FOR an so lllszl WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage Balm to scrap tron raw furl Walla for hides feathers live pool etcl Baffle cumin Calendar and Special price id delve Ourl Phone 3994 96 Ross St lino Exclusive territory truck will anywhere withlnl till volume of business al the county on request Phone MIG Portable weld Equipment wand on territory will be over to man with right lions Write in complete to Box IS Barrie Examiner INTERVIEW WILL BE ARRANGED 1133 Real Opportunity mg or capablc of servicing work any MAX whcre in the country Yard and Gm 150 81 FOR SALE W49 used phase hp electric motors 12 truck platform with stakes Highest Price Paid For 71361f SIEEL CAST METAL BATTERIES NEW AND Reconditioned Pianos Phone Elmvalc 9r11 7129145 Industrial Iron CT Metal Yard and Duke BAKER OIL Bdlh Windmill 1111 5113426111 St Femalg TYPlST BILLING CLERK 3011 tower Phone 16H Ivy 7138 may den Stump is now mounted on truck chassisi Femalc Married or Singlc Good Salary Pleasant Hospitaliratiml Working Conditions Apply to Industrial Acceptance CorpordtiOn Limited PHONE 5533 WiLson Bldg Barric 1138140 MILK sulppsns lo ship immod iately Norris Dalry phfntiagglzgg IRL WANTED for cleaning gornings week Apply Box 28 Barrie Examiner 1138 ALKER STORES in Barrie re quires salmladics for Chrlstmas season Apply Manager 1138 SALESLADY and Sewing Instruc tors wanted by Singer Scmng Ma chine Phone 4365 Bsrrle 1137139 OFFICE Assistant must be able to type filll time or part tilnc employment Apply Box 21 Barrie Examiner 1136138 BOYSBring us your newspapers neatly rolled No magazmcs or small papers accepted Cooke Car tage and Storage 43 Essa Road 1138 HOUSEKEEPER wanted in good home all modern conveniences in Milton For articulars apply 58 Sanford St one 5833 Barrie 1138139 JUNIOR CLERK with knowledge of typing Apply Cooke Cartzlge and Storage Ltd 43 Essa Road Phone 5575 for appomtment 1138139 AVON COSMETICS offch splcnI did earning opportunillty for cap able women full or part time work Write Box 29 Barrie Exam iner 1138141W ASSISTANT EDITORAdvertising Salesman Older man considered nances important Apply in writing to The Alliston Herald Alliston Oni 1138140 COMPANION Wanted to live with 13 ed couple on Tollendal Road lddle aged woman preferred Must be honest and abstainer Phone 5477 1138 EXPERIENCED Farm Help want on to hire by the year Must be 00d chore man with some know edge of milking machine prefer red Apply Irwin Watson RR No Tottcnham Phone Beetonl SINGER Sewing Machine repre sentalive for Co lingwood Oran vllle Barrie district Transpor ac tion supplied along with salary and commission Write Singer Sewing Machine Collinglwooigi 140 LEADING Ontario Manufactur erand importer is looking for an umive salesman calling on the no trade in variety and dc ental stores in Northern 0n 10 to carry sideline of fast selling buttons carded and in bulk Excellent commission Box 113mm Examiner 1133138 Positions WANTED FULL TIME Housework wanted by reliablewoman Phone 2823 2138 vlonEAROLD Boy requires 051 tion to clerk or delivery Phone 4777 2138 QUIET Woman Would like light trousgcyork with small family or alligator for elderly lady 35 2133 OUNG DUTCH Family with ldroo desire work for next Will arriva in Canada in on April Excellent know liking machine tractor etc ply John Burgonla lphlck RE No 2431138 monogamous dwell yard mlolmumlh rttona 2c word minimum too for word minimum 50 solutionsllooword minim no MUSTBIIPAIDW 11 asvl Dormant 381tf Phone 811r31 Spccilll High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid PAIRS Curling Stones Al con dition $25 pair Phone 3608 7138139 EVENING Gowns size 13 each worn only once llkc new Phone SCRAP