Mild November Weather Moder Possible Word Allondale Area Vl Building Much Changed Before the first snow considerable amount of building was rushed along in the Town of Barrie while the weather held good and in many cases buildings were completed sooner than hoped for GoOlin Alley 0m tion of two new stores on the silo of cottage which was his home The section of Bradford Street from Bothwells corner to the first bend was at one time known as Gasoline Alley but in the past few years many changes have tak en place The present Dangerfield used car sales lot was originally pretty lit tle parklike spot with running stream and angled alders but wasl filled in by the previous owner for the first parking lot North of this the large building of McAfees body and fender dei pair shop was next to develop llnd across the road Honest Joe start ed another car sales Russ Cross then made great change in the original service station and res taurant of Dalton White by refilling the whole area and rebuilding Bungalow at Log Cabins Mr White had row of log cab ins built some time ago back to the west of the service station and is now having new sixroomcd bungalow erected at the entrance to the cabin location after exten sive fill it is on the Canadian Homes design with Ray 05 borne handling the contract He was fortunate enough to finish up to placing most of the roofing and is working inside now Across the road at 2111 Robert Scruton suffered the loss of hls cabinet shop by fire over two years ago greatly improved scale Creating Two New Stores He is now supervising the crec but rebuilt on larger and nau SAVE toting on BradfoniSt It belong ed formerly to William Silks pro prietor ofthe Clifton Hotel but through sinking of the ground thought to be from installation of thc main sewer some years ago it settled badly to one srde and Mr Scruton decided last month to tear it down and is erecting the double store of concrete block construc tion on the lot Burton Avenue Section Over on Burton Avenue cast of Milbllrn St there was also the dangcr of Gasoline Alley label but just this year building has started was rushed along during the mild November weather and vast change will result At 141 Burton Avenue Lorne che whose garage and service station are across the road bought bungalow formerly owned by DArcy Socord and has made exten sive improvemenm Next to this east new house is well on the way to completion for Frederick Saunders It is of con rete block construction and will be thoroughly built through out He has also an office erected across the road next to the gar age and will take up real estate there At 149 lives Arthur Craft who in the summer started new house at 153 Burton Avenue and he too was able to have roofing and sid ing on in time to permit insldc work now Further Construction few lots farther on Blake Ln mont has large twostorey house on the way It is placed on con crete basement considerable 1111 later Framework and will require is completed disc siding and work is now progressing again on roof BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA FRIDAY DECEMQER 1952 Elite larrir Examiner Section 3Poges 13 to 16 Keeping ahead of step with town Toronto Director pol Education Addresses Simcoo County Trustees developments in the tyrosine sec new front of the most moderng destgn Extensive uric of heavy platel tloms Harold Cunden bu resin0 comm ed the entire front of his pharmacy wood at 1116 Elizabeth St by complete Thursdiy morning display lcrcctcd for the occasion and ChrllstmastradealntladdIdlmlr totheattracvemotmmg glass with only the 11811er 0351mwuwu did hm log glves almost complete Howl lame mm or of store interior and 115 displays swimmer Kitchen om at in 8130 10 1185811111 12nd invites building and from Jamar Plotcc passer to Pause Cm the contractor SOME HEAD TABLE GUESTS at the annual convention CharlesNe dinner of Slmcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Assocm tlon Nov 26 at Trinity Parish Hall in Barrie left to right 1115 Worship Warden James Hart Mrs Goldring Dr Simcoe Soun rv lumber in preparation for asphalt shingles Across the road French Motors havcrea car sales lot and office opened this year East of this Charles Church was completed this summer papers and magarlncs 110v scour Salvage Drive which will be held Early in January REMEMBER 15111100an summon re 11 Come and See the DJW RANCH BOYS broadcast their Radio Program over CKBB Modern and 01d Tyme Dancing 11115111111 111111 11111151 DOORSOPEN 8pm Broadcast 830 pm Dancing to 12 County for 1952 was honored by councillors and officials at complimentary dinner Nov2l at Barrie Legion Hall Some head toble guests left to right George John ston MPP for Simcoe Centre EllWarden Walter Downey Mineslng FixWarden the new home of JAMES iw HART Warden of Slmcoe recited County County Sheriff