK 10231 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 55 Tannin 333141143 12 CHUNKs or PIGSApplyx to Robert Murphy Phelpston 9141 betcry thorough and accustomed LARGE HOLSTEIN Calf days Old Cecil Sutton Shanty Bay $13353 APP 133353 Phone Org 4013 9141 Typist required GRADE COW years old bred to Maple Clubdue Dec 13 Apply mwggnh Rirmefl Donald Glitch 1111 Barrie hone 42 rrie aminer worms 141 1441442 PUREBRED DualPurpose Short horn Bull weeks old Roan calf wngowglwyg 3111 weeks old Durham Stockers Chunks of Pigs Phohe 3618 Grou hos italizatitm Must be neat 11153 Apply UnltedCigar 9141 5191 3m 11412 BLACK GELDING 10 years old avail cosimrlcs otters splen 91th 1400 lbs good for single Cleaning Woman Must and double first class bush horse dfggaenfpggmggwpgg age Bert Horvath Con Lot 22 Ves Write Box 29 Barrie Exam Phone 81414 9441442 113914lW GRADED CHEVIOT Ram Lambs ER wanted to look excellent for crossing also dark redShorlhorn Bull one year old ch 11bgnghzogluffoagmf sired by Oakeld Benefactor Ap beef 13 Top was to com Ply to Sproule phone 23111 perm Please apgly in per smmd 9141142 son to Twlss 1141142 lt all 1fmmel TILE FLOORING 12 112 iii it 13 limit PLASTIC WALL TILE tor SS 16 all Grades Mastic Asphalt and Rubber to hway No 27 1y TileVin F1 maimed Painsvyldk ates 0011 Fr Emm HARRY YOUNG 3131101103 4007 van tosmsllchil PERSONAL 13 24 2141 my ltANES ROCK ppm as 22315 STEAM BATHS asammumdsmlo WNW sueuuoc Reducing and Arthrltlc workao Treatment tomlullommuy Appointment Phone 81411 ARE YOU ilnt tested In getting more recordsfor your honographl Then join theJCIma ian Record loose Excban Clubexchange records on th other members Send authorship tee to MrajM gy Post 0111116 Naivmarketg 30141 Johnson 81 Son Machinists and Welders 1mm Phone 8994 98 Boat St Our Purtablo would Iqulpmont is now mounted on truck chants capable of servicing work any whcre in the country IOR SAL used phase 1w electric motors 12 truck platform with stakes 71381 MENS OVERCOATS size 3840 Phone 6363 7141 STRAW $12 ton Apply Wm McCualg Shanty Bay 7141 BABY CRIB Phone Camp Borden 421 between 67 pm 7141 TELEVISION Booster Bogen used only months $45 13110111274138 GOOD PAIR Culling Stones 42 lbs 11 Hughes Stroud hone 9r2 141 KODAK CAMERA ush attach ment and stand Best offer Phone 4966 7141 USED CLARE IIECLA Furnace good condition chsonuble Phone 4230 7141143 NEW AND Reconditioned Pianos Phone Frank Kennedy Elmvalc 9ril 7129145 3PIECE Chestereld Suite in good condition Metronone Phone 2925 7141 15 YOUNG GEESE Ap ly Mrs Norris Cochranc Angus one Al met McDONALDuddenly at his residence Thornton on Monday AUTOMOBILES CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN MINUTES We willbuyyour cuplyo what you owe on it Ind give you cast for the balance SEE HONEST JOE Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 6M 131le 38 CHEV good running order Phone 5862 113140145 29 FORD scaled beam lights Southwind heater 125 Lionel electric train Phone 235 13141 37 FORD COACH good condition heater sealed beams $150 ply Nolan Elizabeth St Fern ale 113141142 52 FORD Mainline fully equipped liston 83r43 7189141 extra lights new tires radio air MANS NAVY Tailored Suit size 3840 almost new Real bargain Phone 54703 7142 PAIR OF 6001116 Show Tires used one season real bargain Phone Shoud er2 7140142 PIANO ACCORION 48 bass $125 or best offer Apply 43 Maple Ave after pm 7141142 NURSES CAPE length prac tically now my lined with red satin Phone 7141 KITCHEN SUITE buffet table and chairs maple good condition Apply 59 Maple Ave 7141 USED SKATING Outfits large stock of sizes Urrys Sports Store 36 Bayeld St Barrie 7139149 USED VACUUMS cheap $15 and up Try them out in your own home No Obligation Phone 3482 7133147 USED WASHING Machine $25 or will trade for anything with re salenble value Phone 