IRON hides wool horsehair feathers l3645 7138139 ENGLISH Worslcd Brown Gabar LEVITS TRADING 16 $176 IICIII now 33 Collier St Phone 23011dim 5U Collcct phone calls accepted 2PM 3333 7138439 3430 USED VACUUMS cheap $15 and GARAGE Wantcd to ItIlt in vic 013 Try 10m 09 your own inity of Elizabeth and Mary 551 No obligation Phone 3482 Phone 4433 3138139 7133447 size 38 worn one year good conv MISCELLANEOUS dltlon sclllng for $10 Phone 4293 7138 QUEBEC HEATER with chrome trim burns coal or wood Phone 2915 or apply 147 Vorslcy St 7138 USED SKATING Outts exchange or trade on new outts Urrys Sport Store 36 Baylleld St Bar rie 7115149 BROWN STATION Wagon Coat size 12 ill good condition just clcancd 58 Apply Apt Maple Ave 7138 HUDSON SEAL Coat size 42 good condition $45 Mrs Heath flcld Fairway Lodge RR Shan homo MANS OVERCOAI dark grey FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own floors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander doe excellult work Low rates Complete line of floor finishing materials paints varnishes shell acs llers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER l9 Clapperton St Phone 5206 59le HJohnsonSon Machinists and Welders Wlu Valli Whlpplo Sho way By Following tloultlod Both and ovory day CHICKS GILMORES Quality Chicks hatgh each week Get free catal ogue Which Came First Also price list Somc December chicks still available Attractive pullct prices Gllmorcs Poultry Breeding FormHatchcry at 60 Pcnciang Sb Barrie Phone 2735 24137tf BUILDING TRADES TILE FLOORING PLASTIC WALL TILE Mastic Asphalt and Rubber TileVinyl Flooring Free Estim ates HARRY YOUNG 29 Park St Phone 4067 3513132 PROPERTY FOR SALE OBOYLE Real Estate Broker 58 Inglewood Drive Toronto Phone HY 1388 BRANCH OFFICE Phone 4849 CARSON Rep BELL Rep Farms and Town Properties wanted Full price including equipment 1y Bay 7138139 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoc Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 7136tf CHRISTMAS Trees all sizes any quantity Will deliver to homes churches stores etc Phone Ivan Mason 3377 7138145 WHITE Enamel 4burner electric stove Hot Point automatic oven electric timer and clock heavy duty Phone 3608 7138139 BUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and dLscaxded clothing Newest shades Phone Barrie 2708 745tf SKATE SHARPENING newest methods prompt service CANADIAN TIRE CORP 96 Elizabeth St Phone 3502 51184 SEWING MACHINES Your present machine repaired at reasonable charge $2500 installs motor foot control and light on any make Portable cases and cab inets for Singer heads BERT SAGER No 4th Concession Orillia PHONE 31 15 5138143 HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing carpentry cabinet work Anything in build ing BUDGET TERMS Nodown payment on most jobs Fast efficient guaranteed service hone Collect Stroud 47113 97 COUTTS INSURANCE AGENCY If Its Insurance We Have It CHRISTMAS Trees 200 to 300 per load 55c to 75c per tree delivered andywhcrc Miller RR Thornton Phone 17r11 Ivy 7137145 BEAUTIFUL Antique sitting room table Brass ink stand Carpet 9x 12 Ping Pong Table good con dltlon Apply John Peel Inn Churchill 7138139 CHRISTMAS Trees 60 cents and up Delivery of 150 or more Phone 2188 Barrier Kenwells Service Sta tlon 27 nghway miles south of Barrie 7138 COMBINATION Walker and Strol ler equtpped with shopping car rler also high chair varnish lsh with Slay good condition Rea so Owen St Barrie na one 5887 137138 9PIECE SOLID Oak dining room Phones OFFICE 2377 RES 2311 suite old English style Silent 51219 Glow Space Heater Kitchen table with porcelain top All in excell cnt condition Phone 3683 after 7138139 105 CU FT Gilson Snowbird Re frigerator