Lee Banting Honors 1952 Warden 41 wton Barrie retiring president Mrs Newton incoming president of Trustees and Ratepay ers Mrs Banting Mrs Robert King Barrie RR secre Lorytreasurer Goldring Director of Education for Toronto Schools By LAURA CUNNINGHAM The annual Commencement Ex ercises of the Barrie District Col legiatc Institute were held on the evening of Friday Nov 28 in the lschool auditorium The program opened with the The front of glass in the Car erra type of plowing pale green verging into grey and known as Tranqurl Green The name runs across the full Width of the front with Cusdens in flowing script and Pharmacy in bold gothic The lettering on the side wmdow walls and on the main sign is all inset in white Fluted chrome ls used in the outside trim The main door is of full length plate glass and has at each side corresponding full length panel ex tending to the window displays which are of the shelf type and recessed back over two feet from the edge of the property Window side walls are of matching deep green 13 spot lights inset shown give brilliant window light Winners of the urban competition were Irene Smith and Adrienncl Fraser The Key Club Achievement Tro phy won by the Barrie Key Club was presented to Tom Taciuk pres ident for 195152 Barrie District Collegiate Concert Band honors were then presented The Kiwanis Shield for the Kiwanis Music Festival Toronto first in class 512 for junior bands and the Waterloo Trophy for Canadian Na tional Exhibition first in class were presented to Ron Keats pros and yellow Floors are in rubber tilt of planing contact in pale green squares cheerhilly bright Over um Door his Door prices 131 in all were given during the 111m days with drawn made on Saturday night The total value wan approximately $350 and was apportioned in varying ulna prize worth $1 went to Murray Grcenough 68 Ecclcs St one of $1350 value to David Gray 11 We lington St and $12 value to Miss Evelyn Burger Angus Winners of the four next prisonV at $10 each were Miss Clara Curtis 210 Bradford 51 Mrs Cooper 210 Owen St Mr LaFlante Or lllia and Norman Barry 91 Amelia St Remainder of the 58 door prizes were valued from $750 down to $1 and in addition 58 consolation priz es were added Took Over 1942 Harold Cusden is graduaieo Toronto College of Pharmacy came to Barrie in 1942 and took overthe business from Fred Douglas He has on his staff James Wray and Mrs Morrison rind for part time Miss Judy Laurie and John Lackic George Shepherd Creemore His Wor ship Simpson Barrie errWarden Simone North Hon Drury Crown Hill tario amesatton Reeve of Nottawasaga who proposedithe toast to the Warden lions of Barrie Observe 21st Birthday band playing prelude Cum parsita This was followed by the Graduates Processional while the band and Glee Club under the dir ection of Mr Fisher played and sang Alma Mater Greetings from the BDCI Board were brought by Morrison the chair man Certificates werc presented to students who had achieved two three and four year perfect attend ance records Thirty students had twoyear perfect attendance eight had threeyearand six students had fouryear Those with four year perfect attendance records are Ronald Chrsitie Maurice Fraser Margaret Pulford Jean Samsel Gwendolyn Scott and Margaret Wilkinson The Band played the first move ment from the Concerto Grosso in which the soloists were Nancy Cameron flute Ross Morrow ute and John Fogue clarinet Presentation of honor graduation diplomasWas madto some 44 students and special commercial diplomas to seven students Secon dary school graduation diplomas were presented to 90 students The Rev Eugene Beech of Bur ton Avenue United Church gave the message to the graduates The Glee Club under its director Mr Archie Ross presented two numbers The Heavens Are Declaring and The Syncopated Clock The pianist wasCatheriugLColeman Ahtletlc Awards Clerk and former MP for and formerwgremler of On The next item on the program idcnt of the band for 195152 Johnl Warnica president of the Glee Club received the KiwanisShicld for first in class 209 boys ensemblel The Debating Trophy won by BDCl in 1952 was presented to Douglas Stewart head of the debating team Cockburn presented the Harold White Trophy for Head Girl to Beth Mcman and the 13 Cockburn Trophy for Head Boy to Jim Laking The Principals Award for the best stud ent adjudged by the staff was pre sented by Mr Bowman to Beth Mc Lean Library prizes for profi ciency in junion English were won by David Bedard Grade IX and qgorgc Benton Grade Toronto Kiwanis Music ScboI arship for oboe was presented to Bruce Poppleton Joan Ferguson and Bud Cockburn received the Womens Canadian Club Prize for proficiency in middle school Eng lish The WomensAuxiliary to the KiwanisClub of Barrie award for proficiency in Gradedfll French and Latin was received by Ross