mmrmoncum Narly 1900000 person entered Queen Victorli Park here in auto mom rm mobiles this sew more on foot Labor Minister bury HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE TO OUR PATRONS WE REGRET TO ANNOUNCE THAT DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES THE PICTURE QUIET MAN Will not play this week as advertised We definitely will be showing this picture at later date very soon STARTS TONIGHT MONDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm Smog Inu tilt is afxed VICTOR HUGUS SGiJiSTABBlllG DRAMA UNLEASHSS llS FURY ill NEW MASIIRPlECE SEE THIS GREAT snow UNFAMlLlAR SPORTS OUR NEXT ATTRACTION WATCH FOR IT GALA STAR STUDDED TECHNICOLOR SOUTH SEA MUSICAL WILLIAM JANE MITZI lUNDIGAN GREER GAYNOR DAVID WAYNE and GLORIA DE HAVEN in new more 1111 Sillilllilllllll runs it EAgTKA Dilalmumov AT BOTH THE ROXY Ev GRANADA THEATRES ENTERTAINMENT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EVENING SHOWSAT7840 pm GREAT 2FEAURE ATTRACTION OUT FOR WANTED ME DQN or IE wms miners fill our 2Nb5slo FHIT 0NTHE SAME BILL fckzcolak in 99193 CARTOON ANOTHER mo DOUBLE out STARTS IHlls mummy xADpEDI FEATURE ONTHVESAMEQBILLW AcrloNorunlus fluffJUNGLE Minimum constitution Iwos Goldenltule Jock Shphld thanked the washroom showed pins club secret founded oM mu um Gas swoon rnonnnr= NS or rue that caused 310000 damage at Flor ence schOoI resulted in Staggered classes and enforced holidays for Some pupiln Only three rooms SHarry Morren lworking balance carried forward that the lwould have something to work one Torrie Emmi 33 if MONDAY DECEMBER lHorticulturol Reports Record Year of Ancomplishmentl er5 Gable Again President record year of accomplishmele lecture and Barrie mm Earl COL Twas reported the annual meek radio announcer and former flown ring of the Barrie Horticultural an Town Illlprovelncni Society hulaf Wednesday evening in the Lib cleave challenging lulurmnl talk uni the needs of community effort and plum calcining how property llall which Mrs Gable values are incensed by well kepil was reinzstalled president lsecoud term Mchme of the incoming enemb ltive elected at the mectlng an Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton hou for ground gardens exteriors etc Flower Show An outstandm flower show was held in August at which total of $57 was handed out in prizes Next lmW gment Macaw year 1963 it is hoped that double first viceiiresldent Pugh sec ond vmeprcsidellt Mess Johnson treasurer Directors appointed the year are Garrick Mrs Flook Mrs Ball Fendicy Johnson and Synnotl Dr Johnston Knapp Knight and Mrs Bowman were appointed directors last year for twoyear term Honorary directors of the society are Adamson Brown Cockburn Miss Livingston and Mrs Harry Morren Presidents Report very comprehensive report of the years activities was readat the meeting by the president Mrs Gable sad note was struck at the lpassirlg of MadLaren val ued member for years and 5mm thy was extended to the family The financial report read by Mrs showed small incoming execinive from unlike year ago when red figures prevailed It was felt that it was doubtful if the pirblic at large realized what work had been accomplished in one short year It had only been pos sible through the cooperation of the city fathers and many others too numerous to mention that the society could look back on year of general beautification of Barrie as whole gt few high spots of proij nc complished were the rose garden at the Post Office the rockery at the north side of the collegiate on Elizabeth St the flower garden at the junction of McDonald and Owen Streets the park on 1353 Rd at Baldwin St the park on Cooking ton SL near the school the com pleted corner of Berczy and Mc Donald Streets and the tulip bed and triangle at Davis and Puget Streets In January vogdrgevf colorful lecture on photography In February Prof John Weail of the Ontario Agricultural College Guelph gave delightful