3032 7141142 GOOD CHEERvCirculating lifest er burns coal orwood used seasons Very reasonable Phone 4327 7141 TYPEWRITER Royal Quiet De luxe portable in excellent con dition recent make Phone Stroud 28r24 7141 55 NEW 150Wait allweather Gen eral Electric flood lamps Chea Gadsby RR Bonsecours Beac Stroud 7139141FW ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 7136t CHRISTMAS Trees all sizes any quantlty Will deliver to homes churches stores etc Phone Ivan Mason 3377 7138145 BRIGGS Stratton lc 11p cyclc air cooled engine in good condltlon price $25 Apply to Herb Crowley Tottenllam 7189141 PIGSWe will supply your Hog Feeds till market time No Interest No red tape Phone 5315 Stroud HunterfsPoultry Farm 713913 LADYS GAP Coney Coat full length in brown No condition almost brand new size 16 Apply Box 41 Barrie Examiner 7141 HUGS Broadloom Slvo up to 50 New rug from old woollen and discarded cloth Newest shades PhoneBdrm 745 mm CHRISTMAS Trees 200 to 300 per load 55c to 75 per tree delivered andywhcre Miller RR Thorntom Phonellrlr ivy 7137145 DOMES Thread 72 colors largest ango Oi shades in Barrie 9c spool Burris Tent and Awning Co 343ayheld St Barrie 7139141 1A HP GASOLINE Motor equip ped with ulley suitable Jar washing mac inc or fanning mill Elise25pullets Murphywz er REMEMBER Craig Hunter tor ser vice Master Feeds 011 Cake Farm pplics Order and take delivery your fertilizer now and save Phone53r5 Strand 713913 17 ICU Double Universal Relrlteratory heavy duty stove large lvorywand reen enamel Chestereld and air Loveseat Mahogany TablesCllsira Phone 3190 17141 COMPme TroerT til terlzed axle electricity blinding builttn cupbggrds sink lianotte it and wardlobe 133 II 151371141 MIMEOGRAPHING and Public phone 5153 tconditioning sun visor clean throughout $2000 Phone 6328 13189141 1936 BUICK good condition new water pump andbattery heater and spare wheel in running order Price $240 Phone 4435 13139l4lI42 1951 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan Torpedo back air conditioning heater defrostcrs many extras Will take trade 140 Victoria St West Alliston 13141142 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own hours Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sandor doe excelllut work Low rates Complete line of oor 1111 materials paints varnish sh ace llers brushes etc loll everything needed to rush new doors from old BOYDSr COHENSudden Ant his home 71 McDonald Barrie on Tucson Doc 1961 Williom Angus Collagen in his 54th car beloved pinball dd myths omban and dear hither of loyd Resting at Lloyd and Steekloy Funeral Home Barrie far service Thursday Dec libel 230 am Interment Borrli ion Dec list Samuel George Me Do all loved husband of Chsttixm bleTem Wonch Rest ing at his late residence Thorn ton until Wednesdly norm Dec 19 Funeral service at Sit Judes An liczm Church Thorntnon at Interment Coulsons Hill Cemetery CaSket will be open in the church from 130 pm till time 01 service STEWARTAt her residence Le tro on Monday Dec 11 1952 Le Ia Vera Grose beloved wile of Henry Stewart and dear mother of Clarence Lindsay Robert vVerrol Barrie Resting at her late residence Lefroy for service at pm Wednesday Dec 10 Interment 8th Line Cem ctery WICES uddenly ft the Royal Barrie on Tuesday Dec 1952 Alvin Herbert Wice beloved husband Victoria Hosplta Fanny Quanta and dear father of Bruce and Lorne in his 66111 year Resting at the Jcnnett Funeml Home Barrie for funeral service Thursday Dec 11 at pm Interment St James Cemetery Stroud Masonic service Wednesday pm DOGS PET STOCK WW DAOHSHUND Pupples for salc purebred Phone Roe Oro memsJ 11 111071111 of ddlufwds awe We annoy clap your hand John den Your hoe we cannot ill ill ill mmI we re 141 Wife and Family rooms loving durum John lmmr Who awryDec 10 1945 Hi weary hours and days of