Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1952, p. 7

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cm 0m How Will Citizens Vote on Sewage Plant Question We are now almost into the last stage of our municipal elections and while there is little doubt that the public eye is focussed on the campaign the main talking point about what is going to take place when we go to the polls centres around just how we should decide on this question of the sewage dis posal plant Despite all the talktherc has been about it it is almost impossible to find one person who can say just what is involved We have seen Council debate the point and we have listened to experts explain the technical and health points of view but it is still baffling proposition However despite all that we have only few more days to decide on whe ther or not we will approve the bylaw which will provide for the selling of debentures to finance the new plant Remember one thing the bylaw does not authorize construction of the plant it merely approves the issuing of the debentures Council have brought it to this state so We must conclude that the proposal met with their favor but so far we have heard very little from any of our candidates for Council as to whether they think we should vote one way or the other When Pioctor of Proctor Redfein and Laughlin consulting engineers Toron to attended meeting of Council some time ago he stated that it was quite impossible for the average person to understand just what was proposed It was highly tech nical subject The undoubted vagueness of the man in the street over the proposal at tests to that contention It is very highly complicated question However it meansu considerable financial burden to the ordin ary ratepayer if it goes through The only logical way to look at it seems to be from the purely personal viewpoint If you have business of your own and are asked to sink large portion of capital into it there is no doubt that youare going to work the whole thing out until you are convinced you have fairly foolproof sotup before you YOu certainly are not going to do it if you are so vasuyabout lilithat you do not even know what is involved We kwr If that Were the only point to the matter however it wouldbe nrelatlvely easy matter to guide theelectors All that would be ne cessary would be to tell you not to let the thing go through At this point though we are faced with the question of how we stand in regard to the Department of Health and there is great deal involved here When Do Berry director sanitary engineering division of the Department ad dressed the meeting which was held in Hill crest School last week he said there was no doubt in his mind that so far as they were concerned there was the need for sewage treatment inBarrie Just how this might affect us can be seen from the letter which recently came to Council from the Simcoe County board of health It stated emphatically that direc tions had been given to the medical officer of healthinot to approve of any new solidi visions for building purposes until the Town of Barrie took some positive action regard lng the correction of such an unsanitary condition as presently exis In other wordsxuntil we stop dumping raw sewage into Kempenfelt Bay That is an extremely serlous ban and at the present tithe we can only wait and see what is likely togdevelop over it Many questions hinge on tannin matumdrthat is indeedilllflsi Will be be correcting the situation if we expand our present sewage disposal plumbWilbpr at be givenior subdivisions ifwe only have primary treatment plant at the proposed CNR site or do we have tohave the complete Secondary treatment No matterwhlch vvaythe elector turnslhe is confronts with mass of problems and not being atechnlcol expert hovfcaniheibe oxpectdto answertheinr one thing seems to councilman the is shnply thatyourpresent system is not sailsi tying the Department something be done and we conionly hope instill the ltew tonne remaining days which are before us now that some member or members of Council will give the citizens definite pointer is to what course they should take Council have sat in on this thing and seen it develop Ee ports have been submitted to committees If Council are vague about the situation how can the citizen be expected to make know ledgabl decision unless he is given gutdlt once fr the people who are elected to give this Time to Take Care These are the dark days of the year as winter closes down and the daylight shrinks and weakens For everyone the period is one when extra caution is needed on streets and highways In the early dusk particularly peril awaits