crayon Salvation Army Observes 69th Anniversary Here The 69th anniversary of the founding of the Salvation Army in Barrie was observed by special ser vices and events on four days Nov 21222324 proving enjoyable and inspirational throughout On Friday evening welcome meeting was held ih honor of Lt C01 and Mrs It Baymer who arrived conduct the weekend seches On Saturday at pun an anniver sary musicnle in the Citadel 60 Collier St proved very enjoyable to capacity audience Major Mills local command er introduced LtCol Raymer as chairman for theevening and ex tended greetings to visitors and the audience in general Her Worship Mayor Marjorie Hamilton brought greetings on be half of the town of Barrie Rev Luck presented felicitations of the Barrie and District Ministerial Association the male quartet of Collier St United Church with the leader and church choirmaster Lloyd Tufford as acoompanist gave two pleasing numbers The program was opened with the song Fight on Fight on for Jesus prayer by Major Mills fol lowed and scripture reading by the Corps secretary MrsM Mc Leod Others taking part were the Barrie Citadel Squgstels and the Barrie Citadel Band both under the leadership 01 Stephens who also sang solofthe Girls Trio and Mrsi Raymerwhoignve reading The appreciation bf theColpsm all talun partwas expressed by Lieut Norman Wood The closing song Was JeeurShall Reign On Sunday larger audiences metal litC01 11385 met who conducted the anniversary services The latter waslthe speak er at the 11 am meeting andbhose the Subject The Fruit of the Spin ILLCol ltaylnenvtook the pim Keep Poul service and both provedto be source of inspiratiolivto the large number present theCrta net to the The Songsmrs and Band together withn quartet young people him clmge or the musical part of the service Mrs Rayner was present at the it Sunday School at can Qn Monday jnight the annual Hughes secretary and Mrs Joys of gardening Bowman four window displays were arranged with iris tulips and the entries wrll be made so that the society wlI be forced to take larger premises The fine Swap night was held which the executive hopes to make an annual affair In nut shell thel idea urns to give away free shrubul flmvcrs etc to others who would appreciate them Some of the my marks where Oh boy have gotl more than my membership fee Most gardeners loved to give away flowers and it is hoped that next your second Swap or Free mght will bring thrill to many people just iarting to find out the All in all it had been great vent but that was not all Under the artistic guidance ed Mrs other seasoonble flowers Grateful thanks Lwcrc expressed lo local merchaan for their elloperation At the final meeting on Nov 26 Mr Blais of Canadian Industries Ltd gave most educational and interesting talk on soil condition ing general care and conservation control of insects etc featured by slides In appreciation of Mr and Mrs Harry Mormns services for some 20 years MrsflMorrcn was presented with gift to remind them in the years to come of the members thanks and affection The years activities were only made possible by the active leader ship of Mrs Gable plus hours otl hard work by the assisting direct ors and all lthe others who helped in many ways Total membership is now 505 members It was felt that these members realized the kick they would get out of attend ing meetings with free door prizes they would turn out every single meeting during 1953 The society is looking forward to seeing them Announcement of the next meeting will be made in The Examiner tryaw WEDNESDAY NOV 26 Party Aftermath Thomas Walton asked for an ad journment on the hearing of charge of permitting drunkenness in his residence on Nov 22 in Ves pra and was granted until Friday Dec Also involved in the case on found in charge David McKay Matt Walton and Mrs Ida Croxton each wasremanded on bail until the same date Second Adjournment Chzirged with