excellent condition also llvmg room bedroom kitchen furniture Apply eveningsuppcr apartment rear 106 Henry Street 7138 HOUSETRAILER brand new in sulated contains double bed clothes closet builtin kitchen cup boards sink table toilet and ace 34 HayfieldStu Phone 4314 heater ready fOr the road Plice 5137144 $1250Phone Stroud 47rl3 BUZZSAWING service availablel 7438440 Phone Ivy 16r31 5134139 CE 91 fCU FT Space Maker de uxe Re rigerator with buttercone Igltlehgiegglmggmeand Bugggg ditioner practically new $299 Conege 66 Toronto St Barrie inch South Bend lathe oor model lcomplete with and aw chucks Phone 4824 5136l1collects and tool hoJlders $250 ANYONE WANTING wood APPIY 58 53mm Stu 01 Phon cut with achain saw apply Bill Mc 5833 17138 Fnddenv RR NO Phelpston 0r CHESTERFIELD and Chail Ches all Elmvale 57 01 Barrie tereld Chair Oak Rocking Chair 5138139 tables love seat 17 cu ft Uni versal double door refrigerator THE AMAZING New Elna sew coal and wood stoVe msotane lng Machine Have you seen it Sewn the heaviest or sheerest mat gginyg n32 giattli YaSh erial monograms and drum in phone 2190 Frcnffffg guy Whymot pay visit to Roy racy 87 Maple Ave and sector CHESTERFIELD Chairs 94 Bed Mattress spring dresser with ngh machlnt out round mirror Chrome mother would tire for Christmas cushioned chairs to 1123 itll 5133I47 thisfurnitur Was uSedonly 30 days Must besold May be seen from46 pm on Wednesdo and on Friday 59 Elizabeth in tho tore 74138 COLDSPOT Refrigerator cu ft Al condition 9x15 Axmlnsterrug and pad very good condition 3080 Winchester lie with case used once Console Zenith radio good congition ABC Wgshter wAth lauto ma pump to to Mrs Gerryy RR No Slagner phone 27313 Stayner or 2533 Bar rie 72137139 mm EQUIPMINI Slim Smith 0221 xv as Georgof Fgederlck Rp Nozppll Thornton 99138 M00130 oneton Cllov Ford Tractor and 11 older sacrice Boaverton scum139 NTERNAHONAL Milking Mach no and Gloom Separator good condition 11 Shotthorn bulla one rmkrfor towing endings Poll all or vii ca for service OVERNIGHT SERVICE BUTTON BUCKLE COVERING ZIPPERS REPLACED In jackets All popular lengths of heavy zippers carried in stock Barrie Tent Awning Co snort am 891243944139 11 and stock $800000 Down payment $350000 Owner selling due to bad health If you are looking for good buy in grocery store see this one today Located 15 miles from Barrie in small village Five acres of excellent garden land good six room house To the side and in front of the house is built grocery store fully stocked Equpmcnt includes an ice cream refrigerator an electric pop cool er pinball machine and wur litzcr record player scales coun ter and stools This business is well established and has been going concern for many years EXCLUSIVE LISTING Five room house with basement apartment modern piece bath room hardwood floors bedrooms living room large square front hall kitchen and bathroom Full price $790000 Terms arranged Immediate possession Exclusive listing 1612718 HARVEY CO LIMITED HOMES In Barrie and surrounding district Ranging in price from $2500 to $25000 FARMS In Simcoe County 50 acres to 150 38385 priced from $3500 to $25 BUSINESSES In Simcoe County priced from $9000 to $37000 WANTED EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS on HOMES FARMS BUSINESSES anywhere EXCLUSIVE LI$TINGS With us are given priority and our records show that it pays to list Exclusively WHY Because we canafford to advertise more ex tenswely and thereby get results BANTING office manager HARVEY CO LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 91 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3926 Evenings Phone 3090 FIVE TORONTO OFFICES 16138 50 ACRES Hardwood Bush Apply Box 