the unwary Visibility is oftenpoor at best and falling snow or rain can reduce it still more Overcast weather during October was blamed by Ontario officials as one of the factors in the 132 traffic deaths which made the month that provinces worst on record from the standpoint of the highway toll Al so contributing to the number of fatal acci dents were oxtremely heavy weekend traffic and dangerous driving and walking habits Most winter clothing is dark colored That makes it harder than ever for drivers to spot pedestrians on the highway Elderly persons recently drew special warning from the Toronto Traffic Safety Council after several of them were struck down The council urged the oldsters many of whom it is said move slowly and rely on the motorists alertness and skill to keep them from harm to watch out for cars crossing or turning at intersections and to guard against becoming confused in traffic The experts advise drivers to use chains to increase traction and reduce stopping distances on icy or snowcovered roads They suggest pumping the brakes to slow and stop vehicle on slippery surface rather than jamming them On and risking an uncontrol lable skid It is often possible to wait out snowstorm or freezing rain in preference to battling the elements This Fun by World dont see why she doesnt understand you Mr Iarnsworth think you have 0W 0444 Readers Concerning The Coming Election And Town Council Dec 1952 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Ever since that loud heading appeared in your paper couple of weeks ago in connection with the threat of the town treas urer to resign haVe been looking in vain for some further light to bepubiishcd on this matter but in vain Im sure that am one of many who expected to be given through your pages much more by way of explanation but apparently the whole attair was nothing more than tempest in teapot If 100 persons were queried about Mayor Marjorie Hamiltons record during her occupancy of the mayors chair am confident that at least 75 would voice their ap Drivers and pedestrians share the respons ibility for preventing accidents at this sea son but those on foot would probably do well to remember the pedestrian usually comes off second best to truck or car if there is mishap However safe driving experts say gthat watching out for persuns crossing streets or roads in bulltup areas and adjusting driving accordingly is the best safeguard against killing or injuringa pedestrian who might thoughtlessly or too boldly venture into the path of motor vehicle OPINIONS OF OTHERS US Prices Ca Sta ncl Reduction St Thomas TimesJournal Food prices in the United States are not decreas ing says Washington report AI local man who spent last weekend across the border found some of the prices decidedly steeprAttbelhoteI where liepaid $lt for double room the menu card included such items as $1 for two eggs and 45 cents for one baked apple andtai cents for pot of tea winch con tained one cuecent tea bag Successor to Prime Minister StLrCatharineS There seems to be lot oi speculation about Prime Minister St Laurent sooii 71 years of age and his retirement in due course interest is attached to the possiblefsuccessor and several names are mentioned Pearson Horris Howe and perhaps Gardiner Stgangeor isfit strange that the name ofthe Finance Minister seems to be omitted Needfor Porner in Ontario London Free Pressl Hydro does not increase rates for fun It isljust matter of simple arithmetic But itis obvious that as rates go up the squeeze onbowhindiist1ial and domestic users in the province is intensied The remarkable industrial development of Ontario has been baseddargely on cheap and abundant power Unless the supply is maintained the industrial ex pension islikely to slow down or cease That istwhy the St Lawreneepowor development is so wital to Ontario Thereinverwasuxood with bad peace Franklin um equal truth and force proval rxuost heartily If the goodpeople of Barrie are to be intimidated by any employee of the town by such threat as If the present mayor is reelected then will resign then it is high time for us to state in no uncer tain language that OK reSign and quickly for we wont be placed in the position where the tail is go ing to wagthe dog Very few of the thinking Barrie ites will say other than that Mrs Marjorie Hamilton has created most favorable impression when ever and wherever she has repre sented this fine town during her tenure of office in fact few have equalled and certainly none have surpassed her in this respect With it can be said that she has been good may or in her local eforts and none has devoted as much time to