wilful damage to street sign at Angus on Oct 31 Thomas London and William Car son were again given an adjourn ment until Dec Serious Charge Percy Irving Thompson former employee of the Barrie Tent and Awning Company faced serious charge of breaking and entering the companys store Hayfield Streetcon Nov 14 and stealing the sum of $285 cash He pleaded guilty Cpl Jack Lee gave evidence that entryhad been made by removing arear window in the store and un locking the door The cashwas taken from filing cabinet in the office on the second floor The accused had started an upholstering business on Mary Street had ordered quantity of materials which had arrived here but his sponsor failed to back on CO order of $100 He hadsecuced thisbut had only $2459 left in cash The materials wllrgo to Barrie Tent and Awning wallet takeout the same time containing papers wasthrown in them aftera siphonwas inserted inside Thompson who is 301ml married was remodel nor sentence until Hewasdefended by Madam Q9 Moder Bezel Aids tumbler llarl Wobbley found guilty of ossalilting Mrs McCullough was bound over to keep the peace for one 3233101153 bond of $500 and was by both Magistrate and to stay Vawayjand avoid wed The was 1952 JOHN WAYNE HAS GREATEST ROLE OF HIS CAREER IN HOWARD EAWKS RED RIVER TELLS THRILLING STORY OF THE CIIISIIOLM TRAIL Other Pictures He has 511er in 1W0 1131A Till2 QUIET MAN BIG JIM McLALV EXTRA ON SAME BILL HALF WAY TO HEAVEN POPEYE CARTOON The Ambush Bum bullets against flaming arrows IS bloodmad silage attack ridlngmenng ofdoafhl BLAZING IN I13 ACTION IHU NDERING IN ITS DRAMA STIRRING IN THE SWEEP OF ITS MAGNIFIGNT PRODUCTION YES masnns ms COVERED CI HOWARD HAWKS GREAT PROSUCllOk Ell HOWARD HAWKrnED RIVER JOHN WAYNE MblncouERY Curr WALTER BRENNAN JOANNE DRU um HARRY cums comm am look nomhyoul midget announcenun moundmuon NOAH BEERY it HARRY CAREY Jr PAUL mummummmmulm mmmvmuwn mmmm STARTS 1015M IMPERIAL NOIADVANCE IN morons ADULTS 401 CHILDREN 15c Inch TAX SHOWS AT 64585 dence that saleslady had notified him of the theft he had followed the accused to the Street and de tained him after slight resistance and the sweater was found con Cealed in his clothing 30 and singlewas remanded until Dec forusentence CNR Tresposs Robert Stewart 42 married Bar rie RR was found guilty of tres passon the CNR on Nov 23 in Barrie and was fined $10 with eshed been found sleeping in the smoking compartment of coach in the Allandale yard by CNR DetectiveCharles Fullerton Cpl Jack Lee investigated and it as foundlthat Stewart had broken glass in the door to turn the lock Darnage of $950 was done He mowermug Wife Beater ankWalker appelned onthrec charges mulling and beating his wife on Nov 22 occasioning boduy harm mien Now 18 of drivinga motor vehicle while his license was of intoxication in public place on Nov 32 He was remanded until Doc Company on Oct 23 in Barrie by false pretences and on Aug in Cm did obtain the sum of $30 from David Ferguson by false pretences He was remanded for trial on Dec 10 lotion NOV fan Hihm gas In judgment given followingga case under the Highway fitattic Act as of Oct Louis Walton was insomnia arked and then gone 81M PG 12 Hinspergcr who laid the charge stated that the damaged the other vehicle be than extent of $100 cused to an numberof ed f5 one week convicted and fined $5 with costs or $4750 Failed TOSME For failure lochpr following an accident on the Angus Camp 303 den Road whom 15 Cpl Vernon Sutclie was convictedand fined 35 vim costs or $1450 ms delenceguuouzhhismvo Stewart on was out had fallen asleep while drilling car had aked anothelsvhlch was Llescaped damage water oonnsumnmo new onnsoow CP prominentrictou county couple by MAME nereamswversv bndbeen WW1 33 Cm marinaded in moody sentence uor to Miller be lm mm convictionfor lesion 10 St any Mbymhn latterhittingn be 9neblcyclcon Charged no anon was ned tlSQyrlthcosw of $5 or an shaman The presence tan