Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1952, p. 7

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result tutorial liege of GI Electors important Duly Sound Thought imperative Every Citizen Should Vole With the election deadline drawing rapidly nearer it becomeslmperatlve that each and every citizen gives sober and reasoned thought to the decisions that he or she must make as to who should compose our Town Council in 1053 It is an important decision because each and every one of our lives is influenced to some degree by the administration in the municipal building During the past year more particularly in the latter half stories and rumors of all types have centred around the towns gov ernment We have seen spectacles of differ ent types but there is something we must also remember considerable amount of good work has been done by our Council represen tatives during the year When we think of what could be termed the gloomy side let us also give thought to their achievements In many cases the work of Council is of the behindthcscenes variety Nevertheless it does go on although full credit is not always given for it We must now sit back howvver and try to make the decision as to whether or not certain changes should be made for the good of the town There is little doubt and only the sort 0f person who refuses to ac knowledge the truth would say differently that we do not have WY mien Personalities have come into the question and this is regrettable because our represen tatives are obviously being faced with the question What side of thefence are you going to be on In politics our safeguard is that the Gov ernment has the Opposition The thing to be feared when we get dowu to municipal governmentis whether members constituting the administration will be swayed in their decisions simply because their sympathies are tied up with personalities It would be extremely unfair to say that this is happen ing in our own Council That suggestion is not made We are merely trying to illustrate our contention that undue importance can be very wronglyrattritruted to thematter of personalities We do not feel that it is good for the town to have factions Within our local government When one recalls the statements which have been issued to this newspaperby var ious persons on Council one can come to no other decision than that our representa lives are not pulling together as team Readershave sent letters to this news paper also Some of these have criticized Council and others have counteracted this with praise Let us be not onesided in what should be detached point or view Council is composed of our fellowcitizens Like the rest of us they make mistakes How ever where we as individuals can make mistake and it never becomes common know ledge members of Council are immediately subjected to withering abuse if anything gosjlwmrig These men and women were prepared for this though when they made their decision to represent the ratepayers They are in position of trust When citizen makes an occur where he himself is involved it is nfortunate When the some person in looking after the affairs of an other jeopardlzes that person by making mistake there is more serious complexto thesituation There are 15 people sitting within the MunicipaIBuildingand they are representing some 14000 citizens Imagine for moment the responsibility that rests upon their shoulders we can expound this pointcjust little further perhaps we can even quash it by remembering tooithof we all have our own responsibilities However this leads up to an important point One of the most abhorrent aspects of work of any kindis to find oneself in an occupation where it is extremely difficult to getvalong with ones colleagues We all kndw amt no one cauld even attempt to deny nation that ctrhenwork suffers as BARRIE ONTARiO CANADA FRlD With all we have at stake in Barrie we just cannot allow that sort of thing to happen with our administration We do not want to see these squabbles within Council and we are quite sure we are speaking for almost all our readers when we say that even 31 though it may make good newspaper copy The Barrie Examiner would like to see an end to all these statements being handed out from the Council members We would like to think that our elected representatives could get along with each other Conse quently there is only one piece of advice that can possibly be given to the electors if after all you have read and heard and at the same time discounting rumors of malicious nature it is your opinion that any person or persons within the Town Council are con tributing to such situation theth is your duty to yourself and your neighbors to make certain that such person or persons does not receive your vote However be fair and analytical in your judgment and give the dif ferent candidates fair assessment as to their ability Mayor Hamilton has been the target for great deal of criticism and undoubtedly the most outspoken of this was the letter which was sent to this neWSpaperby Alder man Frank Johnson In it the writer quoted ClerkTreasurer Barrand as say ing that the Mayor had been interfering with his work and also that she had been respons ible for great deal of the backbiting which was going on within his department It can also be recalled that statement was attrib uted to Mr Barrand when he handed his resignation to Council that if Mayor Hamil ton were reelected to office he would not stay in Barrie The criticism has been se vere and in reply to the situation which de veloped at the time of Mr Barrands resigna tion Mrs Hamilton issued statement quot ing the duties of Mayor as laid down in the Municipal Act that it was that officials duty to report to Council anynegilgence or violation of duty by subordinate officer The Mayonhowever did not state where The Came Over the Mountain there had been any dereliction of duty If any of our officials