058iil needs tute will be successful lac Prescription um speech before the me ted that Can ou to tbepgilted States for the thsofthisyearlaggedbehind inspects to extent of over use bulbous gray rgcommendcdfharder work in Wyethciency and greater production as the proper tables for creating healthier trade balance No one can doubt the wisdom of applying Mr Grays prescription to Canadian industri al enterprise from the smallest units to the Canadas overall trade balance is good one but it would be nothing less than fooilrardy in todays world to consider that position invuinerable case in point is the current effort in the United States to find substitute for Canadian newsprint our largest single export item and the main factor in keeping Canadas trade position as strong as it is It is impossibhr to know atthls point xwhe ther cannons to find newsprint substi It is possible to see quite clearly however what would happen if success were achieved the current deficit in Canadas trade balance with US would beremenibered as thing of beauty com pared with what would then result It is also possible to see that the way to avoid such condition is to maintain our newsprint industry in its present competitive position by making sure that newsprint made from Canadian wood continues to be better cheap er and more easily available than any pos sible substitute Its tall order admittedly but necessary Mr Grays prescription tak en internally and along with liberal dose of cooperation mm the government bodies which supervise the newsprint industrys ac tlvities sounds like the right treatment Stirring Up nieresi Down in Washington Price Stabilizer Tighe Woods hasannounced plans for the creation of 85 local price stabilization offices all to be endowed with rather sweeping powers One of their chief jobs Mr Woods observes with commendable candor will be to stir up popular demand for price control Seidom if eyer does one find so disarming anradrnisalon on the part of bureaucrat tbiitthe public service he is performing is of so little valuethat his own officials must go out and advertise their function With much greater subtlety Consider for example the roster of names of public servants at Ottawa who lwsnd year out pound the bush circuit of feavenfknows there is enough talk now adaysfwithout civil servants engaged in all sorts of weird and exotic activities spending 3luncheon clubsxwomens organizations and the like to tell their listeners about their own slerhapa the best chample is Col integral Administratpr Nik Caveil who tells the Canadianpublic on every possible match that unless the taxpayers of Canada in with $25 million year protection Ajsias millions will turn tocommunism and western eiVilization will be doomed their time on lecture tours telling the public about what they are doing to save the world Not the Whole Answer Alt is that CBctis considering can iiiiposoa ect censorship on news broadcasts by priva radiolstationsexsilfhelatterr are its regulation that lueffect forbidde niobroadcastany news other than new bulletins as are released by the Corporiitton or heirs obtained from source approvedby the Corporation veruiidpover again this regulation has beenprotestedbygthe private station owners asouifnfringeinentor free speech CBC has ways shruggdl on criticism on the ground that the ruling wasan emergency wartime restriction and has never been imposed in forearm endedwlnliltsseven undonehalf if Andibmakes no difference whoI the the reggatio has been enforced or not in ts mere existence is correct that one intends Mr Alex any fitment than they do the Editorial Notes In one Ontario township the local Junior Farmers organization has rean all the rural mail boxes and reiettered the names of the owners We campaign that we hope will spread comments The Financial Post The entrances to many fine farm homes and imposing country estates are spoiled by dingy and dilapidated mail boxes They would do with some spruclng up and also with more uniformity especially where several are grbuped together Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innoconce of our neighbors WHenry David Thoreau OPlNIONS 0F ETHERS Culling of Christmas Trees VlBowmanville Statesman Certain parts of Durham County in recent years have developed new and protable indmtry of growing Scotch Pine for Christmas trees The cutting of young evergreen trees for sale at Christmas time usually arouses great deal of controversy Criticism of this practice comes from those who feel that great wrong is committed each time young tree is out for this purpose An understanding of why this is done should show that such criticism is unfounded Scotch Pine