26 Barrie Examiner 111138139 13 ROOMED House at Holly Cheap for quick sale Apply John Grier RR Barrie 16135140 ROOM Bungalowhellsimula ted full basement apiece bath withelectric hotvvater heater and cXceptionally good well Lot 90x 200 Can be seen evenings Phone 2176M Iii13111411 NEW ROOMED House insul brick insulated hydro bath hard wood floors and inlaid linoleum Smileswest of Allandale on High way 90 Small down payment bal ance as rent Percy Ford hone 80813 10 03141 NEW STONE and Stucco House over oking bay livmg room 10x 20 101 stone replace large bedrooms kitchen and dinettex4 piece bath air conditioning with 9111 attached garage and utility roomApply days Davis St Barrie 10138 44050 WILLBUY you comfort able ofroom home with conveni ences on large lot 100x200 ft on paved road east end Nice view oflake Low dow payment Bruce Re resentati Barrie 0042 or 2239 utcher an Armstrong Real Estate 16138 BARBIE HOMES available from Four thousand up Close toTown several good laces from Sevenc teen Hundred Nerdyfive Hun dred down Immediate possession We how an excellent selection to chaos to SnailTom ond this barrier ya 10188 AUTOMOBILES CASH FOR YOUR CAR MINUTES We will buyyourcnpc what you out on It and you cash for tho home an HONEST JOE Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford 8t Pbono 6490 13114011 LOOK Al VALUES 1952 Chev rOlct Sedan 1951 give Pontiac Sedan radio and heater 1950 Custom Ford Sedan radio and heater lllcsc cars were privately ownch All guaranteed 55 ESSA ROAD Corby Motors Ltd Your FordMonarch Denier Market Square Barrio Ill138 T9 FORD COACH good condition Phone 3617 after pm 13138 1973 CHEV lTON Pickup low mileage good tires good body Phone 6288 13138139 37 MONARCH 5passcngcr coupe $750 Forced to sell Good condi tion Phone 3271 after pm 111138139 1949 SPECIAL Deluxe Plymouth ro SHOOTING MATCHES SHOOTING MATCH for Geese Wednesday Dec 10 at Hartley Evans north half Lot 11 Con 10 West Gwlllimbury Standard 12 gauge shotguns Shells Supplied rifles no scopes WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD for sale 4foot or stove length Delivered Reasonable pricesl Phone Ivy ltlr3l MIN145i scan FEED OAT AND Wheat Straw baled good for feed Norman Nccly 10 Line Irlnisiil 10138139 BALBD HAY for sale approxim ately 20 tons mixed hay Jack Adams Wycvalc phone Elmvalel 52r2 101371391 FRUIT EGETABLESl APPLES Greenings Spys Belle Flour Sweets Delicious and also Roasting Chickens Bring contain crs Balcd Hay and Straw Will Phone 3738 20126v14lW DOGS PET STOCK GERMAN Shepherd pupDY male weeks old Carl be scan at 178 Dunlop St 38138 IIOUND PUPS ready to train months old Blue Tick and Bcaglcl cross Apply to Ed Robinson phone Oro 1220 311138139 REGISTERED Brindle male Box cr with papers 3yearsold dis temper inoculated fond of child rcn Price $75 Phone Dr Young 182 Alliston 38138 and ch Slrccts Sedan low mileage good condi tion For particulars phone Elm valc 6r3l 13138 1950 MORRIS MINOR Coach heat cr excellent conltion real economy car bargain at $800 Phone Bmric 2064 after pm 13138 ed in Barrie Apply Box 32 Barrie Examiner URGENTLY NEEDED or room apartmcnt with bath furnished or unfurnished Please phone 4044 PERSONAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATHS Edgehlll Drive Barrie Scientific Reducing and Arthritic Treatment 10 am till 10 pm Dally Appointment Phone 81411 would housekeeping room Apply Box 30 Barrie Examiner WANTED or roomed sclf Accommodation Wanted ARMY OFFICER requires fur nishcd rooms and kitchenette One child Apply Box 27 Barrie Ex aminer ll138l39 OR FURNISHED Rooms for young couple with one child wani 11138 located centrally 11138 7138 IrvI1 PARADE AT COLLINGWOOD Collingwoods annual