have gone wrong in their work it is high time we all heard about it Everyone is becoming tired of hearing veiled references to something being wrong At the time Deputy not ileber Smith resigned from the Finance committee there was great deal said about row in Council being ofapersona1 nature It did concern Mr Barrand and this was brought out at the time However it is our feeling that if it is purely personal matter and is not affecting the work which the ClerkTreasurer is doing then what is all the fuss about No one should thresh out personal aspects of any ones life therefore it stands to reason that if it was personal aspect Of Mr Bairrands life which was the root of all this trouble any fairminded citizen should ask why the matter was ever brought up in the first place There is no doubt that the election high light will be the clash betweenMayor Hotn ilton and Reeve James Hart and there is possibility that there might be very narrow margin separating the candidates when the poll is tabulated The Mayor has good municipal record and great many staunch supporters To Mrs Hamilton the election has added significance as due to some of the disagreements which have eman ated frOm the pouncu Chamber she will be seeking vote of confidence Opposing the present Mayor is Reeve James Hartand here again we have acandidate who has an elliensive knowledge of munici palgovernment What may draw many votes his way is that he just concluded an out Standing year as Warden ofCounty Council and has demonstratedhis very straightfor Waeri iFertW wmmemntion While Mayor Hamilton willundoubtedly draw on establishedsupport Reeve Hart will be backed by that element iwhich con siders that chnnge is necessary Mayor Hamilton will gain alarge number of the womens votes but it may welilbe linensAyah undecidedsectlon ofiour electors whomay putoneltol me two candidates into office ivory 61539 reason that they had supported one partic ular project in which the writer of the letter was obviously interested isdifflcult to align monopolist 9f selecting representatives with good goyem merit We all have our pet interests and while it would be gratifying to us as indi viduals to see Council give supportto these it is hardly fair to the other candidates that preference on thisbasis should be given to selected persons What We should be inter ested in is overall good government not the gratification of our oyn interests In one way it has been rather upset year in Council and therefore the election facing us on Monday is of extreme importance We must use our oer judgment but let it be judgment that is used Your vote is an eX tremer precious thing It is perhaps the basic fundamental emooracy Many peo ple have given the in wars just that we could have the privilege of choosing rm aoao===ao=on==ot=ro=== ouoa== The Sin Of The Faith Healer Everymnowandkthen we get Faith Healing campaign through the countrylwhich attracts scores ofp Lthis that Jtliatoconstltutes mostopprets tmren may sive atmosphere Wilkins littletime the individual becomes sciaffected brownstone Voile letter which recently appeared this newlspaperi indicateduna ettolhandidates shouldbe returned to eeforjtheslmple DECEMBER l952 ====on=o==ohen ion in from Conducted ny some out moans This Funny World WW3 whom we consider fit to protect our interests in the best way possible Remember that on Monday Cast your vote but think well before so doing The above editorial was written by The Examiner news editor Charles Tay lor at the request of the managing ed itor We have no intention of taking sides in the municipal election as re gards the candidates who are loitering themselves for public office and more power to them for this service to the ratepayers of Barrie The citizens of this town should be capable of following the written and verbalreports of candidates and judging for themselves who they want as their representatives in 1953 Mr Taylor is completely unbiased in his obsorvations One year ago he was in Dundee Scotland Since coming to Barrie in Marchthis year he has covered all council meetings reportoriaiiy enough faith And generally in the course of the harangue the healer chides his audience for running to doctors rather than be lieving in God Fortunately most people have not fallen into the ultimate implications of this folly the healer absolutely seriously and loses his life as result Now what about this Did God let that person down W35 the Faith Healer wrong Are actors necessary Can faith cure can cer We believe this the time =sb5k out 53131 on In for For the ignorance and down right sin of the faith healer can produce great deal of sorrow and disaster right in our own towns and villages lrSicknessisareai promises thorn greeimiracles of en heaith if only they canrwork up There are smk b0 les Ok bruised diseased and strained bm There are sick minds vacant lopsided twisted perverted and confused There are sick souls ingrown egoistic selsh arrogant and un docdeveloped There is healing God by whose hand the whole Creation is sustained moment bit moment is concemed for stile disintegrated his creatures Illthe Bible it is oftenone Greek word which car gt ties all these meanings Andthis precisely was Jesusmissionln the world wasuedidne knowledgeis God V9 for theability to think wasme rst gilt bestowed on man Knows ledge can be used by evil Aid Girdwood fcannotaay whattheoow be Answers Editorial which sludge from QWhat is digestion tool AIt is large covered the Re Sewage Problem tanks is stored run run to Ekept at Minoritiestarian Barrie Dec lmf it into virtually odorleaa Ms To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Thacscapingmethanemiaoalb ccted and used farheatinxtht isludge and disposal plant Dear Sir jugs In your Wednesday edition youi QWhat would be my suggest that some member of Costs council attempt to in some dci Ayo comm mm gree clarity the sewage disposal new site an