pain Hts troubled nights are past And in our achingheam we know He has found sweet rest at last Ever remembered by daughter Flu and torridlaw Ernie 141 IRWIN1n lovina memo of dear wile and mother Mary Rut who passed away Dec 10 951 Upright and just In all her ways Faithful and true to the end of her days ln silence she suffered in patience she bore Till God Called her home to suffer no more Ever remembered by husband and family 141 REIDIn loving memory of dear husband and father Ed ward Garnet Reid who passed away Dec 1917 All toourselvea we think of you Think of the things we used to do Think 01 the things we used to say Think or you in every way We laugh with the world but Myer forget For deep In our hearts your mem ory kept Ever remembered by w1e Bed son John daughters June and Margie 141 ROOM BOARD LARGE SUNNY Room in ground 10 38lIlliloor suitable for married couple 2mm AGENTS WANTED AGENT WANTED Must be nan cially responsible with late model car To handle on regional basis chemical line of Septic Tank Clea ners and Allied Products Write to Town and Country Equipment and Supply 922 King St West To ronto 4139144 SEED FEED WHEAT STRIAW square bales 101 sale Apply Garnet Reid Hilli dale Phone Moonstone 10141143 PROPERTY FOR SALE OBOYLE Real Estate Broker 58 Inglewood Drive Toronto Phone HY 1388 BRANCH OFFICE Phone 4849 CARSON Rep BELL Rep 19 clapperton st phone 5205 Farms and Town Propertieswanted 591 III SKATE SHARPENING newest methods prompt service CANADIAN TIRE CORP 96 Elizabeth St Phone 3502 51180 SEWING MACHINES Your present machine repaired at reasonable charge $2500 installs motor lootrcontroland light on any make Portable cases and cab inets for Singer heads BERT SAGER No 4th Concession Orillia PHONE 3115 5138143 HOUSEREPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Rootbl canpentry icabinet work Anytglng in build nE PAINT and waurAPDR BUDGET TERMS No down payment on most jobs Fast pllicient guaranteedllervice Phone Collect Stroud 117113 51197 COUTTS INSURANCE AGENCY If Its Insurance We Haye It 6Owalt Sb Barrie Phones OFFICE 2317 2311 51214 OVERNIGHT SERVICE BUTTON BUCKLE COVERING ZIPPERS REPLACED In jackets All popular lengths of heavy zippers carried instockl Barrie Tent LAWning CO 34 Bayeldst Phone 4314 Stenograpity Barrie Business College 80 Ibrbnto 31 Barrl Phone 4824 tllatt c3013 SPIWCE Christmas trees Price 50131101 up Deliveredlo collw neat cod Baldwin Lane 5141r145 rs Cloud mule roi bongoAll 401 Dull trucks Mellon Ii 1612718 AHARVTEY CO LIMITED 7ROOM BRICK In the village of Cookstown large lot on No 27 Highway All mod em conveniences includin hard wood oors throughout 01 heat ing furnace new with two 1503m lon fuel supplytanks lled with fuel oil heavy dutywlring insul ation hard and soft water on tap Must be sold before Christmas or owner has tenant ready for three year tenancy beginning January 1953 Full price only $6000 with $3000 cash down EXCLUSIVE LISTING ROOM BRICK Also in CookstownrNo bathroom Water piped to kitchen pump two wire electric service Large lot with good garden Full price $4300 withonehalt cash required EXCLUSIVE LISTING or girls Board Optional Phone 5470 12142 FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLESGet them for Christmas Macs Spys Snows Free delivery in town Sunnidole Occhards phone 5018 or 4154 20139144 APPLES Greeningsi Spys Belle Fleur Sweets Delicious and also Roastin Chickens Bring contain ers Baed Hay and Straw Will deliver Ottaway Fruit Farm Rose and Peel Streets Phone 3738 201264le wooo FOR SALE HARDWOOD for sale 41001 or stove length Reasonable prices Delivered Phone Ivy 16131 6134145 HARDWOOD Mixed Hardwood Softwood Slabs Hardwood Slabs Sawed any length and delivered Phone Dennis Moran 2907 61110145 WARM FURNISHED Bedrooms Phone 31497 15140142 3ROOMED Apartment No