Morrow The Andrew Hay Schol arships to students excelling in the study of mathematics went to Nel ma Wigg middle school and Don McLean upper school University Dorsal cs Irene Baird won the SorOptimist Club Prize for general proficiency in the senior commercial course DominionProvincial Student Aid bursaries went to Don McLean un iverslty Audrey Whipps Norm al Bill Spanis Normal and Jean Samsel Grade XIII The Dr 130 pm GRAVES BROS 305 barbell St Would you mind roving my Wife but to save my Teln vision Have YOU protected your Furniture and other 136150 not proverb arm PM my peoplcadd costly item hlllnission 751 was the presentation of athletlc awards prizes and scholarships Jean Samsel captain of the Thomp son Cup team received the Thomp son Trophy Jean alsoreceivedthe Lions Club Trophy as senior girls champion on field day Joan Bruce thelntermediaie champion receiv furniture and overlook haw ing than Insured Get yours Clarendon now Brereton Prize for upper school biology went to Anne Baker and Bill Spanis WW Joan Fisher received Triniiyl College University of Toronto bursary Sylvia and Joan Fisher won the Barrie District Collegiate Ed the Phyllis 10th Trophy Band award forscolastic and mus ThePauline Robinson Trophy sym ical proficiency and Sylvia Fisher bolic of junior championship went received 11 Trinity College Uni to June Ayerst and Jill Smith the verstty of Toronto bursary The midget Championi FECEived the Atkinson Foundation University Ruth Aarson TrOPhY of Western Ontario bursary went The 0715111010118 in the boys field Turn to page sixteen please day were senior champion Tom Taciuk who received the Hartley Grafton Trophy Bruce Poppleton winner of The Barrie Examiner Trophy for intermediate champion ship the GS McConkey Trophy won by Ed Taciuk the junior champion Bill Cherpeta the juven lie champion who received the Barrie Recreational Council Tro phy The Morrison Tmphy for the best girls platoon at Cadet nan am magnum nun on ayl9 mmow nu $3 BARBIE 11sz 0108 celebrated their 2151 Charter Night Nov27it the 00mmunity House with aspecialdml ner and programand their ladies as guests From left to Lions AUXIllarY right Mrs Rowe and husband Past President OsmondWHe RowcMlss Marion Lowe and her father President0har1es Ar tablets LlonEdwin meson Mr and Lowe Her WorshippMayor Marjorie Hamilton MaxRaw hide FerguStSrlleronto radlo entertainer Across the The motto was They who plant kindness gather love The meet ing opened by the singing of the Ode followed by the Lords Prayer Roll call was answered bY Saab member paying quarter of cent for each poundiof thelr Misses Dorothy and Nancy Ellis Spent couple of days inToronto last week Mrs James Reevic Shanty Bay Ykimd milfth ek ry splendidessay givenbyMlss no to Ne MarieQBrien on weeds She gave Attendedw tins inrromio it very clearly and itrvgas greatly 21wm McMahon 3p Mrs Victor IMKS meelefIIAgrgcunure owardMPtOPhe dustries gave very interesting motoredtoToronto lial1311 which was well received by 10 311311411119 19111113391 the group Business and corres nev Dr and MISS pondencc wals dealt with The France Gray winch tookrlacs meeting closed with the Mary Yule Party vMiss Molly Brown childrens librarianof the Barriegiubilc Library was the speaker at the Christmas party of the Ladies inspectitl was presented to Joan Morison the captain Jack Garner captain of the best boysplatoon received the Major Rodgers Cup Jack also Won the Lakm House She entertained her audi Mr Geprge weight plasantsurprisegwas Christina baskets for the needy preciated Mrs Smith convenerv Canadian In Auxiliary to the Lions Club held Mnday Dec at ammum athlete or the School for 195152 ence with dligbtful folk tale of old Normandy called Clown At the short business meeting the welfare committee wasgiven pormission to spend $100 for Lean received the trophy in girls baskc ball 111195102 Schorushipo and aged Christinins carols Clefd ank Dobson were sung followed by the serving of delicious refresht merits horne project 93 petith well in wildlife College Chapola Stewart Cullcci cartoon Save the Tho comntunlty WasdeeplysadfQueeh on served de loath tllcious refreshmnm assisted by possed thefood conch Roe Mrs 11a FDavisldrsilI Prop hetnners Wuchtiv Jr as helpers net hurdle news of the Roy Albert away suddenly and Mrs All Killed oi the gsoo over thcwiweekendr void weekendat lied and Mrs Rm aims Wes Sedor Toronto vis Aster MissEteanorLeigh Toronto no win listed at nr 1191113 here weekend Mrs Davis and Mrs ctr Eloy spent day in Toronto Memorial Trophy as best allround The Jacobi and Graham Trophy for girls ingtrform basketball was won by Grade XIII and Beth Mc gt Beth also won the JohnsonsCarruthers Trophyras tbe ostValualble Player fontho Can mus Now for the scholrships and prizes of 195152 agtficultural bra corn 213111 armament111mm arm It