the carry ing out of the duties involved She has fully earned the con fidence of the electorate of Barrie and well deserves their supportin the election of Dec next Mon day would like to say word to Mr Editor on behalf of one of the rceveship candidatesMr Heber Smith written this letter like Mr Smiths forthrightness lie cemes right out and calls spade spade and he certainly has been cons ent supporter of the CflfClbb piOject right from the conunencement He promide certain sum to ward the erectioIToftliiinemuiIdr ing nndhe has paid it not so an other member of Council He was member of the 1950 Council which gave its promise to move the steel trusses from the Egg groundsrtg the fair grounds Heagaln supported the fullment of this pledge ink1951 not so one only other member of the 1951 CounciL You can check with the town clerks ofce or Jhe Barrie Examiner to find out who this was tirme believe with am cone iident the majority of dietyours of crests of child tramer publicly oers Barrie that the best in our town will be served by the re election of Mrs Marjorie Hamilton for Mayor andMr Haber Smith as Reeve for 1953J Realm yours nanny WRONG Guidance on Town Problems 50 gNoiMoney wasted re The Editor One of the issues or the forthcom link electionis to obtain the tax payers permission to build new unwrittenmerely to point out they sewege disposal plant Estimated $usele58ness of having atown iiiu roughly to cost $515005 which the pejctorand planning board nnd payli wn has claimed necessary nice indconsultedo Tomato eng Proctor anitslevahlin lmociormnde which in The Barrie Exl miner recently to the offset that Wbuildn trounced use as ax MeNnnght Synllcltt he beautiful diction Bank Nova Scotia Annual Statement Increase Assets lie 121st annual statement of the Bani of Nova Scutia shows as sets of $914380000 as at Oct 31 1952 This is an increase of $40 287000 over last years figure nitrest bearing deposits show an increase of over $28000000 or more than last year demand de posits by the public are up about $5000000 over last year Govern ment deposits totalled $17320000 Total holdings of securities stand iii $254007000 while total loans anirunt to $44l422000 an increase of $25353000 Thie banks liquid position con tinued strong cash and Bank of Canada balances standing at 974 of public liabilities Quick assets re present 5305 of total bank liabil ities The Bank of Nova Scotia state ment Show estimated dominion and provincml taxes at $1900000 compared with $1210000 year ago DiVIdeIIds this year at $160 per He icesnt know havev Barrie Dec 1952 TlieVBarrie Examiner Door Sir censure rhegwnonj share total 82391000 Last year they totalled 52038000 These were paid out of net profits of $2538000 compared to $2428000 last year The balance in the profit and loss account amounts to $3752000 com pared to $3605000 in 1951 Blend 0ch anclNew In Monastery lilo BLENHEIM Out Oct 25 Things have changed for the Capuchin Monks of the Francisc order at St Francis Monastery here They still wear brownrobes wooden sandals and let their beards grow but their life is as modern as the electric food mixer in their kitchen Their life is still governed by the vows ofpbverty chastity and 95 By THonors Retiring James Patton Reeve of Notta wusaga proposed the toast to Wan imwal Emmi 13 mulden Hart whom he had nominawgemer mm for of 01p Timur Examiner BARRIE 0NTARI9C5NADA MontiScar arouses iCounty Banquet at legion Holl if maimed Slice of the section If mmgaa prtae W0 or ltbcprasnndndiogth did coverage yairs we like to Emembers of Count Councti togc ed and who had handled the pospl Engineers at the ther with number of guests artI an 50 well during me yeah liended the regular banquet in ihonor of the Warden Held ill Wu rden somatmede bus problems My rm Hart welcomed some alwaysbelnouf County iBanie Legion mm and sened by special guests there at his invitavship added like Ladies Auxiliary the alfalrlimn lncmdmg Eldon Greer 30 was greatly enjoyed by all lKLghtiey Dr Russ Turnbull andl Herb Taylor Reeve The head table emulated of 30113 Jack Carroll of the construction led in the sinuous with In 3E Drury George Johnston iMPP Warden Hart Simp json Harry Coleman George Pub iterson Clerk Fred Hunter lllarvey Hugh Johnston EBrOckweil Dl McKclvey Names Patton Herbert Barker and IWalter Middleton Following the repast citWarden gGeorge Shepherd acted as toast imastcr George Johnston nicn tloned the pleasures gained at iSpringwater Park which was for like whole of the province liei ltold of meeting people there froml jail parts of the world Proposing lhe toast to the CourtI fly of Simcoe exWarden Tom iSimpson also former MP for