Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Wedding Day Kr and Mrs Roy Urry recently celebratcd their tom wedding an niversuy with family gathering and an anniversary dinner at the home of their daughter Mrs Lloyd Cook Sanford StL Prawn for the dinner were their five children Robert of Cundleo Hrs Edgar Dyer Elaine Pains wick Mrs Cook Helen Mrs Lloyd John than Cundles and George of Newtonbrook and their VOTE fanatics imitating eight grand children Also in atteuthnce was him Urrys beaker Adam momma Bernie of Holy Communion will be held in St Jude Anglican Church on Sunday Dec at it 3111 strvice continuing at that hour throughout Decombcr WW Deer population in Mmmdoia na tionai forest southern Mann is head CALI sum POI MEMOPRO 14 For Public School Trustee run an MIMIC For Transportation Phone 6733 LISTEN TO CKBB THURSDAY DECEMBER AT 645 pm Womens Institutes llnstitute Holds llurkey Supper timatxed at between 86300 and 911m For Families the November Cains Comer wnilltlh the home cconomtcx out convencr Mrs Patn titrated her nursing on other member With bed making and the bed palltllli The members met at Mrs thpm and if if largo attendance wall it monitor of visitors pruscnl After thc institute Ode anti rrwtl the roll call wm atiktttlttl fig Numc pronunctt bull lnurtr mt science and what he 33 2mm tm Mrs Stephens 2nd vlttll dent was in charge of the hint report on the nrcu clinic was given by Mrs XML The motto prcpnttti chntc was gtvcn be rl McQuoy It was E3 to ittl early to rise mnkts an tl litilljf wealthy and wrsc After the singing of ltw Quitw refreshman wcru wrvctl by hostcssscs Mrs Dickmou Bowsle Mrs chlillmtill ml Mrs McIntyre On Friday night we soon here in flight near their home base the mm at North Buy These aircraft destined to RCAF Flying Canuclts Near North Bay VMaPrinewinWJMPW fMary Gibbons and Mrs Darwin Enron Dew Cronin Daft and Earl Dales Mrs Edwin Kneahaw is Violi ilng her sister jCoulsons Bill him linearitan Mr and In stun were aim Burning alive in among the 80mm II We are glad Bruce Knee penalty for arson fallow home after an operation in EToronto last week Mm Porritt and Harold were turday callers at the farmers eat month in the United sales the snow falls in PeanutRy On Monday December lie Elect Boll Bibby Alderman for Ward FOR INFORMATION PHONE 2870 Vote for Experienced van wrumus squadrons fullyequipped with the Canadiani designed and built allweather interceptorr This conversion training will be carried out THREE ctr100 CANUCKS of the RCAF rumor mu years experience in council affairs and serving as by the RCAFs Operational Training Unit5 at North Bay cntcrtnlncd their lmsbumis mail play key role in Canadas air defence sche lamili chums mil 51 mo will he used to train jet pilots and nav per held in New Lowell llgtll About 75 azttors who will eventually serve with guns 20 Am WA Gilbert Carter was at tlu puntll for community singing uni til in new high Before the rcgulumbc apcriotl of mstructton in pain evening program liltllliltll Ligl lg itlnss gcls underway each cvemngdtculur dance gtch from ii to 81 those who want to practice calling pm At llllh time the waltz polkl dancmg nummb plIm mid l7 tar some Tampons and illil2l lsqutucs or icoding other Linus ochottucht and two stcpw111 bLl New Gymnasnum ho xv gimxc had chnncc to do As rcvrcwcd and illilLtl Those dammg mtmum rcult the chief instructor has had already know thcsc steps Will be and Mr MCQUJX inlpnty of assistance this year lnblc to try out various dances us Th mu Ware dancmg Everyone Ls urged to coopcraleI 411 ill fill Billlle DLstrlcl Collem sh Dorothy Lukes and Tony with the physical education and not The attractive gymnauluf the RCAF Camp Borden ishoes which are kept exclusively 3mm 1n the rcccnllyopcncd addtl Last Tueduy evening because For sound efficient and progressive administra lion Chairman of the Traffic Committee during the entire period run mmnrmor ro no Pius Pillllll 3692 L1LIrf Wl Branch Enjoys Cake Making Among those who have called ing them at this time lHit lllSlllllit Night School movHhhmnbach of Barrie Allan Lem maintenance departmenu the jsquurcs and led dances for the class ml into new quarter3 lust Tucsdayjmm 0f painswick and Comer collegmw by wearing so soled TOM MrCllBllllll FOR REEVE ASK mg PEOPLE WHO KNOW HIM To The Electors oi Barrie Respectfully Solicit Your Influence and Note to Elect am to MllYilll run 1953 TRANSPORTATION TOTHE Pous 15 lukside Driver PHONE 5579 3026 3139 Jamos Hort Ilhone M26 Your vote wand itifluehce APPteFialed to Refeigcl ultimatum Mosulouts 3yeurson TowriCouhcilr Chisholm of Flre and LightrCommittee for the postyenr7 2m sumi isofrmesst Barrie comm for 51 yearnemanating in ma amoebic to minim Demonstration The main cvcnl at tho N4lltill Womens Institute was mitt making demonstration Tms performed by Mrs Tcd EilAIllus in the kitchen before tho liltCiillL began gt layer light cake using or to blend the ingrcdlcnt The meeting was iiilnSfClltLi owing to the illness of Mrs Bcn Steers father from her homo to the home of Mrs Dalton Jot gt With large gathering in azttrul ance the meeting opened with llic Ode followed by the Mary Stow art Collect After the minutes had noon read further plans were made for the Series of cuchrcs the first of which will he