ermvebeon me people Leona We interested in the of the country and to vote at federal aloe mounted to the orbiter the car which car ur groom will be the glow ml ruined simi gtl may have been orevenpar wroug an confession is good for the pounce as Cicero put it May combo be medicine to the of people entitled to fade election of votes the different federal eleetlouover period of you and Bulletin number of vot by the total number of people entitled to vote and we have record which exposes uent to certain variations which we may comider later interest of the people in federal elections The gures are very simple they can best be expressed by brief roauoquvcuEERlid and allihmugli theyearl it lim table Year 1928 1930 1935 iii On the Lists Votes lollcd 4665381 3273062 5153971 3052481 5918207 4452675 8533338 4672531 1945 6952448 5305193 1949 7393392 5903573 0n the fact of the figures there is no great evidence of decline rather the opposite as the percen meixitafmtj voters loge varies only from 701 to 763 The variation in thc ilgurcs is the fruit of changing circumstances in mm long Polls the actors or the woatiter my hove marked Mi method of taking the voters to the polls might also have no inuence The automobile and the world and its neighbor has been greatfoctor in getting out the vote We might as well put it this way in the gures as present ed there no great evidence of declining interest in politlct There is at least some evidence of varying intercet from one election to am other This is only natural Theres mother side thh question and the charges or log place within recent year havo without doubt exerted great inuence For instance There is greater density of population more people in the cities It requires less effort to get the city vote to the pollsmore in the country The farmer may be getting in his crops this to him is more important than voting for one candidate whcn both may have the some policy automobile makes it casicr to take people to the polls The radio may tend to in crease interest not only in the vote but in getting out the vote Now remember this is purely mattcr of votes wonder what influences the tremendous change the spread of news including the reports and discussions of issues has upon the popular vote The daily papers are less dogmatic in the expression of pinion than they were in the nineties Step back in this direction as far as memory takes you The meetings were lively questions brisk answers rather too sharp in my opinion The sharp answer from the public platform is no longer clever it We are pleased to announce that WILLIAM CRAIG is now associated with our Barrie Office Crawford Co MEMBERS IllE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 manor wrans Joins so Staff Dangerfield Motors George Dangereld announce an addition toihe nlu staff of Dongertlcld Motors in the non of Harris Siddoll Mr ddsll comes to Dangereld Union with many years of experience in the car business having been associa ted with the Pond Motor Company Toronto office and West York Mr tors and for the last four years has been selling cars in Barrie and district Mr Siddall will spe cialize in truck sales Sizer SWEET AND PUNGENT This is the time of year to use quantities of your favorite cologne Start the day right by adding few drops to your bath water then after your rubdown splash yourself liberally with your own fragrance Cologne maker wondcrful Christmas gift too every woman loves to receive ll more than any other them most When not Roads arc hotter and the HARRIS SIDDALL Born at Honcywood he attended the continuation school there He resides in Barrie with his wife and children Judy and Donald The family attend Collier Street United Church carries sting 0n the other hand in the early meetings as recall them there were far more questlom The reason The candidate of today wouldnt answer the questions that might be asked at small local meet ings in the country Why The business of the natlon ls far more complex than it was in the nineties So also are the Issues which arise Now questions of importance are decided before they are asked The government knows the answer The governments of today know that the voters want pensions and social services and are not likely to vote against the furtherance of such largess providing the taxes levied to meet the obligation are not visible to the naked eye This is part of the new age You may not like it but it gets votes Whats the use of discuss ing issues which are fundamental when the government of today im poses taxes then gives us pensions and boasts that prosperity is the fruit of its wisdom and generosity harmer PAYS biz dim Shoes afect our comfort item of ap parcl yet many of us seem to abuse in use shoes should be kept on shoe trees Leather shows should be polished with good shoe polish and suede shoes brushcl with dry sponge or rubber brush Use wire brush gently and sparingly suede dress ing toooccasionally Most im portant though is to rest your shoes often Iwo pairs of shoes alternated daily will last more than twice as long and give more foot comfort SHOE CARE lends KllCHEN WALIS will wash much easier if you use sodaand water bath fourth of pound of sodato gallon of water is about right but be sure to rinse well Your kitchen can be bright and shiny for Christmas with this sim plcmcthodof washing LITTLE BAKING SODA on damp cloth will also remove coffee stains from yom coffee pot TOUCH OF PARSLEYpan be such helpso if youhave an ex tra salt shaker you might fill it with dried powdered parsley and keep it on hand when youre boil ing vcgctablcs or preparing cream Cd mixtures Sprinkle the herb on top just before serving THINK EVERYONE loves haml burgersand heres hint for the next time you serve them When preparing thcm make small round hole in the centre of each cake this will prevent the ham burger from shrinking when fried It also makes better looking cake igld youll find the meat goes far or DID YOU EVER HAVE LEMONS become hard before you used them Next time this happens place them in hot water for several minuics bcfcrc rolling and ream ing This will give you maximum yield of juice or lF LEMONS ARE FAVORITE in your house you may like this recipc for one of my favoritesits lemon cakctop pudding Cream tablespons butter add cup sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffy Add egg Yolks and beat well Add tablespoons allpurpose flour 13 cup fresh lemon juice teaspoons grated lemon rind 14 teaspoon salt and mix well Stir in cup milk Blend in V4 cup slivemd almonds Beat mixture Pour Shes the brightest prettiest girl in school in this crisp new dress with gay faces on the hunky pock ets Hair can be made of yarn faces are easy to embroider Pattern 7385 Childs Sizes 10 Transfer motifs tissue pattern State size Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can not be accepted to The Barrie Examinerp Household Arts Dept 60 Front St West Tordnto Ont Print uplainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMbER and SIZE Six completeIeayvtomalte pat terns printed rightin the exciting Alice Brooks Needhwbrk Booki See 91 illustrations of your favorA ite neediecraft patiernseall thrib ty useful ideas for your home your family yourselfusehd Twen tyyli ontofonyourcopyl until stiff fold into into loaf baking dish 9x5 inches Set in pan of hot water and bake in slow oven 325 deg 40 minutes Turn thermostat to 350 deg and bake until brown about 10 minutes Sprinkle with more islivered al monds and serve either warm or chilled Makcs servings and is simply delicious egg whites DEEPER lllGllElt Mount Everest is just over 29000 feet high while the greatest ocean depth is just 35400 feet FOUND MISSISSIPPI National Defence Photo FIRST APPLICANTS for the Canadian Armys new soldier apprentice plan are interviewed by Lieut Frank liolyoake at No 13 Personnel Depot in Ottawa They are Robert Belair loft and Frank Niclvolls both of Ottawa and both aged 16 who made first enquiries to the Direc tor Gencral of Army Personnel Army Headquarters This plan will provide tradestraining to young Canadians with the desire to make the army their career Jauni Takes Girls Tlirough Old Lands Of Europe Africa cnmnav on 29 crumml or weeks by thumb through l8 European and North African couri trics on $150 may not be luxury but it Is education with capital Thats thc opinion of Phoebe Craig of Melfort Susie and Nor een Serdon an Australian girl who now lives in Calgary They ended their hitchhiking jaunt in London in midJuly closing off the most eventful 20 wecks of their lives Simpson tunnel route to Switzer land At Ncuohatcl they battled with Swisu hostelry proprietor over prices and he told them to get out it was late and they could find nowhere to go Finally police officer took pity on them and put them in jail for the night After visits to Luxembourg Bel gium Holland Northwest Germany Denmark Sweden and Norway they embarked at Oslo for England landing at NwcasLtbonTyne just three months after their adventure began They ended their tour with trip through Scotland Wales and to the isle of Wight Now Phoebe is back in Melfoct and Noreen is marking time here until she can The girls watched bull fights inlreturn Amhm Seville rode across the North African desert with Arabdrivers in the black of night and found sleeping accommodation in every thing from Spanish bordertown customs house to Swiss jail Phoebe Craig and Noreen Sexton met in London youth hostel and when they discovered that they shared the some travel ideas they began planning European trip The girls left London dressed in blue jeans and carrying iiipound rucksacks In the first month of their trip they covered many parts of France Portugal and Spain While in Po ugal they were invit ed to be guests on Radio Uni versitaire broadcast from Lisbon There wcre no rides in sight as the two girls walked along road toward the Spanish border They spotted deserted house and went in and made themselves at home for the night Next morning they discovered they were in Spanish customs house In North Africa They left Seville for Gibraltar and then Went to Morocco After rides with French honeymoon couple Arabs and French army colonel they reached SoukAhras in Tunisia They caught boat at Tunis and went to Sicily There villager who picked them up was so fascinated by their strange dress and speech that he took them home to Show them to his family and friends We felt like prize ex hibits said Noreen They spent three weeks on the Italian mainland and then took the II First whitefmen to see the Misl sissippiprc believed to have been FathiirniMaiq from Qirehec Encomnssmo BASIN TheMissouri River basm c0th prises onesixth of the entire con CANADA BIGGEST uette and Louis Jolit Canadas total area of 3845774 square miles is 236357 larger than the UnitedStatesAand Alaska com bined uvinm JOHN GOODWIN Now feel like citizen of the v01llNormn says CAPITAL FOUNDER Bucnos Aires now the capital of Argentina was founded in 1534 by Pedro de Mandoza lt3 Translations of Uncle Toms Cabin have been made into 40 dif ferent languages lime in when Qt gfjig mt dont miss the 0W7 presented by APPIIAIICE DIVISION Elumiuuruimumc COMPANY LIMITED 55 BDYSS 35 All TIIE IIMEI Everybody gets bit Munriowand then tiredout heavyheaded limbo Indicted by Induction when nothing wrong just temper toxic cloned extentsu and water 1113 the flinch tube Dodda Kim our humankind It so help restore flair normal action of removing ucegoecidiiandgwuleu Then Eon feel better sleep better work better lDoddI Kidney Im rumlook for IIiOIlIlIO box wilhtho ted kind at all driugistglourm deputation WI 52 Every Friday Night ci9 RM 1010 on your dial mquimecumotrm by Build Antonella the Kmeglan lune Jr in California navigator who died in Mfdudtcd amuleine for two year be are so womm in to us KW The violent Aztecs of ction us GIJDIHG 1136 ed captives as human sacrifices to The worlds altitude record for their gods BARRIE IRON WORKS ll High Street Phone 5046 ORNAMENTAI PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE mcxsnmnmo Max oncmnu weme Proprietor best lb trcren Foo ell Area or Lox moon ooo NodwbtaboutitthmsreolcQ0Pniuointlmogmnd 000P Refrigerator Gleaming beauty eompact appearance lmazlngfoodoogeooconornyofopmtionmsonable mtdlmpolnbldduotomordwatmpmmmamnl OPRofrigoram havebeoncoro mgmmmmgmmomemhmti Thmmthmmodelotochooeofrmneuxo Royalaod summuhbhmumywhwnmndamlustmtforyw neednlVbityoorlocaleoOPsooodndaktomdnnewcoOP WM lrmcan FnoM coor is YOUR BUSINESS smcoa msmrcr coorsnauvu snnwcus PRONE 3min vu JNltt Joustng 11an narimroujcrawlAgricolatau roar coNrAcIoNEjDETw