Siml leoc Norlli gave history of the county since it held its first coung til meeting 110 years ago The gradual growth of the hamlets into villages and the villages into towns will continue and will bcf come equal to any in Ontario He told of the problem of road building in the early days when hand labor only was available These roads became the highways of our county We have henrrli much about county roads today but our system is splendid and under control of an excellent err5 perienced engineer Mr Simpson said Those are the things that bring our county along the mail to progress and we take second place to none This was replied to by Bob Brockweii Reeve of Sunnidalep who felt that Vlllb budget oil over million dollars we were right in feeling that we were leadi ers among municipalities Next year the Council will have two ad ditional members making total of 51 hope he said Legislaf ture will never try to abolish County Councils and hope wiihf myself you will all be back next year Hon Drury said that he did not like to speak witliout noilti ice believe strongly in allf forms of local government he said The danger of allowing controls to get into top leveli should be recognized hope to See continued all the local governl merits from the school sections up There comes point when taxai we cannot go It becomes an evil when beyond this Hugh Johnston Reeve of Oriilia Town said he believed we have as reliable group of county offii cials as could be found anywherei He gave the length of service of some of them Clerk Fred Hunter replied for the officials with thanksi for the kind remarks Walter Downey of Minesing gavel toast to the exWardens ofl whom therewere 10 present Hei mentioned George Barr ovaedonteS who was absent due to illness Iowa contains per cent of thel horse population of the United States ltgt Less than three per bent of New Mexicos 78401920 acres or land isl obedience but now they have under civilizatlon trill andxekira dpties Each day Fathersiliirbtue and Anslern take about 30 children to St Marys parish school and home in their station wagon and panel truck The modied bus service travels 80 miles day The monks day shows the mod ern touch from the alarm clock that awakens them it the news papers and cameras with which they occupy their spare hours They operate school capable of accommodatingup to 30 rpupils which is called minor seminary Most of their time is spent teach ing but summer will probably nd them painting andrepairing Ihenwmlh at the mom astery Brother Sophronius is lit erally chief cook and bottle wash er He operates in the most mod ern of kitchens equipped with dou ble size refrigeratorrdeepmfreeze unit and restaurant style cook stove He is also painter and handyman The modern touch shows in the typ writers and fll ingcabinets equipment and styL ing in the seminary classrooms dining room dormitories and lib rary CHILDREN ENDANGERED help in adjusting the homejto thg needs of the child Whereas what is needed is good switch to ad not the child to theneedsot the time Jefferson Couniy Wisconsin boasts record of having more dairy cows to the square milethan otherUScountyZ for new sewage disposer plant because the foundation was poor the taxpayers of Barrie that on Iboard use better judgment than was fused in the construction of houseiin ward six This letter In taxes forthcir wages They 03 inltration of not know 3338 8001 construction 1mm We sincerely hope for the sake inspector and planning WARDM Robindole Inn we of would also like to pini out inactivity ot our nonexistent with the exception lemmings working at the Beeton Home at the piano on BAInnr COUNTRY CLUB mum The annual meeting of shareholders of the Barrie Country Limited will be held on Wednesday December 11 at the Community llonse Barrie for the purpose It report of the directors and thumb statement at the election of directors approving and ratifying the toll II ceedings of its directors during the put yen Well tion reaches point beyond whichl Public Incumbent Tolls openingiatten oclockin egos so for Velcro who 10 WWW dinnerwareOf 1952M whom entitled Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS TEE TORONTO STOCK 31ml Dunlap Stroetlorrio Telephbne 2443 Evening 2388 one United climactic PRESENTS IN DRAMATIZED suIIIIIIvIIrIruIIrII7n7n MIIIIIIiIvIIrIerrIIans canon 51 IIIIIrrII AN OFFERING ONLY was on Everyone Welcome LargeCast spech comma Mayor Reeves for Wards1434676 and will be liaison afternoon ninthe undermentioned commonsen iv Dorrie Publicslihrary Trinity Porishflloll 47 Communitylilduse Motors Orange Rolled inclinier new no

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