is one species used extensively in Reforestation work and has become very popular as Christmas tree This is fast growing tree which bears seed prolificaily and at an early age The wood of this species is of low quality lis best use then is as Christmas treelt grows very well on some of the poorer soils being reforested throughout the province if it will grow on such areas and provide short term crop of Christmas trees it is logical to do so Planted in stands at six toeight foot spacing the trees develop good overall form When Christmas trees are cut from these stands it is recommended that few of the poorer form trees be left to grow serving as seed trees which will restock the urea Keep My Name Out Orillia Packet and Times There are times when people court publicity and there are other times when they go to almost any lengths to avoid it The history of every news paper office reects these attitudes since people in one community have the same fruits and char acteristics as the people of any other community One of the biggest nuisances to any newspaper staff is the character who wanisto keep his name out of the police courtlnews Many offenders who seem quite unconcerned while being fined hurry to newSpaper office its soon as court is over with familiarrry Kcepgmy namevout There isvno doubt thatthese offenders dread the publicityifollowmg their appgarancoini court more penalty that is inicted Excuses by the dozen are provided in an effort to convince the newspapertbat an exception be made in this caseyand the nws suppressed To hear them tell it the casualties amonngotliers fathers wives husbands sisters brothers and all the cousins and year1nihasunfshmusl be terrific after each court session There is an eiment ofcowardice behind the requests Men are willing to get into scrapes beat up weaker persoris than themselves get drunk steal and generally offend against society but they think everything is all right if the rest of munlty doesnt know about their misbehavior Theres very simple answer to it all If you get on the wrong side of thelaw dont blame the re porters and the newspapers blame yourself collinpwood Kiliie Band Collingwood EnterprisesBuiietin Atown band is definite asset to any municipality and it is lamentable fact that the Collingwood Kiltie Band is in the state of disorganization which exists today At the present time efforts are being made by the mayor and town council with former band members to bringabout reorganization pro gram and restore the Kiltles to the prominent posi tion they occupied as musical group No doubt there are many reasons why this body has fallen away and we are not attempting to find them all There possibly were faults byboth the band and the municipality which will ironedout by these tWo bodies Thosewho give their servicee to town band do soon voluntary sols as thereis practically no monetary remun oration whatsoever love of music and love for ones home town would be majorconirlbutlng factors For many years members of the Kiitieband on rotating schedule provided muslgfor Skating at the oldCommunity Arena Perhaps this idea could be continued in the new Arena for public skating There is nothing more enjoyable than skating to the strains of the Dyer the Waves waltz as played by the band And we speak from experience on this point Not too many jaguars the Kiltie Band presented in addition to the summer outdoor concerts cer tain number of inside concerts during the winter season With the assistanceof guest artists many very splendid programs were heard It will probably take considerable amount of time andexpenditure to complete areorganlzetlon plan it will possibly require more in the way of municipal grantyto operates band than formerly butlthis is to be expected in the faceof increased costsinjevery line of activity 11 Everylassistance and encouragementisliould be givenany efforts for reorganization and whenthih iscompletedand we hope it will be lug itinio the com have to be sucb oigroup dhtlld receiveLa large magma public supp east98m measure Oftriticisnuj loller Indian frieso Amateur uorine loldyggjwyoiildnt have you gift For Parents Only cuoosmc pm Can have pet How many parents are faced with this urgent request Children are enthusiastic owners of pets Who ever found small boy who did not love his dog or little girl who was not fond of her pussy very small child is not old enough to be left with puppy or kitten youngster may squeeze an animal so hard in hlsefforis to hug him that he really hurts his pet In selfprotection cat often scratches or dog growls and may bite his young masterand who can blame the pet Some mothers are busy with new baby or