estimatedcoat 35le question Apparently you think 000 At the old site mono to the information given by the en good estimate grocers last week was not satlsv Qwhag Wm bc an an my factory hope you Will pardon to pay debenture and am my tomcrity in trying to answer costs some questions that may have AFor the new 3mg mm risen in some voters minds 380000 year or man shall put it in the form of question If your home is to and answer your share will be $15 per year QWtiat will such plant do If you are charged through tho AA primary plant may remove water rates and your water hit up to 65 or 70 of the solids 15320 per year your combined carried by the sewage primary water and sewercbarge will be at and secondary combined may rc 1933i 340 per year move from 85 to 90 of such QWill we then have pure wat Solids crAfit Ifor bathing QHow is it done may 0331 110 helm lolll AIhc primary treatment rc but stm 59m hm moves the solids by retarding the of 9mm matter 30 in flow of water so that heavy solids Bgeaieggle Itrtlcmnn 501 scltle while fats are skimmed off the surface and 3600000 The secondary part of the plant Yam man how much filters out more of these solids by male the Flam the ma Spraying the sewage liquid ovnr irdganc mugs be large bed of Small stones Bac 1de mnmw teria form in slimy masses on the to swan we and stones and consume most of the bay sum mph retained solids beaches would have to be mural QDid our present primitlylfarther 5L 1m treatment ever prove satisfactoryhmis swam on the AMr Rawson former town 512mm year hmtw engineer says it did He and etc Handmfimsmmin representative of the Depertmentl HQ is 1108 the health took samples all along A3 lme cumith mm the shore and out in the bay not gaffuncu mm dim far from where the sewer discharu tt ine Ian gas The water was pronouncedgte ltng but mute free from pollution and icecut trig meg em m3 ting was authorized en 85 plans have the town heavily for engineers QWhat about the capacrty of the ptesent settling tanks com fees and Wm be we we build on the present site Eirvfdorflssh those of the ows Two firms recommended tho We AWe have two tanks each 25 sent the tmm the feet in diameter There will bel mags by mmgtmw two new ones each 60 feet in mm diameter Now 50 ft tank if everyournlfm mms of the same depth as 25 ft one ete treatment the plant will be has 0025 or 125 the diameter of almost odorless Plum the smaller one Its capacity is dar trees could therefore 14425 or 1925 times hi hwa men that of the 25 ft thnk We delay the liquid so that it remains in the tank 1925 times as long within limits the longer it re mains the greater theclorlcation Q4What about dissolved sewage such as urine and chemicals AThey will not be removed Th sewage Plant but they are not so important as Situation in Barrie solids However there Will he say 3000 gels of urine carried into the To the Editor bay daily The Barrie Examiner QHow much solids Will be carried into the hey if primary Dear Sir Our counctl mild and secondary treatment are bothimlttlng bylaw to Wendi used million dollars on sanitary dis Comments AAt the best about 10 If 90831 plant which to airway of we take the engineers reports we thinking is mmgm on can strike an average of 400 lbs owners f0 the an per million lbs of water in our there Ere hundreds sewage With ow from the People Wh have Wm in town water supply and private wells at 1800000 gals or 18000000 lbs per day we get 7200 lbs of organic matter If 10 of this goes into the lake we have 720 under our present high It was indicated at the lion meeting and at JWIMM But once in while someone takes gt lbs daily The lake oxidizes slowly burns this If with prim ary treatment we can remove only 70 we will have 2160 lbs per day Of course the liquid soaring into the lake is chlorina QIs the present site entirely unsuitable for new plant Aleo engineering rms have said it is quite suitable one firm says it is not QWhat objections have been raised AThat it is too close to the residential part of Allandale This believe is the only serious oh fection Tanks built in the pres ent swampy area have to be sup ported by piles 0n the other hand ulio 11 1kl are sunk in wateroekd soil The buoyancy of them would no doubt support 40 oririoff tank and its contents The pres cut site has room for doubling the size of new plant in the future rQWould the cost of piling equal the cost of moving to new site AIt is estimated that the cost of moving to new site would and travel about air or in rstclass railway primarieswhere School meeting that the claim of the committee had requested the engineer in the presence of the mayor and clerk to have drawn up in detail so that could be called for use plant and Now partial treatmmtpidnt would take Ollt55 ofsolitk give us plant that would have the same conditionporrennf was in prcsgt plant in 1940 with lessthan $200000 then if extra sions are requlrad in four or flve years couldpom 1y =be erecteill under more favorable contions vs ttee is set up to contact the ustrial plants to have them install Kittith to eliminate roughage it in mutual cooperationison W3 so thank you fromte hardy prwsed taxan is in line 10153 chairman and special combine in the way they have handled sewage wry Rememblhilce ltlmvalo they depend on the Godegiven mechanical knowledge the one gineer the chef antics engineer And yet Jesus said If ye have wheeling bytabhw at all the process of and the aerolx faith yecan remove mountains health wholenessfand salvation of is ordered and produced by the doctor Ift faringsovery littlest the pmcessofrecoverywdeand cut on medical science instilled of us outstatith without ever going to see tint or Nils evil but theknowledge ii pm atlheWilaon Building 9139me it wants President outmodlgdh trips own Battle anterior cm Self is neutral it is the Will tom ofmcdil cadence that one shouldnt knowledge of

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