held on Jan The secretary Wis asked to send for 50 bleached sugar bags sunroof which will be used in the makmu of quilt The members docidcd that each would bring Christl mas present of not more thun 30 cents value to the ncxtmcctmg The program was on the sub ject Home Economics Ori ville Hughes conducted questiont naire on food based on the course Lets Cook It Right which sev eral of the memberstook at Bontil Head Mrs Walter Andrews gave reading on home econtJmics and Mrs Hughes held jumbled letl terscontest on gadgets in the kit chen won by Mrs Doug Stet art and Mrs Don Brown The members then returned to the kitchen where Mrs Edwards made an icing for the cake which had been baked in the meantime The icing consisted of two egg whites and one cup of brown sugar beaten inthe mixmasterz An enjoyable half hour was spent with refresbirentsw consist ing of fancy sand ichcs cookies and the scrumptious cake accomp anied by ice crearn Served by the committee The next meeting Will be held in the afternoon at the home of Mrs Hodgson TWGDay Bazaar7 Featuring Dutch Gabds Table special table or articles made by Dutchspeaking parishioners is feature of St Marys Parishi annual Christmas bazaar which opened today in St Josephs Audig torium The new Canadian women had contributed pastries fancywork tulip and gladioli bulbs and vegcE tables Tea is being trved this after noon and tomorrow afternoon pfrom three to 530 oclock and this evening there will be an pith timejdnncein thegauditorium On the closing night of thebazdarl hlllrusday ey bingo Will be my nuns Along of Fundy shores in Canadas Maritime Provinm oc cuhsome of the greatest tids on earth Sometimes mucosa dif ference of more than 46 foot be tween high and 1qu tide at wmdl 501 Nova Scofia wish tomato the hhctorsofihe Townshl fintheir eonI intention gt Moonrggtmrj ltlLill lJlIlLt for this class Their number of Scottish dances Mining lloor costlyopened vvrngwere reamredThe Gei Gordonsr lult and ctnnfortabic bleachers1 social dance popular in scouandiSTEElE her meeting of Fishers Lillllilh tho enjoyment and smooth opera tion of the class ttl Lilli Mm Edmm RTNMOH Service who 15 ablylsquarc dances and various leClS iSKiSltd at tho piano by Mrs Slin the latter category The Alll Page This year there are overLAmcrican Promenade led by Mr 70 men and women enrolled in thciCOOtc made great hit 10le and enthusiasm has reached familiar with the JohnsonSL area will realize that no matter what isottling various claims for our waterfront lamb was chairman of some part in negotiting the agreement for dancing use Mn to thc collegiate is provmgguf the proximity of St Andrews all features which make faraway and Thady You Ganderf la Oik dance WhiCh has been 9855 This correspondan says hcartyl 10d down through several genera thank you to The Barrie Examl llllitl0l of the group is MissgiiOHS In ildditifm the group l00kilncr for the generous gift each Culley of the Simcoe Counlplt in Canadian and Amencanjyear at this time Mrs Frenchs Mother Passes We extend sincere sympathy toi Mrs Henry French Stratford fori Beginning next week there wingmcrly of Steeles Corners in the passing of her mother in Torontol nov 21 Sunday visitors at Ernest Dales were Elmer Dalcs Mr and Mrs William Hunter Mr and Mrs Harold Dales John and Ronniel Mr and Mrs Sam Fletcher Barryi and Terry and Miss Alice Kirkg patrick all of Toronto ADVERTISEMENT iii1353SMITII FOR REEVE Everyone knows that the bathing jn Kempcnfeldt Buy has been limited in the last two or three yea by the sewage conditions Whcn this condition is remedied as if xvi be and the bay is claim again vltercjs our increasing population to find acccess to the water Anyone Lakeview Euchre Mrs Porrilt and boys enter laincd the Lakeview Euchre Club Friday evening very pleasantl urn development takes place threnhe area is insuficient foranylbing more than uciglrbourhoodybcach which is us it Should be ll crvrc ADMINISTRATION fulltimeob Whatwe have is good homo Five daysru weekiin the Mayors office MA This year in participation of the time whenlthc waters of the boy will again be fit for bathing something constructive has been don After protracted negotiations withthe CNR an agreement was reache the Council Committee dealing with this Thixis what the town gained Two water lots adjoining the town bathing beach extending the beach in effect to Mary Street The CNR has agreed to construct vehicular crossings on its line at Mary Street and Mulcoster Street and pedestrian crossings Poyntz Street Bayview Pgrk and Nelson Square The CNR has agreed to enlargefh underpass from St Vincent Park to the water The CNR has agreed to release its claims to all unrpatcnted water front lands particulhrly the street ends at the water This will per roll the town to control its Waterfront and keep it open to the citizens All this is important for the future and am pleased to havepnyed nnsuhrom Dignified representotmofvlho Townvherevernndwhmwerf called upon Good public relations Courtesy Cooparution Progress cANntoArr roa ArbrmAugwnoz AIFRED HARRIS and nuisance jSllsileJFOr holiday Dec VI metaphor of QMY ministration WARD autumn for more active council soppbrt to II courage destnhlc Milll try loom in MB cm for economy sound bums Ind listen to cm mun are 915 not