other duties and they cannot constantly noct vise little childs play If this is the case acquiring pet might well be postponed until the child is of school age In choosing pet parents must think not just of the initial cash outlay and the childs preference but also of the cost of upkeep Ap proximately ivhat will the pets food add up to each month childs pct must be in healthy condition but if it falls ill is there money enough to seek yeterinarys ud =vicel During the holidayseason what satisfactory provision can be planned for the pet One pf the sad mistakes families sometimes make is logo liar dog when they have only stun yard Any animal needs exercise and albig dog cannot get sufficient exercise in tiny space or tethered iota post or clothes line we as knowing the cost of the dog to prospectve owners should findmut what are the city or town regula tions about dog being tied upduro ing the spring surmner and autumn months No matter what pet lsohosen clean warm bed dishesfor mod and wam and come loger over most cityand iotvnchil ofhis own is his right Before purchasing pet parent should discuss with the child Where the pet is going to sleepand what division of responsibility there will be invtrainlng and caring for the new addition to the fam ily Anyone who has loved pet will Water Pollution MONTREALpee cmshit Biological Bureau of the Quebec De partment of Fish and Game says pollution of rivers and lakes can be stopped renders dharrnless or even turned to alprofil Dr Robertlloster of the bureau which has its headquarters at Uni veristy of MOntreal saidrecently in statement that 52 cases of was ter pollution havebeenainvesti ed chitinmany cases remedied uu lng thelast two years Causes of pollution included min eral oil industrial waste table leav ings domestic and municipal sew ageewood shavingstreerbark dairy wastes iron and titanium residue of flux treatment industrial refuse and various chemicals Mny large industries have out By Nancy Cleaver not laugh at the phrase new addi tion to the family because that is just what pet becomes If it is going to be continual source of irritation to member of the house hold especially on older person such as grandparent mother hesitates to add to family friction If one person in the family is sub ject to hay fever or known to pos SCSS allergies do make sure before purchasing cat or dog that the new pet will not be health hazard Often if om particular petis not feasible anotbe one lipand there is great riety of pets from which to choose Dogs and cats rate very high on the list but they are not the only nails factory pets in recent years among the pet animals in cage hampsters have been competing successfully with rabbits white mice and guinea pigs Somc children become interested in fish as hobby and with very little assistancethcy assemble the neces sary things for balanced aquarium home for gold another kinds of tropical ifsh Comics because of their sweet song have long been very much song after But the smail budg birds belonging to the parrot family who can learn to talk have had aire mendous sale during the last few years Plum especially carrier pigeons are the choice of quite number of boys There is not toy or plaything which can ever mean as much to child as living loving pet of his own Boys and girls on farm who own number of pets and who live where there is room for dog to run around andwhere cat who is good mouser in the baran real asset have adistinctadvan dren pets care is an added re sponsibility This investment de mands iimeand energy and pat ience It can pay big dividends in happiness Apet is nevera sub stitute for child our pets and children dogo together home is incomplete vlihout boih of them Qonyrighti Glut Orders New Steamship sarcastic The Canadian NaliOnal Railways has ordered anevvateamship to re place the aging fPrince Rupert in the companys Pacific coast service life expecteditlie ship will from service by the summer ofl955 Announcing the companys decis ion topurcbase thennew ship Don ald Gordon chairman and president saidfat Montreal recently no defim lie informaiioubutbe 312 or cost ofibe new steamship will avail able until discussion of plans are completed He added however the company aboutthe same llslze as the Prince Rupert but of modern design The new ship Mr Gordon said will con tlnue the 40 years of continuous Pacific coast steamship service by the on the west coast operated willingly sometimes at conslderable expense in reducing pollution One large lontreal oil refiner operates largoiseparator wher 6000000Eiill0n8 of water and are treated daily Besldes saving oil the quality of tish caught in the vicinityhas