Santa Claus parade is Saturday afternoon this week at tum oclock and the Bar ric Clown Band will be taking part as neighborly gesture POWER ENGINEERS AT OBILIJA Orillia District Collegiate on Fri day eveningfnec at pm will be the scene of general meeting of all power engineers in the area of Orillia Barrie Collingwood Mid land Gravcnhunst Bracebridge and Huntsville This meeting will be addressed by Emmett VTBriceland National Director of Education for the Institute of Power Engineers Other speakers will be Cecil Wat kins President of Toronto Branch Institute of Power Engineers and Longcway Editor of Canadian deliver Ottawny Fruit Farm RosclPower Engineer All power engin eers in the area are invited to at tend this inaugural meeting Con sideration will be given to the for mation of local branch Barrio GroupAlcohollcs An onymous meet 830 pm Thursday Library Hall Bring your drinking problem to us for help Address confidential Barrie inquiries to Box 52 127lfW SUIFERS FRACTURED LEG Mrs Howard Felt is confined to bed with fracture of the right leg above and below the knee Satur day morning last she fell off chair in her kitchen on the waxed floor telephone when friend called and Mr downtown She was taken to Royal Vitoria Hospital for Xrays and presently has partial cast on her leg She was able to answer the Felt was summoned from IN MEMORIAM NEELYIn loving memory of my dear husband George Alexander Neely who was called home so suddenly December 1951 The garment of his soul has passed ELDERLY like LADY warm Pensioner comfortable 11138139 contained apartment or house fur son nished for family with small baby PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Bedsitting Central Phone 5082 FURNISHED Bedroom 15137138 LARGE Furnished Bedroom on ground floor Phone 4926 15138139 UNFURNISHED Rooms unheat ed also furnished rooms Phone 2328 15138439 BEDROOM WITH twin beds small kitchenette with grill furnished Phone 6763 151311 FURNISHED Bedroom heated central location Board optional Phone 5027 15138 BEAUTIFUL Modern unfurnished duplex heated large bright rooms $100 monthly Phone 2190 15137tf LARGE FRONT Room suitable for business girls or couple Block from bus stop Phone 5486 15137138 BASEMENT Housekeeping room furnished and heated Business couple or girls only Phone 4059 151387139 LARGE Furnished bedSitting roomwith grill Business section Business girl preferred Phone 3443 15138 LARGE FRONT Bedroom private entrance picture window fireplace blocks fromposoffice Phone 4750 15137138 NICE WARM Furnished Room hot and coldwater light cooking Suit girls abstainers 31 Innistli St Phone 6796 15138139 DOUBLE ROOM furnishcd heat edhot water all kitchen utensils washing machine and kitchen stove 591k rMary St 154137139 LARGE Freshly Decorated bed sitting room housekeeping busi ness girlsor business couple pre ferrcd Bayeld St Phone 3645 151384 UNFURNISHED room house 10 miles north of Barrie 800 ft from No 11 Highway Phone 230 Oro or apply Simon Oro Station 15138139 FURNISHED Winterizcd Cottage at Minets Point rooms and gar age bedrooms immediate poss ESSIOII $60 month Phone 4849 15138 PARTLY Furnished Rooms heat ed separate entganceindoor con veniences Abstalners only miles from Barrie Box 22 BarrieExd aminer 1513771 BRIGHT Clean warm mm with hot water 12mlngtcs to bus line convenient location Gentleman preferred Phone 23444 apply at Frederick st 15138 FURNISHED Beditting Iroorn plus kitchenette heated hot and cold running water Suitable for business irl One minbte drool the bus Ava lable Dec Anni128 Henry St 138 ROOMS AND K1 eliciteyup stairs hot and cold ater heated hardwood floors unfurnished Im mediate amnion Noobiectlou to can still One minute