child ren Phone 9069 15141 ROOMED Apartmenbcentral lo cation Adults onlyu Phone 3192 1514044 FRONT BEDROOM gentleman abstaiuer Central Phone 2281 15141 FURNISHED Poem central Ap ply 105 Worsley 51 or phone 2712 15141 FURNISHED Bedrooms central warm Gentlemen preferred Phone 3706 1511401141 ROOMED House at Holly $35 month Apply John Grier RR Barrie 151411th imam Comlortable light house eeping room suitable for gIrL Phone 4993 15141142 moons House suitable for sublettlng or rimming in Barrie Phone 7064 Orlllla 15141442 TAXI BUSINESS The only taxi business Fin this small town in Slmcoe County Ideal main street location with good living quarters now available Three 1951 Ford tour door carsin rst class cond1tion1 Owner will remain on the job forthreeweeks to get you 111115 at no extra cost EXCLU STING FRANK BANTING olfice manager AHARVE co REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 Dunlop s1 name phoneme Evenings Phone 3900 FIVE TORONTOOFFICES $5500 FULL PRICE large rooms and bathroom central Immediate Pliorie 4170 16141 NEW RUG BRICK Bungalow hardwood oors rubberjile kit chenl land bathroom dsplece bath iApply to 112 Reynolds 58 Grove 151 East Phone 8889 16140142 Now 11 ROOMND House insul brick insulated hydrobath hard wood 1100111 and inlaid linoleum Ill miles west or Mondaleon wayriili Smalldowopa meot wreas rentxerc 51rd hope 101 14 scabies cos rum with 80 bulldla Lotti coin strum so 11013 ootAvcuo 59ml runmsnun ROOM It mile south of Barrie Apply RE No Borne pext toHoppys Cabins 15141 LARGE Housekeeping roommrn lshed and heatedprlvotvtacmtles Adults only Phone 4059 15111 Billions UL summon ff islet duplex heated urges htrdoms $100 monthbrg Phase 21 1543 ROOMED cell contoiuedbeated apartment Business sessile our ferredn Apply 53 Spphla gt 111 De may andqphonc dumber mine 42 Barrie Examiner 1511mm ROOMFHOUSEIumishedstov and refrigerator oil furnace and large basement $85 per month ply 30 Frames St 151414 LARGE Brightbedsltting room and kitchenette heated hot water bus stops at door Twobusiness girls or business couple preferred phonemes 15141l412 s5 WEEKLY Heated sedssnung room on ground Nougat bus stop hot aridcold writes1 newlydecor ated th orapply 85 Cumberland III141 ROOMS ANDKltchonotte up stairs bot appeal hardwood doom is ssessi OWN wish thank to outline Manw and no mo their acts or 6138 arid 3W tether the late John ONeill ONeill hm May in December Cloudy and Mild 11111139 In Innsf W19 the MI in be bu 111W For the put week tum were high 50 end low of 21 Yesterday afternoon navy nil took much of the frost from the GATESAt the Barrie Dee Tomb St non GIBBmaAt the Royal Victosh Hospital Barrie Dec 1M to Mr toad Mrs Calvin Gibbiug 81 Essa Road son HAUGHlONAt the Royal Vlco Ho 1011 Barrie Dec and Mrs Rough ton 18 Somme Blvd Campnor dcn son METZGERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 1953 to Private and Mrs Metzger 138 Burton Ave daughter PATTERSONAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Ba 1952 to Mr and Mrs John Patterson FIR No Barrie son IN APPRECIATION would like to express my sin cere thanks to the many friends and neighbors in Barrie and Elm vale who were so kind to medur ing my stay In Midland hospital after my accident Cole also or igbbau Hospital Mr inn death toria 1962 to nie Dec ground This mint started cloud and were Temperatures High Low Mm Ward Kerr and Corinthinlodges AF AM The Brethren are requested to assemble at the Jenna Funeral Home on Decil Ianighi at 8pm To attend the service of our late Brbther Alvin HerbertWice Mom is the answer because no Ono mokesa profit but of your subscrip lion dollars order now for the size Just before Christmas MOWBRA rsouoxosx Io rowl you desire tdfdelly lushlingo FANCY roll 359 pm 01111 stunmod limb 1st WVMA mm 71 46 mg lture 11 half loar ab bong hoate