proved Some comps lea hevo extended exhaust unless for out into rivers Where the current can our refuse my so it doesnt litterthrgtbom Some communities are insialli tanks to treat sellage before if rtememe as this been and minimum igglraters glimpsed burial is provinces natural resources and pollitllOn bi off importantsoumes of revenue who went into the ministry Examiner for 56 your kind his WeekllesVWell Says maonos BMW ssmllsm More other is ted WWII Wk gamma hp lSlcwe aper misdirected qmtesimply by Why the to im iiUstoueiJanairl mmcmufastasSom iitwirl reform to 10 retrieve item The chill of one year as the dean of New dawn would do much to newme editors in Omit dmcourageihe practice James Alexander um Ahboisford 30 News ug hastened by fall in his Mosr my Which he Ms Proportion of married citizens ml at Ml per cent in iliclOdi Canadian census was the highest in the half century lured rm Mr Macwens record of service to his community and to the week ly hemp field stands alone not merely for time aerated but the real cohtributiom he made 82113088 0W6 minister of Goldwater United Church since July of this year is the son of Mr and Mrs Andrew Cumming Bar rie RR graduate of Barrie Cul legiaie and Emmanuel College from Collier Street United Church Be fore going toColdwaier Rev Mr Cumming was at lluiionvillc lie has congregations at Eddy and North River in addition to Cold waier and also alternates every other Sunday with Rev Wig by in ministry at Waubaushene Jailed Fiye Months on Three Charges Al Collingwpod Owen Sound SunTimes Found guilty of theft illegal pot sesslon of liquor and wilful damage Alvin Whitey Bell 28 was sen tenced to five months in jail by Magistrate Gordon Foster in Col lingwood poilcelcourt Bell who has had three drunk convictions this year and only few weeks ago was reulesed after serving twomonth sentence for escaping custody was picked up by Colllngwood police on the night of Nov 15 after he had plunged through plate glass winodw in clothes cleaning establishment According to the evidence submit ted the owner of the cleaning es tablishment had caught Bell in the ct of stealing coat and when he informed him that he was going to call the police the accused knockd out the window with single punch and leaped through the jugged glass onto the street He suffered deep cut on firearm from the flying glass and police later arrested him ten near his home Bell wasthe centre of Search last summer in the vicinity of Bar rie when he broke away from two police officersas he was being ink enilntOthecounly jail He was freeoniy for the night and provin cial police rearrested him into next blocks away At Goldwater Anglican tward the betterment not only of town and his newspaper but the betterment of the weekly newspaper field He was indeed friendly giant in terms of achievement it is unlikely that his record will ever be duplicated Midland Paper Pays Tribute to Late Mr MacLaren Midland Free Press Herald in the passing of Mac Laren the newspaper fraternity of Canada lost one of its bright est adbrnmenis Teacher turned editor the late owner of The Bar rie Examiner was man of high purpose whose community service to Simcoes county towmwasai ways of the highest He retired from the active publishing field with the sale of The Examiner to company beaded byhis partner Walls just little over year ago Mr MacLarens memory will live long and be ever re spoofed Gene Tunney lost only one light in his professional career to Harry Greb Door Closers Repaired Combinations Changed in Yale rifype Locks Hilfvmoevs 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE URRYS 36 Boyfield Sirer fofbe oi Tecumseilijfcwnship Mony thanks forihe splendidsupport given me or the pollsrMltlvndoy December WISHING You THECOMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON GEORGE usx roe THE vouuosrrss MINNIBRIX rubber block game available in sizes mascot NoJSet $595 alt7952 $1200 $l695 Blocks are made of soft rubber children cant break them cant hurt themselves canlt harm the furniture wrim0IlTHs nook none 30 Elizabethr museum DIRECTORY LEGAL sore SEAGRAM as tm mm swiftllt WHIoWanarp no numbness now AIMGBY new rgctori of St lifetimesAnglican Church Coldvlater and of the Matchedaslr and Waubaushene congregations Rev Mr andMrs Wigby and two sons Derek 77 andrTeddy came to Goldwater from Mulmur Parish Dufferin which includes Everett its Simcoe County He is graduate ti theUniversityofrioronto PIONEER ensues TMEADQW sass we Jack Murray trappergander Wmssh ICI No 0A ant than cancerous Ollan no IQbhl and T0 lan ms torswhowas the first white man to make his home in Meadowrake died recently at the rig fill 73 Phone 4055