to bus 124 Honky St 15198 NICEHousekce ingIRooulslnew ix decorated on well furnish on ground floor Onehos larg picture window and fireplace very warm 11680 upturn had apart mcil rooms will accommos date it Well behaved children Snip Table OFOIIIWIB home Vet mnn polyghono than Phone Capt Ruble 4330 YOUNG COUPLE expecting child room nonsmokers abstainers require 15138 or rooms unfurnished cemml central Apply Box 25 Barrie Ex Gentleman preferred Phone 5021 aminer SPARE TIME For aggressive man seeking secure qualifyrfor franchise owning and operating machines dispensing the newest products on the you must have car and A1 refer ences $500 to $1000 cash secured by weekly to the business your end of the prots will net you $350 monthly with very good possibil ities of taking over full time and bringing your earnings up accord ingly Ifyou can qualify include phone number Vendors 29138 Up to $400 Monthl tionally known products No sell Essa Station 11138 partly furnished or apartment heated lAIl38l39 Business Opportunities $350 MONTHLY future No selling To arket inventory Devoting hours in application for inter VieW with our representative to Dept 158 Queens Avenue Toronto 14 Spare Time Men or Women Devoting to hours weekly to route of new type merchandlsmg dispensing machines dispensing na ing as we secure locations and in struct you Applicant must have car references and $900 cash capi tal which is secured by inventory Excellent future possibilities for operating full time with much greater income with help of our credit expansion plan For local interview include phone number in applicationBox Barrie Ex aminer 211137138 LIVESTOCK SALE GOODPIGS wee old Dave Miller RR Barrie Phone 805r22 9138 BLACK TEAM of Horses age and illPhone 48r4 Alliston Thom as Gaulelr 9188 PM ONE YEAR OLD Red port Tam worth Hog Applyx JaCk YORKSHIRE Wanling rigs Ap ly Morrow RR No1 Stroud hone 231135 919839 so PIGS T010Wecks old Thrifty Yorkshires Frank Cowan phone 1512 stroud 9187139 NUMBER OF Pigs Yurkand Tam weeks old Phone 834111 Barrie Hutton Angus 9138 WEANLING PIGS Sowsdue in December John Kell 12th Line Innisl RR Siroud 9138 RGE ENGLISH White YorkI weeks 9151 Thorn imported stock also sewiceable boars Apply Arthur Morrow phone 23r13 Stroud 9137139 mm 1520 STOCKER ttle wanted to feed for winter mo tbs Goods sup ply of hay and water Apply Burs ton Carnllt 4t Barrie Phone Stroud 22122 9438130 REGISTERED Hereford Bullsl several grads COWS freshequ Moral vaccinated Heifers Apply Spring Pinecrest Farms Wyevale Phone Elmvalc 51r52 4430140 LOSTWhite Sow west half Lot 5Con 10 Vespra Finder call William Graves Mine sing 1101 STRAYEDFrom Lot 24 Line Flos red heifer yearling tag No 85173W6 Phone Frank Kennedy Elmvale 9r11 LOSTOn Monday brown change purse containing bills and change on Dunlop St vicinity Hunts tor Tamblyns Reward Phone 2106 STRAYEDFrom Con My Steers one Holstein spring calf the other Hereford yearling Ap ply Spring Wyevale Phone Elmvale 51r52 LOSTMoney change purse be tween Dunlop and Bayfield Sts containing approximately $1950 Urgently needed If found phone 2618 Reward LOSTIn paper bag navy blue skirt pinr of blue shoes and pair red high heel shoes at the corner of Camera Craft Shop Thursday night Reward offered Phone 4535 11133139 away The shining spirit and the love light stay The echo of his voice his eyes his smile Just as they ware are with me all the while Sadly missed and fondly re membered by his wife Zelma 138 ROOM OTIOARD ROOM AND BOARD for tlemen Phone 4022 LARGE Sunny Room on ground floor suitable for married couple or girls bus passes door Phone 5470 12138139 enlt 12138 Board optional East LOST FOUND LOST Brown leather key case containing several keys Apply Box 31 Reward Barrie Exa lner 171 139 strayed from 17138139 17129143 17138139 lease 138 NOTICE TIIII HILLSDRLII 2414 KNOCK Ill and Mrs Juscph Simpson Toronto visited recently with Mr and Mrs Gibbons ch9 Dec 18 open for the annual school concert BORN ALLENAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Nov 28 1952 to Mr and Mrs Jack Allen New Lowell son Gary John CHAPMANAt the ROyal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Dec 1952 to Mr and Mrs Robert Chat man 16 Charles St Barrie daughter Cheryl Luci lDRYSDALElAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Nov 29 1952 to Mr and Mrs Russell Drysdale Ellnvnlc fun IIOGGARIHAt the lloyal Vic toria Hospital Sonic 1952 to Mr and Mrs Clarence Hoggarth Ivy son HOUSTONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Doc 1052 to Mr and Mrs William DUS ton Big Cedar Point Lake Sim coe son John Alfred HUBBARDAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio Nov 30 1932 to Mr and Mrs Gordon Hubbard Elmvalc daughter LONDRYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Nov 30 1952 to Mr and Mrs Jack Londly Alcona Beach son McLEANAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Earlic Nov 29 1952 to Mr andMrs McLcan 58 Park St Barrie daughter McSHERRYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 1952 to Mr and Mrs Fred McShcrxy Thornton son ORRAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrio Nov 30 1952 to Mr and Mrs Alex Orr Market Square Barrie son PARKINAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio Nov 28 1952 to Cpl and Mrs Charles Parkin 223 Blake St Barrie son PARTRIDGEAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrio Dec 195210 Mr and Mrs Jim Part rldge RR No Shanty Bay daughter PIRREAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Dec 1952 to Sgt and Mrs Pirre E113 Apt Camp Borden son the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday Dec 1952 Joseph Hipkin beloved husband of Susanna Marie Sevigny in his 74th year dear father of Rev Hip kin Scarborough Joseph Hipkin BrantfordMrs King Norberta Mount Den nis Mrs Skinner Berna dette Camp Borden and Sister Leonore Loretta Abbey To ronto Resting at Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home Barrie Funeral Thursday Dec to St Marys Church Barrie for re quiem mass at am Interment St Marys Cemctery SINCLAIROn Sunday Nov 30 1952 at his late residence Lot 24 Concession Fenelon Town ship Robert Sinclair in his 74th year uncle of Peter Sin clair and Miss Margaret Sinclair of Barrie Resting at the Stod dart Funeral Home Woodville until 1230 noon on Wednesday Dec Service in Glenarm Pres byterian Church at p111 Inter ment Glenarm Cemetery lt lN APPRECIATION HIPKINAt Mr and Mrs Hopkins and Jean wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness also the Thornton WA for the lovely basket of fruit sent durlng Mrs Hopkins recent ill ness 138 oufmo To Whom It May Concern Take notice that the NonJury Sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario for the County of Simcoe will be holden in the Court House Barrie commfencing MondayDec 1952 at the hour of pm the Honorable Mr Justice Wells pre siding Dated Dec 1952 DRURY Sheriff 138 County of Simcoe scroll srolu FonMnRLY OPERATED BY MRA HAND has lbsen taken overvby William MacBride Patrons he assured that who wlllhespsreo lo5 give cornpleto satisfaction and value FAIR PRICES and the hestln uservice QUALITY HARDWARF GROCERIAES NOVELT1555 BPASII 4N1 Canny comm scom mm 30 HEAD Owned by Wacky Quinton Medford Ont rilllillr in SELLING human 111111 the mils nus lulu Located on No allitlmuy mile ofTrafulgor HAYS MilMs LIMITED RAPPER 903 Sole Managers PHONE 1308 gt Dec